HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance #325 F� � , ' w �� First read3ry� 11�10�'t0 ; H :�-. ' Lai� 'oseY � ORJ��VAIVGE N0. 325 BE IT ORn?�INEll T3Y T�iE CITY COI1iVCI:L OF T1iE C:[TY OF CAiVTO�T, ILLINOIa: SECTI�N 1. That a stop sign shal.l be posted at each of the Saiithwest a��l�rtheast cor�lers of the i�itersection of Sevent:� Avenue and Elm Street in the City of Canton, Illinois and, whenever a driver of a vehicle sha11 approach West Elm Street , he shall. bring his vehicle to a complet�e stop and 1;Pien proceed wi�h caution when a safe iiiterval occ�.rs. Tlie presen� "�Yield" signs heretofore existing at said corners sha1.1 be removed. SECTION 2. T'�at �, stop si�n shal.l be post�d at each of_ the S�uthwest and Nor�heast corners of. the intersectic�n o.f Cherry S�;reet and Saia.±�i Second A�renue izi the City of Canton, I1linois and, �ahenever a driver o� a vehicle sha]..L approach Sa�ith Second Avenue, he sha11 bri�lg his vehicle to a complete stop aci�l �;:'zen proceed with ` caution when a safe �.ilterval �accurs. The presen-� "yield" signs heretofare existing at saitl corners shall be rem�nv�d. ' SLGTIUN 3. That �. stop sig�. shal.t be posted at eaGh of the S�uthwest and Nort�ieast cor.iers o.f. the iiltersecti�on of Cass Place and Ju3�szson Cuii�t in t�Ze Ci-ty of Canton, Ill:inois and, whenever a driver of a vehicle sha�.l anproach Joh�son Coii„t, he shall bring his vehicle to a complete stop a�d i;,ien �roceed wit� caution when a safe iiiterval �ccurs. T�ie present "Yield" si�.ns heretofore existing at sai� cor.�ers shall be rem�ved. SECTi�i� ��. TTZat a stop si�n shall be po�ted at the South- west corner of t�e iiltersectio.n of Cass P1ace and N�rth Avenue C in the Cii;y of �anton, Illinois and, whenever a driver of a vehicle shall appra�.ch Narth A��renue C, he sha].t bring hi.s vehicle to a camplete st�p and �:zen proceed with caution whe:� a safe izlterval occurs. T�ie present "'Yiel�" signs heretof�re existi�lg at said corners shall be rem�a�ed. SECTION 5. That a stop sign shall be posted at the S�ia.t:�i- east corner �f the intersectian of Liberty St�eet and North �t3� A�renue u1 the Ci�ty of Canton, Illino�.s and, whenever a d�iver of a vehicle sh�11 approach Nortli 6t:� A��Jenue, he sha:Ll br�:ng his vehicle to a complete stop ae�d �;tien proceed raith caution w'hen a �afe iilterval �ccurs. SECT:ION �. Ax1y person .f011l1CI gu�ilty of a viol�tion of. this Orr�a.ilance shaJ.l be subject ta a fine of_ �lot less than Five dollars (�5.00) �ior rnure than 7.`f+ao h��ndr. ed do�lars (�2�0.0�) • SLCTION ?. T�zis Ord:i.zance s?�a11 '�e iii effect ten days after its passage by t�ne Ci�ty Couilcil, approval ?�y the Mayor and publication accorrling t� law. PASSLD by t�1e City Coi�.�cil and approv�d by t:1e Mayar. this ��� da�T of !_ !-�/`� , A.D. 1970. A�'PR()ET��D. j>_:1-�t�-�.1�� � , __ --_- '--��_ ��� � _ ��������r: �J�..-�-�� C-��� _ f ---- �-�L���.