HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution #3480RESOLUTION NO. _ A RESOLUTION APPROVING AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CANTON AND CANTON UNION SCHOOL DISTRICT #66 FOR A POLICE LIAISON OFFICER WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Canton, Illinois has reviewed the terms of the Agreement, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof as Exhibit A; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Canton, Illinois has determined that it is in the best interest of the City of Canton to approve said Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CANTON, Fulton County, Illinois as follows: 1. That the Agreement which is attached hereto and made a part hereof as Exhibit A, is hereby approved, said agreement to be subject to and effective pursuant to the terms and conditions set forth therein. 2. That the Mayor of the City of Canton, Illinois is hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver said Agreement on behalf of the City of Canton. 3. That this Resolution shall be in full force and effect immediately upon its passage by the City Council of the City of Canton, Fulton County, Illinois and approval by the Mayor thereof. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Canton, Fulton County, Illinois, at a regular meeting this 20th day of July, 1999, upon a roll call vote as follows: AYES• Aldermen Molleck, Hartford, Sarff, Phillips, Nidiffer, • Meade, Shores, May. NAYS: None . ABSENT: None. APP VED: Donald E. Edwards, Mayor Attest: Nancy White City Clerk 0'7~ ~?F~~99 15:03 CANTON PUBLIC SAF'BTY $LPC; -+ CITY HALL hU~. 1 E:~ C'e1~' AGREEMENT BETWEEN CANTON UNION SCNUOf, 1)1STRICT ~6 AND CITY OF CANTON FOR POLICE LIAISON O~'~'ICER I, ~jtiota .~Wmni~trst The City of Canton Schaal Police Liaison Officer pvsitiun shall be considered an appointmerit to the Canton Police Department Patrol l~ivisior~ subject to tht: s,~.trie chain of command and supervisory structure as ather oPE'icers appointed to tr~a.t division. The officer selected far the :iaison position shall ire considered on sl;~ciPtl assignment to the Canton Union School District #66 during the school year. While an such special assignment, the Liaison Offscer shall seek to promote a positive relationship between law enforcement personnel and the youth of the community while representing the department in matters concerning District ~bEi students and administrative/educaiional staff. The Liaison Officer's duty location will be the Canton High School with assistance provided at other District #66 schools as directed, As a sworn Canton Police Officer, the Liaison Officer, will erd'orce all laws anal ordinances of the City of Canton and/or Slate of Illinois, as well as comply with the orders, policies, procedures, rules and regulations of the Canton Police Department. The officer should remain sensitive to the District's concerns while discussing the school's and/or the District's actions to students, parents and the public, at the same time maintaining the official status of a swam member of the Carton Police Department. The Liaison O~'icer must have the ability to work in conjunction with school officials to maintain a policy of cooperation in dealing with tht various circumstances which may be encountered. n. frear.ao[Bc~ea~&~ A. Serves as the liaison between the Canton Union School District #bS aild the Canton Police Department, promotes the development of effective: communication between the school and legal authorities, and coordine~tes the provision of police services to the school. G~7%'?E~i99 15:04 CANTON PUPL 1 C SAFE T 'f BLDU -~ CITY HALL 8. Serves as a consultant to Canton Union School District X66 in matters, of crime prevention, law enforcement, ct~mmunity youth services ancf otl~ter retated matters C. Works with Canton High School staff and the Guidance Department, not to enforce school discipline, but to refer violations to appropriate District representatives. D. Pro-actively works with school personnel tv prevent crime on school grounds, to protect students and staff, and to provide a safe and secure school environment. Itt this role the liaison officer patrols the school and groAnds, supervises parking lots, monitors pedestrian rrnd vehicular tr~~ic. an school grounds and prevents Loitering and trespassing on 3chovl property. E. Conducts andlor coordinates the police investigation of the incidents involving Canton High School, its staff and students. The officer will also investigate other cases or perform other duties assigned by his desigtu~ted police department supervisor. F. Assist school personnel to monitor the school lunch periods. G. As a Police Juvenile {lfficer, the Police Liaison t}fi~cer develops and maintains familiarity with community delinquency patterns, trouble spot;a and other youth and community problems. H. Confers with and assists deans, counselors and other school staff concerning individuals, families and neighborhoods in the early identification of troubled, neglected or abused youths and delinquent behavior. L Participates in providing advice and guidance to :sttudents arrd patents arid, assists in referral to appropriate community services. J. Assists school staff in the prevention of~uuancy, in processing truancy cases, and in malting home visits when required. IC. Assists school staff in the supervision of extra-curricular school activities e!i approved. t,. Completes and maintauns Policy Qeneral CJffen+re, Supplemental aryd c-th~r reports as required by the Canton >?atice Department. M. Performs other duties as suggested by Carlton High School Adminisp'aticia and directed by the designated police department supervisor. 2 f37%20%99 15:05 CANTON PUBLIC SAFtTY BLDG a CITY HALL t•~O. 16:? C':15 F. i~hc Pr~iice Liaison Uttic:er may depart the school grourcis for limited periods during the assignment in response to matters such as court appearances. investis~ativn at' uE~ ground incidents, school related matters, home visits, training, police investigations and bona tide police emergencies. Such departures, whenever possible will be coordinated with the Canton High Schoo[ principal. F. The transport of persons in conjunction with liaison duties should be accomplished with the use of department vehicles; utilizing the marked squad when possible. G. The Liaison Officer will be provided an office at the Canton High Sehooi which may be secured and will provide privacy to conduct interviews arrdl complete administrative duties. This office will also be utilized to store documents and equipment necessary for the Liaison Officer's duties. H. Request for vacation, compensatory time, sick or personal days ductng ~,h.e assignment period will be approved by a mutual agreement of the school district and the police department. The Liaison Officer will rettsart responsible far reporting such changes in duty status to the dayshi#t watch commander for record keeping and payroll purposes. VI. FL e ri ~ Rc~ 'ldHde As agreed between District #66 and the City of Canton, Canton LTnian School District #b6 shall pay to the City of Canton 66.6°/@ of the Police Liaison Officer's salary and benefits, based on the current rate of a probationary police offrcer (See )exhibit A}. Funds from this three year grant: slar~l be used to off-set these expenses. One-half of that amount shall be due on oar before October 1 and the balance on or before March 1 of each year this agi etment remains in effect. VIA. Tl,~7ri{tt~iJEtdGE This agreement is contingent upon the successful application and receipt of funding in the amount of S 125,000 from the COPS in Schools Grant. This agreement will go into effect upon receipt oFofficial notification that this fitndirzfs will be received. In the event the grant is funded, this agreement will remain in effect for tht 1999-2000, 2000-2041 and 2001.2002 school year. This agrantta~t will carttinue after the 2001-2002 school year as per the conditions outlined tin Section Yf of this agreement. Both patties reserve the right to request termirtiation of this agreement by submitting a written request 60 days prior G® th~c end of the school year. 4 07%20199 rl{~. Y''ir. ~'. 15:04 CANTON PUBLIC SAFETY BLDG ~ CITY HALL hUJ. 16? The Canton Police Department will be responsible for the selection of the Liaison Officer. The officer selection criteria will include, but not be limited to: desire, training, experience and recommendations from supervisory personnel. The Canton High School pr'incipai or designee shall provide input into the evaluation of the Liaison Officer annually. The Police Liaison Oi~cer will be assigned for an unspecified term. The Proglraxrt will best succeed if the Officer is permitted to establish continuous interaction wri4h students and become aware of specific concerns of the student body. Such interaction will require a long term commitment by the Canton Police Depart,ttcnt, the Liaison Officer and School District #66. It is understood that reassignmtnt of the Liaison Officer may be necessary due to extraneous circumstances, but the central theme of the program will be stability through consistent assignment of personnel. A. The Liaison O~'icer will receive direction on District issues from the District Superintendent or his designee. B. During assignment to Canton Union School District #66, the Liaison Officer will operate at Canton High School between 0730 - 1 S30 hrs.,, on those days that students are present. C. The Liaison Officer wiU generally wear a standard police uniform unless mutually agreed by the of5cer and school staff that civilian clothing wottl~d be advantageous. The Liaison Officer will catrry a full compliment of police identification and equipment (including firearm and ammunition). Such equipment will remain concealed unless attired in the standard police uniform. D. The Liaison Officer may be assigned cases from the Canton Police Department when follow up itivestigationa of District related issues are requved. When an incident or as investigation of a criminal case is initiated by the Liaison Officer, a cane number will ba requested &vm the Commuricativns Canter and a report completed consistent with standlard Canton Police Department reporting procedure. The Liaison Officer will adhere to juvenile procedures/confidentiality as outlined in the Illinoi, Juvenile Court Act. [~~~14 . f~'7%?E~i~39 15 : ~~ CANTJh l PUBLIC SAFE' Y £',•I_DG -~ C 1 TY HALL ATTEST: .., C~I'Y C1F CANTON, By: rya r ~~, ~ ATI'l7EST: ~~~._ Ita Mayor. C.iI.S.D. #~6+b By: $upe tendsn~ S