HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance #376 � J �� ` • Y" � • � +M�_ • � � � � � ..� .�° ....�... "' _ � .:�g�'������� . . ��.. ' ... �� . �. _ CyRDINANCE NO...��-—, AN ORDINANCE L�'VYING TA%ES F'OR CORPQR@TE PURPOSTS OF THE CITY OF C�LI�1TO�i� ILISNOIS� F(yR, THE FISCAL YEAR O�F' SAID CITY� 1958-1959. WHE�S� The City Council of the City of Canton, Illinoie, did on tha 17th cia�y oP Jmie A. D., 1958, pe,as the ANNUAL APPROPRIATICJ�T ORDTNANCE of eaid City for the Fiseal Year of said Citq beginnitzg oM the Pirat Tuesday ot t�e month of May, 1958, a�d ending on the firat Tuesday of the month of Mey� 1959, and the amonnt which was app,rop�iated aae the s�n of �599,012.00, �rh3ch �aid ANNUAI� APPROPRIATION ORDINANGE vaa duly app�oved by the Me.yor o� aaid City on the 18th daty oP June A. D. 1958, and Which aald ANNUAL APPROPR�ATIOp ORDI- NANCE t�►as on the 19th day of June A. D. 1958, duly pnbliahed im the Canton Daily Ledger� a daily mecular newspaper of general circulation pnb3ished in aaid City of Canton, Illinoie, for a period oP at lea.et ai�c (6) montha prior to said pub•. liceti,tin: NO�W THII�.EFO�REs BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COIINCIL OF THE CITY pF CANTp1Q� ILLINOIS: Section 1. That there be, and there ia hereby levied on all pa�opertT aub3e�t to taa�ion within the corporate 13mit� of the City of Csnton, Illinoia, aa the same is eases�ed and equali$ed for State and County purposea for the cur- rent yenr, for the Pi�oal year of aald City of Canton, Illinois, beginning ob, the t'irat Ttiiesday in the month of May, 1958, �,nd ending on the firat R�iaeday in the ffionth of May, 1959, the tota2 sum of �254,066.00, Por th� tollenring specified parpoaeas Amount Amount tc Ant�o�riated Be Lev ed gOR GII�IF�AL CORP(�TE pURppSEg OF SAID CITY: POLICE DEPARTMF.�TTs Salariea 1 Ch3ef of Poli�e � 5,356.00 3 3ergeants at �4,810.00 each 1,4,,43p.Op 8 Police�en at ��.,2g0.00 each 34,3�0.�0 "'� E�. 2 Radio Operators at �3,570.40 each 7��p�pp ,� �uxiliary Policeen�n 2 pp Tt7TAL PQLICE DEPAATMF�NT SALARIESs �63,7,6,�00 �41�000.00 POLICE D73PAttTMENT: Suppliee snd Equipnent Police Car R�ntel � z��,pp�pp Supplies and Eqnipaent l��pp�pp Gasoline t'or Police Carm 2�ppp�pp Radio Service pp.s00 TOTAL POLICE DII�T.-S�ppliee & Equi�ment 7,1W.00 � 5,000.00 SIDE�tAL85s Rapairs and Mair�ten,anca � 500.00 � " , • , > . , Ag1011T1t AffiOUlit �O .S'��$ �� ��t ��tiE� B! �V 0 e� 4- ,,.>,Y4�aae of Hqui�ent 15,000.00 Crravslling of Roade 2,5pp�pp Ms.teri.e�le and Snppliee 9,�00.00 Iabor 2�,000.00 OiliY�g o� Roada TOTAL•S'1'RBET3 AND ALLEYS 54,500.�0 MISCH�I�US EBPF.�SESs � 3,000.00 PRIIaTING AND PLTBLICATI4IQ � 6�000•00 � �,40�.Ef0 CITY COIiRT MAINTAINANCE �F 500.�p SALARI� tyF CITSt t)FFIC�' 9 �35,000.00 �22,OOO.GO PIIBLIC GROUND3 �1dD BUILDING5t Repsir ar�d Maintenanee �12,000.00 � ?,D00.00 At1DITI1IG � 500.00 STR3�T LIGHTING �1�,000.00 � 7,000.00 ELI9CTION ERPF.NS�Ss Jttidge� sn�d Clerke � 1 050.t30 3uppliee � 00 TOTAI�•,BLECTI ON EXPEN3ES 1�'St�0.00 CENIE7'II�Zs Maiatenaace � 9,500.a0 Pnrchaae 0f Fquipment 1,50p,p0 T�T��1�� 12,50(�.L0�0 �10,00�.00 II�URiNCEs Fire and Windatorm, City Bnilding and Contents $ 1 OOO.tX1 Caenalty & Norl�aen'a Cc�penaation 8�,_,, O�QQ TOTAL.•IKSORAIQCE 9,50C1.00 � 5,�0�.�0 TO�T�I, GF��tAL FUl�Ds �216,3,y.6.00 �1f10,pp0.00 i�TTATIIt gND SE�t DEPAR'tMF�1Ts �].airiee �b4,00�.d0 Extra Iabor 6,000.00 Mait�te�iaance 6,000.00 Truak Operstion� 1,500.00 Snpplies, Cheonicale and P'u�l 20,OOO.C�O OfPi.e:e Eup�enee 1,500.00 Powr 12,OO�.dO Fire sud Windetorm Ineuranee 2,000.00 Caenalty and Wcrr�en'e Cc�apeneation Ina. 3,500.00 Depreci.ation Aeeount 3,000.00 Lxt�nei�on of Serviee 30,000.00 Pnr�haee ct P.�uipneat 5,ppp.pp Retirament oP Bonds axyd Intereet 32.00O.dO TOTAL-WATER A1dD sEWER DEPARTMENT �1�'6,500.00 A�wunt Amotant t� PARIQNG �IETER FIIADs A_�o�iated Be��� Pu�rcbae� oP �nipment � �,�.� 3ertioe in Psrking Meter Zone 2,0OO.00! Gas and Oil 200.t'X1 Me�in't�ine�n�e of Motor C�cle ,�p�d� Pe�inting Ms,rkinge 5��� Permsnent Street Imp�ovementa � TO'TAL PARKING � FUND 3�,100.Of! GRAND TOTAL, G�� PURPOSFS s �a32,94�6.�0 �100,00�.00 FO�t OTH�t PURPOS�S AIITHORIZED BY LAWs PUBLIC C(�SP'O�tT STATION FUNDs .� tax n�it to exceed .0333 psr oent o� the Fu11� fair caeh vel.ue, ae equ�slisad or aegeased by the Ds- partment of Revemxe o�' the State of Illi- nois, cn �11 taxe,ble property rrithia the City of Ce�ntoa, Illinoies Repairs and Mair�tainance $ 9,Q00.00 Salariea 2,000.00 Pa�yrttent, ia�ereat and. p�iticipal on bonde 1(�Q TflT1L-P[1BLIC C0�@'ORT 3TATIOP FUND 12,1 •00 �12�160.a0 FC�t POLICE PFIQ3ION F'tTNDt A tsx not to exceed .�5 per oent oP the f�ll, fair cash value, sa eqnaliaed or a8aeesed by the Deps.rt�nant of Revenue of the St,ate ot' Illinmis� on al], tsze,ble praperty within the City of Canton, Illinois. �10,Cl00.00 �10�000.00 Ft�t FIRE PROTECTIt�6 FUND= A tax nct to �uceed two milla on each dollar of the Pull, fair oa,eh vsl.ue, aa eqculis�d or aeeeeeed b� the Depa.rt�ent of Rewenue of the State oP Illinoie, on all t�rable property within the City oP Canton, Illinoias SALARIES OF FIRfl�F�= 1 chief of Fire Department � 4,956.00 2 Asaietant Chiefa a� ��,510.00 each 9,020.00 7 Fire�►en at �429�.04 each 3�,03�.00 �xtra F'ir�►en 2 80 TOTAL FIR�1�S SALARIES 46,4tX,.t�O Eq�ipment 1���� �drsnt Rental � TOTAL FIRE PROTECTION FUND 51, .00 �51�906.OE3 FOdi. GARBAGE DISPOSALt A tax not to exceed .10 per eent on the f�,i21 fair cash valne, aa equ�,].ized or ae�eaaed by the Department of Revenue of the State of Illinoie, os all te�xable pa'operty �rithin the Citg of Canton, Illinois� p�urst�s,nt to Ordiaance No 35, psa�ed Mr�y 20, 1947, authori�ing the aetablieh�ent and ma,intaine.nce of s �yste� for �he �1lection and dispoanl oP garbe�ges I�bor �27,Q0�.00 Me�intainance 7.000.00 TOTAL GARRAGE DISPOSAI, �34ft?0�.00 �34,000.00 -3- � T � • 1 . • AmOitn't �1OL12'!t 't0 A�oe�iated Be I�e��.ed F� PTJBLIC BE�'IT3t A tax not to �ccesd ,05 per cent of the fu7.l, fair caeh valne, as equalized or aaseased by the Department of Revenue of the 3tnte of Illinoie, on e,ll taxable paroperty vith3n ths City of Canton, Illi�oie, to be lanovn aa the publio benefit taz, anti the f1uLd ariaing tharePram to b� �own ae the public benefit fund, to be used eolelq Por the p�rpoae of paying that porticn oP the several amounte heretofore a�eseesed againat the asid City for public benefit ae We11 as paying any auch amount� as mey be her�efter saaeaaed againet eaid City For p�b11a bensfit nndsr and in puraunnae of nny ordinanoe the�t msy be hereafter pasaed. �28,000.00 �18,Opp.pp FO�t ILLIAOIS MtJNICIPAL RETIRII�IIl�tT FUND: A �X AOt t0 exaeed .1?5 per cent on the t�ll� Pair ca�h value on all ta��ble property xithin the said City of Canton, Illinois, sa the ee�me ia equaliaed or assea.. aed by the Depart�ent of R�venue of the Ste.ta of Illinoie. �25,400.00 $10,000.00 For the pny�ent cf prinai}�al and interest on General Obligatian Bond� of the City of Cnnton, Illinoia, of the imp�ravement of Cantoa Lnke SpilZvay and W�ter Worka Imp�ovement, Authoris�ci by Ordinanee Ntzmber 13!*, paased Auguat 7, I951. �16�E)OO.OQ �16,OOO.a4 TOTAI�-OTI�Eft PURPfl�FS �169,066.�0 �154,066.00 GRAND TQT�L - FOR ALL PURPOSES �599�012.00 �254,066.Ci0 Seetion 2. That the City Clerk of said City of Canton, Illinois� ia hereby anthorised and direeted to file riith the Cc>unty Clerk of Fa�.ton County, Illinoia, a dulp certified ccpy of this Ordinanae. Seoticn 3. Thie Ordinance ahnll be in effeet upon ita paseage by the City Council and �.pprovsl by the Mayor. Paeaed by the City Council thia _1%� dny of July A. D. 1958. app�oved by the Mayor thie _����day of Jnl.y A. D. 195�. APPROVFDs ��y�,��_� MAYCht AT2ESTs '� ' ,'� ;: "� . CITY CLERK // � G'