HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance #322 � � + r �., � � ; . / � - �+� . ,s✓1 ORDINANCE N0. 322 PROVIDING FOR THF TAKING OF A CENSUS OF THE CITY OF CANTON, ILLIAOIS. 8� IT ORDAIN� BY THE CITY COtTNCIL OF TH; CITY OF CANTON, ILLINOISs Section 1. That a census be taken in the City of Canton, Illinois, for the purpoae of ascertaining the population in the folloaing annexed territoriea of asid City: �;>,��. ;�s� ;.,��riAL` Beginning at a point on the existin� Corporation line of the City of Canton, Illinoia, at the Sautheaet corner of Lot Nwaber 1 in James Seery�a Addition in the City of Canton, Illinoie, in Townahip 7 North, Range y. �het of the Fourth Principal Meridian, Fulton Count�r, I111noie, thence 1Porth along the existing Corporation line of aeid City of Canton to a point 58 feet, more or leaa, Weat of the Northweat corner of Lot Number 10 in gorestv3eW Addition to the City oP Canton, Fulton County, Illinois, thence East 533 Peet, more or less, to a point 16 Peet eaat of the Northeast eorner of Lot Number 18 in Forest- view Ad.dition to the City of Ceinton, Fulton County, Illinoie, thence South 484..12 feet, more or lees� to a point 25 Fe�t, more or leas, Ea�st of the Northeaat corner of Lot Number 18 in Peter Daily'a 2nd Addition to the City of Canton, Ftiilton County� Illinoia, thence West 425 feet, more or less, to the Northeast corner of Lot Number 10 in Peter Dnily's 2nd Addition to said City of Canton, thence eouth 150 feet, thence West 108 feet, more ' or leas� to the Southesat corner of Lot Number 26 in Ja�es Seery�s Addition in the City of Cantan, l�lton County, Illinoie, the same being the Corporation line of eaid City of Canton, Illinoie, thence North along the aaid existing Corporation line of said City of Canton, Illinois, 198 feet, more or less, to tk�e place of beginning, together with the abntting Streets and Al2eye, sll situated in Townahip 7 North, Range 4 East of the Fourth Principal Meridian, Fulton Countq, Illinoie� vhieh eaid Ordinance annexing aaid territory we.s paesed by the City Council and approved by the Mayor the 7th day of Nov�mber A. D. 1956. T�fiACT II , � , , . ,� .3, * '�" Southvest Quarter of Section 25, Township 7 North, Range 4 EaBt of the Fourth Frincipal Meridian, both located in Fulton County, Illinois. Beginnin� at a point on the eaistin� corporation line oP the City oP Canton on ttorth Eleventh Avenue 170 Peet North oP the North eide cf East Cheatnut Street; thence East 1821 feet, more or less� to n point at the Northeast cor- ner oP Lot ATUmber 6 oP Bloek 4 oF P.�stern Star Sub- Diviaion, said line being parallel to East Cheetnut Street and boundin�► the North line of an alley abut- ting the North aide of Peter Jaily'a Second Addition, - • � the North line oP Lota 1 and 2 of Bloek � �o�' '�'��ri ��'��y,w�,��,�� and said line also bounding the A?orth lines of Lote 1 to 6, inclusive, of Block 4 of Eastern Star Sub- Diviaion, thence South 169.25 feet to the Pdorth line oP Ee►et Chestnut Street to a point at the 8outheast corner o� Lot Mumber 6 of Bleek �. of Esatern Star � Sub-Diviaion; thence Da:st along the North line of Esat Cheatmzt Street L�.O1 feet, more or leae; thenee North 1�0 Peet; thex►ce Fast 110 feet; thence ,Soath 1l;0 2'eet to the North �ine of East Chestnut Street; thence Fgst along the North line of �st Chestnut Street 67 feet, more or less; thence North 654 �eet; thence Fast 120 feet; thence North 654 feet, more or less; thence East 120 Peet to the �hst line of aaid Section 26; thence South 1308 Peet, more or leas, to the North line of East Cheatnut Street; thence East along the North line of East Chestnut Street 1542 feet, more or leas; thence North 542 feet, more or lesa; thence East 157 feet, more or leas; thence South 549 feet, more or less, to the North line of Enst Chestnut Street; thence F�s�t slong the North line of East Chestnut Street 309 feet, �ore or lesa; thenee North 579.2 feet; thence Ee�Bt 1,10.1 feet; thence South 3g9.4 f'eet, more or less; thence �ast 100 feet; thence South 256 feet, more or leas, to ' the South line of East Chestnut Street; thence Wsst 54 feet, more or less, to a point at the Northeaet corner of Lot Number 15 of W. V. Young�a �b-Divi- sion; thence South 20'7.8 feet to a point at the Southeast corner of Lot Number 15 of W. V. Young's Sub Dinision; thence Weet 132 feet to the Southweat corner of IAt Number 11�, of W. V. Young's Sub-Divi- eion; thence South 330 Peet to the Southeast corner oP Lot Number 13 of W. V. Young'e Sub Diviaion; thence West 9?1,, feet to the Southwest corner oP Lot Number 2 of W. V. Young'a Suh-Division; thence North 302 feet� more or less, to a point 290 feet fro�► the South line of E�st Chestnut Street; thence West 2929 feet, more or less; thence South 119 feet, more or lesa; thence � � -���- � ��� � � thence West 150 feet, more or less, elong the North line of the proposed East Elm Street; thence North 168 Peet, more or lesa; thence West 200 Peet to the West line of the C. H. Divilbisa Addition; thence South 393 feet, more or lesa, to the Southeast cor- ner oF the C. H, Divilbisa Addition; thenee West 6l�,6 feet to the North-South center line oF Section 26 and the exiating corporate limita of the City oF Canton on South E1.eventh Avenue to a point 664.7 feet North of a atone at the Southvest corner of the South- east Qeiarter of eaid Section 26; thence North along �e. e��s'�in�w cor rate line of the Citq of Cantoa on , � andM near "�te'�er�� �``�lirror�ee� �-� p�l.s�u o�,.ba���� sll situated in ToWnship ? North, Range 4 Eas�''b'�` :` the Fovrth Principal Meridian, (Canton ToWnahip), F�lton County, Illinoie; And being ttll oP Peter Daily�s Second Addition; Lots 1 and 2 of Bloak Nwnber 1 and Lots 1 to 6 of Block Number 4, inclusive, of Eastern Stnr Sub..Divi- aion; Lots 1 to 15 of W. V. Young�s Sub-Division, inclusive; all of C. H. DiOilbiss Addition; and various other lands loca.ted along and abutting East Cheatnut Street Limite; togetber with the abutting and enca�paseed streeta and alleys included Within the abone deecribed plot; all bein� loceted in the Southeast Quarter of Section 26� To�msrip 7 North, �n�e 4 �at of the Fourth Principal Meridian and the Southvest Quarter of Section 25, Township 7 North� Ran�e 4 East of the Fourth Principal I�sridian, both located in Fulton County, Illinoia, Whieh aaid Ordinance annexing said territary was paseed by the City Council and �pproved by the Mayor the 2nd day of January A. D. 1957. Sectiori 2. That a cenaus taker or takers shall be named by the Mayor and Council of anid City Por the parposea of ascertaining the exact information aa to the ntunber of inhnbitante in the annexed territoriea. Section 3. APter said censna is taken, the same shall be subecribed and aaorn to by the censas taker or tr�kers as being true and correct, and ahall be liled vith the Cit�r Clerk. Section 4. The compensation of aaid ceneue taker ahall be fifteen dollars (1,�.00) per day. Peaeed by the City Council and approved by the Ma.yor thia 5th day of February A, D. 195�'. APPROVID: ���. O� ��-,r,,.•�p � MAYOR ATTESTt � ITY CL�'tK, . _ _