HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance #146 . •- Rirst readinU: 3/3/65. La�d over • . ,_ _ . .. ' . . , , . ORDINxNCE IvG. �,/'y� An Urdinance For Levyin� Taxes �'or Corporate Purposes of the City of Canton, Illinois, F'or The Fiscal Year of Said ' City, 1965-1966. WHEREAS, the City Council. of the City of Canton, Ill.inois, did on the 6th day of July h. D. 1965 , pass the xnnual Appropria- tion Ordinance of the City of Canton, I11i.n�is, for the r`iscal Year of said City, be�inning on the first Tuesday in the month of l��ay A. D. 1965 , and ending on the first Tuesday in the P�Zonth of' NTay A. D. 1966, and the amount which was appropriated was the sum of "927,396.00, which said �ppropriation �rdinance was duly approved by the Mayor of said City on the 6th day of July A. D. 1965, and which said ti�nnual �ppropriation Ordinance was on the 15th day of July ti. D. 1965 , duly published in the Canton Daily Ledger, a daily secular newspaper of general circulation, pub- lished in said City of Canton, lll.inois, for a period of over one year prior to said z�ublication. �iOW, T}�EREFURE BE IT GRllAINED BY THE CITY CGUI��JC1Z GF �T'h� CITY OF CANTUN, ILLIIvOIS: Section l. That there be, and there is hereby levied on all the property subject to ta.xation within the corporate limits of the City of Canton, Tllinois, as 'tf1P, same is assessed and equalized for 5tat� and County purposes for the current year, for the Fiscal Year of said �ity of Canton, Illinois, beginning on tr.e first Tuesday in the month of May A. D. 1965, and ending on the first Tuesday in the month of May ��. D. 1966, the total sum of ��316, 500.00 for the following specified purposes: .�. � , e • F�R GE�vERt�L CORPORaT�; PURFOSES GF ShT� L'ITY tiM0 UN T AI�ZOUN T TO hPPRUPRIATED BE LEVIED PGLICE DEP�HTMENT SALARIES: i 1- Chief of Police �i 6,z69.50 3- Police Sergeants,each �5,7i�.00 17,154.00 7- Policemen, each 5,1$5.00 36,z95.00 2- Radio (�perators, each 4,453 •00 �,906.00 1- File Clerk, 3 ,506.00 Auxiliary Policemen 5 ,000.50 Vacation Pay �0_00.00 TOTkL POLICE DEPARTI�IEl�1'I' S�1LI�RIES, �'80, 131 .00 `�35,000.00 POLICE DEPt�RTMENT SUpPLI�S t�ND EG�UIPI�NT: Supplies � 5,000.00 Police Car Rental 3 , 120.00 Fuel For Police Cars 2,200.00 Radio and Teletype Service 2,400.00 TGTAL POLICE DEP�,RTMENT SUpPLIES �l-2,720.00 �i10,500.00 SIDEWALKS: � 500.00 � 500.00 S`�"RE�'�'S AND I�LLEYS: Salary of Street Superintendent, `�' 6,269.50 Other Salaries and labor 35,000.00 Gravelin� of streets 6,001 .50 Materials and supplies 12,000.00 Tree Removal f�,000.00 Purchase of �quipment 15,000.00 Oiling and chipping of stre�ts 10L000.00 TOTAL STREETS t�I�TD ALI,EYS �92,271 .00 NiISCELLANECUS EXP�NS�S: � 2, 500.00 �i 2,000.00 PRINTTNG AI�TD PUF�LICATION :� 3 ,000.00 � 3 ,000.00 PUBI�IC GROUNDS AAiD BUILUINGS: P�epairs and Maintenance :� 7,500.00 Installation of air conditioner, 210 �ast Chestnut Street, T 6,000.00 TUT�1L PUBLIC GHOUPIDS & }3UIL�llINGS �13 , 500.00 y� 7,000.00 PLANNING CUMMISSIUN EXP�NSES: <? 2,500.00 �i 2,500.00 SALARIES OF CITY �FFICIALS: Mayor � 2, 500.00 City Clerk 5,000.00 City Treasurer 2,000.00 City Attorney 4,259.00 Aldermen 6,000.00 Deputy Clerk 1,000.00 S�cretary to Mayor 1�,055.00 Custodian of Buildin�s __�,�61�.00 TUT�L CITY UFFICERSt SALtiRTES �'2�, 17�.00 �2�,000.00 kUDI TING: �� 400.00 � 40�3.00 -2- xMOUN T x1�i0L'NT TO APPKOPKIATED BE L�VIED STREETS LIGHTS: �1$,000.00 $1$,000.00 �C E I�'�2ER�',: Maintenance �12,000.00 Purchase of �quipment 2, 500.00 Repairs 2, 500.00 TOTtiL C�P�'+.ETERY :�17,000.00 �17,000.00 INSUI�NCE: Fire and r�Jindstorm, City Building and contents, :� 1,000.00 Casualty and �Jorkmen's Compensation, 11,000.00 ��12,000.00 �10,600.00 MACHINERY ANU EC�UIPMENT: Storage Rental for Machinery `;� 1, 500.00 �j� 1 500.00 � TOTAL GEPIERAL FUI�TD: ��$4,200.00 �135,000.00 i�ATER AND SEi�JER DEYI�RTI�N T: Salaries $100,000.00 Extra Labor 6,000.00 Maintenance $,000.00 Truck Operations 2,000.00 Supplies, chemicals and fuel 22,000.00 Office Expense 1,500.00 Power 15,000.00 Fire and �V�indstorm Insurance 2,500.00 Casualty and Workmen' s Compensa- tion Insurance 1�,500.00 Depreciation Account 1$,OOO.UO Extension of Service 40,000.00 Purchase of �quipment 5,000.00 Bond Reserve �ccount 1$,000.00 .Jater and S�wer Revenue Bonds, issued May 1 1963 , �rincipal �25 ,000.00 Interest, 71,$50.00 96,$50.00 General Obli�ation Sanitary Sewer Bonds, issued September 1, 1959, Principal �20,000.00 Interest 2,$00.00 22,$00.00 General Obligation ':�ater Improvement Bonds issued September 1, 1959, Principal $20,U00.00 Interest 2,$00.00 22,$00.00 General Ubligation ��dater Improvement Bonds, issued Au€;ust 1, 1951 Principal �15 ,000.00 Interest 2,g1�.00 17,910.00 TOTAL �1ATER AND SEi�JER DEP�1RThiENT, '1�09.1��0.00 -3- � AI��OtiNT AMGUNT TO APPROPRTkTED BE LEVIED PARKING �?ETER FUND: Off Street Parking Sinking Fund `�'10,000.00 Purchase of Equipment 2 000.00 Fuel for T��otorcycle �400.00 Service in Parking Meter Zone 2,000.00 Maintenance of �iotorcycle 200.00 Painting and r�arkings 1,000.00 Salary, 1 Meter Maid 3 ,133 .00 Salary, Traffic Parking Policeman, and Repairman 1�,96$.00 Permanent Street Improvements, 13,000.00 TGTAL PARYING N�;Z'.�R I'UND �'3�,701 .00 GRAND TOTAL GENERAL PURPUSES �730,361 .00 �135,000.00 FOR OTHER PURPOSES xliTNORI'LED BY LAW PUBLIC C�NIF'GFtT STATIUN FUND: A tax not to exceed .0333� of the full, fair cash value, as equ.alized or assessed by the Department af Revenue of the State of Illinois, on a11 taxable property within the City of Canton, Illinois: Repairs and Maintenance � 10,000.00 . Salaries 2 66�.0�0 TOTAL PUBLTC COIU?�'OKT STtiTIUN FUND,$ 12, 46 .00 � 12,500.00 CIVIL DEFENSE: A tax not to exceed .05% of the full, fair cash value, as equal- ized or assessed by the Depart- ment of Revenue of the �tate of Illinois on all taxable property within the City of Canton, Illinois: � 4,000.00 � 4,000.00 ; FOR POLIC� PENSION FUND: A tax levied upon tax�ble property of said City of Canton, Tllinois, at the rate of .05`/ ��10,000.00 $ 10,000.00 FOR FIRE, PROTECTION FUND: A tax not to exceed .20/ of thP full, fair cash value, as equal- ized or assess�d by the Depart- ment of Revenue of the State of Illinois, on all taxable property in the City of Canton, Tllinois: Salaries of Fire Department 1- Chief of Fire Lepartment, � 6,269.50 2- Assistant C�.eis: �ach, �5,71$,00 11,436.00 -4- � �MOUNT �MOUNT TO l�PPROPRIATED BE LEVIED FOR FIRE PROTECTION FUND: (continued) 9- Firemen, each �5,1$5.00 :�46,665.00 Equipment 3 ,000.50 Vacation Pay 3 ,000.00 Purchase of �'ire House 10�000.00 TOTAL FIRE PRO'Ir�CTION FL'P1D, �0,371.00 � '75,Q00.00 FOR PUBLIC BENEFIT FUND: A tax not to exc�ed .05/ of the full, fair cash value, as equal- ized or assess�d by the Depart- ment of Revenue of the State of Illinois, on all taxable property within the City of Canton, Tllinois, to be known as the Public Benefit Fund to be used solely for the pur- pose of payin; that portion of several amounts heretofore assessed a�ainst the City for public benefits under and in pursuance of any Grdinance that may be hereafter passed or assessed against said City: �15,000.00 �� 15,000.00 FOR ILLINUIS NIUNICIPhL RETIREP� �NT FUND: � tax not to exceed .125% on the full, fair cash value of all taxable property within the City of Canton, Illinois, as the same is �qualized or assessed by the D�partment of Revenue of the State of I1linois: :�20,000.00 �� 20,000.00 FOk G.tiRBkGE DISPOSAL: A tax not to exce�d .10� on the full, fair cash value as equal- ized or assessed by the Depart- ment of Kevenue of the State of Illinois , on taxable property within the City of Canton, Illi- nois , pursuant to Grdinance Pvo. 35, passed May 20, 1947, authorizin� the establishment and maintenance of a syst�m for the collection and disposal of �arbage: Salary of Custodian � 6,000.00 Labor 35,000.00 Purchase of equipment $,0�0.00 Ma.intenance 6 L000.00 TOTAL G.�RBMG�: DISPOSAL, ��5,000.00 � 45,000.00 TOTAL OTHEk PUkPOSES �197,035.00 �1$1,500.00 GRAND TOTkL FUR ALL PURPOSES, �927,396.00 �_�316,500.00 -5- � ... S�ction 2. That the City Clerk of the �ity of Canton, Illinois, is hereby authorized and directed to file with the County Clerk of Fulton County, lllinois, a duly certified copy of this Urdinance. Section 3. This Urdinance shall be in eff�ct upon its passage by the City Council and ppproval by the P�ia�or. PASSED by the City Council this /d� day of xu;;ust �. D. 1965 . APPROVED by the NIayor this � day of Au:�ust A. D. 1965. tiPPROVED: G lz:zc��/�/ Sp N(�YOR t�TTES T. �L�XC-��1�.�/� CITY CLE i —6—