HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance #260 • • ' - �„r � , ` `� ���''� � �, PA�E .���� � T ���� � � :p ORDINI�NC � 1d0 . � (� � WHEREAS, it appEar� to �� City Co�n�1l of th� City of C�,n�on, Illinois, th�.t thc t�rritor� he�r�in�.ft�r d�sc�ib�d i� not within the corw porate limits mf �,n,� municip��].ity but f� �ontiguo�� �o �h� City of C�nton, Illinoi�; �.nd, it further app�aring to the ��.id Cit� Cauncil that �.11 the el�ctor$ residing in s�.id t�rri�or� �.Ereinaft�r d��crib+�d �,nd that the own�rs of record of a1,1 thc l�.nd �rithin ��.id territo�y ha�r� r�quest�d t�.at it be an- n��ed to ��.id Ci�y a� �hc�wM by �h� r���rd� of '�l�.a� Co�xr�cil; THEREFORE, B� IT ORDA]�TED BY Ti�E CITY COiJl'�1CIL �F 'THE CTTY OF CANTON� ILLTNOLS: Se ction 1. Th�t the tErri�or�y d��crib�d �.� follo�v�: Part of the �outh���t Qu�.r��r of S�ctimn 26� Tov�rnship 7 North, R,ang� 4 E�.st of th� Fourtl� Principal M�ridian, Fultor� County, Illinoi�, being furth�r de�erib�d a� follows: Z'ract I Beginning on the e�i�tin� corpor ati�n ],ir�e, b�ing o� thc South line of E�,�t �-A�h Str���, �.nd a1�o be�ing 300. 0 ���t �7Ve�st of � concrete rn�.r��r at th� Nor�he�.�t corn�r of said �auth�a�t Q�art�r; th�nc� WQ�st along �aid corporat�ton lin� and South 1in� of 1��h Str��t 6�8. 69 fe�t' to th� Ea�� line of Lot 12, Block 3 of Ea�t�rn Sta.r Addi�ion; then�e So�th„ �],oa�� the �xisting corpo�� ation linc, 137. � fce�t; ther�c� E�,st �4�. 0 f�et, i��ing p�,r�I�l v�ith the South 19.n.e af A�h Street; thesnc� So�.th 42. 5 f�Qt; thence ��.�t 29. 95 f�et to tla� �xist�i.ng Eorpo�ation 1in�; th�nc� Nort� �.long sa�d corpor�.tion lin� 180, � fc��t t.a th� p1aEe of b�gi�.ning, con��.ining a, 141 aerc�; Traet I� BEginnin� at th�* �Topth�a�t cornEr ef L�t :3 of B1act� 4 of Eastern Star Addition; th�nce North a�:ong the� exi�tir�g corpora�ian l�in� 1�7, � f��t; th�neE E�,�t 25.0 fcct; ��n�e� South 1�7. 3 f��t to the �xl.sting corporation lin�; fil�ie��e W��t �5. 0 f��t, along th� �xi�t� ing corporaf.iAn 1in�, to �i� p1�.cQ ot begirinir�g, b� and it is hc�r�by ann�xed �o th� City of Can�n. Zllinoi�. Section 2. T'��,t �, certifi.�d copy of tl�is Ordinance together with an �.ccurat� m�p of tih� t�rrrtory �,bov� de��arib�d �h�a�.1 b� �-eco�d�d with ths Record�r of D��d� o� Ful�ton Count�y, Tl�,�r�oi�s. Seetion 3. T�at thi� Ordin.sne� �1�e,3.]. b� �n ef�'�ct �ro�n �,r�d �,�ter a tv�o-third� "a�� �' �,nd '"n o e " vo�� of �� C�.�� Couneil ef the City of C�,n�on, I1�linoi�, and �:ppro��,l. b� �1i� M�.�O�. PA�S�D by a two��hirds ''a�ye " �,nd "noe '� v te� of th� Cit;� Cmunci,l ar�d appx�aveal b� �h� Mayor �lii� /7�da� e� A.D� I96€3. 1�P�'���"�ED���-1 z� �- �A YO ATTESTr � CIT� CLERK. �