HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance #575 � � . .. ,.y��� f -1 � � ` t� � f ♦ `C r ORDINANCE NO. ����s (AN ORDINAT'CE ESTAl3LISHI�IG �i�'H�, ����'AR�l'P1L:i'�;T C!�� COP�P�Tt.INITY DEVELOPl°1ENT 'F0'� 'THE CITY 0�� CAPrT`l'Gi� , ILLII:OIS AND �'ROVIDIP:G I'OR A DI.:i1..','CTOi; THi":R�UF, ) t3E IT O�ZDAII!TED BY TH:E CITY COtJi;CIL Gt? TH��� CITY OF CAI�TTON, ILLIPdOIS AS FOLLO��(S: ARTICLE I Department of Co y Development Section 1. That the Office , to be l:nown as the Jep�rtment of Community Development, i� herein created and established for service to this City. Section 2. It sha11 be trie duty and res_ponsibili�ty of this Department to develop, initiate, implement, adrriinister, oversee and plan for both current and future activities of the �epartment, which in co:nbination with other City departments, shall strive, to the greatest extent possible, to im��rove and maintain the economic , human and physical environments of the citizens of the City of Canton. ART IC L�: I I Director Section 1. The Director shall be chief administrative officer of the Department of Comrnunity Development and sha11 have the responsibility, authority and power to initiate , adrtiinister, e.�:ecute and �uperviUe all activities �rithin this Departr.lent . Before enterinm uiaon the duties oF his o:Efice, the Directo�� s}.�a11 take and siabscribe the oath :>rescribed by la�,a for City o1'ficers and sh��ll execute ;� bonci to the City in the pen��l surr, of ;s1,0O0•:'-0 with surety to Y�e approved by the Council, conditioned for f.:zithful perfor:riar.ce of the c:uties of his office. Section 2. The Director shall forrnulate _�ro�;rat��s and reco�r.mendations of pol.ic5� to the Council; execu�e �he polieies ado.�ted b,,r the �ouncil; coordinate the activities o£ t;ie De,;�.rtr;ieni; ��ritl-� relateci activities of other local, ,state c�ncz federal agencies; su��ervise and reviec�� the �aorl: of De�art�T;ent sta�f; su�ply inforrnr�tion to interested persons and puUlic a�;encies; L�rep:�re the De,�:zrtrr.ent�s bud�;et; repr�sent the Dey�artment before „overnir.c; bodies, �1ar.ni_n�; comr^issions, co;::r_littees, citizen or�anizations and 5ta�e and rederal �;overnznents; report re,rularly to the Council on the Departtnent� s activities; rernain continually advised as to the n�ture and availability of botri "r'ec,e-ral and State grant �aroF;rams �ind contracts, do research thereof, and prepare, i�resen�; and further the execution of all progra:::s and activities within the realm of the Department of Cornmunity Development responsibil- ities. Section 3. The Director shall have direct su�aervision, control and authority over the day to day operation of the T�e�aar�;rnent of Comrnunity Development, and shall execui;e and administer all present and future pro�;rams and activities affectin� the Department. Section 4. The Director sh�ll have the �authority and res}�onsibility of employment, promotion, dischar�e <�nd any other versonnel matter effectin�; 1�epartrnent staff, contracts consultants, etc . within the budr;et limitations as prescribed durin� annual Council bud�et reviews. Section 5. The Director shall h�ve the autYiority and responsibility for the utilization and/or purchase of all materials, supplies, publications, equipment and �ervices within the Departrnent bud�et �uiclelines. Section 6. The Director shall be compensated for all travel expenses incurred ,�Th; �P -nPrformin� official duties of the Department includin� all normal costs ,.� t`, ,� + .. .. .� . Section 7. Nothing contained in any of the forer�oing Sections of this Article II shall be permitted to be in conflict with any personnell policy or any other policy established or practised by this City. Section 8. The Director shall be hired by the City Council of the City of Canton, Illinois. During that period of employment commencin� �•�ith the date of first employment and ending with the close of the first full fi�csal year of the City thereafter follovrinp, termination of the Director of the Department may onl be accomplished through the following process: 1. The City Council may, through majority decision, initiate termination for cause with a written 60 day notice statin� said cause to the Director. 2. Durin:* the first 30 days of ��ia 6o days notice, a hearing shall be held which sha11 incl.ude the members of the personnel committee of the City Council, the Community Development Committee of the City Council, other a"fected persons ana the Director of the Department of Comrnunity Development. 3. The majority opinions of these persons, accompanied by a detailed � record of the hearin�;, shall be forwarcied to the full City Council within that first 30 days. 4. At the next re�ularly scheduled City Council meeting, the issue shall be raised. 5. The majority decision of the City Council shall prevail Terrnination of the Director after the end of said period of (initial) employment shall revert to, be consistent with and parallel to termination procedures applicable to all City ern�loyees gener.ally. That this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its passage by the City Council of the City of Canton, Illinois and approval by the 1�Tayor thereof. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Canton, Illinois and A / �- , 1977. Al'PROVED by the Mayor thereof this ���i- day of � �� .. APPHOV'�D: May . �_ ATTEST: ....-e-� � ' City Clerk