HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution #3416RESOLUTION NO. 3416 A RESOLUTION APPROVING AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CANTON AND ELGIN SWEEPER COMPANY FOR THE PURCFIASE OF ONE ELGIN STREET SWEEPER WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Canton, Illinois has reviewed the terms of said Agreement, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof as Exhibit A; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Canton, Illinois has determined that it is in the best interest of the City of Canton to approve said Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CANTON, Fulton County, Illinois as follows: 1. That said Agreement, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof as Exhibit A, is hereby approved pursuant to the terms and conditions set forth therein. 2. That this Resolution shall be in full force and effect immediately upon its passage by the City Council of the City of Canton, Fulton County, Illinois and approval by the Mayor thereof. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Canton, Fulton County, Illinois, at a regular meeting this 19th day of May, 1998, upon a roll call vote as follows: AYES• Aldenr~ri Shores, May, Nidiffer, Meade, Sarff, Phillips, ' Molleck, Hartford. NAYS: None . ABSENT: None . APP OVED: ~~ Donald E. Edwards, Mayor Attest: ~~, Nancy Whit ,City Jerk. ,. _ ~ , Fe-~4M7•E LESSOR: "• FOR COMPLETION BY LESSOR 4 Elgin Sweexlez' Comtaanv . 1915 W. 22nd Street, Suite' 1100 Always Refer td'Lesoe No. M• 3067 Oak Brook, IL 60523 _ ..,~ LESSEE: .:,:; . i. _ . ~~, , t , City of Canton . ~;,. _ • .. . Name: -' avtR,v , Address: 520 W. locust :'F ' city .Canton State II, ~ np code 61520 ..~ I confect and Tide: Jim Snvder, City Arhltislistrator ~:~ , .,,, Telepftone No. 309-647-0065 x24 <.p 5, ~ . ,. _ ; ITEM QUANTITY EQUIPMENTDESCRIPTION (Indttrk Make, Model, Serlef No. end all Attechmertta) ;: 1 1 "~ (~.) ~ Elgin. Stvee~' GeoVac SBL'i28' "Y11 StieBt Staeeper •,n n .. ~, Mounted on a 1998 (~C Chassis (#1GtrS7C1JXF17502843) - z ~ :.,.., ... r ,Pt , ~. • J '~•r. ..., d,~~r.-~ ,..•~ r.. ..ar ..e ~ilni•a. As«, ... ...t1 i „{i...;,e. ..,_. ,. .. ,,nom ~ ' . ,,.+ d . &q ti .c:1 5 'H '~V ~A'W ,1 <~ ~: 'p Q c , tl(' . 1 (., x ~` .. .. AAA r'X : n F i ~~ ... .. tl1 ,~<. IY ~ - `P r. . . ..^.~M" i. .i t~Krlr~.~.11. JV LEASE TERM ., ' ~ TOTAL EQUIPMENT COST RENT DUE (Perkx)) hIOJAMDUNT OF RENTAL PAYMENTS Five (5) Years• ~, - 5154, 400.00"' ~ _: _ Aruiually.; , . ~ ~; ; ' :,~mp.n hene~cletw ' '° t ° ;:. in Advance ,n rP^ym.m adtedtrb~ . ~. - MUNICIPAL'LEABE AND OPTION AGREEMENT ,~ .,:~ - .. ~ ~ .. , Lessor hereby bases b Lessee the Equtlxnent for the purposes end upon the folbwlnp !arms and condlhone: . t„ . . . ARTICLE I: COYENANT'8 OF LElflEE Lesaa rapraaib, `ahvaranb and waneitM; lar ARTICLE Mr~CtNAMENCE11F1If OF LEAtla~ TERM,`.... ., ~ . ~ ' , ~..•. `. Me bartsM d Lessor and Its aagnea, a follllowa: TM Odplnsl Term d Mb AprearitsM ehWl commons onthe deb tM EgtdpmeM b sosprod A. Lseea b a ptbNe body. aorporeN and poRk:, duN orpertbM and ameplp ~' eta " by !mesa a Irtdkaud an Ms Grtlfkxro d Aasp4rts ("Comntsnsmsnt Dete'1 and eMN brminate 1M ba dry d Lseea's seem flats! yeu. F« Ms durellon a Me tesa'Tsrm, ` ) end wq do ««tuso b M Caatllulbn and bwe d Me BfaN a eM bM show ("SiW done aB ddrps rteseeary b Preserve ~ehd keep Wt htp pre end esecr ss ntbwts u a Mb Apramem wR w au0onwtlcaMy renexwd at dta' and a eta Orlpktal Tsrtn and erry ~ _ • . body corporets and Pte. Laea alws wrfltan rgtlW b Leee« nd IMe loan fealy (all) Rertswal Term rotas dr ' . : . 8. Lssa has been duty atdhorlied b alaaea, delver and psdarm MM Aprerrtere'rmder s daYS ~. b tlN srtd d tlw DnWna Tarm « Renewal Term Men a effect d Laea ~mengon p.tatmineu Mb AprswnerH pureuem;ro Argge V Moot, ,,:. ,y,. ' ~. :, tPttl proNNoa a dte rasokrlon . tlw C«wtlludon and Nma a Ma Beale erM tatdw tlw.anra ~::- a :,. a,n :+ :,. , "- u , ., . ~ n a Ma tpwrnkq ~Y: «ty oMer appropdeb omcW approvd. Lsssa turMer rapraeertb, coverrnb and wamnb that all regWremwtb haw been ma, and prosdura Mw ooa+ned ~ ~ ARTICLM ~Ni IIMPECTICN ~'L'aeeeF elWl IiY~ Mi i(~a'W dlieaortilM/ errler'tlUiktp - i In omx b ensue Ma snbrwahllly d Mb Aprsement Lassa e1taN caws b bs etrauted buNnsa lours b smx kdo end tpon Ms property d Leeea 1« Me purpoa of ktepedlrtp an apir,lon d Ib oaneN In kxm eooePUbM b Laaora+. ~ „~ px, _ tlta EgWprrtsrtt. '.. a~....,, , C. DudrtO dta term d Mb Ayreerrwlt, er~ F-4l~vn~sa wp be'1Lld, MT`Caaw any f«tMtl' ' r .'S ~ %s ~ :. puryse a perfomYrtp ono « moo powmmenul a proprlNary hatctloita d Lassos con- •. abbrrt wlh tlN pettrtbelDls ecdpe d Leata's etdtadry'epd w11 hd t~'usW~ In treda q AA11Cl! V. RENT, PAYyFJAa., at'!p7n rpytglrrw ' ^ , +r~ 4~ ytv 3 r r* ,;• q . ' R ll t l t btrektea d erry pendrt « ~ bMM tlwi ate LeNN. t_Neee eMl npt`pemtlt 11N ~ v , tlsetlorl Wa ent Paymanu to Csfre aean.. .aaoq ., a . 0ate 4 ~ee.d ~ d N d a l1 tl L t P b • ) d ( Ettulprrted b W nawd permenrM~y « arM~psnaanCy T~ !m drys} b' stators oMsr _ ttsrl te ab on w ,eeMe, b .pay ~a eyPxrt . Lgeae txtdarstsntf an 4e tl!M haieiit'der anal aonetltuy ctxre(tt e~erta d L'NeN ird ahaY not . any wry W • ~, , Man the eLbhwNch Ms equptnon~b«IpkWty WNC. ter., nd:. ae'ki,s "•rwt:ta.: ~ 0. Durkp Ms period Mb ApreerMMA In lorw, Lease! eppull~y ploylde ).}e}or ~ ~- ' 'snanradbMadebtdN'snlrewn(lon deny appMeebNCOnstliutloinl«ehtuldy ,..., WnMttoa « requlr«Mme'oatsmktp Ma areedon d iMebtednas by LueM; ~h« .Ml . tasnrtl AandM ataMntsnb, Mdpela„Prgaf d aDpr'aP~Pr!.-14r I.IN ~Mq 1~ >~ an0 ~, ~ _ ' artyMkp tbnukted harsh corbtlhrb i pledge a tl"ia pMtdet tax !avenues; hm0e «m«da : ~ auchatterMwtcWktlgnNtlrNlfeYt4lQblMablflygl.(,eaew,poPnunw~APaN~ .,. ...r ,:~„t . aLaesa•.k.,.aMJ:~•~ e.vre aa.:r+~ v;1 ~~r.~•~.,c ~ ,, a ray W,rewonehN,leQ by lNeor;•_ „ . .,..1 oru t,: ~ Geodes ROt.Peyala1Re11 Rant4e/aMlte+lNeeeJllalpey.tiam PeymerlM, eaoltrYwy' ' parebrrl E. TM Equlprrtertt b, and ehal ratan dtefrp etrpetlbd tltle ApNmNM bb/ada, hom leYaIIY awlbhN hrMt. b Lass M MN. Am?lath and on tM dsres eel bnh M Ma , Property and who eublsd b se by Lass urtdx Mb ApnaartL wa not M «beoora ~~ Peymem SateMYe asadted t Mb Ayssrnwt6 A pordon d each Rem Psynlem b pelQ as, : ! 11MUra - artd,repraen4 PeMMnI at: kltpreet erq Prlr~PalnreeP~l'•, (1Wencde naP~ ~ : "I . ' ~ "~ r+ ~ _ . , 1 " $ ~ ' . ~.. ;.r!Ufn'11~ I ,.: rD-xf1A fJ7~`,'W'. ~ Que,tMl tN tubJer.( fp PuI dtN IrMeraa et the reb a te% PK ~m Or Me hlyhea reb I pylew, whkdtwir b leer. NOnvldqundnp ~„'. OUtef proNelon of rtes AgrsenteM ,,~, '.. ARfICL6 #c-0EiNRIIDNe.1hMJeidetip felts wll MVe ltle OMartErpa- MMcatad ealoiv ~ lrlA urNkr arty end jA draimetsn~a ~Laess~ls po(>I~tee b pay Imoreerb Lessor 4n Iha„ '; l ` umas uta smear dsedy regttlnle,adlareMa:~ ; .•' :nt..~ ~rn ' ':..:s `fi l'•~;.. ~. ,t ! Purge(ia Prls (rwalnMp~DebficeY'et sw peraretumrete epadflsd In fhb-ApreentNn for" . %; 'LaaTettm"'rnewMs(klplnalTermdMrrdbANgslllperile('aM~indlbYMlplrlpq • ae}IAeyMbAprfYrPwtl~sMeM'~fleal•AlfeaahtapWdNtbrw4eMEb0`dW'~mnNdlately, --.~ d eulantstlc Renewal Tema a,~(p aarWbM eta raeMlx,d ntNdite set taM}amyN~fiq.', _ upon tenakptbn d Mb Apawnwttp~~ ~ '"e~: v ai ~6 ~ ~' ,n.~ ...,,. . ,,. n.' ~«:.. _ ,i d Mb ApnananL •;: ,.n.. ~ ij ".. .: IL)f ;,,Fl,, ,t,...,nl: n ~ st ; ~ Ileolbq f •01 RerN PeyraerlprM hr AA6~ IM oWgMlon ~ ~ "Coact' maMlhe' anthy et~IpWid-Oe'1M Mea~'llft'IderApnselalelF~Ht !. V n;. ~ll~ It Ihl-itj~ ' Mreletde4 ~ .: " ~0~• 'li. t ~ 41 t /h.... ' i'1Y.>IS.(I 3 .. d Lean b meM PaYlaellt b Rard Payrttenp.aad pMea,paYranta daq.Yuln..dslu~M~eW My y ll ~l l l e~ ~tta. ~Ntee.+,^R!•-~f `S. a1C11 t~Y ~e T""'9~ ~rld ty r~ l l ~ .,~r, , ~ aaar 7 ' Purohaea Prlea'"llrrarta lM amaar tsMah'L,aae mry,~sl e.~+P ~ ~ "~ ' . , ~ a ~, d , ~ ,, d Np~Ip~P~.~I(dt~1(~IM~:Qa.",'.t~1Y Lin ~yO~Mll~1~a'e~(}~IQf ~yM .d , s. st, ~ ordx p qurchw >he EgWprrMrlL a se! laf4l kl the PefneMi 9dtedllM~A`;' Y~ ~ t, i ' " a ~ Y«Wsf ar ary ~1e0r1.,nor aINA ~ a+ `` t~ ~"_ 7 t ff N t .W~ ~ b ~ .,~ ~ n e r ANde.,1X. ~, n,u ...:., ;1 ApreerttenL alallep b Me Mntla PI eeegr erty r p~ a y , aW ~ 1 ( Y a .' "Renewal Tarm(e)" moans dta atAOprpa rel1M'd'PMpa ~NINApRlaewlire~e~paL., a tlufatloe d OM (~) yeaf ePtwpllbla trMl LeWa', flsealyar eaapt law w - adnnaao~mrwrarlodewNahalrEandadlMarWwrwrdYrCano~rnMllDaltL.. W erlAped ..~ nd~ ,X o.:iy . t c? :y t J ~+', ~ '•1 l drE~n_ feMlon 6.W CaMNl4atlon'o1 LaaN Tamr'-b1t 4~. IMMa InMfaM p brPMkkN.'~L'•, TMMrMUrtdotxidMmsdwkt~.any'RMrwelTermelWti's~4eaama#~pla'M1aarW' :.IM'L oortdtbrte taaktp dta Oripktal Tarlh.,.e70°~ Mat tlta Reel PayltiwM'elYe 4epreebed ~;me' P M tlta eneclwe Raymem SdtedtN }~,~ h . ~ . ~: . i 7'.:.il,} i« ~'!nta i :, AAIrW:( ' (ff t~t . werldor^ nteaa flw mandacw4rd tlteEVlNulwnlal'wN itritta epwW}'dr,deilretl : Aine Vw nleltutea'blle-'.- •{¢rM xl J ~ :•,IP, w7n ,y. . ~` v13';: p :. t ri! f0 ~ LL t. ix :nq ls,r AX .~s•lVuEl { ~' ylaw,..e rt ` ~,~„"; ..«.(~ ~ J t S ~ j n e~eote4' Md+e" ep ... ,~ »f r ` R ~ dt t~' ,Y` rn~ . elavM Rem Paymwfls iltxNp pw piipktN Term'ind`+edl .'~; ,.a: Leeaewen~lraetaN'b'do'el Mkp^'`hwluArMlNn'~2 rr ~ a!qv T + eq z na ., t x sea9 , >. ~ i". ul, ; ~.~ :~w ., a 'a tl°. 'f .. '{a{b,!t L7) s..' „~„~*•'e'bly .•:~,.ta. AH t'tev ~-rt yr. •,~.i..,~,-: ~t dW 14 ~ S r1 ~a ~ ~ .. ~u1+ rcp ~ lt,~enuu. e+7 S':" J I 4 ttrN :- 1 "~~}t~ _x ea4ct ~ M ' fg9~~+ayte.~i~ F h ~nR Y~iWU, ,.AY .T ~iif.%~ ~1N Y11 8. 4~ id~4 ~ ~• "y ~~a~t ~" ~ Dala tw,.. d~ ~1n7A~.' • i 1 q Elgin ihPn yF Tt ^ ~~ ~Y r vR , E. ~ M rt City Of' Ca*+ibt l; T71 iirni a d , i"«, .~s'A ,~ n; (lasso lame r AEan) . TaM ~ ellwe atp Ire lue Oewt eIIY ettltp4ed b '~ , ~ snao .. . e an eNrll d b eEa~wre LaM.w ~ t ciH, ~ ~ • . ~ ,. TMs: ~ ~ Tltls: n, ,fit. } ~ .