HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance #573 � � . , .� �,` • � i '� � . � + 12/21/76 Read by�it�� ��� �'�� � � � �'� � . - V � -S V,L�..�...�'11�T.E�iI��iL`. re�'. `J� � (AhT �i;JIh?ANCt: P?2�V�1iI1�dG �'t��� T2��a; S�L�; t��i' a°r�� I�7.'�' Oln'J�;� �Y �'��L CITY Or CANTON, TLLINQIS G�1�;�,.qLI,Y LOCAT�i� TT�I �;�;��'g(�� ,��a�L(�.� �� LUCKI��A�T TO'4�TS���, FULT4IV C�U1Ri�"Y, ILLI1'�t�IS,) ��I��2P�1S, the City of Canto�a, :Llliroas, by purc��ase, ���s hereto�ore �cquirea �ealty, legally c�esc�i�aed �s ��ae��eira.�tei^ se� forth, �;enerally locate� in �Sectior� four (2) o.� ��uc�:�ieart �oEl�nshi� a.n �i1e County o� �,iltor� and ;ta-te of Illi�ois ; at�c�, f�II�RF.�1S, said realty av�s �cquired fo� the ��u�p�ose of t�iereon const��uctin� anc� oPeratin� a sa�ait�ry 1�r�c� �'ill of the City of Canton, Tllir�ois ; and, lc�I�:� ��.:E1S, s��ic3 rea'ty �zas no�, s:i.nce its acc�uisi.-�a_ora, been used by the Cit�T o:" �'��-�Q�� ,_,.l�r�ois :�or ���e :�n�enc��c? �?u��ose or ar�y other �ur�?ose of ���ie� �;ity �tat �o�v rem�it�s v�can-t , uraoccup��_ec�, �anc� unused exceptin� orily �o� tk�e te�ancy t;�ere:zn o:� ��ot�ra ;:)elast tivinicl3 is terminable o;� short notace ; anc�, I�'IIEI'c���AS, it �z�s been deterr�:i.�ec� l�y ���e cor�orate �utlzor�ities af said City that tl�e o��.�inal it�terciec� �ur�oses o�: saic� re��lty is no lora�er c�esirable or nraetz�able �nd tliat s��ic� realty E=Tl.Z?. not be used therefor; ��nze, �JII��2���, it ��s Y�een #'urttier c�ete�m��aec� tiaat a�zc� realty is �ot sua�a�le for anc� will r:ot ��e �.z�ec? �'oz �?r�y cor�o:�ate �ur�oses of +he City o.� �antor�, Illir�ois ; G?t�c�, ����:i � S , the cor�orate �utl�orities o.� ��,ic� �ity I�aue c3ei;e?�mined that it is necessary ��ac� c�e�ir<��,le i� i�l�c �'Lar�;��es�?�ce o.� �u�lic interest thnt sai� realty ou�;s�t noce� to �e solc� �+or �tar�oses or usa�es ur�res�rictec� by t��is Ca.ty, I�I���T TIIE��r OR�, B� �� ():�.�.:��,IN�:� I3Y T��� �I"�.'Y CQ�T1°�C�.L OIi TY�� CTTY OF CAitiTUI�, ILLIN�I;� �>a ��'C��LC3��J, : l. That t�1e realty o�,��ec� by -t�?e �;ity o�' Cr�r.�;ot�, I=linoi�, whici� is �eneralZy loc��tec� �n ;�ectior �'our (�y o:f Bucg;':�e�rt �o�v�s�1i� iz� -�I�e County o.� �"ulton �ar�ea St�t� o� ��li��ois, �,nea �=J�li_c�� is le�;�lly c�escri�ec3 as .follo�as, �b-�dri� : T��e l�TOrtheas�; �u��ter or Sectic�� �'oii�°, `,�ot�n�xii� ui1: T�?orti�, `. :��n�e Four e�st o� -�tae �'our��� I'��_�c-�n�al T�ler�c.�.�n ; ��n c' �e�int�in� �� a noi.n� �o�ty (�:0) �^c�c�c> �e����� o� ���e P�?�z��':�et�st corncr a�' t��e P?o�tliR�est �aa�:�rtei o� �:;ec-�ion Fr�ur, �ua�nin� thence �r�est ei�,liteen (18) roc3s, tt�et�ce �ou-ti� �'afty-four (54) Y oc�s, the�nce ��as-� e�.�l�teer� (l�) rocls, t1ae�?.ce t�TOrt�� �if_ty-four (54-) roc�s �o tl�e p���e of be�irs��.���, -�rr �o�,�nst�.i� .� � � ' � � • t' f r Y � __: � � ' � • + ' , , Si� P��orth, :bar��e r�,our ;;�a�t o� t���� �'oiart�� ��'r��ca_?�a]_ i�zeri�:i��n ; All o� the above situate, lyir.� ���d �ea�� ia� �3��c�L��eart Township, Fulton Cout�ty, I?l�.noas, shall be sold #'or casr� to t�ie Iii�;hes� anc3 bes� bidc�er ��iere:�'or. 2. Th�t said re�lty shall be uolc� ior �urPoses uz�restricted by the City af Cantoa�, Illinois but stil,ject �o ��n� a��licable zon�n� laws now or hereafter e�cis�ir�;. 3. That ��ac� �calty s����lY �e solc� �or e�^�s�i, �o �e �'ully p��icl on or be�ore 30 d�iys �'ollo�vir� t��e one.�i�,�;, �ce��,��nce anc� rotilica��on of succes��'�.i�. �?e�. �11 ;_a�t��est ��' t��e ��ity o�' ��anvon, Illinois �n anc to s��icx r��.�-�y slaall be co��vc��ec� ta t�� �t�cce�s�'L�1 �ic?c?cr by custom�.ry q��itc.�aim c?eec� �n.c' �,�stract o€ t��;.�e t�?e��eto sl�zall be :£urnislxe� a�Q; e�:�ea�se o:� saic� �;��y. �,�cla b�.d sha�l ?�e sealec� zn� ��ccom�aniec� �y � cert�fied ct�e��� (or equiv�lea�t t��ereto) of not 1.ess t�1a�� 20°0 0�' the �tttam;_-�tec� '�ic� (re:('iar�c��Y�1e -�o tz�asuccess�ul bic�clers) . ��he ri���t to reject �ny �:�ic' �.s re�erve<�. �. �'Iz�,t a11 ia�.c2� �'or tt�e �aur�I���e ��' a���e� s ec�lty ,1��11 ��� o�et�ec? a�nc� eoz�s�c�erec� ��y ���e e�r�or���e �u��io�:�it�.�� o� sa�c� �;ity �t t�se re�;ul��r r�eet���� oi t��e `;itv �ou.nc-�1 o�' s��ic? �:�a.��T to be �ae�c' in t�ze C�ity �vuncil ��oom i�a ���e �a�tof�s �ity i�L2�lc�i�;; ��-� "?�Q �;z�s v Chestnut at�eet ir� -the ^;�.-�y o� C�nton, €.�i�t�oi,, commencin� �� 6,30 F.M. March 1, 1977 ; ;Z�c', ��2�t ��3�. CucY� ���c'N mus� ��e �'ile�' �oit�� tl�e City �le��� �t s�i� C�ty �uilc�?t�� r_-o�c ����;er ���.�� 6:30 ]F.��y. on sa�.d d�y. 5. lhat, �r:i_or to t�2e Ce�e o�' s��:ec' �e�l�;y, �otice o� ���as Cr�7 n�r�ee �rc� -�he �ro�osal or cget;�rmi�?a-��or t�ere?.;� eont�i�e� to sell s�?ic� rea�.ty sli��ll r�e ��*b�.islaec' ��y tP�c t;3e��t ��' tl��s C��� o�ee e�cl� wee�� for three stiiccecaa�re weer�.s i�� �, �eti�r�����aer ���1::_s��ec� �� t�ze ��ty� o� �zrtori, Illi�o�s, t�ae �i�st sueti �u'�l�c�t-�ion �'�;� ��e �rirated �ot less t�a� t�airty c��ys befo�e �;Iae c�e;y I?��^ei�a�ove � Providec� �c32 t�ae o�aenin� o�' �ic�s :�or �6;g�c �urc�:iz��e o�' sa�c: realty. �aid notice sh�1.l co:�tain an <�ccur�te cfescr�i��-t?o� o� sc�ic? re�l-ty, shall state t�ie �urpoCe or ���.�r�oses �'or �.�I�ic�� it i� �s ere�tly usec� �t�c� sh��.l st�te -�ile �ur�o�e �'or ��t��c�� �� m�-�� �.ie usec� ar�c� sh�zll state at eai��� re�al�r mee�in�� o�' t��e ��t�to� �i�:y Counci�. whezl tl3e bids �aill �e cot�sic�ered �ard o�enec�. a���c� notice s�1al? solicit or �c�vertisc �'or bids f'o� �;he �u��ose o�' ��IL1S1t1� o� 3�rin� ��aou� � sale o.� s��ic� re�l.ty. , c , . . . _ , , S�ic, notice sl���l1 �e �.n substza�ti�lly tl�e 2o11o�ain� �or�m: rJ�T�c� (Il'�?VI'.�'�'iT��I�d ��Qi� ��;�5 �.'G �Ua�CI:t�;�` ��:AL�'� Gi°,'1'�.��:k� �3Y '�g�E C I'.�Y 6��� ��1�1 i�1�1, ILL Il�?���) �totice �s here�y ����er� �y ttie �;ity of Canton, �llino�s as follo��rs : I�u�suat�i; to Orc�i�zar�ce p�ssec� �y t�ae ?_ty Cou�acil of the Ci�ty of C�zntc�n, �llir�oas on , -,�,. - /J� bic�s are solicited �,dc� zz�v3�;ed for ae �urc�aase of re�lty oe,a�eG t�y �t3e City o�' C�r<ton, Illinoi� E��h�.ch is �e�erG�lly �;�tuatec3 or loc��;ee� i� :�ectior: I�"our (�} o�' I3uckhe�:�rt �'o��r�sh�.P ir? t�ae �ot�n�y o�' ��,ulton ��:cr St�ate of' �lli�aois �anc� e���ici� 3s le;:�I�y c�escri�ec� �s �'ollo�as to•-�Jit : T�e P�TO�the�st t�u�r�;er o� �ec��.cn I�,our, ioEr��I�a.p SiY l�.ort��, :��a��e ��`our e�st c�� t�ae n{our-�h �'r�ncip�l I�ter�.di��r� ; anc� Be�innit��; �t � �o�nt forty (40) roc's �ou�h o.� tt�e 1�1ort�e�st carner o�' �;��.e T`�Tort��wes� �,�u��rte� o�' ;�ectio� ��our, ru�r��.n� �;Fience �Jes�; �i�ga�eee� (1�) aroc�s, t��enee �out�a �'i�'��-�our (��-� roc?s, tg�ence ;:;��t ei�htee�t (��3} rocrs, thet�ce l�Tor�ff� �'ir.ty-�'ou� (��) raas to the pl�ce of &�e�inn�.n�, ir rota�7h;y� S?�� �=toa t��, ��an�e ��our �ast og t�1e �burt�� Pr�t�ci,a�1 r��erad��n ; 1�1�. o�' t�ae ���o�re s3tu�-te, .�yiy�� ���zc� b�.i. n� �n. uuc�cl�e�r� Tow�nsh��a, , �,ulton Cour�ty, slls.z�o�s. aa?� re�lty a_s nat P�eset�tly utila�ryec' �'or �r�y co�poz�ate �urg�ose o�f �tlie Ci�y o�' ��:�ta�, Tll�t�:o�s, is subject to tiYe ternlin���le te�aarac�r �T i '�t, �� su�ject to t�ie zonin� lati,�s o�' tr�e �i. � 311�nois �s as tPze same t�o�� or m�y Izere��fte�� e�:�st, �ar_c� m�y �e use� ��y -t��e �urc��aer thereo�' .�or �i����s coz���_s-tc�ni; -tl�erewi���. �ae�s �or t��e gttr.cx��se o� �;tY�� re���.�yr mu�t �a� �e�lec' ��c� su�rni��:ec� �a�c� :��lec� cr�.tl� L��E �,i�� �;ler�� c�' tP�e �;i.�y o:� �;�a��oa�, JC11:�r�ois �zt �;l�e �;Ent�tc�a� �ity �,u�lc�in;; �t �?�� ���Ct Cl�est�g�t S�reet, C����on, ��.�:��oi� ��ot 1���;er �P�.�^�� 6:30 0 'clocl� }�.Ta. o:? P�ar'ch 1, 1977 ���, ��,����� �e o�er�ec� e�a�cz �o�?sic'e�e�' ��'y t�e a� ox� ��y ou��ca_1 �.tt ���e r�ou� �r G :3� o 'c�.o��� �'�.i`.. ix� �'�e �;ota�c�l :oain o�' sa�.c' �i�Ly �ui��in�;. �I�c �:�u���t �o ��e,;ect ��y �3�c� �.s �.^es- ervec�. ��ic? �e�l-�y s����.1 TM�e solc �'or c��Ts, �;o �e �'til.ly ��ic� o?: or ��e�'c��e �SC� c���ys �'o�lot�:�irr� ���e o�e..�a��, :�cce�t�anee ��;�c� �yo����c�.��.c�a� o�Y' �;��cce�r:`��? =���c'. :���::x� . � p, , z , �, ,,,�- �3�t, �.4��1_ €".G �.:CC�,. �'� .. __�C' ��;' .. ,E'_ .,._;_ _C�.. ,'_�_�� _ _ ��.__.- ,,. ,, � _,_ � - , , �_ . _ , _ , _ , . . r�„ .. .✓� �r L� �� J4 p � ._. , . _ , � '_'�_O ... _ 1 i�_��. . �. `. 4 .,� . �". Av J i,� _.=����(�'l,'3_1.c.J �F^,. �_��; to se��c3 �. e��l��T ��i_�11 ��e co;:vic ec� to tlae �,z�cces�ful bidc�er by c�ui.tel�im c?eec� anc� u�stz�zet o� ��tle tl�ereto shall be furt�ished �at e�:�ner�se of said City. SICrd:��: ���u%�.-? ��C�'l.�.e(GG�,� 4rtat � y le��l�T' ���� . . _ a . t . 1 • • ' ' �"�"' . G. That this C)rdix���r!ce sh�ll be �n �'ull garce unc? effect upon its pass��e Y�y t�ie Ci�;�T �,ot�,�c�.� o� -�Iie ��i�y o�' C�.�?�o�, ��li��o�.s ��ac� ��Pl�ro�Tal k��r ��ic I�.ayo� �;r�e�vo:�. L:'::i�J J:.:�:J P.��T ''v l.�if`�.' 'v C i��T �t,�l��.�C.'._.�_ ..__ .�.:.F� ,� - '^� '�-.-�.• - �;.__ �. .�.Y'1 - 4.''. i.� � ; , . .... _. _4 ,._.' .. _ '... _ �... . ._:. �/� ��� .., _. t,.,..'.y __ `�, ." _uk�� C o �� .�.._......e.. � - � / � ...__� `\ � / . ._ •— , /�. � _ �i ...�. '..:..� . ! ��..z,-�/ �/ .,_.�1.� ,. _ ._,��..,.,_,�, r� 1 ,.��_ ��;� � `. `� /'� ///+ 1Ai..tl.'1 ��,��.J r1. • ����+1.'�"7 V �'Vl�Y'V�-L..L,//Y�� , ���/A/LV+11T VLL�E.s.::• V