HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance #231 r '91��"�u > �_.. , � �� °--:�„� f�..��i.�..� � �_�''��-. 11/7/67 re en �t�1 to C�uncil �o �ay ov'ar ORDIN.ANCE N0. -�_� BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CTTY OF CANTON, ILLINOIS: Section 1. That Chapter XXIII, Seetion 6 of "The Revised Ordinan.ces � of the City of Can.ton, Tllinois, o£ 19 59" be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: "Sectian 6. RESIDENCE DISTRICT DEFINED. ZTCEN5ES PROHIBITED IN CERTAIN PLACES. It is hereby ascertained, detertnined and provided that that partion of the City of Canton lying outside of the territory bounded as follows: Commencing at the intersection of the center lines of West Locust Stxeet and North Avenue A� thence running south to the center line of '� Pine Street, thence East to the center line of South Second 1�venue, thence North to the center line of Ea.st Locust Street, thence West to the plaee of beginning is predom3.nately a residence diatrict� so that no licenas permitting the sale of a7.coholic lic�uors shall be issued by the local liquor commi.ssion within the said resi dence district so determ3.ned� un.less the owner or owner� of at least two-thirds of the fronta.ge� 200 feet in eac.�i direction along the street and streets ad�acent ta the place of business for which a license is sought, file with the local liquor commission� his, her or their written consent to the use of such place for the sale of alaoholic liquors. It is also provided that no license for the sale of alcoholic liquor sha11 be issued to any person� firm or corporation for the sale of any aleoholic liquor in an�r room� store or other plaee or building that faces� fronts or ad,�oins the Public Square of said City or that has any exit or entrance thereon; nor shall any license be issued £or the sale of alcohol3.c liquor in any room, store or other place above the first ar ground floor of any building or place. It is also further provided that none of the provisions of this Oxdinance sha.11 apply to corporations having a Class B license." SeGtian 2. This Ord3nance shall be in effect after its passage by the C3.ty Coun-�~I.l and approval by the Mayor. PA5SED by the City Couneil and approved by the Mayor thisq��ay' of ""`_,� A. D. 1967. APPROVED: �' ��--- YOR. ATTEST:,_„_ '-�-Q� .,.�.. CITX CLERK.