HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance #87 �j �- � . ♦ �.� �RDINANCE N0. g7 . AN �RDII�ANOE AU'��08IZZNG THE ESTABLISffiKENT OF ,A PARgI�TG LOT FOR QFF-STREL�3.' PARSING. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CI�'Y OF CANTON� ILLZNOIS� sectioa l. Th�t the Citq Couac3.l of the City of Ca�tcz, Illiaois, has d�te�rncis�:ed �hat �he traffi� �con�itioas oa tha Strs�ts of ��aid �3ty are $�e�h �ar to aece,s�ita�� and re�q�.ire S'or th� �rablic b�n�efit, sa�et�r, s�d welfare of said Git� -�ha� addit- ioaal facili�Gies be acquired, maiatai�;ed, �nd operated by the �i cf �antoa ia order that notor vehicle• traffic on the Streerts of Canton, Illiaois, b� alleviated and properl9 controlled. Sectiom 2. That the Cit� Council has determiaad that a� e�id �o said traffic conditioas caa be provided by using City pro erty: o�rn�d by the City of aanto�,, lo�ated on S�hite Court, ia said City, beiag a part of Lot 4ae Hun.dred and Fi�r� in SMaa's Fir�t t�ditioa to the- City of Canton, as recorded in the ��corder'e �Otfice of I�,iltoa Count�, Illinois. Sectioa 3. That �aid tract of laEad be iaproved by m�rkiag parking stalls �or motor vehicles on the black top of said lot and ia�tall lighting s�y�stems and do all necess�ry work to make such tr�ct available for moto� vehicle parking. Sectiom 4. That said parkiag $talls �hall be��sed to per som.s desiriag tull time parkiag, for the amount of Dollax� ��� � ) per mom�h, pa�able ia advance, and that placJ�ards� neat and e�tra�tive aad we�ather resistant, be placed o�. K�(lls or Qther supports at head of each �tall with name of p�rso� reating �uch stall. Seation 5. That the Chief of Pclice of the City of CaatoB have charge of said lot, causing the same to be regularly patroll ed, designate some one usder his s�pervisioa to r�at eai�i �e.rlcimg �talls, collect ror rental ther�of, and receipt for� ��saate-':�t�; pbt��o reatin:g eacb s�all. That the money recei�ed each calemd�r aoath e paid to the Cit� Treasurer �vithin five da�� af� eul of sach calenda� moath, who shall issue a receipt t+� the Chief of Police for such money paid aad receined. Sectiom 6. It shall be unlawful for au�f gerso� to park ia aay of said parkiag stalle without fir�t lea�iag the same, ae ereiabefore is set for�b, and the receipt Sor said reatal �hall e displayed to a�,y polioe officer reques�iag the productioa ther of. �ection �. Aa� p�viice office�'of the City of 8an.ton ahall ave the right and �uth��ity to issue a ticket or other aotice to a violator ot' this Ord�nce, notifying such viola�or to app�ar i� �ourt to answer for such violativm, in the �ame �aaner that violator� of other parking and traffic ordiaaaces of the Cit� of Can.toa are notified to appear ia Court for the viol�tio� of any traffice Qrdins�nce of the Cit� of Ca�tom. Sectioa 8. Aay persoa who shall be g�t3.lt� of a violation o this Ordiaance �h�ll be sub�ect to a fine oP not less than Five �lollars �or more than Oae H�ndred ]�►llars. This Ordinance �hall be ia effect t�n days a�te� its pa�e�� 1r' �' �he City Council, approval by the Maqor� aad publicatio�t ac- cordimg to law. �.s�D by the Cit� Council and approved by the Mayor, this day of September, 1963. APP80VEDs � T STs ayor. �.E�fG=Z.�, L/4---�-t .