HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance #220. � _. � _. , . - -- _ , Fir st reaalir�g s�?�a. /+67 ,: , �. " � T�i�<�e� ORDINANCE N0.-���� AN ORDTN.ANCE FOR LEVYING TAXES Ft�R CORPQR.ATE PURPpSES OF THE CTTY OF CANTON, ILLINOIS, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR pF gAlp CITY, 196?-I968. WHEREAS, the Citg Council of the City of Canton, Illinois, did on the 20th day of June A. D. 1967, pass the Annual Appropria- tion Qrdinance of the City of Canton, Illinois, for the Fiscal Year of said City, beginning on the first Tuesday in the month o�' May A. �. 1967, and ending on the Pirst Tuesday in the Month of May A. D. 1968, and the amount which was appropriated wa� the sum of �1,061,002,50, which said Appropriation Ordinance was duly approved by the Magor of said City on the 21st day of June A. �. 1qb7, and which said Annual Appropriation Qrdinance was on the lst day of July A. D. 1967, duly publishsd in the Canton Dail�r Ledger, a daily secular newapaper of general circulation, pub139hed in said C3ty of Canton, Illinois, for a period of over one year prior to said publication. NOW, THEREF'QRE BE IT QRDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CANTON, ILLINOIS: SECTION 1. Th,at there be, and there is hereby lev3ed on all the property sub3ect to taxation within the corporate limits of the Ci�� of Canton, Illinois, as the same is assessed and � , equalized Por State and County purposes for the current year, for �- the Fiacal Year of eaid City of Canton, Illinois, beginning on the firat Tueaday in the month of May A. D. 1967, and enclin� on I the Pirst Tuesday in the month of May A. D. 1968, the total sum oP �368,181}.00 f'or the following specifisd purposes: � p a r • . . FQR GENERAI+ CQRPORATE PURPOSES OF SAID CITY ��� AMOUNT T 0 '"'$�S�RIATED � POLICE DEPARTMENT SA�ARI�S: � 7,41!}•00 1-Chief of Police �a�h ��?���� 20,11ti.00 3-Police sergeanta, 861.00 41s02?•o0 7-Policemen� each 5, 6.00 2-Redio Operators, each 4,973•00 4s368,00 1-P'ile Clerk, 5 p04.00 puxiliary Policemen 5,000.00 Vacation P�q 1 200.00 Clothing A].lowance ��"""'"b'p �3?,500.00 TpTAL POLICE DEPARTMENT SALARTES, � 73• POLICE DEPARTMENT SUPPLIES AND EB�UIPMENT' � 5�000.00 Supplies 3,120.00 Pol3.ce Car Rental 2,�.00.00 Fuel for Poliee Cars p00.00 Rad3o and Teletype Service __�:_._-- TpTAI, POLICE DEPARTMENT SUPPLIES �13�520.00 ��2,500.00 pND EQU I PNTENT SIDEWALKS: 00.00 Repairs and Maintenance of Sidewalks � 7j500.00 � 7,� STREETS AND ALLEYSz 41!}.00 Salary of Street Superintendent, � ?'000.00 Other Salaries and labor 47�p00.00 Graveling of Streets 12 000.00 Materials and suppliea $�OOO.dO Tree Removal i5�pQ0.00 Furchase of Equipment 031ing and chipping of streets 17,000.00 TOTAL STRLETS AND ALLEYS: �109,�-14•00 MZSCELLANEOUS EXPENSES: � 2,,�00.00 � 2,000.00 PRINTING AND PUBLICATION: � 3,000.00 � 3,000.00 P[JBLIC GROUNDS AND BUILDINGS: Repairs and Maintenance � 9,500.00 � 9�500.00 PLANNING COMMISSION EXPENSES: � 5,000.00 � 2,500.00 SALARIES OF CITY OFFICI.ALS: Mayor �$ 2,500.00 City Clerk 5,000.00 City Treasurer 2�QQ0.00 City Attorney 5:,460.00 Aldermen 6,000.00 Deputy City Clerk 1,500.00 Secretary to Mayor 4�603.00 Custodian of Buildings 4,212.00 TOTAL CITY OFFICERS' SALARTES �" 3�.;2'�5•00 � 27,504•00 _2.. � - i - : . AMOUNT AMOUNT TO ���.( 'RIATED �E��D �►tr�rrzxa: � 400.oo � 400.o0 STREET LIGHTS: '� 27,000,00 � ,°�;'�,000.00 CFd4E1'�RY: Maintenance � 13,500.0lJ Pu.rehase of Equipment 2,,�00.00 Repairs 2,500.00 TOTAL CEMETERY � 18,500.00 � 17�000.00 INSUR.ANCE: Fire and Windstorm, City Building and contents, � 1,000.00 Casualty and Workmen�s Compensation, 7.L�-,000.00 Insurauce for �mployees , t�,000.00 TOTAL INSURANCE � 23,000.00 � 7�;600.00 TOTAI, GENERAI, FUND: �31.�la..,682.00 �158,�00.00 WATEft AND SEWEft DEPARTMENT: 3alariea �120,000.00 Extra Labor 7,000.00 Maintenance 8,000.�0 Truck 0peration� 2�000.00 Supplles, chemicals and f11e1, 2L�.,000.00 OFfice Expense 2,000.00 Power 15,000.00 Fire and Windstorm Insurance 2,�00.00 Casualty and Workments Compensation In�urancs 6,000.00 Depreciation �iccount 18,000.00 Extension of Service 40,000.00 Purchsae of Equipment 5,000.00 Bond Reserve Account 18,000.00 Water and Sewer Revenue Bonds, iatsued May 1, 1963 Principa.l, �30,000.00 Interest, 70,972•50 �10o,g72.5o General Obligation Sanitary Sewer Bonds, issued September 1, 1959, Principal, �10,000.00 Interest, l�00.00 � 10,400.00 General Obligation Water Improvement Bonds, issued Saptember l, 1959, Principal, �25,000.00 Interest, 1,400.00 � 26,440.00 , General Obligation Water Improvement BonBs, issued August 1, 1951, Principal, �17,000.00 Int4rest, 1,530.00 � 18,530.00 TOTA� WATER .AND SEWEft DEPARTMENT �l�.23,802.50 -3- . a , . . AMOUNT AMOUNT TO �Ii���RTATED ���� PARKTNG METER FUND: Off Street Parking Sinking F'u.nd � 10,000.00 Purcha�e of Equipment 4,000.00 Fuel for Motorcycle !}00.00 Service in Parking Meter Zone 2,000.00 Maintenance of Motorcycle 200.00 Paiating �nd Markings 1�040.00 Salary, 1 Meter Mai.d l�,200.00 Salary, Traffic Parking Policeman and Repairman, 5�599.00 Permanent Street Tmprovements, 1,� 000.00 TOT.AL PARRING METII� FtTND � l�0,399.00 GRAND TOTAL GII�tERAL PTJRP4SES �808,883.50 �+158,000.00 FOR OTHER PURP4SES AUTHORIZED BY LAW PUBLIC COME'ORT STATION FUND: A tax not to exceed .0333�' of the ftxll, fair cash value, as equalized or aesessed by the Department of Revenue of the State of Illinois, on all tazable property within the City of Canton, Illinois: Repair$ and Maintenance � 10,000.00 Salaries 3,184.00 TOTAL PUBLIC COMFORT STATION FUND, � 13,184.00 � 13,18l4..00 CIVIL DE'F'ENS�: A tax not to e.xcead .05f of the ftiill, fair cash value, as equalized or a�se�sed by the Department of Revenue oP the State of Illinois on all taxable property within the City of Canton, Illinois: � 2,000.00 � 2,000.00 FOR FIREMEN�3 PENSION FUND: A tax levied upon all taxable property of said City of Canton, Illinois, at the rate of .05f, � 10,000�00 � 10,000•00 FOR POLICE PEN3ION FUND: A ta�c levied upon taaable proper�y oP said Cit� oF Cantan, � Illinois, at the rate of .05�, � 10,000.00 � 10,000.00 -!}- . . , � , ' � , � » � AMOUNT AMOUNT TO AP�$R RIATEA B�� a �� FOR FIRE PROTECTION FiTND: A tax not to exc�ed .40� of the � f�,ill, fair cash value, as squal- ized or asses$ed by the Department of Revenue of the State of Illinois, on a7.l �taxable property in the City oP Canton, Illinois: Salaries of Fire Department, 1-Chief of Fire �epartment � 7,1�14.Q0 2-A�si�tant Chiefs, each, �6,706.00 � 13,1�12.Oo 9-Firemen, eaan, �5,�6i.00 ' S2,749.00 vacation Fay 5,000.00 Clothing Allowance 600.00 TOTAL FIRE PROTECTION FUND, � 79,175.00 � 60�000.00 FOR PUBLIC BENEFIT FUND: A tax not to exceed .05� of the f`ull, fair cash value, as equal- ized or aasessed by the Department of Revenue oP the State of Illinois, on all ta�cable propertg within the City of Canton, Illinois, to be known as the Public Benefit �''und to be used �olely for the purpose of paying that portion of several amounta heretofore assessed a�ainst the City for public benefits under and in pursuance of any Ordinance that mag be hereafter passed or assessed a�ainst said City: � 15,000.00 � 15,000.00 FOR ILLINOIS MIINICIPAL RETIREMENT F'tTND: A tax not to exceed .125� on the f`u.11, fair cash value of all. taxable property within the �ity of Canton, Illinois, as the same is equalized or assessed by the Department of Revenue of the State of Illinois: � 45,000.00 � 45,000.00 FOR (3ARBAGE DISP03AI�: A tax not to exceed .11}�b of the Pull, fair cash value as equal- ized or assea$ed by the Department of Reeenue of the 3tate of Illinois, on ta�able property within the City of Canton, Illinois, pursu ant to -5- � . . � ' , r � ar7ovr�r ,AMOUNT T4 ��RIATED ��!w"�;�;�fED FOR GARBAGE DISPOSAL: �continued) Qrdinance No. 35, passed May 20, 19!}7, authorizing the establish- ment and maintenance of a system for the collection and disposal of garbage: Salary of Custodian � 6,760.00 Labor !}0,000.00 Purchase of equipment 1�.,000.00 Maintenance 10,000.00 Construction of Stora.�e Building ?,000.40 TOTAL GARBAGE DTSPOSAL, � ?7,760.00 � 55,000.00 TOTAL OTHEft PU'RP4SES �252.119.00 �2io,i81�.00 GRANT TOTAL FOR ALL FtTRPOSES, �1,061,002.50 �3b 8,18l�.00 SECTION 2. That the City Clerk of the City of Canton, Illinois, is hereby authorized and directed to file with the �ounty Clerk of F'ulton County, Illinois, a duly certified copy of thie Qrdinance. SECTIQ SECTION 3. This Ordinance shall be in effect upon its passage by the City Council and Approval by the Mayor. PAS3ED by the �ity �ouncil this _1!�� day of � A. D. 1967. APPRQVED by the Mayor this day of ��c_._ A. D. 1967. � // APPR.OVED: -������"� A , ATTEST: � r G -6-