HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance #142 w,i ♦ � � v JY _ � . � i� .,. ORDINANCE N4. __�� _ I ' r` � �, �. Whereas, Ea�t Locust Street from Main Street ta North Fit'th Avenue and Fifth Avenue fro� East Locust 3traet to East �inn 3treet in tha Gity of Canton, I113nois, are also the roadKays oY two Illinois 3tate Bond Is�ue Routee, namely, Nu�bers 9 and 78; �a Whereas, these two 3te,te Routes are used by vehicular traffie � going bath north arid south, and east and weat through a�d 3n said Cit�y; a great deal of said tratfic being heavy truck$, and ffiueh traPfic ie conatantly incre�sing; and Whereaa, the Qanton Intarnational Harveater Plant is nes�r Fifth Anenue and a greQt deal of ita matar3ala, supplies, and manuPactured prcducts are tranaported by heavy trta.cks, which constantly uae these streets for trangportation; and Whereas, the�e said streets are narrow, having the Pollowing widthe from curb to curb, to-wit; Eaet Locust Street from Main Street to North Third Avenue 36 feet East Locuat Street from North Third Avenue to DTorth Fitth Avenue 2b feet Fifth Avenue Prom East Locust 3treat to East Chestaut street 37.7 fe�t Fifth Avenue from Eaet Chestnut Street to Eas� Linn Street 30 Peet �a Whereas, ae nea.r ag aan be determined, the properties ad�oining �eaid streets are used for the following purposes, to-wit; assolin� Service Stations 8 Busin�ffis 28 Churehes !� Dwelli�gs 115 and that ia eeveral of the dwellings, businease� are eonducted and that severe�l of the businees e�tablishmsnta or churchea have no parkiag t'acilities availeble; and Wherea$, theae said streets are paved with concrete but because af age and constant and heavy use are in b ad conditi,on and ar� in ne�d of replacensent or repair for which funda me� be availa.ble from either the State at` Tllinois or Fed�ral Govarr�ment if p�rking is prohibited og said streeta; and Wherea�, the Mayor and City Council of the C3ty oP Canton, Illinois, for the rea.son� abone set forth find i� ia necessetry beoauae of trat'fic conditiona, now, �and in the f'utur�, to prohibit the parking on both sides of said streete. Therefore, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY CDUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CANTON, ILLINOIS: 3ection l. DEF'INITIONS. - Whenever in this Ordinance the following terma or words are used, they shall have ascribed to them the Following meanings: Good� - All per�onal property permitted by law to be tranaported on the public streets and highwa9a. . , ORDINAIdCE NO.�Coat �d. a , 1 Park or Parking - To �at�nd a vehicle for a period of ti�tte - greater th+�n i� reasonably nece�sary for the actual loading or unloading of paaaengars. Pa$senger - Any person other than the driver occupying a nehicle. Side, or Side of Street - Thst portion of said street or highway lying irmnediately ad�acent to and abutting the curb line of �a�id strea� or highway. Yehicle �* Every device, upon which any per$on or gooda ia, or ma�'�ransported or drswn upoa a $treet or highway. Section 2. PARRING PROHIBITID - No pereon ahell park � �vehicle on either si e o ast cus Street from Main Street to Ncrth Fifth Avenue or on either side of Fi�th Aver�e Prom East Loaue� Stre�t to Eeat �+inn Street in the City oP Canton, Illi.nois, eacept for ein in�erval oP no lmnger than ten minutes for the purpose oP loading or unloading passengere or gooda, provided, howev�r, �het the �'oregoing exception ehall not apply to that portion oP East Locust Street �rv�n Ncrth Third Avenue to North FiPth Avanue in said City, where, because oP the narroWneas oP that por�ion of eaid street, there ahall be r�o parking on �ithmr side except Por the actual loading and unloading of passengars. Ssction 3. FOSTING OF SIGNS - The 3uperintendent of Street� shall, immed a e � a er e ePfective date of this Ordinance, poet eign� along aaid streets apprising the public of the proviaions of this Ordinanee. 3ection !�. PENAIl�Y - Any peraon who aha�ll be fowad gu3lty of a viclativn"�`o�any of the provisions of thi� Ordinance ehell be sub�ect to a fine of not less than Five Dollars (�5•00) nor more than Two Hundred Dollars C�200.00) for each offense. �ection 5. EFFECTI�E - This Ordinance shall be in ePf�ct ten days after�s�pa�ssage by the City Councll, approval by the Mayor and publiaation aacording to law and aPter the poating oP signa as providad by 3ection 3 of this Ordinance. _�ED BY TIiE ITY COIII�CIL at a reguler meeting held an the ..,� da� of A. D. , 1965. APPROVED BY HE MAY�R this ���,. d�y of A. D., 1965. APPR4VED ayor ATTE3T y er �