HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance #572 ;� o � t � � ' k . �� �:s' r.. _ � .l"'�.,,�., . s-�yt5"` _ . / . � 'R �, t . , ' ' �� PAGE 8 .-,�' . :, ��, d � Y O�DINANCE N0. -� �7� � � (AN ORDINAIICE AP;NE�IPdG CERTAIN REALTY 0'�;N�:D BY TFi�. CITY OF CAIvTON, ILLINOIS TO THE CITY OF CAidTOIJ, ILLII�TOIS 4ND P30VIDING r OR THE RE?ONING TE�R�OF. ) BE IT ORDAIV�D BY TI� CITY COUI�'CIL Or THE CITY OF CAi�ITOIJ, ILLIIIOIS: Section l. That the following described realty, which is uninhabited, unincorporzted and which is contiguous to and owned by the City of Canton, Illinois, be and the sar�e hereby is annexed to the City of Canton, Illinois, to-wit: Part of the ':iest Half of Section 34 and part oi the Southeast �uarter of Section 33, all in Toi�rnship 7 T�orth, ;ange 4 East of the 4th P.I�'_. ; ALSO the I�'ortheast ?uarter and part of the .- Plorthwest :u�rter, all in Section 4, To�:nship 6 North, ?�ange 4 East of the 4th P.I`. , ALL of the aforesaid in Fulton County, Illinois bein� iurther oescri`:.ed as follows: Beginning at the Northeast corner of said I;ortheast :�uarter, Section 4, marked by a stone ; thence S. 0° 14� 12" '.�I. , 2637.40 ft. to the East :-)uarier corner of said Section 4; thence N. 89° 43' 54�� 5J. , Z676.51 ft. to the center of s�id Section 4, mar�:ed by a stone; thence I�T. 0° 58' 17" E. , 1053.27 ft. to an iron pin; thence S. 89° 28' 30" �;1. , 2;'7.00 ft . to an iron �in; thence I�. 0° 5�' 17" E. , 591.00 ft . to an iron �in; thence I;. 89° ?_F�' 30" �,. , 297.00 ft. to an iron .�in; ther.ce I;. 0° 5�' 17" �.. , 050.00 :t to the I�'o_,th _u� :ter cerner of s�id Section 4 marl;ed by a stone ; therce N. 89° 32' �4" �. , 79.82 ft . to the South quarter corner of s�id Section 33; ther.ce N. $9° 32� 44'� E. , 1318.04 ft to the South�rest corner of the aouth Half, Southeast �uarter of said Southeast :�uarter, Section 33, �,arked by a concrete r;ar}:er; thence I;. 0° 42' 49" E. , 651.79 ft. to the Idorth��est corr.er of said South �:alf, narl:ed by an iron pin; thence I;. $9° 31' 43" E. , �95.25 ft. to � concrete r.ar':er; znence 1:. 0° 35' 4j" �. , 5G0.00 �� . to an i:�cn �.,�n; i..ei�ce 1?. 89° 31� 4j" i,. , 2oG0.00 ft. to an iron pin; t'�ence ??. 0° 3;:� 43" L. , 557.13 ft. to an iron _�in; t:lznce ,�:, u9° j0' �2" ;. , 46?.00 it . to an ircn uin bein;; on the Last l�ne o� s�id �oa��:e�s� ,u-rier, �ection �3; L:^.�nce I;. 0° 38' 43" :�. , io'7.24 �� � , '- .�}; 1 e f �-, `' Half, :iorth :' , °, _ . �c �hc .,o� � _.,c�� cc��: r o i..e aouth .a�� U�id S0lttlldest �.u_,rter, Section 34, r..arYed by a cencrete �..�rJ.e:; tl�er.ce I�I. 89° 35' S?" y• , 600.20 ft, to an iron Y�in; tlier.ce ?;. 9° lj' 04" ::�. , 471.40 ft. 7:.ore or les� to the centerl_ne of Bib Creek; thence :;or�heasterly alon;; :�aid centerline to a �oint cn 1:1-,e 2:orth line of the Souti:•,�est u::��te~ of e��d Section 34 said .�oint beir.;; S. 89° 36� 32'' ,:. , 1�25.�7 ft. from the center of �aid Section j�+; t^er.ce 1'. �9° j5' 32'� E. , ?30.29 ft. t^ an iron pin; tl,ence i'. 0° 31' 0']" y. , ���0.00 ft. � to an iron �.in; thence I:. 89° 36� 32" i�. , 124.00 ft. to a conc� r�kr. ; thence I'. 0° 31' 07" �. , 5�+�+.6•'+ ft. to a concrete aar}:er; thence r:. 73° 00� 21" �.. , 153.�7 ft. to the Southerly ri�;ht-of- way line of County �oad ::fs; thence N. 89° 40� l�" E. , 314.33 ft. alon� said right-of-way to a concrete marker; thence S. 0° 12' 26" :J. , 174.49 ft. to an iron pin; thence 5. 88° 32' 11'� E. , 69.02 ft to a concrete sarker; thence S. 0° 37� Ob" ':T. , 611.60 ft. to a concrete �arker; thence S. 0° 25' 28" :'�•, 661.8o ft, to a conc. �kr. ; thence S. 89° 35' S2" '•'1. , 533•32 ft. to an iron pin; thence S. 0° 24� 08" �'. , 435.60 ft. to an iron pin; thence S. 80° 39' �$'� E• , 500•00 ft. to an iron pin; thence S. 84° 26� 0$'� �'., 131.94 ft. to an iron pin; ttience S. 0° 25' j2'� 'rl., 127.�7 ft. to a concrete marker; thence S. 89° 35� 02" '�1,, 564.40 ft to an iron pin; thence S. 50° Ol� 04" 1�1. , 1033.23 ft. to a conerete aarker; thence S. 76° 30� �" Z�• � �+59•55 ft. to a concrete. marker being on the :ti'est line of said Section 34; theace S. O° 38' 43" W., 562.21 ft. to tbe Southwest corner of said Section j4; thence S. 89° 33' 29'� 1�• , 72.60 ft. to the POINT OF EE3II:TING containing 260.160 acres aore or less, sub3ect to the rights of the public for roadway purposes, all situated in the County of rulton and State of Illinois. t `� ` A ^ , � ~;s• , , t � � � � ... . - �, �, , . � a✓ Section 2. That the following described portion of said realty be and the saL�e hereby is zoned as AG-1 under the Zoning Ordinance of this City, to-wii The Northeast �uarter of Section Four, Township Six � l�orth, Ran�e Four East of the Fourth Principal i•ieridian; AI�'D beginning at a point forty (40) rods South of the I'lortheast corner of the Northv�est �uarter of Section four, running thence ;Jest ei�hteen (18) rods, ther_ce South fifty- four (54) rods, thence East ei�hteen (18) rods, thence North fifty-four (54) rods to the place of be�innin�, in Township Six North, ;ange rour East of the Fourth Principal H:eridian; ALL of the above situated, lying and bein� in Buckheart Tot�rnship, Fulton County, Illinois. Section 3. That all other portions of said realty �e and the sace hereby are zoned as I-2 under the Zor�?n� Ordii:ance of t:is City. Section 4. That a certified co�y of this Orninance to;,e�her t��i�h an accurate map of the tzrritory above described shall be reco:ded i•�ith the recorder of deeds of Fulton County, Illinois. � Section 5. 'rhis Ordinance sr,all be in effPCt from ar_d aiter a r�ajority vote of the Ci�y Council of the City of Canton, Illinois and approval of the I iayor. PASS�D by the City Council of the City f Canton, Illineis ar.d ,;:.�:�G�:�D by the i�:ayor thereof this �/ Z� day of �,� «�� (, � �- , ;.D. 1977. � t '� �� p-�u�tGV'�D: ���� �--�' / � ?':i1:G�. v � /' ��} , AT2EST: C, d-�GiC t ,'/�'�' ��.� ' t :� , �:,:,pu�}-C I TY C I�:�Y.. �/ �/ �� '��.�,�"�`� � OF ILLI"'OlS, COU"!TY OF FULTON, S.S. •'"��". ... '.,T FIL�D FOR REC��D ON � � ���..�i.�.+:!. A.D.I.Y.27' . ' 9'�d � ��; �...r+ r.r�o cu�Y , F � � rr _ �.$3.�.,-..�.�.......�... � ; ,,�-.� �� Cii��,�lr CLLliit & f1kCURD�R �� �� Q� �� 7 �� � � � � ��� K ��. � � ��.o� y� �„�,..� � - � _ � . . . _ _ . . e,,.�'`a-°�"�`_ . .• . PA�� , _ . . . ��..,c�,r 9