HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance #539 . . . / n�. � . . , � `.. .~ ♦ �t, � a- • . . <'� . + .� . . . . . ,�. . , . � No. � 0 R D I N A N C E (AN ORDINANCE ]MPLEM�NTIIdG PROCEDUBE UNDER THE U88AN C(�ItlA1ITY DEVELOPMII,TT ACT OF THE STATE OF ILLINOI3 (ILL. REV. STATS. 19?S, Ch. 6? 1/2, Secs. 91.8 et seqni.)) Wh�r•a�, it hae beeq vade to appear to the Corporate Anthoritiea oY the City of Caotoa, Illinois that there exist� or a�► e�cist withia this City an area or ereas each o! not leae than 2 acres in which the etract�tres in 5096 or oore of such area or areaa are resid�ntial havipg an everage agm ot' 35 years or oore and that each �uch area is or ray be a "Conaervation lrea" (rithin the meaning of that�ter�t ae nsed in the Urban Co�■ionnit�r Cooservation Act of the State o! Illinois (Ill. xev. Stats. 1975, Ch. 6? 1/2, Secs. 91.8 et neqni) in that each such erea ie not yet a elwn or blighted area a,a defined in the Blighted Areas xedevelop�ent Act of 1947 (I11. Itev. Stats. 19?5, Ch. 6? 1/2, Secs. 63 et aequi), bat snch ao �rea atid each such areas b�► reasop of dilapidatioo, obsolasaepce, deterioration or illegal nae of ipdividual atructt�re�, overcrowdiug of strnctures and coorsunity facilities, conversion ot' reaidential nnits into non-reaideotial use, deleterione lsod n8e or l�y- cnt, decliae of p�„qaical raintenapce, lack of co�uunity planning, or at�+ cosbinatioa of the+s• factors �y become 8nch a ale� aad blighted area; e0t1, W6ereas, eaid jTrban Co�anity Conservation Act grante aad provide powers and procsdnree celcnlatecl to enable nainicipalitie,s to prevent the tnrther degradation of snch an arae in to al�s or blighted area:; aad, Whereas, the Corporate Authorities of thie City are desiroua of iaple.enting aad ntili�ing the provisions of said Urban Coma�nnity Conser- vation Act in raoedy of snch area aad each such area io this City; and, Whereas, said Urbao Com�unity Conservation Act coptesplates that ita i�plem�ntation ehall bs by creation of a "Conservation Board" after notice and publie dearfog, �, TAEREF4RE, BE IT AND IT HEREBY IS 08DA71�TEU B7C THE CITY COUNCIL OF TAL CITY 0� C/1NTQl�T, ILLINOIS, AS FOLLOMTS: l. That this City sball endeavor to ntilize the pow�rs and proced- ures providedby said Urben Coauoity Conservation Act in re�edy of the conditions sxisting in such area and s�cb ench area, as set forth i0 the prea�ble hereof. 2. That, in i�tple�eatation thereoi, this City shall iir�t provide !or the creatioD of a "Coos�rv�tion Board", to operate withip the bonnd- ariee of this City, pur8nant to the pruvisions of eaid Urban Cosnaity Conservation Act. , . • , . , , , . . ' � ' � . - . � , ' ' , . 1 . ` • .. .. . � 3. That �uch Coos�rvetion Board shall unly be created and provfded by thi� Cit� atter 3� d�,qs ` aotice, publi�hed in a newopaper of g•neral circulatioo within this City end public hearing. 4. That pnblic hearing theret'or shall be held b�r tb• Corporate Authoriti�a of this City in the ConQCil ltooe of the Centon City Baildio6, located at the address �! 210 East Ch�stant Street in tbe City o! Caoton, Iliinofa, co�■peacing at the honr of 6 :30 P.M. on the -�� d�► of C�' � , 19?6. 5. That tNe Clerk of this City ehall 6ive notice thereof by pub- licatioQ i� a newspaper o� general circulation rithia thie City for oot less than three succe+asiva week�t, the first pnblication to be not le8a than 30 da�ya prior to the public h�arin6 hereiaabove coaterplated aod fixed. 6. Thet the pnblication notice herein conteoplated ehall be given and sade subatantially in words and lignres as follows: NOTICE MtnICE OF , PUBLIC HEARII�TG IS H�REB� GIVF�t AND I�UWE BY T�E C4RPO�ATE At)TBOaTTIFS t�' T$E CITY OF' CtWTp�l, ILL]rTOIS, A3 FOLLafdS s 1. A p�blic hearing will be held b�r the Corpor- ata Authorities of the City of Canton, Illinoie in the Council Room oi the Canton City Hailding, located at , the addre�s of 210 East CheStnnt Street in the City oi Centoa, Illioofe co�nenc- ing at the honr of 6:30 P.M. on the���-da�y o�1��, 19?6. 2. The purpo+�e of thia hearing is to coosider, deter- �ine, and provide for the Iliin�i� ��ai��������ie����undaries of the City of Canton, � �/P Coa�aity ConBervation Act of the Stat• of Illipois (Ill. Itev. Stats. 19?5, Ch. 6? 1/2� Seca. 91.8 et sequi). Amoog other thinss, aucb a Con�erva- tion Board, if created, wonld hawe the power, nndor aaid Act, to dasiga�te an erea or areas, within this City, as "Coneerva- tioa Area", within the �eaning of safa Act, aad as to Nhich certein porera and procedur�s, proviaed by eaid Act, wanld or might be ntili�ed in the rehab- i � ilitation tbereoi and in prsvent- ion of the degradatiop tbereof in to eln� or blighted ereae. 3. Arq+ citizen and a4y i�ater- / , . r � . � . , , . , , . , , ' . . ; , � . . � � .' 1 � ested person �ay�"attend thie pnblic hearing, in psrson or by connsel, or both in pereon and by conosel, and then and there b• heard, either or both orally and in rritiag, on aoy and all settora touching oa the purpose of thie hearing, ancl in the stetesent of position thereon, whether for or agaiflst. 4. FolloMing th• copclusion of this hearing saicl Corporate A�thoritiea will deterrine upon the creetion of said Coneervation Board anA auch other procednres under said Act as �y be. Dated: March � , 19?6. Sigped: s/Nellie Crawford, Clerk of the City of Centoo, Ill. ?. That thie Urdinance shall be in full force and aYfect upoo ita pa�saga by the City Cvuncil and approval by the Mayor. PASSED by the City Council of the City o.f Caotop, Illiaois and APPROYED by the M�qor thereof this � day of �'�—, 1976. _ � ____ � ` -� APPROVED: �p� ^.-�,-- ,-. , �v� - , M1�i0R. (xober��F Jeaninss) ; �, ATTEST: , CIT'Y CI.E1�K (Nellie CrBaford) . ,. . / . . �• � � � � , . • .• �• � ► � � . • . , , � �. • s ' � . . � a . . ested perBOn a�y�'•attend thia � public hearing, in person or by connsel, or both fa person and by counael, aud tben and there be heard, either or both orally , and in �rritiag, oa aqy apd all � matters touching on the purpose of thi6 heariag, aad in the . statemeot of position tbereon, whether for or against. � 4. Following the conclnsion oi this hearing said Corporate Authorities will determine upoo tbe creation o� said Coneervation Board and euch other procednras undor said Act a• may be. Dated: March �, 19?6. � . Signed: B/Nellie Crewfard, Clerk of the City of Canton, Ill. ?. Thet thie Ordinance ehall be in full force and effect npon ite paesage by the City Conncil and approvel by the M�yor. PASSED by the City Conocil of the City ot Canton, Illiooie and APTROVED by the M�yor thereof this �3 d�r o� ,� �, 1976. / � ' � dPPBOVED: �L �,� � ,-_ � ..�_,. �----, , MAYOR. (R�ober�F Jenainse) � ATTEST: , CIT'Y CI.EI� . ( ellie Crawford) �����° h��.� �� . r� ��-� �.--�+--r� �.Z.�``e°-��_ ��-c__. p� -'�--��J—'�sz. �''Z-�'`�-��z..__ ��- �-�°s- '�`�� � �� � �� �- �'�-���: �'�-��-�y� � .� � � � � ������ �_� �. �