HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance #1422 it ORDINANCE ~~ 1422 AN ORDINANCE GRANTING HOME OCCURATION PERMIT FOR THE OPERATION OF A GLASS REPAIR SHOP AT THE ADDRESS OF 914 E. ELM, CANTON, ILLINOIS WHEREAS, it appear^s too the City C~W~~_~nci 1 of the City ••f Canton, F~_~lton County, I11 in~~~is, that the ter^r^itor^y her^einafter^ descr^ibed is 1~_~cated within the cor^pc~rate 1 ir~iits .of the City of Cant r_,n ; and, WHEREAS, a pet i t i•.•n f or^ a h•.•me ~~~cc~_~ pat i on per^r~i i t was d ~_~ l y f i 1 ed by the Pet i t i oner^ and d ~_te pr^oper^ notice t her^e was p~_rb 1 i shed within said City and Co~_inty, all in actor^dance with the Stat~_~tes ~:,f the State ~~~f Illin~w~is and the Or^dinances ~,~f the City of Canton; and, WHEREAS, a p~_~bl is hear^ing cancer^ning said Pet it i~~~n was held befor^e the Planning ar~d Z~or~ing Comr~7issi~on •of the City •of Canton, I 11 inois •on the 14 day ~~~f Mar^ch 1`394, p~_~rsuant t~~~ rn~~t ice; and, WHEREAS, no ~ob.jector^s appear^ed at said hear^ing and said Commission did they^e~_rp~,~n r^ecommer~d to the Cant~~~n City Cr_~uncil that said h• erne occ~_lpat ir_~1", for the •.•per^at ion ~~~f a glass shop at 914 E. E 1 ni, Cant r,n, I l l i n~~~ i s, be a l l awed . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CANTON, Fulton County, Illinois as follows: 1. That the City Go~_~nci 1 ~w~f the City of Cant••n, Fulton County, Illir,r_,is, her^eby finds the foregoing r^ecitals to be fact. `. That a home per^rnit f~~r the r_~per^ation ~~~f a glass sh~~~p be iss~_~ed to, and the sar~ie her^eby iss~_~ed too JEFF STANLEY at the addr^ess of 914 E. Elr~r, Canty rr~, I11 in~_~is, affecting real pr^c~per^ty being legally descr^ibed as Lot ~:~:~ A. M. Rick.'s Addition to the City ~•f Canton sit~_iated in F~_ilton Co~_~nty, I11in~~,is, 3. That this hor~~e ~_~cc~_ipat i ~~~n i s per^s. Ana 1 t ~~~ JEFF STANLEY at the ab~_~ve stated addr^ess only. That any cessat i~_~n of s~_~ch by t JEFF STANLEY ~~~r his m~~~v i rig •,•r rennava l fr^cvn said addr^ess sha 1 1 1 ~ a~.it~:~rnat ical ly terminate said permit. That, f~_irther, s~.tch ht~me occ~_~pat i~r~r~ permit is rn~~t transferrable ~~~r valid at ar~y rather address ~•r affecting any ether, pr~:~perty. 4. That the rec~w~rds ••f the City of Cant~~n, appr~~~priate d~~~c~_iment s, maps and re 1 at ed reg u 1 at i ~~~ns be, and the same hereby are, amended t• ~ reflect the f~~~r~eg~_~ing hr_,me ~,~cc~_~pat i~~rr~ permit. RASSED by the City C• ~~_~nci ]. cif the City ~:~f Cant~~~n, F~.~ltc~n C~_~~_tnty, I11 in~,~is at a reg~_~1ar meeting this _16~ day ...f r~arch____~ 194, ~_ip~an a r~ ~ 1 1 ea L 1 v~~~t a as f• ~ 1 1 ~~~ws AYE5: Aldermen Qza~nan, may, Meade, Phillips, Nblleck, Coay. NAYS : None, AE~SENT ;Aldermen Bohler, Sarff, APPROVED ; ,,-'' ~~ ,~ ______...~..~~__~.___ _~ Y____ Kevin Meade, P1ayor Pro-Tem, ATTEST: NANCY WWITES, City Clerk osr~aw-c wcst~se r. r. -ern~ a a.. e~.e~~e 1000 Na a LICENSE .s -0 In Consideration of rto Ibllars and No~100 - - - - - - - - - - - - -Dollars ~p ~utryorftp of tryc CITY OF CANTON License is Hereby Granted to Jeff st~ley To Have a Glass Repair Shop For Term of ~ years Commencing ~~ 16 ~ 9 94 and Ending March 16 / g 96 to Jatd City , subject to the Ordtnanca of seld City ~ ~~ case made and prorolded WITNESS the band of the Mayor oj~d City and the corporate seal thereof, tl,1s 17th ,~. ~ March / g94 ANat: ' ~ , .