HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance #117 �. . : � , . . � . . , ~� . ,� � ' . .�. � � ., ' . : _ 1� ; �` . � �•� � ' t"' y oxDi�u+rc� �o.,�/'�' . AI� Q&D��ANCE REGUI�ATING 'i�RA�'FICE IN �iE CITY fJF CANTt?l�, ILI,�- I39'OZB: B� IT ORDAINED BY THE CITX' COUI�TCII, pF THE CITY nF CA1�iT0A, ILLII�OIS: 3'hat , 1RTICI� I. DEFINI`1'I4NS AND GFN�RAL PROi�ISIONS. Sec�i�a 1.01 Defiiit3.oas. Nh�iever #i thi�� a�iis�nc� the fol- loxiag �ers� are �ased, they �hall have the m�am3.ag� resps�ti�l� as- eribed to the�m 3.n thi� �eqt#�. Alle�: A p�bl�.e� xay withi� a block geserall� gi�tisg �caess tm the reAr oi' lv�s or buildings, and �ot u�ed for gener�►1 tr���'ic c3r- aulatioa. Bicyale�s �very devic� pragellad bT ��an p(��, upa� which �a� person may riae, haning two �tr�dei wheel�, either of xhich i+� -mvre thaa tKenty inches i� c�i�,+�'Ci�. Bu�1Ses8 District: �"h+b terr�tb�r •f a�q city, village or i�- �as�porated �oMa. co�tigu0us to an3 including a highway xhe� within aa� six huadred i'eet aloag �uch highwaT there �re building ia use icr bu�►i.mess or isdustria2 purpo�ee, iialudisg but aot limited �c hotels, ba�ks or of�ice buildings, railroad statio�s, Qnd public buiiding� whicah oacup� at le�tt three huadred feet of froatage o� o�e aide or three huadred t'eet collectivel� oa both sideB of the highvay. Controlled Acce�re HighrraSs �ver�r $treet or �iighwa�r im respect to which ownere •r oacup�ats •f abuttisg lanc�s a�d Qther persoas ha�e � ao leg�1 right cf acces� to or fros the aa�te �x�ept at ,�uch p�imts o�ly as aay be determined by the public authority hawiag �urisdictioa �rer such s�rect or highwa�. �rosswa.lk: That portion of the� roadwaT i8cludad withia the prol�ngati0m af the sider�alk line: at �treet iater,�ectioss. � � Dri'erss Every person who dri�rres or is ia actu�l phy�ical costrol of a �ehicle. �mergeae� Vehicles Police vehicles, vehicles •f the fir� de� partaent, ambulances, vehicles carryiag a 8tate, �ourit� mr auat�cipa� oftieer or employea ia respo��e to an emergenc� oall, �nd emer«�►� � ; , � . .� " � . .rr y , � � . � , , � . . • , �...+'�'"'c•..��` . � /� n . i . w � )�r c• s gency vehicles of public service corporations on an emergenc� call. E�plosive: .Any chemical comp�und �r mechanical mixture that is commonly used or intended for the purpose or producing an explosion and which contains any oxidizing and combustive units or other ingredients in such proportions, quantities or packing that an ignition by fire , by friction, by concussion, by percuss- ion, ar by a detonator or any part of the compound or mixture may cause such a sudden �eneration af highly heated gases that the re- sultant gaseous pressures are capable of producing destructible effects on conti�uous objects or of destroying life or limb. Flammable Liquids: Any liquid which has a flash point of seventy degrees F. or less, as determined by tagliabue or equiv- alent closed cup test device. Improved Highway: A roadway of concrete, brick, asphalt, macadam or gravel. Intersection : (a) The area embraced within the prolongatioa or connection of the lateral curb lines, or, if none, then the lat- eral boundary lines of the roadways of two highways which �oin one another at, or approximately at, right angles, or the area within �hich vehicles traveling upon different roadways joining at any other angle may come in con.flict. (b) Where a highway includes two roadways forty feet or more apart, then.c ever� crossin� of �seh roadway of such divided high- way by an intersectin� highway shall be regarded as a eeparate in- tersection. Zaned Roadway: A street, �he roadway of which is divided into two or more clearly marked lanes for vehicular traffic. I,oadin�, Zone : The space adjacent to a curb reserved for the exclusive use of vehicles during the loadin� or unloading o�' pass- engers or materials. , ' , �, '� . , . ' . � ' � ' • � . , . fi . 3. � ' � Merging Traffic : A maneuver executed by the drivers of vehicles on converSin� roadways to permit simultaneous or alternate entr� into the junction thereof, wherein the driver ;o�' �ach vehicle to involved is required,�adjust his vehicle speed and lateral position so as to avoid a collision with any other vehicle. Metal Tires: Every tire the surface of which in con�act with the roadway is wholly or partially of inetal or otMer hard, nonresilient ma�erial. � Motorcycle: Every motor vehicle having a saddle for the use of the rider and designed to travel on not more than three wheels in contact with the ground, but excluding a tractor. Motor Vehicle: Every vehicle which is self-propelled and every vehicle which is propelled by electric power obtained from overhead wires, but not operated upon rails. Park: To stand a vehicle , whether occupied or not, for a period of time greater than is reasonably necessary for the actual loading or unloading of persons. Pede�trian: Any person afoot. Pneumatic Tire : Every tire in which compressed air is de- signed to support the load. Property Zine : The line marking the boundary between any street and the lots or property abutting thereon. Public Building: A building; used by the municipality, the county, any park district, school district , the State of Illinois, or the United States Government� Residence District: The territory of any city, village, or incorporated town contiguous to and including a highway not com- prising a business district when the property on such hi�hway for a distance of three hun.dred feet or more is in the main improved with residences or residences and bu#�ldings in ase for business. Reversible Lane: A lane of a two or more laned roadway upon which traffic may be directed to move in either direction by means , . , � . � . , , - - � 4. • . _ ;, of lane-control signals or other devices, in conjunction with of- f icial signs. Right-of-Way: The privilege of the immediate use of the roadway. Road Tractor: Every motor vehicle designed and us�d- �ar drawing other vehicles and not so constructed as to carry any load thereon either independently or any part of the weight of the vehicle or load so drawn. Safety Zone: The area or space officially set apart within s roadway for the exclusive use of pedestrians and which is protect- ed or is so marked or indicated by adequate signs as to be plainly visible at all times while set apart as a safety zone. School Bus : Every motor vehicle of the second division op- erated by or for a public or govermental agency or by or for a private or religious organization solely for the transportation of pupils in connection with school activities. Semi-Trailer: Every vehicle without motive power designed f or carrying persons or property and for being drawn by a motor vehicle and so constructed that some part of i�� weight and that of its load rests upon or is carried by another vehicle. Sidewalk: That portion of a street between the curb line or roadway and the adjacent property line desi�nated for pedes- trian use. Solid Tire: Every tire of rubber or other resilient material which doe$not depend upon compressed air for the support of the load. Sp�eed-Change Lane: An auxiliary lane, includ�.�g��t8tp�r�d a�e��i, primarily for the acceleration or deceleration of vehicles entering or leaving the through traffic lanes. Street or Highway: The entire width between property lines a�turs �of every way or place of whatever�when any part thereof is open to the use of the public , as a matter of right , for the purpose of vehicular traffic. , � • . . , ,' • . , . ' " ' . , . A ,� 5. � Suburban T3istrict : That portion of any city, village or in- corporated town other than the business and residence districts. Through Hi�hway: Every highway or portion thereof at the ular entrance to which vehic?- traffic from intersecting hi�hways is required by l�:w to stop before enterin� or crossing the same and when stop signs are erected as provided in this ordinance. Traffic: Pedestrians, ridden or herded animals, vehicles and other conveyances whether Yingly or together �rh3.1!! using any highway for the purpose of travel. Trailer: Every vehicle without motive power desi�ned for carrying passengers or property and for being drawn by a motor vehicle and so constructed that no part of its weight rests upon the towing vehicle. �� Truck Tractor: Every motor vehicle designed and used prim- arily for drawing other vehicles and not so constructed as to carry a load other that a part of the weight of the vehicle and load so • drawn. Urban District: The territory contiguous to and including any s�reet which is built up with structures devoted to business, industry or dwelling houses situated at intervals of less than one hundred feet for a distance of a quarter mile or more. Vehicle : Every device in, upon or by which any person or property is or may be transported or drawn upon a highway except devises moved by human power or used exclusively upon stationary rails or tracks. Yield Right-of Way: When required by an official sign means the act of �ranting the privilege of the immediate use of the in- tersecting roadway to traffic within the intersection and to vehi- cles approaching from the right or left, provided that when the roadway is clear th� vehicle may proceed into the intersection. . . . V.M ' �.. , ._ �, . Section 1.02 Obedience to Police. Members of the police departmen� and special police assigned to traffic duty are hereby �uthorized to direct all traffic in accordnace with the provisions of this article, or in emergencies as public safety or convenience may require , and it shall be unlawful for any person �o fail or refuse to comply with any lawful order, signal or direction of a policeman. Except in case of emergency, it shall be unlawful for any person not authorized by law to direct or attempt to direct traffic. Section 1.03 Scene of Fire. The fire department officer in command or anq fireman designated by him, may exercise the powers and authorit� of a policeman in directing traffic at the scene of any fire or where the fire department has responded to an emergen- cy call for so long as fire department equipment is on the scene in the absence of or in assisting the police. Section 1.04 Si�ns and Signals. It shall be unlawful for the driver of any vehicle to disobey the instructions of any traffic sign or signal placed in view by authority of the corporate authori- ties or in accordance with the laws of the State of Illinois, ex- ceptin� on direction of a police officer. All si�ns and signals established by direction of the governing body shall conform to the Illinois State Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways. Seetion 1.05 Traf�ic-Control Si�nal Legend. Whenever traf- fic is controlled by traffic-control si�nals e�iibiting the �vords "Go" , "Caution" , or "Stop" or exhibiting different colored� li�hts successively, the following colors only shall be used and said terms and ligh�s shall indicate as follows : (a) Circular Green Alone. 1. Vehicular traffic facing the signal may proceed strai�ht throu�h or turn ri�ht . � � �r � or left unless a sign at such place prohibits either such turn. But vehicular traffic shall yield the right-of-way to other vehicles and to pedestrians lawfully within the intersec- tion at the time such signal is exhibited. 2. Pedestrians facing the signal may proceed across the roadway within any marked or un- marked cross walk, unless directed otherwise by a pedestrian si�nal. (b) Steady Yellow. 1..` Yeh�.�culs�r traffic facing the signal is thereb9 warned that the red indication will be exhib- ited immediately thereafter or the related green movement is bein� terminated, and sha11 stop before entering the nearest crosswalk at the intersection, but if such stop cannot be made in safety, a vehicle m�y be driven cautiously through the intereection. 2. Unless otherwise directed by a pedestrian signal, pedestrians facing such signal are thereby advised that there is insufficient time to cross the roadway, and any pedestrian then starting to cross shall yield the right- of-way to all vehicles. (c) S�eady Red Alone. 1.Vel��i��l���c traffic facing the signal shall �top , before enterin� the near�st crosswalk at an intersection or at such other point as may be indicated by a clearly visible line ; if there is no such line, then vehicles shall stop before entering such crost�walk and shall remain standing until the green indication � ' ' � is shown, unless otherwise directed by sign or arrow. 2. No pedestrian facing such si�nal shall en- ter the roadway unless he can do so safel� . �.. and without interfering with any vehicutlar traffic or unless a separate "Walk" indica- tion is shown. (d) Green Straight Through Arrow (alone)� 1. Vehicle traffic facing such signal may pro- ceed straight through, but shall not turn right or left. Such �ehl�ctt��.a�: t�Ca��'iC' sh�ll yield the ri�ht-of-way to other vehicles and to pedestrians lawfully within the intersec- tion at the time such signal is exhibited. 2. PedestriaII� facing the signal may proceed across the roadway within the appropriately marked or unmarked crosswalk unless directed otherwise by a pedestrian �ignal. (e) Green Turn Arrow (alone or with circular green, with steady yellow, with steady red, or with green straight through arrow), 1. Vehicular traffic facing the signal shall ' complq with the meanin� of the circular green, steady yellow or straight through arrow indication as if it were shown alone , except that such vehicular traffic may cautiously enter the intersection to make the movement indicated b9 the green turn arrow. Vehicular traffic shall yield ttght- o=..r�a�r to pedestrians lawfully within a crosswalk and to other traffic lawfully using the inter- section. (f) In the event that an official traffic control sig- nal or flashin� red si�nal is erected and main- tained at a place other than an. intersection, the provisions of this section or of secion 1.06 sha11 be applicable except as to provisions which by '. � = their na�ure can have no application. An.y stop required shall be at a si�n or marking on the pave- ment indicating where the stop shall be made, but in the absence of any such sign or marking the stop shall be made at the si�nal. (g) The motorman of any street car shall obey the above si�nals applicable to vehicles. ' t�,� . , w . (h) Green Arrown Alone. Vehiclar traffic facing the si�nal may enter the intersection only to make the movement or move- ments indicated by the arrow, but shall not inter- fer with other traffic or endanger pedestrians lawfully within a cross walk. (i) In the event an official traffic control signal or ' flashing red signal is erected and maintained at a place other than an intersection, the provision of this sec�ion shall be applicable except as to pro- visions which by their nature can have no appli- cation. Any stop required shall be at a sign or markin� on the pavement indicating where the stop shall be made , but in the absence of any such sign or marking, the stop sha1.1 be made at the signal. Secttoa- 1.06 Flashing Signals. Whenever flashin� red or yellow signals are used, they shall require obedience by vehicular traffic as follows : 1. Flashing Red (stop signal) . When a red lens is illum- inated by rapid intermittent flashes, drivers of vehi- cles shall stop before entering the nearest crosswalk at an intersection or at a limit line when marked, or if none, then before entering the intersection and the right to proceed shall be subject to the rules applica- ble after makin� a stop at a stop sign. 2. Flashing Yellow (caution signal) When a yellow lens is illuminated with rapid intermittent flashes, drivers of vehicles may proceed through the intersection or past such signal only with caution. Section 1.0? Zane Control Si�nals. Whenever lane control signals are used in c �njunction with official signs, they shall have the following meaning. (a) Opaque arrows on green, green arrow on opaqua back- ground, or green alone. Drivers of vehicles facing such sa.gnals are permitted to use the lanes �. over which the signal is displayed providing that no intersection traffic control signal gives a Stop indication affecting the lane or lanes in- volved. �q. (b) Op�que "X" on red, red "R" on opaque back�round, or red alone. Drivers of vehicles facing such � � signals are prohibited from usin� the lane over which the signal is displayed. Section 1.08 Pedestrian. Control Si�nals. Whenever special pedestrian control signals exhibiting the words "Walk" or "Don't Walk" are in place , such signals shall indicate as follows : (a) Walk-pedestrians facing such signal may proceed a- cross the roadway in the direction of the signal and shall be given the right-of-way b�r the driver of all vehicles. (b) Don't Walk- while the "don't walk" signal is illum�-- �i�t�c��,�i���� steady or flashin�, no pedestrian shall start to cross the roadway in the direction of the signal, but any pedestrian who has partly completed his crossing during the '"'Walk" indication shall pro- ceed to a sidewalk or safety island, if one is pro- vided. Section 1.09 UnaLt�hsi��$�d' �igne. �fo person shall place, maintain or display upon or in view of any Street any unauthorized sign, �i,gna]„ marking or device which purports to be or is an imitation of or re- sembles an official traffic-eontrol device or railroad sign or si�nal, or which attempts to direct the movement of traffic, nor shall any person place, maintain or display upon or in view of an.y street �ny other si�n which hides from view or interferes with the movement of traffic or effectiveness of any traffic-control device or �;��.r�il- road sign or signal, and no person shall place or maintain nor shall any public authority permit upon any highway any traffic sign or si�- nal bearing thereon any commercial advertising. AnJ such unauthorized �evice is hereby declared to be a nuis- ance , and nay be removed by any policeman. . � is. �� - Section 1.10 Interference with Signs or Signals. It shall be unlawful for any person to deface, injure, mo1Fe or interfere with any official traffice sign or signal. Section l.11. Advertising Signs. It shall be unlawful to main- tain anywhere in the city any sign, signal, markin� or device, other than a traffic sign or signal authorized by the city council or the Illinois S�ate Department of Public Works and Buildings , which pur- ports to be or is an imitation of or resembles an official traffic control devise or railroad sign or signal, in view of any street or highway, and it shall be unlawful to place or maintain any sign which hides from view any lawful traffic control device. It shall be unlawful to maintain or operate in view of any street or highway any flashing or rotating beacon of light. Section 1.12 Ambulances, Operation of. No person shall operate an ambulance which shall include any motor vehicle primaril9 designed ��,� used for conveyance of sick or injured persons,i�i a manner not con- forming to a provision of the motor vehicle laws and regulations of this State or ordinances of thi�scity as such provisions applies to motor vehicles in �eneral, except in compliance with the follo�ing conditions: l. The person operating the ambulance shall be either re- sponding to a bona fide emer�ency call or specifically directed by a licensed physician to disregard traffic laws in operating the am- bulance during and for the purpose of the specific trip or journey that is involved,� 2. The ambulance shall be equipped with a siren producing an audible signal of an intensity of one hundre� c4eC�ibb��.s: �t a� d�,i�- tance of fifty feet from said siren, and with a lamp emitting an os- cillating, rotating or flashing red beam directed in part toward the front of the vehicle and containing a power rating of at least one hundred amps; � � � � �a.. 3. The aforesaid siren an.d lamp shall be in full opera- at all times durin� such trip or journey; an.d 4. Whenever the ambulance is operated at a speed in ex- cess of forty miles per hour, the ambulance shall be operated in complete conformance with every other motor vehicle law and regula- tion of this State and ordinances of this city in which the ambu- lance is operated, relating to the operation of motor vehicles, as such provision applies to motor vehicles in general, except laws and regulations pertaining to compliance with official traffic-control devices or to vehicular operation upon the right half of the roadway. Section 1.13 Anim�tt�s ar Bicycles. Any person ridin� a bicycle or an animal or driving any animal drawing a vehicle upon any street, shall be subject to the provisions of this ordinance applicable to the driver of a vehicle, except those provisions which can have no appli- cation to one riding a bicycle or driving or riding an animal. Pro- vided that, except in business districts, bicycles may be ridden on sidewalks. Section 1.14 Exemptions. The provisions of this ordinance regulating the movement or parking of vehicles shall not apply to the driver of any authorized emergency vehicle when responding to an em- ergency call, but such driver when approaching shall slow down as necessary for safety but may proceed cautiously past a red or stop sign or signal. At other times, drivers of an authorized emergency � _ vehicles shall stop in obedience to a stop sign .o�,:sigpal. No driver of any authorized emergency vehicle shall assume any special privileges except when such vehicle is operated in response �o an emer�ency call or in the immediate pursuit of an actual or suspected violator of the law. The provisions of this ordinace regulating the movement and parking of vehicles shall not apply to persons, equipment or vehicles while actually engaged in installing, repairing, or otherwise improv- ing streets or street pavements. � a , 1�. ARTICLE II. THR.GUGI�, ONE-WAY, YIEI,D RIGHT-OF-WAY STREETS, AND STOP INTERSECTIONS. Section 2.01 Through Streets. The streets and parts of streets of the city designated by ordinan.ce as through streets are hereby declared to be through streets. The driver of a vehicle shall stop at the entrance to a through street and shall yield the right-of-way to other vehicles which have entered the intersection or which are approaching so close on a through street as to consti- tute an immediate hazard unless directed otherwise by the traffic officer or a traffic corat_rol signal. Section 2.02. One-Way Streets or Alleys. It shall be unlawful to operate an.y vehicle on any street or alleys designated as one-way streets or alleys by ordinance, in any direction other than that so designated. Section 2.03 Stop Streets. T�%ec:d:1�'��►e� of a vehicle shalT stop in obedience to a stop sign at an intersection where a stop sign is erected, pursuant to ordinance, at one or more entrancessth�r�tq,�td shall proceed cautiously, yielding �o the vehicle not so obliged to stop which are within the intersection or approaching so close as to constitute an immed.iate hazard, unless traffie at such intersection is controled by a police of�icer on duty, in which event the direc- tions of the police officer shall be complied with. Section 2�04 Yield Right-of-Way Streets. Any street desig- nated by ordinance as a yield right-of-way street and so ppatsd �i� hereby declared to be a yield right-of-way street. TY�e driv�� of a vehicle in obedience to a yield right-of-wa� sign shall reduce the speed of his vehicle to not more than twenty miles �er hour and shall yield the right-of-way to other vehicle� which have entered the intersection street either from the right or left or which are approaching so closely an such intersection as to constitute a hazara; but said driver having so yielded may pro ceed at such time as a safe interval occurs. . 14. If a driver is iavolved i� � collision at an iatersection •r interieres Kith the movement of other vehicles at'tcr driviag past a yiald right-mf-way eiga� �uch �ollisios shall be deemed prima tacie evidance of the driver's failure to Ti�ld right-•= w�,. 8ec�icm 2.05. Po=ti�g Sign�. Apprcpria�te sig�as shall be po�- ted tm sh�►�r all through, st�p a�d Tield right-•f-waT �etree�,�; all one xa� 9��eets aad .�lley�; �nd �11 stop fatersectioas. �RTI�LE III. R���'�,�;D�,�I�NG. Seetimn 3.01 8eq�.red Positio� a�d M�r�d Qf Tur�a3ag at I�t�r+re�tios+a. �"he driver ot a �ehicle iatendiag to tur�a at aa iaterssectios sh�ll d� s� a� follows: (a) Both �he Qppro��h for a righ� tura a�d a right turY �hall be �de as e1�se �a pra�tieal t0 the righ�t h�d curb or edge o� the roadwaT, or as isdicated by' �i+c m4rka��. Ar signs. (b) lt an,y istersecti�a where trat�'ic i� �ier�titted to move ia both directions on each raadway e�terimg the intersec- tioa, an approach �or a lett turn shall be m�de in that pmrtioa of the ri�ht halt �� the roadr►e�� neare�t the cez- ter lize therecf and bT paseing to the right ot' 8uch ce�ter lfne where it entere the iatersectton amd a=ter ent�riag the interseatioa the left turn shall be made so �s to leave the intersection to the right of the ceater liae oi the roadwa� beiag entered. Whex�eoer practicable, the leSt tur� shall be ma8e in that portiea of the iatersectit�z to the left� of the center of the inter�eetioa •r as iz- dica�ed bg tr4ffic marlrera ar sigfs. (c) At an�r iatersectiom where traific i,s reatriatmd to �is direction oa one or more 0f the roadw�ys, the dr3ver ci a �►ehiale lntendiag to tura left at aaq such i�,ter�e�tica ' � �1�. , shall approach the intersection in the extreme left hand lane lawfully available to traffic moving in the° direct� on of travel of such vehicle and after entering the intersection the left turn shall be made so as to leave the intersection, as nearly as practicable, in the left lane lawfully available to traffic moving in. such direction upon the roadway bein� entered, or as indicated by traffic markers or signs. The driver of a vehicle about to enter or cross a high- wa� from a private road or driveway shall yield the right- of-way to all vehicles approaching on said highway. Section 3.02 �u 'rnin� on' the Crest of a Hill. No vehicle shall be turned so as to proceed in the oppos3.te direction upon any curve, or upon the approach ta, or near the crest of a grade,w�ere such vehi- cle cannot be seen by the driver of any other vehicle approaching from either direction within five hundred feet� Section 3.03 Starting Parked Vehicle. No person shall start a vehicle which is stopped, standing, or parked unless and until such movement can be made with reasonable safety. Section 3.04 Driver's Signal. No ariver of a veh�cle shall suddenly start , slow down, stop or attempt to turn without first giving a suitable signal in such a manner as to apprise others who mi�ht be affected by his action. (a) No person. shall turn a vehicle from a direct course upon a highway unless and until such movement can be made with reasonable safety and then only after �iving a clearly audible signal by sounding the horn if any pedestrian may be affected by such movement or after giving an ap- propriate signal in the manner hereinafter provided in the avent any other vehicle may be affected_ b;� such movement. (b) A si�nal or intention to turn right or left shall be given durin� not less than the last one hundred feet traveled by the vehicle before turning. The signal herein required shall be given either by ' ' 7�ES�. by means of the hand and arm or by a signal lamp or sig- nal device,bi��' wi�.en a vehicle is so constructed or loaded that a hand and arm signal would not be visible both to front and. rear of such vehicle then said si�nals must be given by such � �amp. ar. �.evi¢e. All signals herein required given by hand and arm shall be given from the left side of the vehicle in the following manner and such si�nals shall indicate as fol- lows : 1. Zeft turn- Hand and arm extended horizontall�. 2. Right Turn-Hand and arm extended upward. 3. Stop or decrease of speed-Hand and arm extended downward. Section 3.05 Drivin� from Alleys, Driveways or Gara�es. The driver of a vehicle emerging from an alley, driveway or garage, shall stop such vehicle immediately prior to driving onto a sidewalk or a- cross a �idewalk line projected across such alley, and shall exercise extreme eare' in drivin� upon said eidewalk or across such lines. Section 3.06 Vehicle �fot �o Be Driven on Sidewalks or in Safety Zones. No driver of a vehicle shall drive within any �ide- walk area except at a permanent or temporary driveway, nor at any time into or upon any portion of a roadway marked as a safety zone. Section 3.07 Right-of-Way. Excepting as otherwise herein provided, the driver of a vehicle app�oaching an intersection shall yield the right-of-way to a vehicle which has entered the intersec- tion from a different highway; and when two vehicles entering an in- terBection from different highways at approximately the same time , the driver of the vehicle on the left shall yield right-of-way to the vehicle on the right. Section 3.08 Vehicle Z'urning Left. The driver of a vehicle within an intersection intending to turn to the left shall yield the right-of-way to any vehicle approaching from the opposite direc- tion which is within the intersection or so close thereto as to con- , . �'.�.. ' . stitute an immediate hazard, but said driver, having so yielded and havin� given a signal when and as required, ma� make such left turn and the drivers of all other vehicles approaching the inter- section from said opposite direction shall yield the right-of-way to the vehicle makin� the left turn. Section 3.09 Limitations On Turning Around. It shall be un- lawful for the operator of any vehicle to turn such vehicle so as to proceed in the opposite direction unless such movement can be made in safety and without backing into traffic or otherwise interfering with traffic. Section 3.10 "U" Turn. It shall be unlawful for the operator of any vehicle to make a "U" turn at any place where such turns are prohibited by ordinance. Such prohibition shall be indicated by ap- propriate signs. Section 3.11 No Left Turn. It shall be unlawful for the op- erator of any vehicle to turn left at any place where such turns are prohibited by ordinance. Such prohibition shall be ind.icated b�r ap- propriate signs. Section 3.1� Fire Department Vehicles-Fires. Upon the approach of a fire department vehicle, drivers of vehicles shall comply with the provisions of this Article relating to the approach of authorized emergency vehicles. It shall be unlawful forthe driver of any vehicle, other than one on official business, to follow any fire apparratus in response to a fire alarm, closer than one block, or to park any vehicle within the block where fire apparratus has stopped to answer a fire alarm. It shall be further unlawful for the driver of any vehicle to drive over an unprotected hose of the fire department without the con- sent of the fire chief or the assistant in command. y ' ��Y Section 3.13 Driving 4n Right Side of Roadway. Upon all roadways of sufficient width a vehicle shall be driven upon the ri�ht half of the roadway except as follows: 1. Wg�n overtakin� and passing another vehicle proceeding in the same direction under the rules governin� such movement; 2. When the ri�ht half of a roadway is closed to traffic while under construction or repair; 3. Upon a roadway divided into three marked lanes for traf— fic under the rules applicable thereon; or 4. Upon a roadway designated and ��� posted for one—wa� traffic . 5. When�ver there is a single track paved road on one side of the public hi�hway and two vehicles meet thereon, the driv— er on whose right is the wider shoulder shall ��ive the right—of—way on such pavement to the other vehicle. Section 3.14 Passing Vehicles. Drivers of vehicles proceed— ing in opposite directions shall pass each other to the right and upon roadways having width for not more that one line of traffie in each direetion, each driver shall give to the other at least one—half of the main traveled portion of the roadway as nearl� as possible. Section 3.15 C�vertaking Vehicles. The following rules shall �overn the overtakin� and passing of vehicles proceeding in the same direction, subject to these limitations, exceptions and special rules hereinafter stated: (a) The driver of a vehicle overtaking another vehicle pro— ceeding in the same direction shall pass to the left thereof at a safe distance and shall not again drive to the right side of the roadway until safely clear of the overtaken vehicle. . , . ' . ' �� , � ' ! . , ��� (b) Except when oi¢ertakin� and passing on the right is permitted, the driver of an overtaken vehicle shall give way to the ri�ht in favor of the overtaking vehicle on audible sigaal and shall not increase the Speed of his vehicle until completely passed by the overtakin� vehicle. Section 3.16 avertakin� Vehicles on the Right . (a) The driver of a vehicle may overtake and pass upon the right of ano- ther vehicle which is makin� or about to make a left turn. (b) The driver of a vehicle may overtake anc3 allowin� suf- ficient clearance , pass another vehicle proceedin� in the same dir- e�ction either upon the left or upon the ri�ht on a roadway with ua�bstructed pavement o� sufficient width for four or more lines of movin� traffic when such movement can be made in safety. No person shall drive off the pavement or upon the shoulder of the roadwa� in overtaking or passing on the right. (c) Th�, d1Cip�� of a vehicle may overtake and pass another vehicle upoxi the right on a one way street or on any .��reet on which traffic is restricted to one direction oi� movement where the roadway is free from obstruction and of sufficient width for two or more lanes of moving vehicles. Section 3.1? Limitations on Overtakin� on th� Left. (a) No vehicle shall be driven to the left side of center of the road- way in overtakin� an<? passing another vehi.cle proceedin�� in the same direction unless such left side is clearly visable and is free of oncoming traffic for a sufficient distance ahead to permit such overtaking and passin� to be completely made without inter- ferin� with the safe cperation of any vehicle approaching from the opposite direction or any vehicle ove�etsrk�a. ' , . � In every event the overtaking vehicle must return to the righ�andde of the roadway before coming tiaithin one hundred feet of any ve- hicle approaching from the opposite direction. � �Q'a � shall (b) No vehicle/in avertaking and passing another vehicle or at any other time , be driven to the left Side of the roadwa9 under the followin� conditions : 1. When approaching the crest of a grade or upon a curve in the highway where the driver's view �s obstructed within sufficient distance as to create a hazard in the event another vehicle might approach from the opposition direction. 2. When approaching within one hundred feet of or traversin�; any intersection or railroad grade crossin�. 3. �hen official signs are in place directing that traffic keep to the right , or a distinctive line al�o so directs traffic as declared in the �i�n manual adopted by the Illinois State Department of Public Works and Buildin�s. 4. The �.imitations in sub-paragraph 1 and 2 of this paragraph "(b)" shall not apply upon a one-way street, or upon a street with unobstructed pavement of Sufficient width for two or more lanes of mo�in� traffic in each direction when such movement can be made with safety. Section 3•18 One-Way Roadways and Rotar� Traffic Islands. (a) Upon a roadway designated and ,ign posted for one way traffic a vehicle shall be driven only in the direction designated. (b) A vehicle passing around a �Gt�r� traffic island Shall be driven on the ri�ht of such island. Section 3•19 Driving on Roadways Laned for Tr�ffic. Whenever any roadway has been divided into two or more clearly marked lanes for traffic , the folloti�in� rules in addition to all others consistent herewith shall apply. (a) A vehicles shall be driven as nearly as practical en- tirely within a sin�le lane and shall not be moved from such lane until the driver has first ascertained that such movement can be made with safety. (b) Upon a roadway which is divided into three lanes a � ��. ' a vehicle shall not be driven in the center lane except when overtaking and passing another vehicle where the roadwa� is clear- ly visible and such center lane is clear of traffic within a safe distance, or in preparation for a left turn or where such center line is at the time allocated exclusively to traffic moving in the direction that the vehicle is proceeding �nd is si�n posted to give notice of such allocation. (c) Official si�;;ns may be erected directin�� specific traffic to use a desig�nated lane or designatin� those lan.es to be used by traffic moving in a particular direction regardless of th� center of the roadwa.y and drivers of vehicles shall obey the direCtion of such signs. (d) Official traffic control devices may be installed pro- hibitin� the changing of lanes on sections of roadways anc� drivers of vehicles shall obey such si�ns. Section 3•20 Operation of Vehicles on Approach of �iuthorized Em- ergency Vehicles. Upon the immediate app.roach of an authori�ed emergency vehicle, when the driver is giving audible sign by siren or bell , the driver of every other vehicle sha11 yeld the right- of-way and shall immediately drive to a position parallel to, and as close as possible to the right-hand edge or curb of the and remain in such position highway clear of any intersection and shall stop/until the author- ized emergency vehicle has passed, except when otherwise directed by a police officer. This section shall not operate to relieve the �ariver of an authorized emergency vehicle from the duty to drive with due re- gard for the safety of all persons usin� the highway. Section 3.21 Reckless , ?`?egligent or Careless Driving: It shall be unlawful to oper�te an.y vehicle in the City of Can.ton, Illinois, in a careless , reckless , negligent or wanton manner, or carelessly so as to endanger life or property. ' �, � , G C-r Section 3.22 Speed Restrictions. It shall be unlawful to - . ' drive any motor vehicle on any street in the City of Canton, 511- inois, not under the jurisdiction of the Illinois State Depart- ment of Public �orks and Buildings, or the Co�t�,, in an urban dis- trict within the City of Canton at a speed in excess of thirty miles per hour, or in an alley in said City at a speed in excess of fifteen miles per hour. It shall be unlawful to drive any vehicle on any highway ou�aide the urban district at a speed more than sixty-five miles per hour. It shall be unlawful to drive any vehicle of the first div- ision toM,��,g;_ another vehicle , outside of any urban district, in the said �ity of Canton, at more than fifty-five miles per hour, in an urban district at more than thirty miles per hour, or more than fifteen miles an hour in an alley. Provided, that if the mayor and city council by ordinance, �et other limits as provided by Statute of the State of Illinois (Chapter 95'h, paragraph 147) , after an engeering or traffic sur- vey, then such limits shall govern the rate of speed on the streets indicated in such ordinance. Appropriate signs shall be posted showing such speed limits. The fact that the speed of a vehicle does not exceed theappli- - ►4b�a`:���11�E : ���4�n� �limit does not relieve the driver from the duty to decrease speed when approaching and crossin� an intersec- tion, when approaching and going around a curve, when approaching a hill crest, when traveling upon any narrow or windin� roadwa� or when special hazards exist with respect to pedestrians or other traffic by reason of weather or highway c::�nditions; and speed shall be decreased as may be necessary to avoid colliding with any person or vehicle on or en�,ering the hi�hway in. compliance with legal requirements and the duty of all persons to 1�ae due care. . . , , � � It shall be unlawful to drive any vehicle on any street or highway within the City of Canton, Illinois, under the jurisdiction of the State Department of Public Works and Buildings of the State �t� Illinois, or of the Count� of Fulton, at a speed exceedin� that lawfully set for such street. Provided further, that the speed of all vehicles of the second division as defined by the Statute of the State of Illinois shall be as follows: (1) If the vehicle is designed and usdd for pulling or car- rying frei�ht and has a gross weight of eight thousand pounds or less (including the weight of the vehicle and maximum load) , and is equipped With pneumatic tires, the maximum is fifty-five miles per hour outside of an urban district, thirty miles per hour in an urban district, and fifteen miles per hour in an alley; but if such vehicle is equipped with two or more solid tires, the ma�imum speed is ten miles per hour at all times and in all locations. (2) Tf the vehicle is designed and uSed for pulling or car- rying freight and has a gross weightof more than eight thousand pounds (including the weight of the vehicle and maximum load) , and is equipped with pneumatic tires, the maximum �gea$ is ���t�y miles per hour outside of an urban. district and thirty miles per hour in an urban district, and fifteen miles per hour in an alley; but if such vehicle is equipped with two or more solid tires, the maximum speed is ten miles per hour at all times and in all locations. C3) If the vehicle is designed a�d used for carryin� more than seven passengers, and is equipped vTith pneumatic tires, th� maximum speed is sixty miles per hour. Section 3.23 Special Speed Limits While Passing Schools. No person shall drive a motor vehicle at a speed ; in excess of twenty miles per hour while passing a school zone or while tra�el- ing upon any public thorou�hfare Qn or across which children pass going to and from school durin� school days when school �. , ; children are present. Appropriate si�ns shall be posted to in- dicate this restriction. Section 3.24. Traffic Not to be ObstructAd. No vehicle shall be operated or allowed to remain upon the street in. such a manner as to form an unreasonable obstruction to the traffic thereon. Section 3.25 Bicycles and Motorcycles. It shall be un- lawful for more than one person t:; ride upon any bicycle pro- pelled by human pawer upon any street , or for any person to ride upon any motorcycle other than upon a seat permanently attached to said vehicle to the ri�ht or rear of the operator. Section 3.26 Unattended Vehicles. No vehicle shall be left unattended while the motor of such vehicle is runnin�; and no vehicle shall be left without a driver on any hill or incline unless the vehicle is secured a�ainst moving. Whenever any police officer finds a vehicle unattended upon any bridge or causeway or ir� any tunnel where such vehicle con- stitutes an obstruction to traffic , such officer is hereby author- ized to provide for the removul of such vehicle to th� nearest gar,ageo�r��s�b�her;;�plaeec7�t:�s��b�ty. Section 3.2� fi�nattended Animals. It shall be unlawful to leave any horse or other draft animal unattended in any street of the Cit� of Canton without having such dnimal securely fastened. Section 3.28 Clin�in� to Vehicles. It shall be unlawful for any person on any street riding a bicycle , motorcycle, or any toy vehicle to cling to or attach himself or his vehicle to any movin� .ffio�Q��:�gehi�cie, ozt.wagoa. Section 3.29 Toy Vehicles. It shall be unlawful for any person upon skates, a coaster, sled or other toy vehicle to go upon any roadway other than at a crosswalk. �` . �� Section 3.30 Riding on Running Boards. It sha11 be unlaw- ful for any person to ride upon the fenders, running board or outside step of any vehicle. Section 3.31 Train Signals. The driver of a vehicle approach- ing a railroad grade crossing when a signal devise gives warning of the immediate approach of a train, shall stop within fifty feet but not less than ten feet from the nearest track of such rail- road and shall not proceed until he can do so safely. The driver of a vehicle shall stop at and not traverse such �rade crossing when a crossin� gate is lowered or when a flagman, or automatic signal warns of the approach of a train. The driver of any motor vehicle carrying passengers for hire, or any school bus carryin� any school children, or any vehicle carrying explosives or flammable liquid as cargo shall stop such vehicle within fifty feet but not less than ten feet from the nearest rail of the tracks and shall listen and look in both direc- tions along such track from .which a train might come before pro- ceedin� across such tracks at a grade crossing. Provided that no such stop need be made at any such crossing where a police officer or a traffic-control signal directs traffic to proceed. Section 3.32 Driving Thr�ugh Funeral or Other Procession. No driver of a vehicle shall drive between the vehicles compris- ing a funeral or other authorized procession while they are in motion and when such vehicles are conspicuously designated as re- quired in this ordinance. Section 3. 33 Drivers in a Procession. Each driver in a funeral or other procession shall drive as near to the right hand side of the roadway as close as practical a�d shall follow the vehicle ahead as close as practical and safe. Section 3.34 Funeral Procession to be identified. A funer- al composed of a procession of vehicles shall be identif�ed as such by the display upon the outside of each vehicle of a penant , .' �'• or other identifying insignia and by having the lights of each vehicle li�hted. �ection 3.35 Backing. The driver of a vehicle shall not back the same unless such movement can be made with reasonable safety and without interference with other traffic. Section 3.36 Restricted Access. No person shall drive a vehicle onto or from any controlled or limited controlled ac- cess roadway except at such entrances and exi�s as are established by public authority. Section 3.3'] Trucks Prohibited on Certain Streets. It shall be unlawful to drive any truck, except for the purpose of m�king a delivery and then for one block only on any street de- signated by ordinance and properly sign po�ted. Section 3.38 Limited Load Streets. It shall be unlawful to operate any vehicle on any street in the City af Canton when the �ross weight on the Surface of the road thruugh an� axle of such vehicle exceeds si�cteen' thousand pounds. �here lower limits areimposed by ordinance and si�ns indicating such li�itations are posted, it shall be unlawful to operate a vehicle in excess of such wei�ht on such street , except for the purpose of makin� delivery or picking up a load, in which case sucn vehicle may be driven on such street for not more than the minimum distance nec- essary for the purpose. �ection 3.39. School Buses. The driver of a vehicle on any street or highway upon meetinp; or overtaking from either dir- ection any school bus which has stopped on the highway for the purpose of receivin� or dischar�ing any � .school children shall stop the vehicle before rea�hing such School bus when there is in operation on the bus a visual signal as required by Statute �or operatiaxt while the bus is transporting pupils ; provided that the driver of a vehicle upon a street or highway of which the roadways for traffic movin�• in opposite directions are separat- ed by a strip of ground at least four feet wide which is not 2?. surfr�aed or suita�ble for vehicle t�eaffia or on a controlled ac- ce$s highway xhere pedestria.ns are not permitted to cross, need not stop his vehicle �poa meeting or p�ssing a achool bus which is on the opposite roadway. Section 3.40 l�ollowing �oo Q�oselJ. {�) �}�e driver of a motor vehicle �hall aot follow another vehicle more clo�e��r : _ thaa is FeASOnable And prudent, l�ving due regard for the speed traffic of such vehicles and the� upon and the condition of the street. (b) The driver of any motor vehicle of the se�oad division or motor vehicle drawiag another vehicle when traveling upon a street outside of � business or residence district ,shall not follow withia three hundred feet of another motor vehicle oY the secoad division or motor vehicle drawing another vehicie. The provisions of this dubdivision shall not be construed to prevent overtaking and paesing nor sh�ll the same apply upoa an9 laae specificially deaignated for use by motor vehicles of the �econd divisioa. (c) Motor vehicles being driven upoa any s�reet outaide of � business or residence district in � car�v�. or �totorca,.de whe�ther or not towiug other vehicles sh�11 be, so�:jo�e�a�nd a� to allorr sufficient sp�ce between each such v�hicle or combination of vehicles eo �� to enable �ny other vehicle to enter and �occupy sueh space without dang�r. This proviaion �hall not app19 to ��n- eral procession�. .ARTICLE I�. PEDESTRIANS. Section 4.�J1 81ght-of-Way. Where tr�fPic control signal� or pedestriaa control signal� provided for in Article I of this Ordiaaace �re not in place o� ia operation, the driver of a vehicle shall yield the right-cf-way, slowing down or stoppiag, if need be, �o a pedestrir�n cros,eing the roadway or street within a,ny marked cro��wal�C or within aay un�arked cro$swalk. Whenever Btop signal� or fl�ahing red signals are ia place ' �. � . 2�. , at an intersection or a marked crosswalk between inter�ections the pedestrian shall h�ve the right-of-way over drivers of vehicles; and at such marked places drivers of vehicles shall stop before entering the nearest crosswalk and any pedestrian within or enter- ing the crosswalk at either edge of the roadway shall have the right-of-way over any vehicle so stopped. The driver of a vehicle shal 1 stop before enterin� any crosswalk when any vehicle proceeding in the same direction is stopped at such crosswalk for the purpose of permitting a pedes- tria� to cross. SectioYi 4.02 Pedestrians Crossin� Roadway. At no place shall the pedestria:n cross any roadway other than by the most direct route to the opposite curbing, and when crossing at any place other than a crosswalk he shall yield the right-of-way to all vehicles upon the roadway. No person shall stanc� or loiter in an;; roadway other than in a safety zone, if such act interferes with the 1,=�wfu1 movement of traffic. Section 4.03 Signals. At intersections where traffic is c?irec,ted by a policeman or by a stop and �o signal, it shall be unlawfuor any pedestrian to cross the roadway other than with released traffic , if such crossing interferes with the lawful movement of traffic. Section 4.04. Standin� on Sidewalk. It shall be unlawful for a pedestrian to stand upon any sidewalk except as near as reasonably possible to the buildin� line , �r cur?� line, if such standing interferes with the use of said sidewalk by other ped- estrians. Section 4.05. Pedestrian Crossin�. (a) Between adjacent intersections at which traffic control si�nals are in operation, pedestrians shall not cross at any place except in a crosswalk. (b) No pedestriam shall cross a roadway other than a cross- walk in any business district. 29. Sectiou 4.06 Pede�trians Walkimg Along RoadwaT. (a) Where sidewalYa are provi8ed, it �hall be ualgwful for aa�► pedestriAa to xalk aloig an8 upos ��'�d�a�en�.����1.way. �b) Where aidewalka are not provided, as�► pede$tria� xalk� i�g aloig aad upsn a highxay sh�ll, whe$ praeti�able, xalk �rsl� oa the left side ef the roadway mr its sh�nlder faci�g tratfic, a�d mpoa maetiag a vehicle ahall step ofS to the lett. (c) l�� persom ahall staad ia A roaidwa� for the purpose of soliciting a ride fro�t� the driver or a�r vehicle. �ectiom 4.0� Bliad Fedestrians-�3ght of W�. ,la,y bliai per,�ca who is carryiag is a raised mr eateaded po�itioi a cane �r walkiag stiak whiah is rhite in ��lar or white tipped with red, or xho is being guided b� a� dog, shall have the right-of-xa�r i� cros�t- i�g a��y street or highxa�, vrhether or sot trarfie o� s�ch street or highxa�► i� eomtrolled b� trat'�ic signals, a�thi.ag ia this or- dinance to the con�rar� �othwith$taadiag. The driver of every vehicle app�oaching the place where a blind parsoa, �oo carryiag suc� a caae or waiking stick Qr beiag $o guided, is cro,asiag a #treet or higit- waT ahall h�:Lag hi$ veh�,�le to a tull 8top aad before praceedi�g, �shall take �such pre��tm#�ioae ae ffiaq be gecessar�r to av�id ia�ury to the blind persan. Th� pravisions of this sectioa shall sot appl� to a bliad persan wh� ie aot carryin�y such a cane 0r wAlki�g �ti¢]c or i� aot guided by a dAg, but�the ather prosisiose of thi�s ch�pter relatiag �o pedeetriane sha�ll be �pplicable to $uch per�oz. Howe�er tha failure of a bliad person to sc use or so carry such a c�ae ar walkiag ��iak or �o be guided b� a guide-dog whea rralking oa atre�eta, highxa�e or sidetra�k�, shall not be considered evidence mY contsibu- tory aegligence. � , ' �'6. ARTICI�E V. PARKING RUI,ES. Section 5.01 No Parkin� Places. It shall be unlawful to permit an� vehicle to stand at any time in any of the following places , except when necessary to avoid conflict with other traf- fic or in compliance with the directions of a policeman or traf- fic control device : 1. In any intersection. 2. In a crosswalk. 3. Upon any bridge or viaduct , or in any subway or tunnel or the approach thereto. 4. Between a safety zone and the adjacent curb or within thirty feet of a point of the curb immediately opposite the end of a saf ety zone. 5. Within thirty feet of a traffic signal , beacon, or sign on the approachin�; side. 6. Within twenty feet of any intersection or crosswalk. 7. At any place where the standing of a vehicle will re- duce the usable ��vidth of the roadway for moving traffic to less than eighteen feet. 8. Within fifteen feet of a fire hydrant. 9. At any place where the vehicle would block the use of a driveway. 10. Within fifty feet of the nearest rail of a railroad grade crossing. 11. within twenty feet of the driveway entraaoe.,t0•..�:'ifre department station and on the Side of the street opposite the en- trance to any such st,ation within �eventy-fi�e feet of such en- trance � when properly sign posted. 12. On any sidewalk or parkway. 13. At any place where official signs prohibit parking. - -� . . . � . � � ` . . 3�. . Section 5.02 Snow Removal. It shall be unla��rful to park any vehicle on any public street in the City of Canton at any time within twelve hours after a snowfall D� three inches or more has occurred. Section 5.03 Street Cleaning. It shall be unlawful to park any vehicle on any public Street or portion thereof in the �ity of Canton at any time whe3� such street is bein� cleaned. Signs indicat- ing tha.t a Street or portion thereof is bein�; clea.ned shall be pos- ted immedia-tely before the cleaning of th� street, and shall be re- moved after t�.e cleanin�� of the Street is finished. Section 5.Q4 Time Limit P�rking. Except on Sundays or holidays, it shall be urlawful to park any vehicle for more than one hour in any con�ecutive perioc� of time between the hours of eight o' clock, A. M. , anc? six o' clock, P. M. , in any area desig- by ordinance as a restricted parkin� area. Section 5.05 �'owi�� Cars Away. The police department and all members thereof assi�;.ned to traffic duty are hereby authorized to remove and tow awa� or have removed and towed away by commercial �pp��,�,; service , any car or other vehicle illegally parked in any place where such parked vehicle creates or constitutes a traffic hazard, blocks the use of a fire hydrant or ob�tructs or may ob- struct the movement af any emergency vehicle ; or any vehicle which has been parked in any public street or other public place for a period of twenty-four consecutive hours. Cars so towed away shall be stored on any city property or in a public garage or parkin� lot and shall be restored to the ow- ner or operator thereof after payment of the expense incurred by the city in removing and atorin� said vehicles. Section 5.06 Parking at Curb. No vehicle shall be parked with the left side of such vehicle ne�t to th�; curb, except on one-way �treet�, ard it shall be unlawful to stand or park any vehicle in a street other than parallel with th� curb �nd with the two rig;ht wheels of the vehicle within twelve inches of the regular . , 3� � ._p established curb line, except that upon those streets that have been marked f ar angle parking, vehicles shall be parked at the angle to the curb indicated by such marks. Section 5.07 Vehicles for �ale. It shall be unlawful to park any vehicle upon any street for the purpose of displaying it for sale , or to park any vehicle upon any business street from which vehicle merchandise is peddled. Section 5.08 Loadin�� Zone. It shall be unlawful for the driver of � vehicle to stand a passenger vehicle for a period of time longer than is necessary for the loading or unloading of pass- engers , not to exceed thirty minutes , in any place designated by the city council as a lo�din� zone anca marked as such, or in any of the following designated places : 1. At any place not to exceed seventy-five feet along the curb before the entrance to any hospital or hotel at any time. 2. At any place not to exceed seventy-five feet along the curb line before the entrance to a public building between eight o 'clock A. M� and six o'clock P.M. except on a Sunday. 3. Directly in front of the entrance to any theatre at any time that the theatre is open. Section 5.09 Al1 Ni�ht P�rking. No person shall park any vehicle between the hours of two A. M. an:� six A.M. of any day except physicians on emergency calls , on any gt��e�: i�';.�h�..�m��,Ci�- pality of Canton. Alleys. Section 5.10,� No person shall park a vehicle within an alley in such a manner or under such c:�nditions as to leave available less than ten feet af the width of the roadwa� for t�1e free movement of vehicular traffic , and no person shall stop, stand , or park a vehicle within an alley in such a position as to block the driveway en- trance to any abuttin�; property. Section 5.11 Cab Stands-Buss Stands. No vehicle other than a licensed taxicab shall be parked in any area designated by ordinance � � ��, ' , , as a cab stand; and no vehicle other than a bus shall be parked in a place so aesignated as a bus loading zone. Section 5.12 Parkin� Motor Vehicles on Private Property. It shall be unlawful to park any motor vehicle on any private prop— erty without the consent of the owner of the property. Section 5.13 Signs. Appropriate signs shall be posted in all areas where parkin� is limited or prohibited, indicatin� such limitations or prohibitions. ARTICLF VI. CONDITION ANL ERUIPl"�I�7T OF V�HICLES. Section 6.01 Clear Vision. It shall be unl�,wful to operate any vehicle which is so loaded or in such a condition that the op— erator does not have a clear vision of all -r�arts of the roadway essential to the safe operation of the vehicle. Any vehicle with the view of the roadway to the rear so ob— structed shall be equipped with a mirror !3� attached as to give him a view of the roadway behind him. Section 6.02 Gas and Smoke. It shall be unlawful to operate any vehicle which emits smoke or such an amount of smoke or fumes as to be dan�erous to the health of persons or as to endan�er the drivers of other vehicles. Section 6.03 Unriecessary Noise . It shall be unlawful to operate a vehicle which makes unusually loud or unnecessary noise. Section 6.04 Driving Unsafe Vehicles Prohibited. It is u.n— lawful for anJ� person to drive or move or for thz owner to cause or knowingly permit to be driven or moved on any highway any vehicle or combination of vehicles which is in such unsafe condition as to endanger any person or property, or which does not contain tYiose parts or is not at all times equipped with such lamps and other eq— uipment in proper condition and adjustment as required by statute, or which is equipped in any manner in violation of the statutes. ' • , � � .� . , �;� �. , . Section 6.05 Spilling Loads. No vehicle shall be so loaded that any part of its load spills or drops on any street or alley in the mu.nicipality. Section 6.Q� Brakes. It shall be unlawful to drive any motor vehicle upon a str�et unless such vehicle is equipped with good and sufficient brakes in good working condition, as required b9 �he state traffic law, or to operate any vehicle which is so loaded� that the operator does not have ready access to the mechanics operatin� the brakes of such vehicles. Section 6.07 Horn. Every motor vehicle s�all be equipped with a good and sufficient audible signallin�,: device in efficient working condition. Such signallin.g devi�e shall be sounded when nec- essary to give timely warning of the approach of a vehicle, but such horn or other si�nalling device shall not be sounded for any purpose ather than as a warning of impending dar�ger. No motor � vehicle other than an emer��ency vehicle shall be equipp- ed with a siren or �ong si�nallin� device . Section 6.08 Lamps on Vehicles Owned by Firemen. .Any motor vehicle owned or fully operated by a fireman may be equipped with not to exceed two lamps which shall emit a blue light as provided by statute. Zights�. Section 6.09,�/It shall be unlawful to operate or park on any street any vehicle not equipped with adequate lights conforming tc the requirements af thn state law, provided that vehicles may be parked at nighttime without li�hts on any street or portion thereof, designated by ordinance as a place where vehicles mau be so parked at nighttime. Section 6. 10 Muffler. No motc.r vehicle shall be operated on any street unless such vehicle is provided with a muffler in ef- ficient actual workin� condition; and th�: use of a cutout is pro- hibited. , . . 3g. . .� . Section 6.11 Non-Skid Devices. It shall be unlawful to operate upon any street any motor vehicle equipped with any non-skid device so cunstructed that any rigid or nonflexible portion thereof comes in contact with the pavement or roadway. Section 6.12 Width, Len�th and Height ; Projectin� Loads. The maximum width, length and height of any vehicle and its load shall not exceed the limits expressed in the Illinois State Traffic Law. No passenger type vehicle shall be operated on the streets with a load extending beyond the line of the fenders on the left side of the vehicle nor extending more than six inches beyond the line of tne fenders on the right side thereof. No combination of vehicles coupled together shall consist of more than two units, but such limitation shall not apply to vehi- cles operated in day-time when transporting pipes, poles, machinery and other objects which cannot be readily dismembe.red, nor to such vehicles operated at night time by a public utility when engaged in emergency repair work; but such loads carried at ni�ht shall be clearly marked with sufficient li�hts to show the full dimensions of the load. No part of the load of a vehicle shall extend more than three feet in front of the extreme front portion of the vehicle. Section 6.13 Si�nal Lamps and Signal Devices. Every motor vehicle and trailer having a gross weight of three thousand pounds and less, includin� the weight of the trailer and the maximum load, shall be equipped with a si�nal lamp or signal device which is so constructed and located on the vehicle as to give a signal of the intention to stop which shall be red or yellow in color, and signals of intention to turn to the right or left , all of which signals shall be plainly visable and understandable in normal sunli�ht and at night from a distance of one hundred feet to the rear but shall �pt p�,����, h'� dazzlin� or glaring light ; except tnat a Stop signal , ; � , . , , 3�. nee� be visable only from the rear. Any trailer having a gross weight of three thousand pounds or less, including the wei�ht of the trailer and maximum load, need not be equipped with such turn si�nal device unless the distance from the steerin� wheel of the towin� vehicle to the left outside limits of such trailer body exceeds twenty-four inches. All mechanical signal devices shall be self-illuminated during the period frcro sunset tc sunrise or when visibility is lim- ited as to require the use of lights for safety. Section 6.14 Tires . It shall be unl�wful to operate on any street any motor vehicle which is not equipped with tires conforming to the requirements of the Illinois State Traffic Law. Section 6.15 Weight• It shall be unlawful to drive on any street any motor vehicle with the weight , including load, in excess of that permitted by the state traffic law for driving on improved highways, or with weight distributed in a manner not conforming to such law, or in violation of special wei�ht limits provided for by ordinance and si�n posted. Section 6.16 Bicycles--Lamps Re�quired. Every bicycle when upon a street, during the period from sunset to sunrise shall be equipped with at least one lighted lamp exhibiting a white light� or light of a yellow or amber tint , visible from a distance of five hundred feet to the fr�nt of the bicycle and with at least one light- 041 ].�mp e�hibiting a red light visible from a distance of five hun- dred feet to the rear. Section 6.17 Motorcycles ; Trailers--Lights Required. vur- ing the period from sunset to sunrise , or at any other time when visibility is so limited as tc require the use of lights for safety, every motorcycle operated on any street or other public place in the City of Canton shall carry and exhibit one lighted lamp commonly known as a driving li�ht anc� every motor vel�ticle two such lighted lamps showing white lights, or li�hts of a yellow or amber tint, visible at least five hundred feet in the direction toward whlch each motor + ~ 3� ' , , . cycle or motor vehicle is proceedin�, and each motor vehicle , trailer or semi—tr�iler shall also exhibit at least one lighted lamp which shall be so situated as to throw a red light visible for at least five hundred feet in the reverse direction; provided that every trailer having a gross weight of three thousand pounds or less includin� the weight of the tr��iler ancl maximum load shall be equipped with two lighted lamps, one on each side of the rear of a � such trailer which sh�l.l be so situated as to throw a red light visi— ble for at least five hun�red feet in the reverse direction. ARTICLE VII. D�.IVERS. Section 7.�1 Liquor or Drugs. It shall be unlawful for the h�bitual user of narcotic drugs to operate any motor vehicle on any street ; and it shall be unlawful for. any intoxicated person, of or any person under the influence�alcohol or of a narcotic dru�, to operate or attempt to operate any motor vehicle on any street. Section 7.02 Accidents. The driver of a vehicle which has collided with or been in an accident with any vehicle, person or property in such a manner as to cause injury or dama�e , shall stop immediately, and render such assistance as may be possible, and give his true name and residence to the injured person or any other per— son rec,uestin�; the sar�e on beh�lf of thc injured person, or the owner of the property dama�ed , ��nd to a policernan, if cne i� present. The driver of each vehicle c�ncerned in any such accident shall report to the nearest police authority promptly after such accident. ARTICL:� VIII. PA�.KING MET�RS. Section 8.01. Definition. Parking Meter. � mechanical device located upon �- public street or sidew-�.lk in a place designated by the city council as a parking meter zone hereafter defined, which device shall record a c�rtain number of minutes by the use of a clock . . ' � . • . - . � ` r � ► � � ��• mechanism �etermininG the period of time for which parking privi— le�es may be extended to the person depositing a coin therein. Parking Meter Zone. An area designated by the City Council where a vehicle may be temporarily parked and allowed to remain for the period of time indicated on the meter. Section 8.02 Parking Meter Zone . Parkin� meter zones shall be such as may from ti;ne to time be established by ordinance. aection 8.03 Parking �ules. It shall be unlawful to park any vehicle or to permit a vehicle to remain parked , in any parkin� meter zone for a period lon�er than designated on such meter, be— tween the hours designated thereon, except Sundays ana holidays (the term holiday shall include the followin� days only: The first of January; the thirtieth of May; the fourth day of July; the first Monday in September; the twenty—fifth da;� of December (Christmas) , and the day designated and set aside by the president of the United States as a day of Thanks�iving) , or to park � vehicle in any zone without paying the fee hereinafter designated; or to permit a vehicle to remain parked longer in any such zone than for t��:�����o�'<�p�.'�'w��;�h the fee was paid; except on Sundays and holidays. Section 8.04 Placin� Meters. Parking meters shall be in— stalled in the parking meter zones as established and provided for by ordinance anci shall be placed upon the curb immediately adjacent to the individual parking� places h�reinafter described. Each parking meter shall be placed or set in such a manner as to show or display by a signal whether or not the parking space adjacent to such meter is le�ally in use. � Section 8,05 M ,rkin� Places. Suitable markings shall be painted or placed upon th^ curb or street adjacent to each parking meter for the purpose of desi�nating the parking space and the an�le at which vehicles are parked to the curb. Each vehicle parking within any parking meter zone shall park within the line or markings so established. It shall be unlawful to park any vehicle across any Such line or marking or to park said vehicle in such a position that � � . r, • � ; � ! � � � �.�a the same shall not be entirely within the area designated by such line or markings. Section 8.06 Placin�; Coins in Meters. Any person desiring to park any vehicle within such parking meter spece shall deposit the proper coins for the time desired as follows : One cent for each twelve minutes of time desired ; five cents for each hour of time desired ; '�en centS for t�to hours of' time desired, tweaty-t'ive cents for eight houre of time de�ired. Section 8.07 Ta�pering With Meters. It shall be unlawful for any person not authorized by th� city council to deface , injure , tamper with, open or wilfully break, destroy or impair the useful— ness of any parking meter installed under the provisions of this article. It shall be unlawful to deposit any slug, device or metallic or other substitute for a coin in any parking meter. ARTICLE IX: PLNALTY. Section 9.01 Penalty. Any person, firm or corporation violatin� any provision of this ordinance shall be fined not less than five dollars nor more than five hundred dollars for each of— f ense. Section 9.02 Arrests. Any person arrested for a violation of any provision of this ordinance shall be released upon proper bail being furnished as required by law. Section 9,03 Prima Facie Proof. The fact that an automo— bile which is illegally operated or parked is re�istered in the na�e of 'a� person �hall be ccnsidered prima facie proof that such person was in control of the autom@bile at the time of such violation. Section 9.04. Parking Violation. Any person accused of a violation of an ordinance prohibiting parking a vehicle in a desig— nated area, or restricing the len�th of time a vehicle may be there parked, or parking in a metered area without puttin�; a coin in th� � .. . .. �,�".. ..y . � . ' ' . .. , . ♦� � �� �� ��.. ,'-v , r , , , �„► ..;�a�.: 40. meter to cover the required time, may �ettle and eompromi�e the claia against him or� her ior such �►llegal parking bT paying to the City the . � ,-� � •um og ��t ' ents for the first and secoad vi�lations and ,#�e doll� ��., _. , � i0r subsequeat violatioa� xithia� twent,-�our hours of the �ime - such allege d oftenae was committ�ed. Such pa�aent aay be �ade at the p�lice station, and a receipt shall be i.eened io��°all money so re- ceived, and auch moaey ,�hall be promptly turned:'over te the treasurer of the City of Ca.aton to be credited to the parkiag �eter fuad. The members of the palice department are hereby authori$ed tm refrai� frot instituting � prosecutiAm for the alleged offeffise involved. Provided that th3,e section shall not �pply to persoas parkiag � vehicle sc as to obstruct the entrance or exit of any place �here police or fire department apparatus or other emergenc� equipment is kept or housed, or ao as to block �n �mergenCy entraace ia a hp�pftal. Nor �h�ll thi� section �ppl�► to �ny persou charged with parking a vehicle. so as to eatir�l9 obstruct traffic� ia aa� street or alle�, or parking in su�h a way as to reduce traffic oa aa �rterial stre�t to one way trat'fi� onl�; mor to any per�on who refuses to move a vehicle i1legAlly parked s�t the request of aay member of the polics department. Sectien 9.05 Repeal, `rhat all ordinaacea and part� af prdiaaa- cea ia any way conflicting with this Ordiaance, be, aad the same is hereb' repealed. Seetio�a 9.06 Effecti�e Date. This Ordinance shall be fa fnll f'orce and effect ten days after its p�ssage b, the �it9 �o�cil, ap- proval of the Ma�ror, and publication according to law. PASSED by the City Council of the �ity af Camton, Illinoia, and eigned and approved by the M�yor of said City �ad deposited is the office of the Clerk of said Cit9, this day of �� , A. D. 1964. APPRDYED: � Mayor. _ LTT T: ����: C?�-��- - � t, .� .