HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance #69 ����--�-,�.�� '. . ° �ead; Council 9i 18�52 " q �ld OV@x� ' : c ' ' 2nd :teading: 10!2�j��,��oved.. k'. � ORDINAI�CF 1�0. 6q � "�':r. BE I� ORDAIATED BY THE CITY COUI�CIL OF TAE CITY OF' CANTON, ILLINOI�s Ssctian 1. Thnt tor th� tiec�l year oP the City of Canton, t'rc� MaT l� 1962, to Apri1 30, 1963, bcth inalueive, th� employeea of the Citq of Cantc�n, here�inatter stated and deffieribed, shall reQeiTe the fo].loWing ealarie�e Por their employ�ent: 1. Chi•t' or Pclia• � 590 .�0 2. Po11a• 3erg�ants, eaah, 5 ���p0 �. Po13 ce�n, e aah, l�.�21.QQ . Radio Op�rntor�e, •acsh 4089.p0 5. F'ile Clerk 3].�.2,00 b• �uuiliary Polieemea 5400.00 ?. BeGretary to Mayor 3691.00 8. DeputT City Cl.rk 7�4.40 9. Meter �Iai.d n-�' 27b9.0� 14. Tra2'fi� Parlcing PcZ3cemaa ,a,nd Repair�n,an !}b 0!}.00 11. �,a,atodian Pt�blia Comtort �tation 23p0,00 12. Chi•t ot Fir• Depertm�nt sqp5�'�p 13• 4��aistant �ire Departmant Chi•te, saah, 53�..04 ].�.. S�ch Fire�nan l�821•04 1�. 3t�perJ.ntmadent ot stre�ta, �r�5•�p 16. Qitg Rngiuesr, 8 09.�0 1�. Chief �perator at �lat�r Tr�atment pla�'t 625y..o0 18. Chi�t' Operator ot' Se�rer Tre;�ent Plat�t, 19. Cashier Water de 3ewer Departmeat, �65.� 24. Eaah Meter Readsr, ��� 21. �ach ��1 •�'� Operator a� Water Treatment pi,�t �.82i.05 22. �ach 4psrator at Ssx�r Treat�,ent Plant �.821•0� 2 . Plwnbing In�peatc►r 594 . 0 . Fsaah Member af aarba.ge Depart�eat !}�j ��� 2 . Park Cuetodi�.n � ��� , �sation 2. Th� City Attoz�aey ehall r�aeiv0 an annuel salary of �3895.00, and euah other compeaffiations as the City Canneail may� approve. gsction 3. I,aborers emploT�d by �he Citg 3treot Depsrt• ment xho ar� equipmsat opmratora ahall be comp�naated Por the worlt ths� psrtor�a e�t the rat• ot �86.pa per xe�Y; Laborer� s�ploysd by th� Oity� in 3tr�et Dspar�ment xho are truek driv�rs ahall bs arnapensated Por the xork thmy perPor� at ths rate of �8l�.00 pmr xmek. 411 othmr laborers employed b1 the 8treet Dspe�rtme�n� shall be aomp�neated for the work thsT perform a� ths rato or �16.!}0 per da9. , 9eetioa 4. Laborsra employmd by the City in ths Kater e�nd 3e�er Dmpartn�en� xho are truck drivers shall be ec�pensated .for ths Mark they psrt'arm at the rat• ot �86�Op psr �►eeg. All othrr Labarers exployed by ths �itg in the �later atid geW�r Depart- �en� ahall be Qompeneated t'or the �rorlc the� perPorm at the rate of �16.1�� per day. � ._�,T3:��....f � � Ir y ` � t �* ' � � � r a '~ �� In the over�t an1 labcrer work� more than to�ty haare in an� one �sek in eithmr the �ity Street Depart�ent or ia the Water and 9exer �epartrnent he ahall b• co�penanted i�, overti�e pa� at ths rata o! time and one-halt' Por each hour he �o xorks. 3eatior� 5. Any prior crdiaanc�e in con2'lict �rith eir�, of the prcvie3.ons ot' thie Ordinar3ce be e�nd thm e�me i� her�b� re- psaled. gection 6. �11 other ordinances p�rtalning to rsir�naration tor xork doae fcr Ci�y oP Canton ae �earl9 emplo�ee� cr otherxis•, aot spsaitically �ention�d in thie Ordina�nas, ehall remsin in , ttall rorc� and et'feet. 3ection �. Z'hi� Ordinanca ahall be in et'P�ct aPter its pa�sag�► by the Ci�y Cota�ncSl and approval by the Ma�gor. Pae�ed by the City Council and appsoved by the Mayor thia ��`� day o1' r, 1962. �-.-- �ia�or. ATTBST s �' Mr .