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Resolution #5405 - intergovernmental agreement with the City of Cuba for the use of the street sweeper
Resolution #5406 - professional services agreement with Maurer Stutz for providing IEPA loan assistance
Resolution #5407 - intergovernmental agreement with Canton Union School District #66 for school resource officer program
Resolution #5408 - lease agreement between Fulton County Court Services
Resolution #5410 - intergovernmental agreement with City of Peoria for the sale of a fire truck and provision of certain fire training services
Resolution #5411 - IDOT; design engineering for replacement of the structure carrying cass place over big creek
Resolution #5412 - IDOT; phase II preliminary engineering for reconstruction of pavement on Cherry Street
Resolution #5413 - memorandum of understanding with illinois fraternal order of police labor council, unit #840; regarding school resource officers
Resolution #5414 - memorandum of understanding with illinois fraternal order of police labor council, unit #840; regarding part time dispatchers
Resolution #5415 - memorandum of understanding with illinois fraternal order of police labor council, unit #840; regarding temp light duty
Resolution #5416 - group medical plan May 1, 2023
Resolution #5417 - group dental and vision plans May 1, 2023
Resolution #5418 - group life insurance plan May 1, 2023
Resolution #5421 - contract with Vector Solutions for firefighter certification training
Resolution #5422 - appointment of city attorney and approving an agreement pertaining to legal services
Resolution #5423 - appointment of city engineer and approving an agreement with Maurer Stutz to perform engineering services
Resolution #5424 - appointment of the city treasurer as the budget officer
Resolution #5425 - standard short form proposal and agreement for professional services; lead service replacements (phase 2)
Resolution #5426 - IDOT; $54,423.75 MFT funds; traffic signal mast arm replacement and lighting improvements
Resolution #5427 - IDOT;
Resolution #5428 - letter of enagegment with Ice Miller
Resolution #5429 - planned equipment maintenance agreement with Cummins
Resolution #5430 - outsourcing preparation statement of work with CliftonLarsonAllen for certain professional services
Resolution #5431 - transfer of certain real estate located at or about 430 E. Oak St
Resolution #5432 - standard short term proposal and agreement for professional services
Resolution #5433 - IDOT; $159,852.31 MFT funds; removal and replacement of pavement on cherry st
Resolution #5434 - local public agency engineering services agreement
Resolution #5435 - IDOT; removal and replacement of pavement on cherry st
Resolution #5436 - IDOT; existing signals at the intersections of IL 78 (main st) & vine st and IL 78 (main st) & ash st
Resolution #5437 - settlement agreement for pending litigation regarding 35 E. Side Square
Resolution #5438 - sale of surplus public real estate located at or about 155 S. 2nd Avenue
Resolution #5439 - sale of surplus public real estate located at or about 920 W. Locust
Resolution #5440 - standard short term proposal and agreement for professional services
Resolution #5441 - loan with Just Donuts
Resolution #5442 - intergovernmental agreement for participation in the mutal aid box alarm system (mabas master agreement 2022)
Resolution #5443 - sale of surplus public real estate located at or about 920 W. Locust Street
Resolution #5444 - sale of surplus public real estate located at or about 155 S. 2nd Avenue
Resolution #5445 - proposal from Asterra regarding leak detection services
Resolution #5446 - service agreement with synergetic technologies for IT services
Resolution #5447 - W. Vine Street water main improvement bid to be paid out of infastructure funds
Resolution #5448 - agreement with flock group regarding a camera system
Resolution #5449 - accepting bid for 2023 sidewalk and ADA ramp improvements
Resolution #5450 - accepting bid for surplus property located at 920 W. Locust Street
Resolution #5451 - accepting bid for surplus property located at 155 S. 2nd Avenue
Resolution #5452 - project services agreement with farnsworth group for the opera house site
Resolution #5453 - agreement between impactlife and the city for rental of the historic depot for 2024
Resolution #5454 - insurance renewal with Illinois Counties Risk Management Trust December 1, 2023 through December 1, 2024
Resolution #5455 - insurance renewal with Illinois Public Risk Fund December 1, 2023 through December 1, 2024
Resolution #5456 - kease agreement between Peculiar Projects and directing the mayor and city clerk to execute and deliver said agreement on behalf of the city
Resolution #5457 - State of Illinois Community Block Grant
Resolution #5458 - standard short form proposal and agreement for professional services
Resolution #5459 - engagement letter with Lauterbach and Amen to prepare GASB 74/75 actuarial valuations April 30, 2023 through April 30, 2026