HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance #400 ,� � ..,...,�,_ . .. , _ � � .�� ,� � ORDINANCE N0. d d AN ORDINANCE MAKING THE ANIWAL APPFiOPRIATION FOR THE CITY OF CANTO�T� ILLINOTS� FOR THE FISCAL YEAR OF SAID CITY, 1959-1960, TO BE T�RMED THE ANNUAL APP2�OPRIATION ORDINAAICE OF SAID CITY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CTTY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CANTON, II,I�INOISs S�ction l. That the folloxing suma of money, or so �cu¢h thereof as may be required and aa shall be authorized bg ].aw, be, and the aame are hereby appropriated for the corporate purpose� .of the City of Canton, Tl.l.inoit�� as hereinafter apecified, for t,he Fiscal Year af Said City� beginn3.ng the first Tuesday in the month of May A. I!. 1959, and ending the first Tuesday 3n the a�onth of May A. D., 1960. FUR (�EN�RAL CORPORATE PURPpSES OF BA�D CITYt POI,ICE DEPARTMENT - Salariess 1 Chief of Police � 5,lt60.t� 3 Sergeanta at �,97.l�.00 eaah 1ls,742.00 8 Policemen at $�t�39�t.00 ea.ch 35,152.00 2 Radio Operatcra at �3,6?lt.� each 7,31�8.t30 Awcili.ar�r Po].icemen 3�000.00 Total - Poliae Departrnent Salaries $65,702.00 PQLZCE DEPARTMENT - Supplies & Equipments Po13ae Car Rental � 2,lt00.00 ��tpplie� and Equipment t�,200.OD Gasc�line for Police Cars 2,000.40 Raclio Service 1,500.00 Tota1 Police Dept. Suppl3es & EquipQnent �l0,1U0.00 SI�ei'A.LKS s �.ep�t�ra and maintenance 500.00 STREETS AND ALLEYSa Purchaae of eqnip�aerit �15,000.00 C3ravelling oY Roade ��000.00 Materiale and Supplies 15�000.00 Labor 26,000.00 Oiling of A,oadm 5�000.00 Total - Streets and Alleys �61�.,000.00 MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSES 3,o00.0i� PRINTINa AND PUBLICATION 1�500.00 ez�y cou�T r�zrrr�r�xc� 5c�o.00 SALARI�S OF CITY OFFICERS 35'000.00 PtTBLIC C�ROUNDS AND BUILDTNGS Repair and Maintenance 1lt,000.00 AUDITING 500.QC� STREET LIGHTING 11.000.00 t „ � � �" . � �cTZO�r $a�xs�s: Jndges and Clerks � 1,050.00 Suppli�e �150.00 Total - Elect3.on E�cpense� � 1,5�0.00 CSi�TERYt Ma3ntenance 9,500.00 Parchase of �;quipmient 1,5�.oc) Repairs 1,5o0.4tD Total cametery 12,500«00 n+rs�Arrc�: Fire ana windatorm, City Building and contents 1,000.00 Casualty & Workmen�� Compensation 9�000.00 Total - Tnsurance 10,000.00 TO`!'AL t�EENERAL FUND �229,$02.00 WATLR AND 3EWER DSFARTMENTs Salsries �fi�,000.�0 F.�ra I.abor 6,000.00 Mainten�ce 6,000.0� Truck f?perationffi 1�500.t30 Supplies, Ch�niQal and Fuel 2fl,�40.00 Office Expenae 1,500.00 Po�er 1�',000.00 Fira and �indstorm Insur�nce 2,C)00.00 Casualty & Workmen�� Compes�aation Ins. 3�,�04.00 Depreciation Aecouat 3�OQ0.00 Ext�aaion of Service 30,000.00 Purchaae of Bquip�ent 5�000.40 Ratfremen� of Bonda and In�Cerest 32,000.00 TC?TAL - Water & Se�N'er D�partment �187�5f�.0� PARKII�G I�ER FUND r Furahaae of �quipr�tent � 3,000.00 Service in Parlting Meter Zone 2,,t�.00 t}aa and Oil 200.0� Maintenance oi Motor Cgc].e 1�00.00 Painting Mark3ngs 500.00 3trest Ix�provemente 24,OOp�pp TQTAL - Park3.ng Meter Fund � 3pi�pp•pp GRAND TOTAL GENERAL PURP�5ES �}�}�7��,�x�pp FOR 4THLR PURP0.�FS AIITHORIZE�D BY LA.Ws PUH?�.tC CQI�'ORT S2ATION FUNDs A tax not to excsed .0333 p+er cent o� the fu11, fair caah va�lue� as eq�aali�ed or assessed by the Departmerit oi Revenue of' the State of Illinoia� on all t�cab].e property �r3.thi� t�ie City of Ce�x�tcm� Zllinois t 8spaire a�d Mainten�nce � 9,000.00 Pa��ent, Intereet and Principal on Bonda 1,].l�0.00 TC7TAL - Pu.blic Co�.f'ort 3tation Fund �12.aZ�c�_c�E� a � f; s i � a a FOR POZIC� PENSTQN FUNDx A taz not to e�eed .05 per cent af the full, fair cash value� as eq�ali�ed or assessed by the Depart�nt af R�enue of the State of Il.l.inoia� on a11 taxable propertp witk�in the Citq of Canton, T]linois. �10��Op.(� F'OR FTRE PRC}TECTIO�T FUND t A talc not to eqcaeed two mills on each dollar of the Full� fair cash value, as equali$ed or aseessed by the '�epartment of Revenue of tha State of Illinoia� on a].1 t�xable piroper'ty xithin the City of Canton� Illinois Salaries of Firement 1 Chie.f of Fire Department � 5,260.00 2 Aeaiatant Ghief's of Fire Dept. at �}�,b1Lt.00 e�ch 9,228.00 7 Firemen at �,39l�.�0 each 30,758.00 E�ctr�, Fireraen 2��pp.OQ Total - Firemen�s Salarie� $ti7,6l�6.00 Equip�aent l,004.00 Hydrant Rental �,5op,pp 2ota1 - Fire Protection Fund ��3,�„���pp FOR GARBA(�E DTSPOSALs A tau not to exceed .10 per cen� on the full� fair cash value, as equa.li�ed or as�ass�d by the DepartrneRt oi R�enue of the 3tate of Illinoia� o� all taxable • praperty xi.thin the City of Canton� I:Llinois, pur��t to Ordinaace No. 35, pa.��ed �Iay 20, 19lt7, authori�3.ng the establ3sMm�nt and maintenance of a sge�� for the co31e►ction and dispo9al, ot garbagea Iabor �28,000.00 Maintenance ?�000.00 Total - C3ar'bage Dispo��l �3�,QQ0.00 FC?ft PUBLIC BEI�FIT3t A t� not to exceed ,�5 per cent of the fu11' �air essh val,ue� as equalised or as�eased by the Department of Rev�nue ot' the State of I113noia� on all ta�cable property xith�n the City of Canton� I7lincis� to be b�ot�n as the Public Benafit �a�c� and the t'i�nd ari�ir�g there- fr<c�m to be kao�n aa the Pt�blic Benefit Fund, to be uoed �olelp for the purpose of pt►ying tha� portion og the �everal anom�ts heretofore aseessed against the aaid City for Fnblic Benefi� as well ae paying any �uah amounts as may be here- after asaes$ed aga,3.nat aaid C3.ty for Public Ben�tit under and in pursuance r - �,- - r _.,� . ;, l ` ' y. '" � • n..�, c .. FOR ILLINOIS MUNICIPAL RETIRF�IENT FUND: A ta�c not to exceed .125 per cent on the full, f air cash va.lue on a17. taxable property w3thin the sa3d City of Canton� Ill�.noia� as the sam� is equal3.zed or assessed by the Department of Revenue of the St�te of Illino3.s Total �25,000.00 For the payment of principal. and interest on General. Obligation Bonds of the City of Canton� I12inois� of the improvement of Canton �',ake Spillway and Water Works Improvement� suthoriaed bg Ordinance I�o. 131x, Passed Auguat 7� 1951. Total �18,000.00 TOTAL OTHER 1'URPOSFS �171,4$6.f?0 GAAIdD TOTAL - FOR ALL PURPOSES �618,888.00 5e�tion 2. That the City Covncil may at any time after the first half of the fiacal year, by a t�ro-thirda vote of its meaibership, make tranafers �rl.thin any department or other separate agency of the City government' of snms af money appropristed for one corporate ob�ect or pu.rpose to another eorporate ob�eat or purpose, but no appropriation for any ob3ect or puspose shall thereby be reduced below an amount suffieient to cover all obligations incurred or to be incurred against such appropriat3on. Section 3. This Qrdinance sha,ll be �rnown as the nAnnual Appropriation C?�dinance� of the City of Canton, Il].inois. 3ection �.. This Ordinance sha11 be in effect ten daya after ita passa�ge by the City Council, approval by the Mavor and publication aecox�ing to law. Passed by the City Ca c 1 of the City of Cantan, Illinoi�, at a regular meeting thereof held on the day of June A. D. 1959. APPROVED by me this �day of June A. D. i959. APPROYED s G''','` �"'% r�"e.�"'.�/'. ` � ATTEST r _�//.O �. /'-��!f`"��;,�`� �