HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance #363 � • . . . . . . � �FivZl�l���Ci.�; !�TQ. ---/ � � _- T� (� T�T�� � T-� R 'Tf1i ( T tn �{ ..',�.1': 11L�...:�'i1i:�rV.L...���� pi-'�L'L��.li.�L r1.:_.. 1�ri��:w����1�J rJ�L�..;.J �i+''r1.i 11�IJ n..i+J+�Jt,1�.L !'l��f�'�� 11.1�_�_'i 1,....�� .�� m T.� . �_ �r � i (j r�� 7 �^r �� �,T:�.�!'1CY � t"1'7'-i ., � � ,, , . �j:. - �.L _ ._. ..�,� T�a ��.� . Lo <:L �.-« oUJ��.��,,la o� �.r�t,. CI'�Y O]:� �, �::��:'U':�, TLL�_;OIS, �'-;O��I�_;D '.�'�i�� 'S'�?:� LUCi�!a1� .�I- r�, ,,,� ,, � j,._,�, � p ��, „i, ,T , ,,_; -:, ,-�:E '7'_� "i�'�i Pa;'0�Y l. .J.niT <:l-" ��1•.1��11�i �_�T�1 G�. � ( � I: J ,._ ���:� . , � ''`'�i H l'r�� `, ti�7 :r T��,,� r� , _ 1 �.r. r .�r ri .z�TEi, .�, ��.,:.�,i.�,,;`Ir.t .11,.�_,C1L �:..;L .__�-;GH ,�T,�:_,�1 I:. T�-1:��+; CI`i�Y a� Qi CI:.'�T'OT�Y, ILL�"tl OI:�,, ���,:. 'i.�; �� C�0 ',7:',G J�'D S�r��'J'.��;,,� U� n�,�T.�+'- n /^� �. T,t ,�1� .i�jTi �"."�'��� .,���iir.I �T-� ItV....�.I V.'. .. _.�'f1iV� .� '.��' .J'T��� ,'�1��.1. ,:iTII.��P,ii 5�-r.,� . �� ZrL� Q:f.�.�i .�''1`:,n '�Y �.':', '..�r��Y rl��[ �'r�TL ��:, �C���t!, (�IT�' di'' � .,.I�?�i��T:� SLLI�V�JIS; Section 1. ;�,5'1'.��'�TS�-�����'��?'1', etc . ; Tnat a local improve- ment be ancl tne sarne �s herel�;� or•ir;indted to '�e �n�c�e by special assessrient wit�in the City of C;ancor., county of Fulto_: in thE State of Illinois, to i�e l�own as "Canton pa.vinr; Tmprovement ;Tumber 58_�", the nature, cnaracter•, locality, descr•iption and extent of which local im�rovement is as t'ollow; '.1'hat tne roa�wa;;s of the streets �nci avel�u�s hereinat'ter acscribed be irnpz�oved by exc�vatin�;, �r"c7.in�; and �re-}�arin� the sub�;r•ade ta receive the hereinafter clescr�bed pavernent ancl cuz°bin", by p�ain� with a 7-inch coiripacted ;�.lr�avel, crushed �, ravel, or cr•Lish�d stone base course, by primin�_; the base course with a bitu.riinous materi�i, by coverin� the base course and pz=ime coat with 2-inciz bitu_minous cover coat mixture, by curb- in� with portland Cement Concrete curbs, by constr•uctin� necessar•y s�orm water• inl�ts �nd stor:n sewere, by constz�uctin�; aizd. mar�in�-• nec�ssGi�y aujustrii�;nts to siaew�ll�s, and �rivewa�Ts, by ma��in�, necessary adjustrnents to �_Tra.c:.e oi existin;; manholes and valve vault �ouers, by constructin,; necessGr,y concrete heac�- ers, and by constructin>ti; necessar•y ?ilGnholes, and by removing existi.n� c��cch basins and inlets . That the pavernent her°eirl p� ovicteci to uc canstructed on �llnth ;venue snall be unii'ormly 30�U t'eet in �r�_cit�i, as measured !:�tween front iace oi cur•bs f'ro_n Syca.ilore ��treet to _-:sh �;tr�eet . e That the ��:v ement herein pr�ovide� to Le constr•ucted on Tenth �:venue shall be unii'or�,21y 30..0 :E'eet in wic�th, as m�asured between front f'ace of curbs from Sycar�lox�e �'�treet to one-h�lf block t�outh oi' Birch �;treet and i'ent�n ;avenue Y'r•om Glive �treet to '�sh Street. That the pavement n.ei�ein providec:� to �e constructed on t�leventi� 1�venue shall k�e unifor�nly 3C7.� i'eet in width, 4s measured between t'ront f'aco o�' cu��i�s lroAn ;��yr�le S�reet to Ash Street. That the �uvement here�n pi oviaed to �,e cons�tructea on nirch Street shall be unil'oz-rnly 3u.(� feet in width, as measured between l'ront face o:t curbs t'rorn '��er_�tti _^�venue to one-half block if;est of '_l'erth ��venue. �J'hat the pavement snall be constructed to a unii'orm thick- ness oi nine ( y) inches . 'I'hat t?ze conibinat:ion curb �na `�utter herein provia�� to be constr�ucted shall be nin�teen (19) incnes in T;icith and s�iall extend (6) inches in nei� nt above t'rie paveinent sur-f'ace. �':n.aL �cne headers herein p�� oJide� to bE constr�?cted si�all Ue six (6) inches ir� wicith and elr�hteen (1C�) incnes in hei�;ht. That the necessary s�cor•.�n �J���er inlets, s �orm sewers, stor;.r ti�aater man�ioles �:nd a�purtenances 1or pa�ement ar�inat,e be constructed alon=,; the iines o�' the imnz•ovement. ,nat tne removal o:c' exis�tin> ca�ch basins ancl inlets sh.all include excavation and back:t'ill�n;�;:. That all necessary exc�.vacion, r;r�-za9.nt�, s��apin�,; =�nd comp��.ct7 n`; of L:ne sub�,raae pre?��ratory �o �.�l;�ce:nent of the ����ve:�ent and cur�bin� to be clone, wnich excavat�on and �,radin€; to includ.e the i�e���io�,ra1 oi' all ea-r•th, o:;_:L sL���t'ace, ti•salls, cUlvert pipes �nd other obstructions of%rha��ver n�t�;;re �,rit•iin the �nave- �:-rient ,�nd curbing: area,, tha r��oval of which i� necs�rsary for the conetruction of the proposed improvement. e That tahex°e abuttinU s=�aew�.lks c:o not .rne�t t�.e grades C� t��.e �rox�ose� ct�rb, said sicAewalks and �rivew���s s��all be rnade to con:i'orm �to �he -;�:�onosec� i u�:>���ovement 4;raG.e by takin,, ul tne reqi..ired ainount ot� suciz existin`; �idewaly� and re :�l�.cin _: an eq�;.u1 s�inc.t a�,cl n�.�.al=;_ty oi' sa?rie to con:i'or•:�1 to UnE px•oposed im- p��oTTernent �_;rades ancl rna:�re a neat serv'ceaUle junction. �'�.�.t ti�.e par•�.�t�Ta� � r:�1.c;n;_ the l�tn� c�i' tne �ropos�ci curbs sna.Ll ce `,rac�ed �.nd srrioot�led to ihe top Di �crie �r�oposed curb �;race on a bac« slope not �xc�eclin`; one vertic.:a1 to trlree hor�izontal. In al1 0�ner res_pects the constr•uction sh�ll con:i'or{m to t�ie reay�?irements as set f'orti� in tize "�tandard ;�Z�eci:C'ications for RQad a��d Bridge Cnnstruct�.on" nz�e;�,�:recz by t,he r,epartment of public �^Tor. ks and Buildin�__,s of the St�te of Illynois and adopted by said i;e�artrnent January 2, 195?_, and revisions a.nd adc�a.tions -chereto. 7'h�it the total cost oS' the i?n�rovement, incluctin;: all necessary l�:l�or, materia:ls, ,.��cl:�inery*, tools und equip;nen�, for tlze Loc�l Impz�ove�nent i8 the said (;ity oi' Ca�ton, Illinois, is the sum of ;�;>lU�,U3b.?_7, wi�ich saa_ci esi�i�nate is ite�r_ized and is atta�ched hereto anc� �nade a purt o�' i;his prdina-rlce by reference thcreto. Th��t �. rr�ore de��;ailed descri��tion oi' the m4tters heretot'ore recited, reference is her�euy rrlaae to t:tne pl�:ns, pz�of'iles and c�rawin;_,s hereto a�ttacned, Tf�nich pl��ns, ��rutiles ancl drawins,s �r•e hereby mae.e expr�s.ly � =oar�L oi' t:_�is Orainunce. Tnat all elevations ana �J-r�ua.es of' tne center 1}ne of' the i i.ni�hed i.�n�rovement t�1e to.k� ol the f'inish.ed curb, tlze s�orm water inlets, hzalve �r_a.nholes, rAnd nec.essary �c�just�nent to �r•ar'Aes shall cont orm to and be ide;n�;ical trrit��i the elevations und Vr°ades as s�zo�,m by the pl�,ns, specizication; una prof'iles �repared by Gra�aford, T-��urpizy a.rld �;'illy, Gonsultiri� �n�_�ineers, 07' tne C;ity of ,'px�inr_;:�'i�ld, Illinois, «.r.c� no=.nJ an :i'ile in the oiz'ice of the City Clerk oz the City oi canton, Illinois, ana m���c�e a part ot' this prdinance by rei'erence a� Lt10U�_;h set ou� herein in full, a copy of' such plans, specificaL�.ons and �rofiles bein�_ attached heretio. 7'l�at such ,:x°t,�es and e.Levations �re si�.own in s�ic! ��lans, specir'ications and prot'll�s bein� attached 'nereto. ':['hat such _:raaes �nd elevations are shoti,m in s�id plans, s�ecit'ications and prof il�s and a�e �n�asured in i'eet und �ccirr�ul p•arts ttier°eof and are cleterm�ned t'rom a u�.;>ncn marli, �ne location of which is snown on s��id plans, specii'ications and �roi'iles. Section 2. DLF-���IT=�G1��. �:'tzat wnerlever• the words defined below are used in the Ordin�nc� oi� in the specii'icati�ns nex°eto aLtached and macie a p��rt hereol', or in �liy 1Ji�oceec�int,s r•ela�ive to the im�l•ovement herein p��oviaed t'�r, t'raey s�ia11 izave tne f ollowin,_ meariin.,�s; "State" sriall be int�rpreted to .nean t��e City of' Cai�ton, Ill?.nois; "��epartmant of' Public ?°Jorks and r,uiluin;-s" shall be inter- y�reted to me�n tne ?o�.ra of I,oca1 I�np.c-ovements of" �he Gity ot' (;an�Lon, Illinois; "�;n��ineer" �h.all ��e interpr°eted to :mean the en"ineer em- ��loyed by i�ne City of Cuaiton, Illinois; "�tate Treasurer o�' Tllinois" s}zall Ue inter•preted. to �nean the City '''reast?rer of r;a�zton, Illinois; "Gontractor" s:nall Le inter�.�:c°eteci to �aean the person, t'ir?n or corporation �o ti��r?o�n the c�ork or contr�:<ct f'ar tiiis imnr•ovement is a��r�rcied �nd the a;;ents, assi��ns and ernployees thereot'. �ection 3. APPF�UV.'�,L Of�, Pi, _-.:'�, etc. izat the rnaps, n:isris ar�d speeifications ?'o-r this improvement, hereto attached, and hereinl�ei or�e refer•red to, are hereby appr°oved �rnd muue a part of this prdinance the s�rne as if incor1.oi�ated in ta.sis prdinarice in i'ull. In case oi' con:i.'lict wit,h tnc purts of said sp�cifica- tions and special p1�ovision�, the special provis�ons shali control. ;ection L4.. Si;!P�F'.:r1Sl0iT. �J�hat all the aforesaid local im- ^rovement s�iall be under the supervision ancl direct�on oi' the Boar•d oi�' Local Impro-�Emer�ts o.�: the Ci�ty of Canton, Tllinois. Section 5. FEC�:;1���i��:TZ..'.i'IOiT .��PPi�;u�JED. That the ��ecom:nenda- tion of the Board of Loca1 I�ti�rovemen�cs oi the City oz" Car�ton, I1.linois, r��cc�m:�nendin� and pr•ovictin�; t'or the a�oresaid local im��rovement, tor.;etner witiz tlie Lstimate of the Cost thereof', ss macie and ite:mized by ana over• �he si�;nature ot' the En�;ineer of said FtOal'Cl� '�JOLi1 a.ttacnod hereto, �ae, and the same ure �iere- by appr°ovea, and _�ri��ae a part hereof the sa_ne as a.f' triey were incor,�oxated herein in i'u11. Section b. :;�;Sr��S;�:����`a', etc. `_�'h�.t saia Local Improve�nent shall be ni_�cte and t�ze cost oi' sr�id lacal imt�roveinent being tne suni of ;;;�lU�S,03b.27, as sriown by the estirn��te o:i' tne En�ineer of said City oi Car.rton, Illinois, �ttach�d her°eto and :ri�icie a part hereof, including tne surn of �„L�y3,37, being the air�ount in- cluded in the estirnate of s::id en�;ineer as tne cost of` makin^;, lev�ing and collectinU the asses�ment i�r�eret'ore, tize court cotits, attorneys � lees and t:t�.e law:i'ul exnenses attenciinyT the sa�ne, and includin�, the sura oi 'r„�lU,;'ci6. 7I�, beint� the a�r�ount incluaed in the estimat� of' s�:�.d eiz�:.�neer as t:rze cost of en� ineorin�;, inspection and supervislon, sii�;ll be puia by spECial assessment, to be levieci upon tn.e conti�vuous ;property speci.tically to 'ae benef'ited to tiie a::iount that tile s��.,no �,ag l.se le�;ally assessed t:t�.eret'ore in accoruance witiz trie p�•ovisions of an Act of the ��enel�al ��sse_nnbly of' the Sta�ce o� Illinois, entitlecl "r?evised Cities a-r�d �✓illar,es ¢,ct" 1lrticic i�:'�, ;;ections 1 to �y, both in:.�lus�ve, approvec� 1*u�ust l�, 15c}�l, in i'orc Janu�ry 1, 19�.2, anci acts a<«enaatory the��eto. Z'nat the s_ id s �zm of ;;;5,11_{..'�3•37 sizall 'oe appliea �towarcis t;ne �ayin.;_, the lawful expens�s of �n�.kin;__�, levyint, and collecting the s��id �ssess�uents and the court co�ts, �,ttorneys � �:'ees and lawful expenses attenaint; the sa�;:e, und tne sum ot" 4;,1U, ;�i6.'jl.�_ s.�iall be appliea towaras payin� tne costi o:f' en�;ineerin;_, ins��action ;,��ci su.per���ision inciaetlt to s�,_d im�rov�men t, all Gs proviciea by s�id �.ct of' the C=er�eral �ssemb.iy, an�,_� all ac�s arne�_.i��.tory �:nc! supple�rientar;� ther•eto. , , , , � . .:� +� ' Section 7. I:v��l'!'�.LLLL�=���T�TT�. TlZat tr�.e a17;�;reate apnount herein or•dered ta 'ae assesseci a��ainst tne propez°ty ana e�cn lot, pi�ce, tract or paY>cel to k�e ass�;ssed, and tne a�lount ti;o be assessed, :�f any, a__ainst �ne Ci�l;y oi' Ca:�ton, I.Llino�s, as and t'or public bene:C'it, s;�all be divided �nto Len (lU) arinual install.ments so that al1 instailmants snall �,e eqt:al in a�nount except that dll f'ractional amounts sh�ll be �dc�ed to the f;irst install�nent so as to leatTe the re:riain�n� installments ot' the a�:;`;re�;�te equ�l i�� a�nount and eacn. a multi;�le ot' ono hundrea dollars ( �.;r.lOU.UU) ; s�id t'irst installment se�.a.11 be due �nd payable on the second (2nd) c�ay o.t' January next after t��e ciate oi' tn.e i'ir•�t voucher issuea on account oi' wc;rk done on said lmprov�ment, ana tne s�concx lnstallment one year at'ter, and so on annu�,lly until al.l o:i' the saia installments are paia, and �11 of saic� in5tallments shall ba«1� interest at 1�i�e rate oi' �`ive per centum (5;s;) pexy annum, Y"rom zn� date oi' the t"irst voucher• issued on account oi' woriz aone on s�id i.npr•ovi;merit. F.nc? it is hereby m�ae the auty oz� the i3oara oi" Loc�l lmpr�ve- ments to t'ile in the ai'1'ice oL' ��i� Cier1� oi' tt�e Cour•t in which said assessment is cont'irmea a cer•t�t'icate si��_ned iay its secretar•y oi" the d�A�Le of sa_d fir�st vouc�er• and trae a �iount tnereof witilin tnir�ty (30) days af'ter• the issuarice thereof'. rection �i. FOI�'�S. Tlzat f'or the pur�ose of' anticipating the collection ol' the second and sL_ccee�in�, installrnents of sa�d special dssess�aent l'or sai�. lccal impr°ove�nent, �aon�s, sha.11 be is:ued pay�ble OLlt oi:' tne am'o.re��i� 3.nst�ll;ments, bear- in�; inter•est at tn.e rate of .t'ive per• centu�n (5,';) per arinum, �ayal:�le anr_u�ll,y, �znd said bo�as sna.11 be si�ned by tiae T•?ayor, presicent oi' the r�,oar�a o� Loca.l In�provements, of il�.e �ii.y of Canton, I1linois, attested ar�.d countex°si�ned by the Gii�y ClErk of s�,id City, unaer the cor•porate seal of ti7e 9aic� City of Canton, Illinois, and said bonc�s shall be is�ued in the sLams , , . , , � . r 4 • 0�' qn� hundred dollars (�100.00)e��� or some multiple thereof, and sYiall be dated and dra�r interest from the date of iseuing the $aTne; etid bonda �hall be ieaued in aceordance with and in ell respects p�rsuant to the provisions and requirements of an Act of the General Asse�nbly cf the State of Illin�is, entitled "Revieed Cities and Villages Act", �,rticle $�., SectioAe 1 to 99, both inaluai�e, approved August 15, 19L�1., in force January 1, 19�.2, and all acts amendatory� thereto. 3eetion 9. PROCEDIIRE, That the Mayor of the City of Canton, Illinois, on behalf of the said City is hereby directed and instructed to file a petition in tha City Court of Canton, Illinoie, in the name of the City of Canton, Illinois, praying that steps may be taken to levy a special as�essment for the said improve- ment in accordance with the provi�ions of this ordinance and in the manner preecribed by law. Section 10. GENERAL PF�OVISTONS. That all actions tsken in and based on this Ordinance is and ahall be under and pursuant to the terme and provisions of an Act of the General Aeset�bly of the 3tate of Illinoi8 entitled "Revised Cities and Village�a �ctrr� Article 84, Sections 1 to q9, both inclusive, approved August 15, 19�1.1, in Poree January 1, 19LI.2, and aZl additions and ac ts amendatory thereto. Section 11. REPEAL. That all ordinances and parts oF Ordinance� in any way oonflieting with this prdinance, be, asd the same are hereby repealed. Section 12. WI�N EFFECTIVE, This prdinance $hall be in tull force and effect from and after its pa�sage and approval, aacording to law. pasaed by the City Council of the Cit� oF Canton, tllinois, gnd signed and approved by the Mayor of sa3d Cit� and depoai�ed in the office of the Clerk oP said City, this �day of _,A.�. 1958. APPROVED; �OR "" - ATTE3T t -�%��