HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance #389 .. - . .» .,....- �, J r�+ _� r ,. ...-e C�?�T�JArzr.r �To. ��� P�3O�+IDIT?G T'C?? TF�' "'AYI1'?G C'F A �,,.'S�'S OF 'i'F;�' ^TT�' CT' .^�?1_`'TC.°?, TLLIPTGIS. ^1': I^' CJRDAIT�P"?? BY �*'i�` f;?Ty �("T*rr�T� pr, mTr�' rTTY CF CA?`?'rQ^?� ILLTP.'CIS; Section 1. i��at a census be taken ir_ the rity of �anton, Tllinois, for the purpose of ascertainir_t? the population in the followir� annexed territories of said Cit,y; A part of the Southeast �uarter af �ection 2�. in Township '7 rlorth, ".an�e 4 �ast of the Fourth Principal Meridian, situated in the !'oilnty of T�'ulton and "tate of Tllinois, and described as f ollows, to-�ait: Sta.rt3na at a stone at t���.e T:ortl.�e,a�t cor.n�r of th� Sautheast �uarter of th� above "�ction 2r�, t�enc� ?�lest 1�p1.5 feet, to a cancrete r��anutnpnt, which is the �lace of be�inninr�; trence ldest 50L�.L�6 feet; thence ��outh 1 2�' T�Test 63�.23 feFt, thence �"ast 13' ,Soutr. 5d7.22 fFet to a cor.crete monumPnt; thence ?Tortr� 1° 13' f�ast 6?8.$6 feet to the place of ��e�inrin�, containin� 7.42b �cres. r'`'C�'PTING that part of tl,e abave describe�' prem�is�s subsequently cr�r.veyed to `'t�el, 1?oudek}ush. and R.oy�ter, all of said t��rritory bein� cituated in the County of Fulton an3 State of T]lincis. Car,Lnencin� at a pnint 1�0 rows "'ast of th� Sout,hwest corner of the i'orth��st ��aar.ter of ".ection 2b, Township 7 ^'arth, Pange 4 rast of the Fourth t riricipal ?`er�di�n, Fulton �'aunt,y, Tllinois; runnin� thence '�?orth 20t� feet, thencF ?`�a�t 40 rc�.s, th�nce �outh 200 feet, thencE West l,.0 rodG, to the pl.ace of be.-�innin�; and A art of th� Sou�i;r,ast On�-T'alf af "ect.i.on 2� iY '"o�amship S�ven �7�, "�nge �our (4) ""ast, o£ t,h�--; "o�zrt� i rircipal *"er-i.di.r�r, situated in the „otz�ty or ''ulton, St�t� of 'll�roi�, c1.�scribFC1 a� fOZZoWS� �O—W�f: �t82't-�'„�' at �. 5tOT1P_ 3t t�� T?b1't�1E'�a°'�: C'�'""_'!F1'' Of' t}?E �;C�U��'iE'tLct ',�U2T'tE?T', Gf �' � .".i';� .t'_, �'C'C+:LO1`� �%%y "'UYt??.1.2?c� tl^FT1Cf' '�`c+ 1_�j�:l�j fiE'='t, to a ^j�r�cre}� ''or.�:ir�er�t �;r�ch is p1�.ce r,f r�e�ir.r�ir��, ±.urnir�� t?-�ence ;�7es1; 504.2', feE�t, t,t°�er�c� "ou±h 1 r3e�:ree 2:�' ;,:est �,2'7�c<� fGet� t.},e�cE+ ras+, 1> c�e��ee� '"f��:�.t?^ '�s?��t fe::t, t};en:�e ??orth 1 de�r�:e I?� 477 fe�t, trene�: �'asi; 1���.�7 f�et, �`;�nce '?or',-,v� 1 c���r�e 13� �:ast 160 feet tc� t?^e p?ace of hep�i�^r�:i.r7,-�. Lots l, 2, :, 4, 5, ', 7, 8, �, 1.0, �l an!� 12 in T]���k 2 of . . "as':E:r�n °tar Sii'�-"�z.vz�i.on or ±�hc �3.tyr o�' "ar.ton, ro�.�ntv of Ful ,r�n, rtate of '�ilinois. Lots 2, 3, /�, 5, 6, '7, €?, �, 10 ard 11 ir. �'lock 2 c�f �"astErn "t�r Sub-Divi�iora of t_h_e rit�r or "r�.nton, ^«urrt;y� of rulton, "ta�e �f Tllinois. Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ',, 7, U, �, 1C, l� �nd 12 in. �?lack � of r�st,ern Star �ul�-.ni�r3sion �o th� rity of ^�.nton, Count;,- o.f. rult,or,, State of Illinois. , - • . � . N �� w'�ier saicl Gr�3ir�anens annexir.;_ sail territc�^ieC was �,a.^�rc� Y,y th.e Clt,y ^auneil anc� approvecl by the '��'ayor thp 5th ���ia� �f '''ov�mbex° �i. D. 1�?5$. �ection 2. iha� � c�r_sus ts�;er or taEters shal]_ ?�e namAd 'oy th� `��yor �nd !'ounc�l of said rit•y for the p�_�rFos�s of ascertair.3r,E> the e:t~act ir•farmation as to tre nur,k,er of ir��abitants i.n the anne.�ed territories. `��ctian 3. :fter sa:id census is ta;c�n, +be sam� s�all b-a sa bscribed �nd sworn to by tf?e census t�`cer o�^ ta3:ers as beir.� true. anr3 ^orrect, and s?�a7.1 be filed with t��� "�ty �lerk. c�etion 4. The comper_sation of. sai.d �,Pnsus tal;e.r shall be fifteer� dol— lar.s (�15.G0) ���r day. F'as;°ed by the ^.ity �ouncil and a�provE�d by tbe '`ayc�r t��is 1�-�, day of Decem�,er A. �. 1�58. � r � �> s/G�� A�F'�OVrD• ��''� �G�'�-�L'l'�� ""'�__,_ � ?1AY C�f? AiT T;ST� � s �I'"�' rLFRK. � i