HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance #13 —.. _ ... _. h � .. � . . , " .,.'t •- .�e, '^1. 7. . L � . . ._ . / � ORDI""AP�rr t,r,p,�l3_ BE IT OFD,IZN�'D By: TFI�� C,ITY COT?�TCII: C�F mur. (;ITy OF' CA aT'!'ON, II�I.IPIOIS: SFCTIO�i L. That Chapter XYXl, Ar�t:;.cle l, Section 1, o..f. Fevised Ordinan- ces oi the City of ranton� Illinois� 1959� be and t��e same is hereby amer.�ed to read us foll.ows: "Secticn l. FOLICT' nEP<'�?`� ''T"I' ��r"A'"�D, �T.•���=5. There is rereby created an executive depart:nent of th� �ity GovPrrun.ent whirh shall be kx?own �s the "Police D��art-T�ent" anc� �ral'L consist of one Crief of Pol.ir,e. 2 Fo?ice Ser�eants� 8 Patrolmen� 1 Traffic Foli_ce an� 10 Auxilie�ry noli.^_�. Sectior 2. D��:SK, 4Ti; m'���FI!' ����"'AII.,. To assist the pol_ice de�.rt- ment in its of£ice tr�ork �nd in its operat3.on of par.kin� :n�ters� the City sha1J_ empl�d� t��ro desk cl�rks� one fi1? clerk� a.ncl one lady to be kr.own as ""�et�r ?-'aid". Sectior 3. Z'�API'IC POI�Tr�', A�'?'CT"�'1�r�TdT, T�Or,�D, D?�I'Ir�. Tre `.t�raffic Police shall �e a�;��int�d by the Fire and Folice �om�nis�i�n as requt7•ed by the C�rc�inances o:f the Cit�. �efore he ent�rs upon the d�.�tit:s of his office, he sha11_ take and subs�ribe to the oath provic�?d '�y l:.w for. citv officers and S37P.�.� nive t�ond t� the City o£ Carton in �ht p�nal :�m of one thousanrl riol]_ars with a surety ccr:�.r�T aut?�oriz�d to d� '.,us3.ness in the Gtate of illinois� conditioned for the fatithful performance of the dutieg of the officF. The Tr�ffic PoliceMan shall recei�rP An anrnz�l sAlarv of Thr�e Thou- sanci �i�h Hundred �'ighty Two Dollars (..��3,�82.00) an.�. an annual eZothing e,llowance o£ Fifty Dollars (�50.00). 'ihe Traffic Polieeman shall rP�air parkin� r��t�rs an�� perfor.m sueh other dutiPS as r��izired by the Chief of P�l.ice, ��`ayor, !'orNnittee on Legal and Poli^e or City Council. • - ' � • 1 . , � � ., . the City Council. Fach TTeter ?"aid before she ent�rs upon the duties of her offir.e, shall take and subscri'�e to th.e o�th provided b� 1aw fer �ity offic��rs and sr.a1J. �it�e '�ond to the Citv of rar_ton in the per.al si.un of one thous- and dollars with a s?irety company au.thorized to do ?�usiness 3n the State o£ Illinois con��itioned for the faithf,�.l pc�rforrnance of the dutie� of the office. �'ach �'etar Maid shall .receive a weeklv �alary of fc�rt,y-five dollars (:;�L�5.00) far the first t'�irteen we�ks of her eMployment a.r.d a weekly sAlar,y of fiit,y dolla_rs (`�50,00) therea£ter; and an annual cloth- in� alloca�nce cf fifty doll�rs (�`�KO.OU). �ach Treter �'aid, unc�er the direction of the Gbi.ef of Pol..ice, shall loak after the operation of parkin17 in�t<�rs �nd e�,rrv out the enforcement � of the Ordinances in rel�tion to pa.rkin�; mPters and the enforaement of the same. Sectior_ 5. D.+�SK t'L�.K, Ai'�CIi,'i^:':r.r�'I'� 8�,.�� 5±�:[1!RY, DrrTI-�S. �`.e.ch dnsk clerk employed by the City shall be a�pointed by the ��ayor by ar_d with the advice und consent of the rity rouncil. Each desk clerk shall befor.e enterinr� upon th� dutiea of. his office, take and subsc.ribe to the o�th providecl by law for city officers and sh�ll �ive bond t� the City of Can.ton i.n thP p�n�l s�xm of ene thous- and dollars wi,th a curety co�pany authorized t� ;io busin�ss in I11ino�.s� cn nd.itioned for the faithf�tl p�rform�nce of the dutiFs o.f the office. E�.cr deslt clerk sha11. receive a we�kly salary cr s3arty dollars (:�h0.00) durinv, th? first tr�tteen wPplcs or his empinvment, a weekl� salar;� of si_�ty-five dol.lars (����.�0) for. tre ensuin� trirteen week.s t�f ris emplot�;±�nt anr? s ���ekly s�lary of sevPnty doll�,.rs (�70.00) thcreafter. �i i�n}i r7ocL .�l nwir �.l�al1 .......«..1., a-L... �..�=_ -t 1_i__ . �_e . . . : ., ' y . and perfor�n such othpr duties &s dir.ected by t�1e Chief of Po].ice� Mayor� Committee on Leeal and Police or "ity Gouncil. SECTI�N 5. That Chapter °�' Article, 1, Sectic?n l, of the Revised Ordinances of the City of Canton, Illin^is, i95°, '�p �n� the same is hereby amended to read �s foZlows: "Section 1. DFPA�'Ti•"�'T?T F`S'i'ABLISHT'D. There is hereb�* esta.blished an executive department of the !'ity of Canton whj.ch �hall be kr.awn as the Fire pepart�:�ent �nd shal7. consist of one Chi�-f of. the Fire nepart- ment� tw� Assist:�nt Chi�fs �nd nine firemen.�' Section 7. This Ordir_�.nce sha11 be in .fcrcr anc� e_f_fect after its pa.ssa�e �S the City �ouncil an�l a;�groval by the '�+�vor. Passed bp the City Cour.cil and approved by ±he �•?ayor this .�-� �� � day of A.'�. 1��. Approved: �'..�,�tw��/��Gr�� Mayor Attest: / --��-�-.�_������� 2 � City Cle . ��