HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance #340 � �, . v^ � „ , r r. ., t� ` ��.x;,� . � /�� ` /, ' �9,�� ,�,a� �l . �,�,�'� ������ OR.DI��APdrF ?+10. _��`�' AN 0�?DIT1A?�,TCF; ?�°A�Si'dG T�-i: AAi?�'rTAL APPROF"TATIC�PT FCR T`-'�' CT. TY CF' Cr1r?TC�N, ILLTP?OIS, �'OF. T�'T; F?�rAL Y�'A�' OF St1I� CITY, 1957-1958, TO B� TT^�`�D TH�' A"�trT?J�L APP�pPRIATION OR.DTNANCF OF cATD �TT�': !3T' 2T OI?.DAIRIED BY TH:�: CITY ^C�?'T?GTL OF T�i': CI�?'Y' 0?'' rA�"TC?`?� ILLTR?OIS: Section 1. That the followin�? sums of *�one�,�, or so much thereof as may be required and as shall be authorized by law, be, and the same are hereby appropriated for the corporate purposes of the Cit�� of �'anton, Illinois, as hereinafter specified, for the Fiscal vear of. said City, beginning the first T��esda.y in the montr. of ?�?ay A. D. 1Q57, and erdzn� the first Tuesday in the month of t?ay A. D. 1958r FQR Gy'rTT�tAL ^OR?'0'?ATr F???'.PQSFS GF SAID CITY; PC`LICF D>�A?�Tt��?T- �ala�ies: 1 Chief of Police � 5,200.00 3 Seraeants at $�1�680.00 each 14��40.�0 8 Policemen at �L�160.00 each 33,280.Q0 2 Radio Operators at �3L,.l�.0.00 each 6,�80.00 Auxiliary Policemen 2,500.00 Total Police Depa.rtment Sal�ries � 61,900.00 PQLICF D�'PARTi�'t?T-Supplies and '�qui�xnent: Police Car Rental � 2,400.00 Supplies and r�ui�enent 1,200.00 Gasoline for Police Ca,rs 2,000.00 Fadia Service 1,5d0.C)0 Total Police Depa.rtment Supplies & F�quipment � 7,100.00 SID'�'WALKS: Pepairs and Maintanance � 500.00 STRF.FTS AA1D ALLEYS; Purchase of equi�nent � 3,OC�0.00 Granellin� of roads 2,500.00 Materials and supplies °,000.00 Iabor 22,000.00 Oiling roads 20,000.00 Total Street3 and Alle��s � 56,500.00 '-�iISCFLLA??EOtTS �'s'P�'t�?S�S ?� 3,000.00 PP,.IA?TID1G AT1D PIJBLIGATION � 6,000.00 CITY COTT'?T ?!AIDTTxT1ANCE � 500.00 SALARI�'S OF CITY OFy I CY'f?.S � 30,000.00 PUBLIC G?�OUNDS AND B?1TI,DIr1GS: Repair and Maintenance � 1Q,000.00 ATJDITIr1G; � 400.00 � , r�" � . ^ CFMETFRX: Maintenance � °,500.00 Purchase of Fqui�anent 1,500.00 R.ep�irs 1,500.�0 Total Cemetery � 12,500.00 INSURANCF: Fire and Windstorm, City Building and �ontenta � 500.00 Casua.lty & Worlanen's Compensation 7,000.�0 Total Insurance � '7,500.00 TOTAL GEP1�'RAL FTJr?D �204,900.00 WAT�'R AND S�,'I�i. DEPAI?T'�'�S]T: Salaries � b0,000.00 Extra I,a,bor 6,000.00 Maintenance 6,000.00 Truck Operations 1,500.00 Supplies, Chemicals and Fuel 20,000.00 Office Expense 1,500.00 Power 12,000.00 Fire & Windstorm Insuranee 2,000.00 Casualty & Wor�en's Compensation Ins. 3,000.00 Depreciation Account 3,000.00 Extension of Service 50,000.00 Purchase of Equipment 5,000.00 Retirement of Bonds and Interest 32,000.00 TOTAL WATF'R & SEWF.� D?�.'A�?TA.'�ENT �2Q2,000.00 PARF�It�1G 1�"EmER �UND: Furchase of �`qui�xnent � 3,000.00 - Cost of Service in parkine meter zone 2,0OO.OQ Cost of Gas and Oil 200.00 Maintenance of P�'otorcycle 400.00 Cost of Paintint?, 1�arkings 500.00 Perznanent Street Improvements 21,.,000.00 TOTAL PARKINC ""ET�R FLT!�ID � 30,100.00 C=RAND TOTAL GENFRAL FURPQSFS �43'7,000.00 FOR OTH:.�? FURPOSFS AUTHORIZFD BY LAW: PtTBLIC CC�4FORT STATION FiTND; A tax not to exceed .0333 per cent of the full, fair cash value as Equalized or assessed by the ?Jepartment of �evenue of the 5tate of Zlli- rois, on all taxable property within the C ity of Canton: Repairs and Maintenance � $,200.00 Salaries 1,800.00 Bond Issue 1.1E30.00 , � � ' ' i �0' POLTCF P�'P�SIGP' FUND: A tax not to exceed .05 per cent on all taxable property within the City of Canton � 5,000.00 FO' FI"E P�?OT'.,CTI�1�T Ftn"D: A tax no+.. to exceed two milles on each dollar o£ the full, fair cash value of all taxable propert.y wit�in the City of ranton, as equalize�� or assessed by the DepQrtment of ??.evenue of the �tate of Il.linois: Salaries of Firemen: 1 Chief � 4,800.00 1 Assistant Chief l�,3f?0.00 8 Firemen at ��.,160.00 each 33,2g0.00 Fxtra Firemen 2,400.00 Total Firemen�s Salaries �/.,4.,g60.00 Equignent 1,000.00 Hydrant Rental 4,500.00 TGTAL FIR� P�OT�CTION FUr?D � 50,360.00 FOR GAR.?3AGF DISPCSAL: A tax not to exceed .10 per cent on all taxable property within the said City of ^ar_ton, for the establish- ment and maintenance of a system for the colleetion and disposal of garbage as auth- orized by Ordinance �?o. 35, pa�sed T��ay 20, 1°47: Labor �27,000.00 Maintenance 6,500.00 TOTAL GAR.B�IGE DISFOSAL � 33,5�0.00 FOR LI�RAR.Y "•"Air?T�I�'AT`CE � 14,000.00 For Public Benefits: A tax not to exceed .05 per cent on all taxable propert,.v witrin the Citv of �anton, which fund shall be used solely for the purpose of paying that portion of the several amounts heretofore assessed against the said City for the Public ber_efits as well as the pavind of any such amounts that may hereafter be assessed for public benefits under and in pursuance of anE� Grdinance of said City that may be hereafter passed � 17,000.00 FOR �LLINO.T_S MtJI�TICIPAL R�TIp.�•��?T F�JND; A tax not to exceed.l25 per cent on the f�all, fair cash value of all taxabel property within the Cit� of Canton, as the same 3.s equslized or assessed by the Department of Revenue of the �tate of Illinois � 35,000.00 For the pa.yment of principal and interest on General Obligation Bonds of the Citjj of Canton, J ~ • • � • . TOTAL OTHER PiT'?.FOS�S �18L�,0L�0.00 GRARTD TOTAL FOR ALL Pt?RPOSFS �621,040.00 Section 2. All unexpended balances of any item or items of the general appropriation ma.de in this Ordinance may be expended in makin.� up any deficiencies in any itme or items in the same general appropriation .for general purposes made by this Ordinance. Section 3. This Ordinance shall be known and desi�?r.ated as the "AI�1NtTAL AF�'�OPRIATIOH ORDID?ANCE" of said City. Section /�. This Ordinance shall be in full foree and effect from and after ten daya after its pass�ge, appronal and publication. Passed by the City Council of the City of ^anton, Illinois, at a re�ular meeting thereof held on the ___ day of June A. D. 1957. APPROV� by me this r" day of June A. D. 1957. APP??OV�: � � �.�.. *FA:OP. ATT?'STs- _ CTTY CL�'RK..._. _._.