HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance #1511r ORDINANCE NO. 1511 AN ORDINANCE GRANTING A SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO GRAHAM HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION FOR PROPERTIES LOCATED AT 223, 229, 235, AND 245 WEST WALNUT STREET, CANTON, ILLINOIS FOR THE OPERATION OF A CARDIAC REHABILITATION CENTER. WHEREAS, Graham Hospital Association (hereinafter referred to as Hospital) has petitioned for the issuance of a Special Use Permit personal to Hospital; and WHEREAS, a public hearing on said request was held on August 12, 1996, before the City of Canton Planning and Zoning Commission which Commission recommended to the City Council the issuance of Special Use Permit pursuant to Section 2, Chapter 9, Title 10 of the Canton Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, testimony adduced at the Public Hearing established that Hospital intends to build and operate a Cardiac Rehabilitation Center for normal daytime operation, including evening classes with adequate parking for all intended users; and WHEREAS, a1I of the subject property at the common addresses of 223, 229, 235 and 245 West Walnut Street are presently zoned R-4 residential and the proposed Special Use is not one prohibited by the Canton Municipal Code. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CANTON, FULTON COUNTY, ILLINOIS as follows: 1. That the Canton City Council hereby finds the foregoing recitals to be fact. 08.15.96/ldgedq/wp51/ttlea/greh(2) -2. That the Canton City Council hereby accepts and approves the recommendation of the City of Canton Planning and Zoning Commission with respect to the proposed use of the properties Located at 223, 229, 235, and 245 West Walnut Street, Canton, Illinois, and with respect to the following described real property: SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT A 3. Pursuant to authority of Section 3, Chapter 9, Title 10 of the Canton Municipal Code. 4. That the Special Use Exception Permit hereby granted for a Cardiac Rehabilitation Center shall be subject to the following requirements and conditions: A. That this Permit is specifically made subject to alI other requirements and conditions of Title 10 of the Canton Municipal Code as well as other provisions of the Canton Municipal Code, as the same is now promulgated or made thereafter be amended. B. That the Permit is specifically made subject to all other Federal, State or local statutes, laws, ordinances, rules or regulations as the same may apply to Hospital for the operation of their Cardiac Rehabilitation Center at the addresses of 223, 229, 235, and 245 West Walnut Street, Canton, Illinois. 5. That this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect immediately upon its passage by the City Council of the City of Canton, Fulton County, Illinois, and approved by the Mayor thereof. 6. That the City Clerk shall certify a copy of this Ordinance to Hospital in Lieu of issuance of a separate Permit. 06.25.96/2dgedg/vp52/tiles/grab(]) PASSED by the City Council of the City of Canton, Fulton County, Illinois, at a regular meeting this 3rd day of September 1996, upon a roll call vote as follows: AYES: Aldermen Molleck, Sarff, Phillips, Nidiffer, PZeade, Shores, May. NAYS: None, ABSENT: Alderman Hartford. APPR D: ,, , DONALD E. EDWARDS, Mayor ATTEST: J~ CY S. WHITE , City Clerk 09.15.96/Zdgedg/wp5i/tiZei/greh(2) ~. ~ .M ~_ ... 1223 .W~,g`~t Walnut , street._ - -'*/^9' EXHIBIT -• , Pert of Lot ~4,ln FREtiCH'~ ADDITION to the toua, aov city of Can A tou.~ Fulton- C+due~ty, Illinois, bounded aRd described as follows: Cvs~ecin= at a po~.~tt oo the North line of W+rlnut Street, 2J 7.14 feet ilsst of the Last lin• of tl~e gouthti-eet quarter of Section 27. rennin= thsnc• 'iTest 63 feet, rare or less. thence Borth I97 feet, thence IEast 6! feet, scare or.laaa, and thence South ca the place of beg3~A:tn=. . . ,,r. ^. 229 ~eet Wainuk 5treat . Apart at Lot Z4 in FRENCH'S AS?DITIQN to ,;antan, Fulton County, Illi~ aois, dsscribed as follovs: Cos~encing at a paint 280 fret Writ of the Lraet lira of the Southeast Quarter of Section 27, Township 7 North, Ratsie 4 East of the Fourth Principai Heridian, on the North line of . iisst ualout &treet in the city of Canton. •f'ultoo County. Illinois, running theme. West b0 feat, thence North x'12 feet, thence East 60 t~et, thence South 212 feet to the North line of said Wal- out Street. the point of be;inning. 2,35 est Walnuk Srraet ~arC C1t LOt 2b in FA~NGK'S ADDITION to the town, now city of Carlton, '' situated in the. city of Canton, County of Fulton. aloft of 111inois, bounded and dercribed•as follows: Beginning et a poieft on the North line of Walnut Street 340 fsat went of the Eaat line of thQ ::outh- we st Quarter of Section 27, ruaaing thence caret b0 feet, thence North 212 feet, thence East 60 feet, thence South to the place of baginsl.~;,,, ?~,~W~st...Walrtut 5treet_ ~' Pixt of Lot Numbsx 1~ertty~four (24) in FRENCH'S ADD?TION to Canton, Fulton County,,xl3ino=s',.described as follows; Beginning at a point on •th+t North line of '~ilnut Street, 400 feet West o£ the Ease kint•of the Southwest Q~area of 5sction 27, and running tYtence West $0 #ett~, thence North 237 f+sc, th+tna• East 68 feat, throne South bmak to the place of~ ANA, Bart of Lot Number Twenty-four (24) in FRENCH'S ADAITICN`to~Cancon~, Fui.cor~ County, ~llinoia, dssaxib~rd ss •follows: Coumer:cinR at ~ths Northwest cox':s~r o! a part bf Loe 24 in Frenoh"s Addition to cha 2'own, non city of CaAt4ri, bdurided and daaaxibed as £ollowe: Beginning'gt .~ past or tbs No~cth lfne of ,iiulnut Street, Cartar~, xllirois, 410 foss G~~=c of the last lin• d#~ she Southwest Outrtsx of $ecCion 2Y, rcu:ning th4nce t~®or b0•#est, wore ar lsss, thence North 212 #eec chenae past 60•feat, moxe or less. thenc• $ovsh 2I2 fs•t to the place o£ beRinnin :Running thence Ncrth from the Norc3Ywsst corner of the above-described ~ot 38 fast, • mor.• or lass, . t4 cha Sovthwtsc corner of the lnt own+ad, by M. W. ~ttaffarty, thanes Est 94 ~leet, aeore or less, to tt~e West lane of W.K. • Ronk's lot, • •treacs South 3!1 test, more or less, thence West 9Q feet, more or •7.esa, to the place o! begi.nring.