HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance #35 F ' . � r . .. . � . . . . , . . r ORDINAI`CE NO. �� . AN ORDINA2�CE MAKING TH��� ATTNUI�.L AtPROP�IATION FO.R TH'� CITY �F CANTON, ILLIT�OIS F�R TH�-� FISCAL Y'��AR OF SAID CITY 1961-1962, TO BE TERMED T1-�;, �I�TN'UAL .APPIZOPRIATSON ORDINANC� OF SA�D CITY. BE IT ORDAII ��D B�.' TH�� CITY COUNCIL OF TH;� CITY OF CANTON, ILLINOIS: Section 1. 'Shat the followinc� sums of money or as much thereof as may be required and shaYl be authorize�. by law, be, and the same are hereby appropriated for the corporate purposes of the �ity of Canton1 Illinois , as hereinafter specified, for the �'iscal Year of said City beginning the first Tuesday in the month of May, A. ll. 1961, an� ending the first Tuesday in the month of May, A. D. 1962. FC'i� !'�i��1�11L CO'?�'C;i 1�`I'� PURFU�`�S �F SAI� CTTY: POLICE D�'P�.RTI`�E�dT-Salaries : 1 Chief of Police $ 5,�oi.00 3 Serg:eants at �65,'��0.00 each 15,75C.00 8 Policemen at �4717.00 each 37,736.00 2 Radio Operators at �3,985•�� 7,958•00 1 File Clerk 3,038.00 auxiliary Policem�n 5,500.00 Total Police Departnent Salaries ��5,783.00 POLIG"E DEPARTMENT-SUPPI,IES _�Nll ��,UT�?MEN3'':': Police car Rental. 2,400.00 Supplies and equipme.n�i; 5,000.00 Gasoline for Police cars 2,200.00 Radio Service� 1,000.00 Total Police Department Supplies ar:: �qu�:pmesxt�: 10,600.00 SIDEWALKS: Repairs and Maintenance 5Q0.00 500.00 STREETS AND ALLEYS: Salaries and Labor 32,800.00 Graveling of �oads 5,000.00 I�aterial and Supplies 12,000.00 Purchase of ��q,u��ai�ent F3,500.00 Oilin� of 'I�uads 7,000.00 Total Streets and Alleys 65,300.00 Miscellaneous Expenses 2,500.00 2,500.00 Printing �n� Publication 1,500.00 1,5�0.00 City Court Maintenance 500.00 500.00 PU�3LIC GROUNDS I�I�TD BUILDII�?GS: ' Repairs and Maintenance � 10,000.00 10,000.00 SAI,ARIES OF CITY OFFIC�.��S: Ma or 2,500.00 ,.:y_. r, ,.r,_ 4_nnn_nn ' ' , .. . . s . . • �/• AUDITING: � 400.00 $ 400.00 STREET LIGHTING: 11,000.00 11,000.00 CEMETERY: Maintenance 10,000.00 Purchase of ����P�ent - 2,5U0.00 Repairs 2,500.00 15,000.00 Total-Cemtery INSURANCF: Fire and Windstorm, City Buildin�s and Contents 1,OQ0.00 Casualty and Workmen� s Compensation 10,5'�0.00 Total Insurance 11,500.00 �'Q�'AL GENERA�, FUND � � •0 WA�ER AND S?�WER D�PARTrI.�NT: Salaries 76,500.00 Extra Labor 6,000.00 Maintenance 6,000.00 Truck Operations 2,000.00 Supplies, Chemicals and Fuels 22,000.00 Office Expense 1,500.00 Power 15,000.00 Fire and Windstorm Insurance 2,500.00 Casualty and Workmen' s Compensation 4,200.00 Depreciation l�ccount 12,000.00 Extension of Service 40,000.00 Retirement Bonds and Snterest 30,000.00 Purchase of Equipment.:; 5,000.00 Total Water and Sewer Department 222,700.00 PARKING MET�R FUT�D: Off-Street Parking Sinking Fund 10,000.00 Purchase of ,E�uipinent': 2,500.00 Gas and Oil, Motocycles , 400.00? Se�vice in park;-meter zone 1,500.00 Maintenance of Motorcycles 250.00 Painting Markings 500.00 Salary;-1 Meter Maid 2,666.00 Salary;-1 Traffice Parking Policeman and Repairman 4,500.00 Perment Street I�provements 13,OU0.00 Total Parkin� Meter Fund 35,316.00 SALES TAX FUND: Retirement of Street Improvement Fonds and Interest 30,000.00 For General Corporate Purposes 40,0�0.00 For Fire Protection Purposes 30,000.00 Garbage Department Maintenance 5,000.00 For Stre�t Der�artmen-t Repairs and . , �n nnn nn . �- - ' . � 3�/. • , . . ° • FOR QT�i�R �'UP,.FOS�S AUTHORIZ�D BY LA�J: `r'UBLIC COT°IFURT STATION rUI��D: A tax not to e�ceed .0333 per cent of the full, fair cash value , as equalized or �ssessed by the vepartment of Revenue of the State of Illinois , on all taxable property within the City of Canton, Ill- inois. Repairs ana Maintenance $ 9,300.00 Salaries 2,200.00 Payment Principal and InL-erest on Bonds 1,000.00 Total Public Comfort Station Fund � 12,500.00 CIVIL DEF�NSE FUND: A tax not to exceed .��?� per cent of the full, fair cash value , as equali2ed or assessed by the Department of Revenue of �;he State of Illinois , on all taxable property within. the Cit�i of Canton, Ill- inois. 10,000.00 10,0�0.00 FOR POLICE PEP?SION FUPZV: A tax not to exceed .05 per cent of �he full, fair cash value, as equalized or assessed by the Department of Revenue of the 5tate of Illinois, on. all taxable property within the City of Canton, I11- inois. 10,0�0.0U 10,004.00 FOR FT?�E PROT�CTION FUND: A tax not to exceed two mills on each dollar of the full, fair and cash value , as equalized or assessed by the Depart- ment of Revenue of the State of Illinois, on all taxable property within the City of Canton, Illinois. Salaries of Fireman: 1 Chief of Fire Departr�ent 5,801.OU 2 �ssistant Chiefs of the Fire De- partment L �5250.QU each 10,5G0.00 9 Firemen @ �4717.00 each 42,453.00 motal Firemen Salaries 58,754.00 , - Eauripme�.��; 1,:��?D.UO H ciran.t Rental 4,500.00 , 2,300.00 ,. . -, acati�.,�P�Yy'_�e.��.�'.'a �.e�l�w r:�. . . • `� > ,:, . �... Total Fire Protecti��n fund 67�O��s00 FUR PUBZI C B.��I�EFI`1 FUND: A tax not to exceed .05 per cent on the full, fair cash value , as equalized or assessed by the Department of Revenu� of the State of Illinois, on all �axable property within the City of Canton, Ill- inois , to be known as Public I3enefit Tax, and the fund rising therefrom to be known oa +ho p„1�,1 i n RcnaFi t Fl�nd to Ue used sole— . . - 4�� • , � . property within the said City o#' Canton, Illinois, as tl�e same is squalized or assessed by the De- partment of Revenue of the State of Illinois. � 7:�,000.00 �1�,000.00 For the paym.ent of principal and interest on Ge�eral Obligations Bonds of the City of Canton, Ill- inois, for the improvement of Can- ton Zake Spillway ancl Z�Jater Works Improvement , authorized by Ordinance No. 134, passed Au�ust 7, 1�51. Total 17,590.00 17, 590.00 For the payment of Principal and In- terest on General Obli�ation Bonds of the City of Canton, Illinois, for Waterworl�s Improvement , authorized by Grdinance I�''o. 405, passed September 15, 1959• Total 32,400.00 32,400.00. For the payment of principal and In- terest on General Obligation Bonds of the City of Canton, Illinois, for Con- struction Improvements and Extensions of the Sewerage System, authorized by Ordinance No. 406, passed September 15� 195� 25,200.00 25,200.00 FOR GARBAGE DISPOSAL: A tax not to exceed .10 per cent on the full, fair cash value, as equalized or assessed by the Department of Revenue ' of the State of Illinois, on all taxable property within the City of Canton, Ill- inois, pursuant to Ordinance rTo. 35, passed May 20, 194'], authorizing the est- ablishment and maintenance of a system for the collection and disposaZ of Gar- bage: La bor 29,000.00 T�Iaintenance 6,000.00 35,000.00 TCiT.�L Oi'?-�i�R I'Ui2PC�r�S ' � • 0 �9�s1�` ��,; GRAND TOTAI, FC:� �'�LL ���RI?05;,5 ����:QO Y�v:� �«-�::i,. , Section 2. riha� th�� City e�uncil shall at any time after"the first half of th� fiscal yeax�, b�r a two-thirds vote of ii�s member- ship, make transfer within an;� department or other separate agency of the City Government, of sums of mone�T appropriated for one cor- porate object or purpose to anotlier cor�,�orate object or purpose , but no appropriation for any obj�ct or purpose shall thereby be re- duced below an amount sufficient to cover all obligations incurred or to be incurred a�;ainst such appropriation. � � � 5/• . , . � . • � . , , , . Section 4. This� Ordinance snall be in effect ten days after its passa�e by the City ouncil, approval by the Mayor, and publication according to law. Passed by the City Council of Canton, Illinois, at a regular meetin� thereof held on the �Q,� aaY of June , A. D. 1961. Approved by me this _ ��.,�-��?� day of June , 1961. APPROV"��D: � ayor. % ^ � - ,�- ,:? ATTEST: �' -Z-�'=�-�--�t..- ' ` City Clerk. ..