HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance #396A ___ __ .. .. • .. . .� .._ � , , „�_. • ../►'. MK. � ......{ ��•^•M-' .. v. � ....y�:i,��u�w,.%. � '�!� (` t ► Of�D1.l1�i.i`JCF j',;i0.� � IT ORDAI�I>!:t?D NY `�.'rI.T_�, G1T'r CO?11';:CIL OF '!FIr C?TY OF C.+�',�'TOP�, ILLINCIIS: Secti on l. �l'hat Section 5 of Crapter �i;XV2I of the Revised Ordanances of th.e Cit,y of Canton, Illiriois, of 194s, as arnended, he, and the same is hereby furtYier amended to read as follows; "Sec. �. C_�TX x'�'i:'TORTti:r,Y. The Ci�t�r �+ttorne,y shall receive an annual salar�r of Three `'i'housand Seven '?uridred rour Pollars (4i�3,70�..00).�� Section 2. ihat Se:c�,ion 6 of Chapter X��TlII of the Revised Ordinances of tYie City of Canton, I:'_liriois, of 19�5, as amerlded, be, and the same is herebzr further ���nended to re��cl as follol�TS: "Sec. 6. SUYEFtITd`?'I��.l;D�:I;`" �)I.�' STItr��"CS. lhe Sunerintendent of Streets shall .receive ari annual salarv of_ Five ihousand Four Hundred Sixtsr pollars (:;?��,460.Od).�� Section 3. Th�t Sec"'.,ion 8 of Ch .pter ��:�:�:VTT o.f the Revised Ordinances of the Cit,y of Canton, I11_irlois, o� z945, a� axnended, be, and the sam.e is hereby .flzrther araended ta �•ead ��s follows: nSec. �. 's��r.`_i.'r,R A J 5:��; :i I,� 1"�l�'J', � ;',''I'. The Chief Operator at the `��ater tr�:at���ent plant shall receive an al-���ua.l salarv of Five Thousand Seven �undred Doll�.rs (;?�,700.00). � The Chief O;�erator at the Sewer treatrnel�t plant shall receive an annual salary of T'ive Thcusand Four �Iundred Sixty Dollars (5p>,1�60.00). Each operator at the wa�ter treatrne.nt plant and tne sewer treat- ment plant, shall receive a monthl�J salary of Three ?Iundred Ten Dollars (v�310.00) durin�; the first three months of his ernr�loyment and the s�un of Four Thousand ''�hree :�undred ATinet,,r-faur pollars (�:�)�,39�.00) for each year thereafter. • T�e Cashier of the L�a-ter and Sewer Tep�,rtinent shall rec��ive an annual salary of Three Thousand F'our �Iundred Sixt,r �ollars (,'3,l�60.00). ' � . . � , . y r-� . . .,,,. . .. . � � Each P�leter Reader shall receive an annual salary of F'our Thousand Three Ilundred P?inet��-four pollars (ti�1�,391�.00}.�t Section l.�. That ��ction 9 of C:�iapter X�'XVII of the Revised Ordinances of the Citv of Canton, IJ_linois, of 1.9�5, as arnended, be, and the same is hereby further arnended to re�.d as follows: "Sec. 9. P]',U1���.BTI�LTG ITaS�'EC�lUl�. The Plurlbin� Inspector shall receive an annual salar;- of ��ive Thousand P'our F�undred Sixty Dcllars (��5,�.60.00).�� Section 5. `rhat Section 10 of Chapter �XVTZ of the Revised Ordinances of the City oi' Canton, Illinois, of 191��, as amended, be, and the same is hereb,y further amended to rea.d as fallows: "Sec. 10. P�i1�Iti CUaTCDL°1T1. The Farl� Custodian shall receive an annual salary of `I'wo Thousand C�ne Itundred Fii'tt�-four poll.ars (y�2,151�.00).�� Section 6. That iection 11 of Chapter 'k�VII of the Revised Ordina:�nces of the City of Canton, I�linois, of 19l�5, as amended, be, and the same is hereby further amended to read ��s followss '�Sec. 11. �1f� DEI'��?��1'i•1 ���T. `�"he Chief of the Fire Department shall receive an anrzual salar�r of Five Thoizsand 7.'wo F�undred Sixty Dollars (;p5,260.00); the I�ssistant C�ief of the Fire Derartrnent s'r�.all rece�ve an annual salary of �'our T�ousarid Six }�u.ldx•ed �'olzrteen Dollars (:;;��,t;ll�.00); and each firernan emplo?red bzr the Cit?T shal_1 receive a monthl�r salary of Three Hi,zndred Ten Dol.lars (��31Q.00) durin� the f:irst three months of his eMplot.nnent and th.e sum of Four Tp,�,us�j.nd ^nree ?�t�rir'.red A;inet�r-four pollars �'hZ�,39�.00) for each �Tea-r thereafter.« Section 7. That Section 12 of Ct7apter XX.�TII of the Revised Qrdi�Zances of the City of Canton, Il1_inc�is, af 191��, as :�merided, be, and the same is hereb�r further arnended �ta re�,d as foll.owsc "Sec. 12. POLIC�, DEPi;.F�Ti':�T•;T. Th� Cn7_ei of Police sha11 receive an anrnzal salary of Five Thousand Four l=.Tundred S�t�r D�llars (,$5,�.60.00}; each Ser�eant of Police shall receive a:n annual salary oi Four Thousand . �,. . _ �� , � • � � . � . ,--» .. , _ T3ine Tiundred F�urteen Dollars (�;;:1t,ylI�.00); each �,olice:�an eriplo�Ted by the Cittr shal.l receive a .r,�onthl�,r salar�r of Three ?Iiaridred `�'en Dollars (,?310.00) for the first three :1�n-chs of r�is �rnr;lo,;miPnt a.nd the sum of Four Tholzsand `�'hree Hundred i�?inet4,r-four. Dollars (';,39L�.00) for each year tYlereafter; and each radio o��erator ern�losre�� l�,y the Cit,y s}1a11_ receive an annual salary of Three Thousand Six I-?unclred Seventy-four. Dollars (';;,3,674.00); auxiliary police emplo,,Ted by the Cit,y sha71 be co~nt�c:ns.�ted for the work thejT perform a�t -the rate of �';�1.[> �er halzr. Section �. That Section 13 of Chapter X:�.�V?I of the Revised � Ord.inances of tYie CZt�r of Canton, Illinois, of 19�.5, as a.inended, be, and the same is hereb?r further ar�Pnded to read. as �'o11_oUas: rr5ec. 13. S?�.CRL`I'LL':1tiY 1'0 `�'}�t:; :i"��;'Oit. The Secretary �Lo the 'rlayor shall receive an annual salar;r of :'hree Thousand SixttT Dollars (�3,Ob0.00).�� Section 9. �'hat Section 1�. of Chapter �;XVII of the Revised Ordi.nances of th� Citzr of Canton, Illincis, of 1.9l��, as arnended, be, and the sGrne is hereby further amended to rPad as f'ollows t ��Sec. 1_�. Sn�."��'�:�,`,� L:�����OR. L<��borers erinlo,yred bti> the C�t�r in the Street Denartrnent who are enuip;n�ni; opera.tors shall l�e com�;ensated for the s�ork the�r perform at �tYie rate of :;>?_.00 x�er ?7our; la'oorers e��a.nloTr�d 1-�y the Cit,y in the Street Dep�.rtment who are �;ruck dri v��r.s s�ial_1 be co-n7�ensated for the work they ner.f'orm at the rat;e of �;>1.90 per hour; and al1 other l�iborers in the �treet De:�.�rtr�e�lt �}1:�71. ��<; coilx�ensated £c�r the ?�aork the,y perform at the rate of :;p1.30 per 7��our. La'r�orers �nrplo�,�ed by the CitzT in the G�tat,er anc� Sewer Dep�rtrnent tiJt�o are t,ruck drive.rs sha11 ��e co��i�ensated for the woric thef r�erform at �Lhe rate of :�1.90 ner hour �nd all ot:ler lak�orers er�rE�loyed by the City in the Y•dater �.nd Sewer Departme�it s}���11 be cor�;;ensated for the work they per- form at the ra,te of :;;�1.u6 per hour.�t Section 10. The caretaker at the Pl�blic Con1.f_'ort Station sh�11 receive an annua.l salary of Tt�ro Thousand L"�irt5.�--�'our pollars (,:;�2,031�.OU). _ � �- , . .. + � y .� . , -;, � s Sectien 11. Tach ernrlo,yee �n t�e '�.�.rb�.t>e d�part:nent shall be compensated for the work theyr DBT�f.'orm at t,�e rate of :;;1.9G per hour. �ect_�on 1?_. 1�ny prior (_'�rdi_nance i.�� confl.ict with any of the provisions of this Ordinance, be, and the same is hereby rei�e�led. Section 13. Th:is Ordin��.nce shall be in e�'�ect en and after T�iay l, 1959, arid after its x�assa�;e b�r t.ie Cit�r Cour:cil �.nd apnroval bv the 1�iayor. .;,, - Passed b� the Citjr Cou lcil �_nd a�}�roved by the 'i•:ay�or this ��.� day of , �..D. 19�9. APPRC�V�',D: :�:"�YOi� C_._ ) � t_`.�imj�,Jl�: � � � !/ � �iZl�T C�.ri�[T