HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance #143 �• � � +�� Read; Council 7/13/65 . ' _ , . �,'- • • ' ORDINANCE N0. / 3 �ai�d ove�;spent�.,i,r�ules;�7/� los , w . . � " ' - �.�:� �Wheraas, the Ma�ror and City Council of the Ci�y of Canton, ` Illi�ois, find it is to tha best interests of said City to � � encourage and promot� the planting of certain trees on the terracee and land aajacent to the streets and roadway� oP eaid City; and Whereas, there are certain specie� of trees either xith aggres�ive root growth which daamage sidewalks and underground pipes, or aaPt wooded, and so sub�ect to wind damage, or subject to disease, or bear f'ruit, or have worms which fall on street� and aidewalk$ causing an unhealthy conditi.on; and Wherea,s, the growth of trees, bushes, or shrubs near street intersections is a hazard to vehicular traffic; and Whereas, the C3.ty ha� been to great expease in the removal of trees and limbs which are prone to wind damage or disease, The Me;yor and City Council desms it is to the best intarests b�f the City to prohibit the planting of certain treee, and the prohibition of a11 bu�he�, shxv.bs and trees near street inter- aectiona. BE I�t' THEREFORE ORDAINED BY TFiE CITY COUNCZL OF THE CITY OF C�1TON, TLLIN4IS: Section 1. DEFINITIONS - Wherever in this Ordinance the Pollowing worda or terms are used, they 8hn11 have ascribed to them the follo�ing meanings; �a) Bueh or shrub - a Woody per�ebnial plant 8maller than a tree with close branche� arising Prom or near the ground. (b) Terrace - the land 191ng between a street or roadway and sidewalk. (c) Tree - a perennial plant having a self-�upporting msin stem or trunk which devalops� woody branche$ some distance from the ground, and grows to a coneiderable height and aize. Section 2. PERMIT REQUIRED - No person shall plant or remove any tree, bush or shrub on any terrace or land within ten Feet ot' any sidew�lk, street, or raadway within the corpor�te limits oP Canton, Illinois, without first haviag obtained a pe�t. Any person desiring to plant or remo�re on any of the placem above set Forth ehall apply to the office of the City Clerk. The City Clerk $hall f`urnish such peraon with an applicaticn requesting the following informa.tion: l. Name and address oP appliaant. 2. Species of tree, plant or ahrub to be planted or re�noved. 3. Sketch showing location of tree, bush or ehrub to be remo�ed or pl�nted, with measuremsn.t� of ed3acent sidewalka, streets, and raadways, and atreet interaection�. 4. Such other information. as the Ccn�mittee on Streets and Alleys deems reasonable. The City Clerk ahall i�,irnish the �.pp].icant Kith a list oF the species of trees that may be planted. The applicant ehall return his application to the City Clerk who shall refer the same to the Superintendent of 3treets, who, if he find� the application complies with this Ordinanee sha.11 then approve the same. The City Clerk shall then isaue s permit to the applicant who 6hen mey• plant or remove said tree, plant or shrub in compliance with the permit. The 3uperintendent shall . �i . F.. � � i ` * . ORDINANCE N4.�Cont'd. - � inspect the premiaes where said tree, plant or shrub hae been plaritsd or removed to see if the applicant ha.s complied with the terma of the permit. Ir� granting said permit and in his ia$pection, the Superin- tendent of Strests shall aee that the prov3sions of this Ordinanca are reaaonably complied with and mag refer any application or inepection to the Committee on Streets and .�illey� for its opinion. 3ection 3. PLANTING NE,�R SIDEW�.LKS AND STR:EET INTERSECTIONS PROHIBITED. - The planting of any tree, bush or shrub within two feet of ang street, roadway or sidewalk or within twenty-fivs feet of any street intersectian within the corporate limits of the City of Canton, Illinois is prohibited. section 4. TRIMMTNG - All trees, shrubs and trees now in exietance or which mQy hereaf'ter be planted on any premiaea with- in the corporate limita of said City Bordering a public �treet or ro�dway ahall be tri.mmed or cut so that the limbs, stems and branches �hall not interfere with. pede$trian or vehicular traffic and no etam, limb or braneh shall be lesa than eight feet above any sidewalk and not less than twelve Peet above any street or roadway. 3ection ..�. DEF'ACTNG - No person shall 3njure, �ar, or dePace any tree, bush, shrub or flower on a public �treet, terrace, city park, or city property. Section �. TREES PEftMITTED - Permits shall be ia�ued for the planting of the following apecie� of treea only: Skylins Zocust, Shade Ma$ter Locust, Sunburet Locust, Crimson King Maple, Schwedleri Maple, Europ�an Ash, Oak Leaf Ash, Golden Raintree, Red Bud (Judas-tree) , Flowering Crab App].e �no Pruit) and American Horti�eam. Section '�. EXCLIISION - Due to the Pact that the City has no �urisd�.ction cf the terraees abutting Sta.te Bond Issue Routee Numbered 9 and 78, the provisions of this 4rdinance shall not apply to the premises abutting said Routea. Section �. REPEAL - All prior Ordinances in conflict with eny of the provisions of thig Ordinance be and the same are hereb� repealed. Section i$: PENALTY - Any person found guilty of any of the provisions of this Ordinance shall be sub�ect to a fine of not lese than Five Dollars (�5.00) nor mare than Two Hundred Dollars (�200.00) for each offen$e. Section 1�. EFFECTTVE DATE - This Ordinance shall be in ePfect ten day� aPter it� peasage by the City Council, approval by the Mayor and publication according ta law. PASSED BY TIi CITY COTJNCSL at a regular meeting held on the ,�o � day oP A. D. , 1965. APPRO Y MAYOR this��da�r of A. D. , 1q65. V, APPROVEn ;-�7r--� � ��� aqor " _' � , \ ? ATTE3T � .�-C�ti::� ���...�c.���'�..�'_;;�'%�'Z� �'�Eq'c1er�T'_'_ .�`...�_ �