HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance #320 f y w� � " �f 1 OP4DIRrAnTCE 320 . —._.� PROVIDING FGR TNE TAKING GF A CE�TTSUS CF Tf'T; CITY OF CANTC�A;, ILLSN07S. BE IT ORDAIti'.� $Y TH�+' CITY COTJNC7L 0^ TN��; CITY OF �'AP?TC'1�1, ILLI�,'OIS: Seetion 1. Tha� a eensus be taken in the ^3ty of Canton, Illir_ois, for the purpose of ascertainin� the population in th.e followin� annexed territories of said City: TRACT I Beginning on the existing corporate 1.ire at the °outh- east corner of Lot l�utnber lq on North Park Plaza Addi- tion thence Nortr and Ea.sterly alon� t!�.e existin� cor- poration line, the same bein�? the c,a.sterly boundaries of tr.e PArk Plaza Addition to the Southeast corner of Lot No. 1 of Park Plaza Addition, thence i�ast 1�0 feet thence South 432 fe�t to the r?orth lir_e of the t�ig Cr�ek Park entrance, thence W�st 273.� .f�et alon� the North line o^ the Park property, thence North One (1) foo+,, thence West along the Nortr line of the park property 261.5 feet to the point of beginning, which said Ordinance anne�in� said territor,y was passed by the City Council and appraved by the A-tayor the 4th da�,� of December A. D. 1g56. i?�ACT II Beginning at a point an the existing corporation line of the City of Car..ton, at the Northeast r.orner of Lot Number Ei�ht (8) in Van Dyke Fark Sub-cli.vision in the City of Canton, Illinois, the same beirg in the �.ast One-half of Sectian 22, Township 7 North, Ran�e 4 �st of th.e Fourth Principal Meridian, Fulton County, Illinois, thence West 4g9.5 feet aZong the existing enrporation line to the A?orthwest corn.er of Lot Number 12 in Van Dyke Park Su'Q-division in the City of Canton, Illinois, thenee North �1.5 feet to a stone at the Center of Sectian 22, Township 7 North, Range 4 F,ast of the Fourth Princi- pe.l l��eridian, Fulton County, Illinois, thence North 889 t �� feet, thence F�ast 50$.2 feet to the Center Line of �tate ' Bond Issue Road, Route �78, thenee F,ast 23.3 feet to the Northwest corner of Potesanos Addition to the Town of Canton, Fulton County, Illinois, thence �'�.st 11QQ.i feet to the Northea.st corner of Lot Number k3 in Potesanos Second Additian to the Town of Canton, Fulton County, Illinois� thence 5outh 340 feet to the Soutt�east corner of Lot Number 57 in said Potesanos Second Addition to t.ha Trn.m nf f:ant.nn_ +.},Anno 1.)na+ 7�', feo+ .+., +�,e u,.,..+����+ • � r h 1b6.3 feet to the Northeast corner of Lot Number 13 in CQ-DE Addition First �'xtension tc the Town af Canton, Fulton County, Illinois, thHnce South 365.25 feet to the Southeast correr of Lnt Number 16 in CO-DF Addition First E3ctensior to t.he Town of Canton, 'I'hen�e WE��st along the Soutr line of said Addition 132.5 feet, ther_ce Sauth 1183 feet to the P'ortheast corner of Lot Number 43 in. Charles Wine�ar Sub-division to the Town of Canton, _ . Fulton Courity, Illinois, therce �outh7�/2 feet to the Southeast corner of Lot Plumber 33 ir. said Charles Wine�ar Sub-divi�ion, thence West along the couth line of the said Charles Wine�ar rub-division 769.5 feet to the Center line of Sta�-e Fond Tssue Road noute �'7g, +hence West 30 feet, thence North 1£�84 f.eet, more c�r less, to th.e place of be�inning, tog�t}zer with the at;uttir_g Streets and Alleys; all situsted in Township 7 North, R.ange 4 F.�ast of the Fourth Principal I�'eri.diar. (Canton Township), Fulton County, Illinois, which said Ordirance annexing said territory w�s pa.ssed by the City Council and approved by the Mayor the 2nd da;,� of January A. D. 1957. T�ACT ITI (a)Fart of Lat 31 in Van Dyke Park Sub-divisior. described a� .follows: �tarting at the corner stone marking the center of Section 22, T. 7 N., Ran��e 4 Fast of t.he Fourth Prir.cipal trer�dian, thence runnin� :'outh 165 feet, thence West 1/.�44 feet for a place of begirnin�, thence couth z30 feat thence East ,�) feet, thence I�TOrth 230 feet, thence Wast �Q f�et to the place of beginnin�, situated in the County or Fulton, ^tate of Il.linois. (Real i�state o� Pasqual Boetto) (b)Part of Lot 31 in Van D�ke Park Sub-division, dQSCribed as follows: Utart�r_� at t?�e corr.er stone markin� the center of "ectior. 22, T. 7 l�t. � c'.. 1� :��ast of the Fourth Principal Nerid:ian, thence runni.n� "out.h lb5 f�et, th�nce West 1/.1+3 feet for a place ofl 1-eginnin�? thence South 230 feet, thence West GC� feet, th�-�nce Tlarth 230 feet, thence �a,ast �j9 feet t.o tre place of be�?innin�, �ituate�. 3_n Fultor rour.t��, Illinois. (Real �state af AIormar. A. Nickerscn) (c)Fart of Lot 31 in Van D�rke Park Su�-divisior., a part of the SoutheaGt �uarter of cection 22, T. 7 N., Ran�e 4 Dascri��� as follaws: utartirg at a corner stone ma.rking th� cent�r af Section 22, T.7 N. Ran�e L�, thence �outh 165 feet, t!�ence lJest 1�42 feet for a place of be�innin.g ther_ce Soutr 230 fe?t, tr��nae �,ast 1�0 fe�t, t�er.ce North 230 fe^+, trer.cn G1�:st, 100 f�::;t to a ��laee of b=�ir.r,in�, r ` .. , �w�����' � .�. (d)Part of Lot 31 in the Van Dyke Park "�;�-;_division, a naz�t aF th� �outh One-half of "ection 22, T. 7 N. , Ran�?e 4 described as fal.l�ws: I?e�innin? at the ?�lorth- east cornGr of Lot 31, runnir� thence Soutr 212 feet, thence ?�Test 100- f'net� trence T'orth 212 feet, ther.ce i��st 1c�0 feet, to the place of beginnine, situated in Fultor. County, Illino;s. (�eal estat� of James S. Grear) (e)Fart of Lot 31 in Van DykU Park �ub_c�iv�.sior., a part o'_' the `"outh One-half of Sectian 22, T. 7 �?., Ran�e !� described as ±'ollows; R��innin� 100 f;�et daast of the Northeast corner af said Lot 31, thrnce South 20p feet, thence West 21'7.8 feet, th�nce r?orth 2Q0 feet, thence r"ast 217.$ feet ta the place of ',-e�innin�, situated in Fulton County, T1linois, (izal rstate of Frank D. a�istic) which said Ordinance annexin� said territory was passed by the City Council and approved �y the Mayar the 15th da;y of January A. D. 195r1. Section 2. That a aensus tak�r o^ takers sra1l be named by the i•�ayor and Council of said Gity for the purposes o� ascertaining the exact informatian a� to the nu�.nber of inhabitants in th.e anne�;�d terri�ories. Section 3. After said census is taker., th;� came s�-�all be subscribed and sworn to by the census taker or ',aknrs as bein� true ard correct, ar.� shall be � f�led with the City Clerk. Section L�. fihe con,pensation of saj.d eensus taker shall be fifteen dollars (?�15.00) per day. Passed by the City Council and approved by the "�ayor t�is �th dav of February A. D. 155�. AP]'�OVFD: - �=��_ M XOR. A i^1.��ST: ' I CI:TY rL??RK ' �