HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance #401 w �_,- . _ . . ...w • �,... .� .. � _. _ � �,,, �w- ORDINANCE NO.���G�/ ,� BE IT ORDAINED B3C THE CIZ'Y CQUNCIL OF THE CI"PY OF CANTON� ILI,INOISt Sectior� 1. There is herebq created t�he loeal municipal civil defense organ��o�o prevent, n�inimige, repair, and a]leviate ir.�jury or damagm restil.ting trc�n disaeter cau�ed by ene�,y attack� mabotage� or other hostile action, or from natvral disaster, in accoz�da,nce �w�.tY� NThe Illinois Civil, Defer�e Act of 1951," as arnended. This civil defeaae errgani$ation �ha11 consist of the direator and additional mea�bers to be selected by the director. 3ect3on 2. The direetor of the Municipal civil defense organi�ation sha11 appo nted by the Mayor, x3.th the aonaent af the C3ty Couneil and sha11 �erve vnt31 removed by the same. The director shall have direct responsi.b�lity for the organiaation� administration, train3.ng, and operatioa af the civiZ defen�e organiaation, aub�eat to the directian and control of the Mayor� as prov3ded by statute. In the enent oP the absence� r�signation„ death, or inability to sexve of the director� the Mayor or any person designated by him� shall be and act as director untiZ. a new appointment is made as provid�d in this ordi- 21&rice. Section 3. The muaicipal civil defense or�anization sha].7. perforra such �v�n�e funetions xithin the munic3.pality as shall ba pre- acribed in and by the state civil defense plan and progratn prepa.red by the Qovex�nor,, arld anch orders� rules and regulationss as may be promtilgated by the Gcyvernor� and in addition sha11 perfar� such duties ou�side the corp- orata 13mita ae map be required pnr$uant to any Mu�ual Aid agreement xith any other pol3tical subdiv3sion� municipality or quasi-�unicipality entered into as pravided by the pTllinois Civil Defense Act of 1951," as amended. Sect3.on 4. All or any mambers of the municipal civil, defenae organ- ization xna�`�yTie`designated as n�embers oY a Mobile Suppor� Team created by the state director of civ31 defense as provided by la,W. The leader af such Mobile Support Teanc sha7.7, be designa.ted by the director af th� mvnicipal c3.vi1 defen�e organisation. Any member of a Mobil� Support Team i� a municipal e�aployee or offi- cer �3.1e sex�r3ng on ca11 to dutq by t,he t�overnor� or the state ciirector of civ31 de�ense, sha11 receive the compensation and have the perwers� duties, r3ghts, and inununi.ties incident to such emplayment or office. Any such members who is not a paid offioer or �nployee of the municipality� while so serviag� ahall receive from the state reasonable compensation aa prcyv3ded by la�r. �ection 5. The director of the civil defense organi�ation may nego- tiate�-ua.'�C�d agreements with other municipal corporations or political subclivisions o� the state, but no such agreement ahall be effective until it has been approv�d by the City Council and by the state director of civ31 defense. , ° • ' � � 3ection 6. If the Governor declares that a civil defense emergen�y ezists 1 e event of actual enen�y attack upon the United States or the oeeurrence xithin the State cf Illinois of ma�or diaaster resulting tra� enern� sabotage or other hostile action or �rom natural disaster� 3.� �ha11 be the duty of the mun3.cipal civil defEnae organisat3on to cooperate ft��].y xith the atate office of civil defense and with the Qovernor in the ezar- cise o3' emergency pawers as prov3.ded by lax. 3eetion ?. Nlen�bera of the civil defense organi�ation who are paid empl.oyee�s o�r o'3."ficers of the municipalitg� if called for trairiing by the etate directc�r of civil defense, shall receive for time �pent in such traini.ng the sarne rate of pay as is attached to the position held; �e�bera xho are not suah municipal amployee� or off3.cers ahall receive Pcr auch training time such compen�ation as may be established by the City Council. �ection 8. 2'he state tx�ea�urer �nay receive and al.locate to ��e appro- priate� rei.iaburs�ment by the atate to the �unicipality for eacpenses ineident � training members of the civ31 defense, compensation for services and expensess aF member� of a Mobile Support Team wh3.le aerving outside the municipal.ity in reeponse to a call by the Governor or state director of ' civil defenae� as provided by law� and any other reimbursement made by the sta�.te inc3.dent to civ31 de�'ense activities, aa provided by law. � Based on the contents of the xeath�r warning, the Civil Defer�se director xi.11 determ�.n�_ If lookout sh�l1 be poated. If �o� �here, vho will have duty of reporting to local control center any �eather infonna�Cion observed. b. TORNADO WARNING 3saued by U. S. 'W`eather Bureau to warn the public o� severe oaa . wea er eonditions already in existence or immedi- atel� 3.nuninent. She2ter measures �3.11 be p�.aced in effect at once., The publlc will. be notified by the official "�AKE COVEAN SIGI�AL on siren ayatems, radio, telephone, by bella, �rhistles,publ c a rea��"s aystems and other available nseans of notification. c. pAT,L CL�EAR" iusued by U. S. �Teather Bureau. Danger has passsd itw�+► eit er evare Weather Foreca�t or Tornado Warning. Re�� noz�nal operatioris. Diese�inated by same methoda ot cc�rnunication. �.. Arrang�nents Mave been aoa,de with the local telephone oa�apa�y to give preferenee to emergency ca11s init3.ated by and directed to Civil Defense peraoanel. Civil Defense personnel have been instructed in using telephone to announce pThia is a Civil Defen�e Emergency". . . .._...._..._ _-� t 1V. REFERENCES .____� /l. OCDM Publications B. Illino3s Civil :flefense Agency Publications Illinois Civil Defense Information Bulletin 1Jumber 8 - 4 (Feb. l� 1958} V. APPENDICES � Appendix A-1 State OSP- Warning Netxork �lppendix A-1 Mutual Aid Area (OSP) - Warning Pt�twork �. The declaration of a local emergen�y by tMe Civi1 Date�se Director �i.11 be made irnrnm to the State Director of Civil Defetts�, I�iTa�um !�-l.�Zli� �. 19, Chicago - aollect telephone cal].. 6. All CiTi.l He.fense personnel in this Corps have been instructed in the difference betWeen Severe 3tortx Warn�s and Severe Weather Fo�t and the dction to be t.akken in each. 7. Tlae popu].at3on ot' this cc�nunity progress3vcly wi11 be kept � informed af the Civil Defense Stor� Warning 3yete�n. ';� ;��"'-�. .t�' 1 G <' �.G:.. CA,PITON 1ZLIN0I5 �!�"�"�+.°A��-'P�v � cE �____�_. I. 1�SION To di.eaem3.r�ate �arning of in�pendiMg attack and/or other perti.rient emmrgAncy inPor�nation to Civil Defe�nae offiaiala and Qity populatioa. II. ORC�NiZATIOAT . A. Cc�� "` The I].lino3s Civil Defense Agency aasumes responsibility for functioni.ng of A�tack Warn3.ng Network xithin the 3ta�e to the er- tent thst it m�.kes prov�.siona for aupply3.ng warning infornaation doNn to the cffice o� aheriif� xho �wi.11 make proviaions to transrait thi� iaforraation to the City Civil Defense Directors xithin his �urisdiction (see Appendi�c A-1, Mutual Aid Area). B. Ci� The Chief of Police ia delegated staff responsibility for the organization and operation of the Attack T�Tarri3ng Service within the City. III« E�CUTION AND G�ENERAI, INSTItUCTI0N5 F�Rr A. Preattack ...._...._...,..,. 1. The Poli.ce Headquarters xill receive and record the follo�ing Air Raid Alert informatiQn as receiv�d Fmm the Sheriffts offiee or NAWAS warn3ng pointt a. Ti��a Air Aa�.d T�Tarn�.n$ sras received b. Warning ti.�e to reference city oi IIrbana .. ... - - , • -- • • --- - - - 3. Upon r�ceipt af an Air Raid Warning, the ceu�auni,tg air raid warni.n� syste�s wil.l be i�naediately activated bg the Civil. De�'enae Director or h�.s deputy. In t�ieir absence, activation wi11. be by nest per$oa in a Klinerof-succes�ion", establiahed bq the Civil Defens� Director. Thia A1ert Signal �ri.11 act as notic� to the population to turn on their radios as e�mergency in�'ormation ia being broadca�t. Public action pAlert 3ignalsR Wi,ll be �ounded for air raid xarnings. The "Take Cover 3ignal� may also ba used for severe weather �rnings. Li�ts of persons to be notified� under each type of warning� vrS.11 be prepared. !�« The Public Action Signal� are: a. .�lert 3i nal - A steady blast of three to five minutes duration. T�ii's a gna wi11 mean that the publie should gain access to radio� television or loud speaker sy�tem� to listen for specific instruct3.os�s, immediately to be broadeast. b. Take Cover Signal - A wailing tone or a �eries of ahort blasts oP thre�e zninutiera a atior�. Thia signal will mean that the public �hould immediately take to the best available shelter. 5. COAIELRAD x3.11 be uaed aa a �upplemental �neatss of passing on Public Action Signala. B. Attack __._.._. A1Z perscnnel of the Warn3,ng Syatem w:i.1.1 remain alerted and capable of passing aupplementary infor�aation and notiae of termination of the Air Raid Warn3ng. The Warning pfficer w3.11 con- tinuouely monitor the, warning cirauits to asaure aperability. He �a.11 record aG7.1 dam�ged eircuits and initiate reatoxal aetion at the earli.est opportunity. C. Poatattack _..._.________ Al]. p�rsonriel of the system will re�nain alerted arid cap- able oF pasaing sub�equer�t attack xarnings and other special in- formaticn. Sabsequent attacka will b� announced by the dissemina.tion of an Air Raid Warning in the same manner as for an in3tial attack. D. Severe Weather Warnir�a l. S� WEATHER WARNINGS are pasaed out b� t,he U,S« Weather Bureau aver the State Po11ce Radia network in Illinoia 'to covrity and city offia3als. 2. The County Ci�ril Defense Carps has arranged with th� 3heriff�a office to transmit the SE`1ERE WEATHER WARNINGS to princi- pal cities in the county., 3. WA.R�NQS are� c�f three types: Section 9. Th� City Co�sncil may� on recarmnendation of the a►un3.cipal dir�c or o . c vil defense, authoriz^e any purchae� or con�racts necessary to place the municipality in a po�ition to combat ePfectively any di�a�ter re- sul.ting from t�ie explosion of any nuclear or other bomb or missile� �nd to proteet the public health and safetq, proteet property, and prrrvide emer- ger�cy asaiata.nce to victims 3n the ca�e of such disaster, ar frc�m natural disaster. In the event of eneraa,y caused or riatural di�aster, the �.unicip�l di- reator of ciYi1 defenae is �.uthori�ed, on behalf of the munic3.palitgi to procure auch aex-vi.Qes� suppl3es, equipqnent, or maater3.a1 aa may be r�ecessary for such purposea� in v3.ew of the exigency, xithout regard to the statutory proeedures or formalities normally preseribed by lax pertaining to mtax�ie3- pal contracts or c�bligations, a� authoriaed by "3'he Illinois Civil Defenare Act oi i95ip, provided that, if the C1ty Council �neets at such time, he shall. act sv.b�ect to the d3rections and restrictione i.n�posed by that bc�dy. Seation 10. Every person appointed to serve 3.t1 ar�y capaaity in the mw�.#.c��c3v`3�.�defen�e organ�.zation shall� before entering t�pon h3,s duties, aubecribe to the following oath, which �hall be filed xith the directort "T, Sam �. Sebree, Local Civi1 Defense Direetor of the civil dmfen�e organ- i�ation of Csnton do sol�nl.y s�ear (or affirm) that I will suppox�t a�d de- fend axld bear true Paith and allegian�e to the Constitntion of the United 3tates and the Constitution of the State of Illinois, and the territory� in$titutions and tacilities thereof� both public and private, against all enemtes, �or�ign and domeat3c; that I take this obligation �i�lel,�r� withc�ut a,ny mental reaervation or purpoae of e�va�ion; and that I tarill we11 �nd Faithtully discharge th� duties upon �3.ah I aia about to enter, and I do further s�rrear (or affirm) that I do not ad�ocate, nar am I nor ha.ve S been a �eu�ber of ax�r poli.�ical party or organization tha� advocatea the over- thrrr� of the government o�' the United States or oF thia stat� by fcrce or violence; and t,hat during such ti�e as I am' affiliat�d xith the Canton Civ31 D�.fenae Organi�ation, I will not advocate nor beeome a me�aber of any politiaal party or orgaxiization that advocates the overthrcy�r of the goverrtment of the United States or of th3s state by force or violence.�+ Ssction 11. The Mayor is antharized to design,ate space in the C3tg Hall or e s�ie'"re� as may be pronided for by the City Council for the municipal civ3.l defense organization as its oFfiae. 3'ect3.oa 12. The City Gouncil may have an appropriation for c�ei1 defen�e purpo�es in the �manrzer provided by la,w� and may levy in add3.tio�a for civil defen�e purpo�es c�nnl,q, a ta�c not ta e�cceed (5) cents per h�utdred (Z00) dollars of the asseased valne of a].l taica,ble property in addition to all ather taae�, as provided by �The Illinois Civil Defenae Act of 1951," as ainendad. 3eativn 13. This ordinance ahall be 3n force from and after its passage�a p ov�1., as provided by la�. I,� ��� '`r /��� �+ Passed this ��i-a� day of��lpr�, 1��8. ,� Approved thi� 5���ti da� of.;Apri�� l�: r y.-�) �^1 . �J�f � / ; ) � 0�