HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance #140 - • �. • � ` . • �_! ` . . � A ORDINANCE N0. ,�—�-- AN ORDINANCE MAKING THE ANNUAL APPROPRIATION FOR THE CITY OF CANTON, ILLINOIS, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR Ob' SAID CI3'Y 1965-1966, TO BE TERMED THE ANNUAL APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE OF SA�D CITY: BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CANTON, ILLINOIS: Section 1. That the following sums of money, or �� much � zs m�y be authorized by l�w, znd as mzy be needed or deemed neces�ary to defray �11 necessa�ry expenses �nd lizbilities of the Citp of Canton, Illinois, be, znd the �ame �re hereby �ppro- pria�ted for the corporzte purposes And ob�ects of szid City here- in specified for the Fisezl Year of said City, commencing on the first Tue�day in the month of May, 1965, znd ending on the first Tuesday in the month of May, 1966: FOR GENERAL CORPORATE PURPOSES OF SAID CITY: P�LICE DEPARTMENT, SALARIES: 1 Chief of Polic• $ 6,269.50 3 Police Sergeants ezch �5,'�1$.00 17,15t�.00 7 Policemen, each �5,1$5.00 36,295.00 2 Rzdio Operztors, ezch $4,453 •00 $,906.00 1 File Clerk 3 ,506.00 Auxilizry Policemen 5,000.50 Vac�tion Pay 3 ,000.00 TOTAL Police Dep�rtment Szlzrie� $$0,131.00 POLICE DEPARTMENT-SUPPLIES AND EQUIPMENT: Supplie� $5,000.00 Police C�r Rental 3,120.00 Fuel for police czr� 2,200.00 Radio znd Teletype Service 2,400.00 TOTAL Police Department Supplies �nd Equipment�12,720.00 STDEWALKS: Repairs and Nl�inten�nce of side�tzlka �500.00 �500.00 STREETS AND ALLEYS: Salary of Superintender�t of Streets � 6,269.50 Other SAlzries znd Lzbor 35,000.00 Gravelling of Streets 6,001.50 Materials and Supplies 12,000.00 Tree Removal $,000.00 PurchASe of equipment 15,000.00 Oiling And Chipping of Stre�ts 10,000.00 TOTAL Streets stnd Alleys �2,271.00 MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSES: �2,500.00 � 2,500.00 PRINTING AND PUBLICATION: �3 ,000.00 $ 3 ,000.00 . • ' , P UBLIC G�OUNDS AND BUILDINGS: ftepair� �nd Mzintenznce �7, 500.00 Installztion of air conditioner 210 Ezst Chestnut �6,000.00 TOTAL Publie Buildings and Grounds � 13 ,500.00 PLANNING COMMISSION EXPENSES: �2,500.00 � 2,500.00 SALARIES OF CITY OFFICIALS: Mzyor �2,500.00 City Clerk 5,000.00 City Trezsurer 2,000.00 City Attorney 4,259.00 Aldermen 6,000.00 Deputy Clerk 1,000.00 Secret�ry to Mayor 4,055.00 Custodian of Buildings 3 ,364.00 TOTAL City Officers� Salaries �,�$,17�.00 AUDITING: � 400.00 � 1�00.00 STREET LIGHTS: � 1$,000.00 �1$,000.00 CEMETERY: Nizintenznce � 12,000.00 Purchzse of Equipment 2,500.00 Repairs 2, 500.00 TOTAL Cemetery �1'7,000.00 INSURANCE: Fire znd Wind�torm, City Buildings znd Content�, � 1,000.00 Casualty �nd Workmen's Compensztion 11,000.00 TOTAI, Insurznce, �12,000.00 MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Storzge Rental for M�chinery � 1,500.00 � 1,500.00 TOTAL GENERAL FUND $2$4.,200.00 '�JATER AND SEWER DEPARTMENT: Szlzries �100,000.00 Extra Labor 6,000.00 Maintenance $,000.00 Truck Operztions 2,000.00 Supplies, Chemic�ls, Fuel 22,000.00 Office Exp�nse 1,500.00 Power 15,000.00 Fire a�nd Windstorm Insurance 2, 500.00 Ca.sualtq �nd Workmen's Compensation Insur�nce 4,500.00 Depreciation Account 1$,000.00 Extension of Service 1�0,000.00 Purchzse of Equipment 5,000.00 Bond Reserve Account 1�,000.00 -2- Water and Sewer Revenue Bonds issued Ms�y l, 1963 Principzl $25,000.00 Interest 71,�50.00 $96,$50.00 Generzl Obligztion Sa�nitzry Sewer Bonds, issued September 1, 1959 Principzl ,� 20,000.00 Interest 2,$00.00 � 22,$00.00 GenerAl Obligztion V�zter Improvement Bonds, issued September 1, 1959 Principzl � 25,000.00 Interest 4,400.00 � 29,t�00.00 General Obligztion uV�ter Improvement Bonds i�sued August 1, 1951 Principzl ��'> 15,000.00 Interest 2,910.00 � 17,910.00 TOTAL Wzter znd Sewer Department $409,460.00 PARKING METER FUND: Off-Street P�rking Sinking Fund � 10,000.00 Purcha�e of Equipment 2,000.00 Fuel for Motorcycle 400.00 Service in Parking Meter Zone 2,000.00 M�intenance of Motorcycle 200.00 Painting a.nd Mzrkings 1,000.00 Szlzry, 1 Meter N1zid 3 ,133 .00 Szlary, Traffic P�rking Policem�n and Repzirm�n 4,96$.00 Perma.nent Street Improvements 13,000.00 TOTAL Parking Meter Fund � 36,701.00 GRAND TOTAL GENERAL PURPOSES $?30,361.00 FCff� OTHER PURPOSES AUTHURIZED BY LAW PUBLIC COMFORT STATION FUND: A tax not to exceed .0333� of the full� fair cash v�lue, zs equzlized or �ssess- ed by the Depzrtment of Revenue of the Sts�te of Illinois, on �11 taxzble property within the City of Canton, Illinois: Rep�irs �nd Maintenznce $10�000.00 Sal�rie� 2,664.00 �12,664.00 CIVIL DEFENSE: A tax not to exceed .05� of the full, fAir czsh vzlue, zs equzlized or assessed by the Department of Revenue of the Stzte of Illinois, on zll tsucable property within the City of Cznton, Illinois, �4,000.00 �4,000.00 FOR POLICE PENSION FUND: A tzx levied upon taxable proper�y of said City of Canton zt the rzte of .05�, � 10�000.00 �10�000.00 -3- � ^ 1 • . � . , FOR FIRE PROTECTION FUND: A tax not to exceed .20� of the full, fzir es�sh vzlue, as equalized or assessed by the Depzrtment of R�venue of the State of Illinois, on �11 t�xs�- ble property in the City of Cznton, Illinois: Salaries of Fire Depzrtment: 1 Chief of Fire Depzrtment $ 6,269.50 2 Assistant Chief�, ezch $5,71$. 11,436.00 9 Firemen, each $5,185.00 46,665.00 Equipment 3,�0•50 V�cation Pay 3,000.00 Purehase of Fire House 10,000.00 TOTAL FIRE PROTECTION FUND $ $0,371.00 FOR PUBLIC BENEFIT FUND: A t�c not to exceed .05�b on the full, fair cash v�lue, zs equzlized or zs�essed by the DepArtment of Revenue of The State of Tllinois, on zll tax- zble property within the City of Czn- ton, Illinois, to be known as the Pub- lic Benefit Fund to be used �olely for the purpose of paying th�t portion of severzl zmounts heretofore s�ssessed zg�inst the City for public benefits under and in pursuance of �ny ordinance that may hereafter be ps�ssed or �asessed aga.inst aaid City � 15,000.00 � 15,000.00 FOR ILLINOIS MUNICIPAL RETIRENIENT FUND: A tax not to exceed .125 per cent on the full, fzir cash vzlue of �11 tax- �ble property within the City of C�n- ton, Illinois, s�s the ss�me is equzlized or zssessed by the Depzrtment of Revenue of the Stzte of Illinois: � 20,000.00 �20�000.00 FOR GAR.BAGE DISPOSAL: A ta�x not to exceed .10 per cent on the full, fzir ca.ah value, a.� equ�l- ized or assessed by the Department of Revenue of the State of Illinois, on taxs�ble property within the City of Cznton, Illinois, pursuant to Ordi- nznce No. 35, passed May 20, 19�+7, �uthorizing the estzblishment a�nd maintenanc� of a� system for the collec- tion znd disposzl of gzrb�ge: Salary of Custodian � 6,000,00 I�bor 35,000.00 Purchs�se of Equipm�nt $,000.00 Mzintenance 6,000.00 TOTAL Garbs�ge Disposal $ 55,000.00 TOTAL OTHER PURPOSES �197,035.00 GRAND TOTAL FOR ALL PURPOSES ��927,396.00 -4- , r . . . • . � � Section 2. Th�t the City Council shzll zt s�ny time zfter the first hzlf of the fiscs�l yezr, by z two-thirds vote of the membership, msik� z transfer within �ny depzrtment or other �ep�ra�te zgency of the City Government, of �ums of money zppro- pris�ted for one corporzte object or purpose to znother corporzte object or purpo�e, but no appropriAtion for zny object or purpose shall thereby be reduced below zny �mount sufficient to cover zll obligations incurred or to be incurred zga�inst such zppropri�tion. Section 3. This Ordinznce shzll be known zg the "Annual Appropriztion Ordinznce » of the City of Cznton, Illinois. Seetion 4. This Ordinznce sh�ll be in effect ten d�ys after its p�sszge by the City �ouncil, �pprovzl of the Mzyor, and publicztion s�ccording to law. PASSED by the City Council of Canton, Illino' s, �t z regular meeting thereof held on the _,�, dzy of , 19b5• APPROVED BY ME THIS ��ds�y of , 1965, ��� 1�/ U � ATTEST: C T CLERK. , -5-