HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance #528 . , _ t . • ' • . . ° - . � " -- ' - .�r • Read by Title only 1/7/76, � . -. . � • _ . , � .. .._ ,�• ORDZIVANCE No. `r� � (Ap Ordinance establishing rates or charges for the use of and for the �crvicea provided by the combined waterworks and sewerage system of the City of Canton, Illinois) BE IT ORDAIlVED BY T�iE CITY COUNC.IL OF THE CITY OF CANTON, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That Section 8-10-5 of Chapter 10 WATER AND SEWER SYSTIIN: RATES of Title 8 of the Canton Municipal Code be and the same hereby is amended to read as follows : 8 10 5 : WATER AND SEMIER RATES : A. Definitions. That unlesa the coptext specifically indicates otherwise, the meaning of terms used in the Ordinance shall be as follows : 1. Biochemical Oxygen Demand (B�) shall mean the quantity of oxygen utilized in the biochemical oxidation of organic matter ubder standard laboratory procedure in five (5) days at 20° C, expressed in milligrams per liter. 2. "Superintendent" shall mean the superintendent of wast- water facilities and/or wastewater treatment worka of the City of Capton, or his authorized deputy, agent, or representative. 3. "Suspended Solids" shall mean total suspended matter that either floats on the surface of, or is ip suspension in, water, wastewater or other liquids and that is removable by laboratory filteriag as prescr3.bed in "Standard Methods for the F.xamination of Water and Wasstewater" and referred to as nonfilterabl.e residue. B. Water Rates. That there shall be and there are hereby established rates or charges for the use of and for the service supplied by the waterworks s�stem of the City of Canton, Fulton County, Illinois, based on the amount of water used, as shown by the water meters, as follows : C. Water Rate Schedule. The minimum monthly charge for water services shall be �3.34. First 400 cu.ft./mo. C $0.834/100 cu.ft. Next 2,600 cu.ft./mo. (� $0.804/100 cu.ft. Next 3,500 cu.ft./mo. � �0.721/100 cu.ft. Next ?,000 cu.ft./mo. � $0.649/100 cu.ft. Next 13,OU0 cu.ft./mo. @ $0.618/100 cu.ft. Next 20,000 cu.ft./mo. C �0.5?7/100 cu.ft. Next 25,000 cu.ft./mo. � �0.546/100 cu.ft. Next 35,000 cu.ft./mo. @ $0.474/l00 cu.ft. Next 40,000 cu.ft./mo. C�? $0.453/100 cu.ft. A11 Over 146,500 cu.ft.,lmo. @ $0.4437100 cu.ft. All water usera outside the City Limits sha11 pay 20096 of the rates charged inside City Limit�. D. Sewer Rates. That there ahall be and there are hereby establish�d rates or charges for use of the sewer system of the City of Canton, Illinois and for treatment of sewage by the City of Canton, Illinois, based upon the amount of water used, as shown by the water meters as follows : E. Service Charge. Each sewer user shall pay a Service Charge in the amount of �0.94 per month. F. Yolume Charge. In addition to a Service Charge, each sewer user shall pay a volume charge of $0.27? per 100 cubic feet based on volume of water used as �hown by meter. In the event of sewer users who do aot purchase water from the City, the volume charge will be based on metered water use, metered sewer use or on an estimate of water use as determined by the Superintendent. . f '• ' + . " .'1'` , • •• • ' . G. Extra Strength Surcharge. Service Charges and Volume Charges as specified in sections E and F above �naii. be considered to b� payment for collection apd treat�ent of all sewage of strengths up to concentrat- ion� of 200 mg/1 BOD and 240 mg/1 Suspended Solids. An additional ESctra Strength Surcharge shall be charged ih the event that a user discharges wastes of strengths in exces� of 200 �ug/1 BOD and 240 mg/1 Suapended Solidss. The City will determine ennually, costs per ponnd for treatment of excess concentrations of BOD and Suspended Solids for the purposes of assessing Extra Strength Surcharges to those users who may be discharging suchj�la�tes. The unit costs, for this purpose, will be computed on the following basis : 1. The total annual cost of collection and treatment shall be determined from infor�ation contained in the official audit prepared for the last preceding Fiscal Year. In determining the amount of audited expenses allocable to the operation of the Sewer Department, the following items will be considered : a. �S the total expense of the combined waterworks and sewer system for Accounting and Collection Costs b. � the total expense of the combined waterworks and sewerage system for General and Administrative Costs c. Total audited value for Sewer Expense, including all Operation aad Maintenaace expense for the sewer system atad for sewage treatment. d. 6296 of the past year's principal and interest cost on 1963 Waterwo�ks and Sewerage Revenue Bonds so long as said bonds are outatanding. e. Principal and interest cost on 1973 General Obligation Sewer Bonds for the past year so long as said bonds are outstanding, plus principal and interest costs of aay additional General Obli�ation Bonds sold by the City to provide the local share of 1974-75 Sewer and Sewage Treat- ment Facilities. In addition to the items listed above obtained from the official audit, an item of Depreciation shall be included. This item shall be determined at 20qb of a total anaual depreciation amouqt (as app�roved by Region V, Uqited States Environmental Protection Agency) for the various itema included in 1974-19?5 improvements to the Sewage Treatment Facilities. 2. The annual average daily dry weather flow, BOD and Suspended Solids for untreated wastes received at the treatment plante, computed from treatment records by omitting values for days in which rainfall contributed to flow. Values for BOD and for Suspended Solids shall be computed on the basis of the total number of pounds received at the treatmeat plants. 3. Fro� data obtained in sub-paragraph 1 and 2 above, the total annual cost per pound of BOD treated and per pound of Suspended Solids treated shall be co�puted. In making these calculation, the total annual cost obtained as outlined in paragraph 1 ahall be apportioped as follows : 40q6 of total assigned to Volume 3096 of total aasigned to BOD 3096 of total assigned to Suspended Solids . , , • , , ' , ' 4. In calculatit�g F�ctra Strength Surcharges applicable to any particular user, data sha11 be obtained pertaining to the voluroe of wastes discharged and to the BOD aod Suspended Solids applicable to such wastes. Credit shall be given for BOD up to 200 mg/1 and for Suspended Solids up to 240 mg/l as being included under the Service Charge and Volume Char�e. For strengths in excess of 200 mg/1 BOD and 240 mg/1 Su�spended Solids, charges per pound shall be made in accordance with the results of calculatio�ns as outlined in subparagraph 3 for the billing period. Extra Stren�th Surcharges determined for the preceding year shall be applied until a new determination is made of the unit costs for BOD and Suspended Solids and of volume and strength of wastes discharged by a user. In the event that a change in sewage volume or strength is considered to have taken place, the City will have the right to obtain updated information on volume apd strengths of a user 's discharge and to make adjustments in the number of pounds applicable for surcharge. Should a user desire to have Extra Stren�th Surcharges ad�usted, arrengements may be worked out with the Superintendent for additioqal sampling analyses and surcharge computations, with the user paying for the cost of such additional measurement, analyses and cal�r.ula- tions as detera�ined by the Superintendent. For any particular user, the Superintendent may determine that Extra Strength Surcharges will not be assessed if he determines that the eost of ineasurement, analyses and calculation will be in excess of the amounts that would be �eceived by the City as income from Extra Strength Surchargea. H. Outside City Limits. Charges for sewer service outside City Limits shall be 20096 of the rates inside City Limits. 1. Annual Review. Following each annual audit of Fiscal Years ending April 30, the City will review (on the basis of the past year ' s audit and volumes and strengths of wastes treated) the Sewer Rates including Service Charges, Volume Charges and Extra Strength Surcharge. Revisions �vill be made, if appropriate, to take effect as soon as pract- icable. Section 2. That this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its paasage, approval and publication accord3ag to law. I'ASSED by the City Council of the City of Cant , Illinois and approved by the �Iayor this �v � day of , A.D. 1976. � APPROVED: ' , MAYOR ATTEST: ` ���.ez � , CITY CLERK.