HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance #496 ' - . _ , • - . � � , , � � , , First� reading 6/3/75 puL�ITd.1NCE ATO. °�/��' :�N ORDIPt�TICE M?�KING THE ANNZi/�L APP;�OFi;IA'1'IUPd t�0? 'i�F?I� ��;ITY 0�' C;NTCN, ILLINOIS, FOR ':rHE ��ISCAL YE4R OF SAID CITY, 1975-1976, `r0 BE Tr,RP�TED THE AP?NiTAL A�--PROPRIATION ORDITT�'�N��E 0�' SAID CITY: B�; IT 0':�DAINED BY THr. CI�l.'Y COUNCII, OI� TF�E CITY OF CANTON: S�,CTION l. That the followin� sums of money, or as much as may be a�zthorized by law, and as may be needed �r deemed necessary to defray all necessary expenses and l.iabilitie� �f the Cit;r c�f ran±on, Zllinois, �F , ��3 the same arQ hereby appropri�ted for the cornorate purposes and objects of said Cit;� herein specified for the Fi`�al Year of said City commencino on the first Tuesday in the month of May, i975 and ending on the fir,�t Tuesday in the month of May, 19?6. FOR �rNERAL �0�?POF;:'�T�: Pi1r>POSI��S 0? S'�Tr CTT,T: P�T�ICE TiEP�?�T1�?FNT fi�LA�'IES: 1 �hief of Police `�13,475.?_8 2 Police Ser�eantss '�11,901.76 23,803.52 1 Police Ser�eant: 11,6C8.2�? Z Senior Police Officers: 10,�96.96 �1,993.9� 1 Senior Folice Officer: 1.�,'7Q1.16 2 Policemen: 10,'784,80 21,569.60 4 Policenien: 10,678.7?_ 4?_,�14.88 1 Policeman: 10,573.16 ]. Policerian: 10,469.16 1 ??adio dperator: 9,819.16 1 Radio Operator. : 9,806.68 ?_ R�dio Operators 9,'790.56 19,531..12 1 Do� Catcher & ��dio 0�}erator: 8,3'7A.80 liuxiliary Policemen. 1?_,000.00 School Crossing Guards: 12,000.00 Overt�.me, holidays ,=�nd sick leave pay: 17,000.00 Court expenses: 7,000.00 1 raretaker: 1.�560.00 TOTAL POLICE DFP�RTI�IEI'dT SAL4RI�,S: �264,195.7?_ �OT�ICE 7)E1�ANT��ErtT ST'PPLIES ?< E'�IJIPN?ENT: Clothing allowa.nce: '� 3,675.00 Supplies Px Enuipment: 15,000.00 Polir,e cars: 13,000.00 Fuel for police cars: 16,000.00 Radio maintenance : 3,000.00 Insurance: 3,000.00 Police car rental: 4?_0.00 TOTAL :��C�LIGE nEP:'��Tr�EI�T StTpPLIES: � 54,Og5.00 u I PE��J.�1I.KS: Repairs °- Maintenance of Sidew�lks: � 500.00'K 500.00 STP,I��ETS Rt ALLEYS: � �alary of Street Suut. : ;�13,475.28 Other salaries and labor: $E?�000.00 G.ravel�ng of streets: 40,000.00 Materials and su�pl_ies: �5,000.00 Tree removal: 8,�00.00 Piz.rchase of equipment: 20,000.�0 TOT:1L STREETS �ND AI,LEXS: �186,475.28 MISCET,I�:1TdE0?JS EXPr 1�'SEr: �? 2�500.00 � ?_�500.00 O�R�IN.2NC� BOOK REVISTON: `� 1,000.00 1,000.00 P�?NTIT7G & PUBLIrt1T70r�S� � h,000.00 6,000.00 PtiRLIC �1RC�tndDS �rdD R?rrLD-rNGS: Repairs and P�ia�ntenance ';�15,000.00 15,000.00 PLAA;RTZPIG ����T°'�iISSIOtd �Xi?FNSE:�: `� 400.00 400.00 S�T�!1?�I�� 0�' �"ITY OPrT'"IALS: M�vor. City Clerk: "S5, _?_00.00 8,000.00 Citv Trea�urer: 4,000.00 City :4ttorney: 8,911.?_4 Der�aty City Clerks: 4,247.72 Se�retar�* to M�yor: 8,653.3?_ Maintenance Supervisor: l .?_,91?_.12 Ctzstodian of Buildin�s: 8,196.?_4 �'ourteen Aldermen 10,000.00 Mayor's Office Expenae: 500.00 City r?ttorney Office �xr�en�e: l,?00.00 TOTqL rITY OFi I�?'ALS SALnuIES: ?¢7].,8?_0.64 ATTDTTTNG: �1,400.00 '� 1,400.00 STREFT I,IGNTS: ��35,000.00 �35,000.00 rENTETERY: N!ai.ntenance : �25,000.00 Purcha;�e of Fauipment: 2,500.00 Repairs: 2,500.00 TOT 4L CEr�ETERY: "�?�0,000.00 INSiJR Al`dC r.: Fire Rt Windstorn, City Bl��s. , and cr,ntents: ,� 3,000.00 Casualty & T�Jorkmen�s Comp: 17,500.00 Tnsur�nce for employees: 5h,000.00 TOT?�L IN�'JRAN�E: '�86,500.00 '�IAT ,R ^_N'� SE'n�R DEPARTr'�?,NT: Salarie s: ?�?.00,000.00 Extra I,abor: 10,000.00 Maintenance: 65,000.00 Tr�ack Oper�tions: 3,000.00 Supplies, Chemicals R� i��iel: 37,000.00 Office expense: 5,000.00 Power: 37,000.00 Fzre Q� T�Jindstorm Insurance : 4,000.00 Casu�lty Y Workmen's Com�. Ins. : 8,000.00 Extension of services; 50,000.00 Purchase of Eauipment: 20,000.00 � . , . jdATER AND SEWER DE'r�ARTMENT --CC>tiTINTJED � Auditing: �y 1,100.00 Water Q� Sewer Bonds issued May 1, 1963 Principal: ?�30,000.00 Interest: 62,075.00 92,075.00 Sherwood Forest, Inc. , Agreement Principal: 4,000.00 Interest: 2,880.00 6,880.00 TOT.AL WATER AND SE',�;R DEI-'ARTMENT: �539,455.00 G�NERAL OBLIGATION SLir1ER BONDS issued June 1, 19?3 Principal: �j60,000.00 Interest: 2_3,625.00 83,625.00 83,625.00 PARKING NiETE� FUND: Purchases of Equi�,ment: 7,000.00 Fuel for Motorcycle: 400.00 Service in Parkin� Meter 7one: 2,000.00 Painting & Markin�s: 2,000.00 Maintenance of motorcycle: 200.00 Salary/Meter Maid: �3�21�.56 Salary, Traffic Parkin� Police & Repairman: 10 317.84 1 file Clerk: 7,845.80 Clothing allowance : 375.00 TOTAI, t'AT�KING MET�R FUN� � 3�,357.20 COST OF LIVING (Salary Cor:tin�ency) : �'� 40,000.00 �R9ND TOTAL GEN�RAL PU�POSES: �1�455�9?3�g4 FOR OTHER PTJ'�POSES AUT:iCRI?ED BY LA':�1 PIJF3LIC ^OMr'(��T S`?'ATION I�'UNT�S A tax not to exceed .0333/ of the full, fair cash value, ?.s equalized or =�ssessed by the Dept. of Revenue of the State of Illinois, on all taxable property within the City of Canton, Illinois Repairs � Maintenance: $ 6,000.00 Salaries: ;� 1,560.J0 �7,560.00 CIVIL DEFENSE: A tax not to exceed .05/ Qf the full, fair cash value, as equalized or assessed by the Debt. of Revenize of the State of Illinoi s nr.. �11 tax�,ble gro,,erty withir.i the Ci+.,•T of ranton, T?_l� � �,,OQ.00 '��,500.00 F�R �I'.?Fr��,TT'S PEP?SION FTTND; A tax levied upon all tax�ble prol�erty of said City of Canton, Illin��is at the .rate on the dollar which will �nroduce� '�48,200.00 �4&,?_00.00 FOR P�LICE PEATSION rUNDS: A tax lev�ed upon taxable propert�r of said Cit,y of Canton, Illinois at the rate of the dollar �-Jhich will �roduce: �24,0�0.00 �24,000.00 �OR FIR� .I�ROTECTION Fi7NDS: A tax not te exceed a .15,°� of the full, fair cash value , as equali?ed or assessed by the Dept. of Revenue of the State of Illinois on all ta�able p.ro��erty within the City of Canton, Illinois. 1 Fire Chief: �13,475.28 3 ?�sst. Fire Chiefs: �11,66�.28 35,004.84 1 Lieutenant 11,224.72 2 Lieutenants 11,120.72 22,241.44 5 Firemen: 10,781.26 53,906.30 1 F;r.Pman: 10,67?.16 ; Firemen: 10,573.16 31,719.4g Overt rne, holiday an�i sick leave pay: 15,000.00 Volunteer Firer�en: 1,200.t�0 �1.94,449.2� FC�'.�t rIRE i�ROTECTI01�1 FUNDS: Trainin� Expenses: 1a500.00 C,lothin� allowance: 2,325.00 Su;�plies: 5,000.00 New equiprnent: 7,000.00 Repairs: 2�000.00 TOT4L FII2E PROTECT7:OP' �TTNDS: '�212,274.22 FOR PGLICE "r'�OT���;TIO��� FtTND: A tax not to exceed .05°� of the f�zll fair. cash value, as eaualized or assessed ry the nept. of Revenue of the St�te of Illinois, on all taxable property in. the City of Canton, Illinois: `�25,000.00 � 25,000.00 FOR PiJBLIC BENEFIT F�?ND: A tax not to exc,eed .05% of the full fair cash value, as e�uali?ed or assessed by the Dept. of Revenue of the State of Illinois, on all taxable property within the City of Canton, Illinois to be known as the Public Benefit Func� to be used s�lely for the pur�ose of paying that portion of several amounts heretofore asses�ed a;ainst the City for. pizblic benefits under �nd in pur�uance of any Ordinance that may be hereafter ;�assed or assessed a�ainst this City: �25,000.00 � 25,000.00 FOR ILLINOIS NIUNICTFAL RETIREMENT FTTND: A tax on the full fair cash value of all taxable propert,y within the City of Canton, I11. , which will produce the sum af: `�690,000.00 ?� 90,000.00 FO_4 r:'�RBAGE DISPOSAL: A tax not to exceed a .17/ of the full, fair cash value as equaliaed or assessed by the Dept. of Revenue �f thP State of Ill. on taxable property within the City of � , . . FOR GARBA�E DISPOSAL--CONTINiJED Canton, I11. , pursuant to Ordinance No. 35, passed May 20, 1g47 authorizin� the establishment �nd maintenance of a system for the collection and disposal of �arba�e. �25t000.00 New Equipment: Landfill: 12,000.00 Labor: �5,000.00 Maintenance: 15,000.00 TOTAL GARRAr7E DISPOS�L: �117,000.00 FEDERAL REVENtJE SH9?�ING T?2iJST �UNA antici��ated funds, 1bl> , �7.25) Fire Truck � 52,000.00 Water Treatment Plant Additions 100,139•00 Street Improvements: 6,558.Z5 TOT�1L C)THER PURPOSE�: �711 zz31.47 GRr?ND TOT?�L FO_? ALL ::'ITRPOSES: �2,167,155•31 SECTInN 2. That the City Council shall, at any time after the first half of the Fiscal vear, by a two-thirds vote of the membership, make a tr�nsfer within any department or other separate a��enc,y c�f the City E�ouernment, of sum� of money approp.riated for one corporate object or pizrpose to another corporate object or purpose, but no a��propria.tion for any object or purr�ose s?:all the.reby be reduced below any amount sufficient t� cover all obli�at5_ons incurred or to be inciirred against such appropriation. SECTION 3• This Ordinance shall be xnowu as the "Annual Appropriation Ordin�nce" of the City of Canton, Illinais. SECTION 4. This Ordinance sh�ll be in effect ten days after it� passa;e by the rity Col�ncil, �pproval of the Mayor and x>ublic�tion according to law. PASSED by the City C,ouncil of the City of Canton, Illi is at a re�ular meetin� thereof held on the /���_ day of _ . �..-- !�.n. 1975• '� ;''~n J ; � - , , ; � <�PP?OVEP , _ � ,,_ _ �- _ / - -< - P�;AYOR.: ,, , -. „ • , �..{ � ATT��ST: _l �C t . � , , ,�F�- .�� �.� CITY rLERK. ��