HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance #81 ,. , oR�SNar;C�� 1�To. �� . B� IT CRD�INED BY T_TI`�� CI�i'Y COUI�?CIL CF TH� CITY OF CANT�N ILLINCI�: That S�ction:l. Three Parking Meters shall be installed along the Ee�st Sidc of Van Buren Court, in the City of Canton, Illinoi , from the South line of East Elm Str�et , Canton, Illinois, to the Alley Way running into said Van Bur�n Court , and shall be in— stalled so as to permit parallel parkin� only. Section 2. Th�t said parkin� met�rs shall be installed and op�rated as provided by Ordinance Number 47, passed by the City Council on Octobcr 3, 1961. Section 3. It shall be the duty of thP Superintendent of Streets, undcr th� direction of the City Engineer, to cause to be marked by distinct lines parking stalls, and all vehicles parked upon said street, as hPr�in provided, shall be parkad within said parking stalls parallel to and with ri�ht wheels of said vehicles not mor� than ten inches from the curb or parkway edge of the Stre�t, and parking TI1C�',CY'a shall be installed and operated as provid�d by ordinances of the City of Canton and shall be plac�d upon the curbs imm�diately adjacent to the in— dividual parkingplaces herein this ordinance described. Section 4. Every person convicted of a violation of this Ordinance shall be fined not less than Three Dollars nor mare than. Two Hundred Dollars. Section 5. This Ordinance sha.11 be in full force and eff�ct after its passage by the City Council, approval by th� Niayor, ancl publication accordin� to law. PA SED, by the City Council and approved by� the Mayor this day of June , 1963. APPROYED: ATTEST: City Clerk. I � I I � I ,� ,