HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance #358 �'� � w� � . � • _~ . ,`;: - �,, , �„ , , .� �- , ;zv . _ � ORDINANCE N0. 358 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITX COIIIdCIL OF THE CITY OF CANTON, ILLINOISi Section 1. The follo�ring deacribed property, aitvated in the County of F`�lton and State of Illinois, to-t�rit: A tract of land located in the Southwest Quaster cf Section Nue►ber 3y., in TWOnahip Nwnber 7 North, Range Number 4 Eaat of the P'onrth P. M., more partieula.rly deacribed as beginning 661.5 Peet South of the North- east corner of said qnarter section, running thence 3outh 8ly degrees L�1 minutea, Weat 1475 feet to a stake, thence South 5 degre�ee 19 mirsutea �e� 435.6 faet to a atake, thenca South 85 degrees 34 minutea, East 500 fe�t, thence aouth 89 degrems 21 minutes, Es�t 480 feet, thenc• 3outh 4 degreea 30 minutee, F,a�t 90 feet, thence North 8Q degreea /,.1 minutea, Eaat 500 feet, thence North 4 de�reee 30 minutea, Weat 661.5 feet to a point of beginning, containing 19 aeres of land, eituated in the Town of Canton, Coanty oP Fulton and State of Illinoia, excepting that pnrt of �aid premiaee deecribed aa followss Beginning at e, stdke eet g feet North oP e.n iron pin �et at the Southenat oorner of the North Aalf of the South�rest Quarter of 3eetion 34 in ToWnship 7 North and Re.nge 1� Ee�et of the Fourth p�incipel Meridie�n, thenee North 4 dagreea 30 minutea�Weat 120 feet to e� etake, thence South 8l. degreea l�,l �inutee, Weat S00 feet, to a etalae, thance South 4 dsgrees 30 minutes, Eaet 120 feet to a� sta.ke, thence Rorth 81� degreea l�]. mirn�tea, Esat 500 feet to the place oP beginning, aituated in County of F'ulton, in the State ot • Illinoie, be d�nown and designated ae Shepley Addition to GreenWOOd Cemetery ia hereby eet apart and dedicated to cemetery putpoaee and usea, to be 1�ept, controllad and diracted b3r the City of Canton. Section 2. The oemeterq described in Seetion 1 oP thi8 Ordinnnee ahall be Irno�►n and deeigne►ted as Shepley Addition to Greenwood Cemetery �.nd shall be under the chnrge ef and control of the Board of Cemetery Mnnagars aa hereinafter aetabliahed, and aha21 be eub�ect to all of the proviaiona of the Ordinancea of the City of Canton, Illinoia, relating to ceffiet�riea eo Par ae they ahall sppl� to aame. 3eetion 3. Ferty percent of the parchas�s price oP all lota aold in e�id Shepley Addition ehall be aet apart by the Boa.rd of Cemetery Mnnager8 ae a per- petual care f"und far said lots and anid ftind to be eontrollled and inveeted aa herei.ua�Pter provided for in the case of perpetual anre funde. , Psaeed by the City Council and approved by the Mayor thia �o? day oF '���-r-f-r _,� �. D. 1958. � � APPROVEDs YOR ATTBSTt ��..� ; �/ CITY CLERK.�/ l