HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-14-2012 Clerical Committee Minutes CITY OF CANTON CLERICAL COMMITTEE Tuesday August 14, 2012 6:30 p.m. Donald E. Edwards Way 50 North 4th Avenue Canton IL 61520 Aldermen in attendance: Eric Schenck, Dave Pickel, Justin Nelson, Jim Hartford, Jeff Fritz, Gerald Ellis, Craig West, Jeremy Pasley Aldermen absent: Staff in attendance: Mayor Kevin Meade, City Clerk Diana Pavley, City Attorney Chrissie Peterson, City Administrator Jim Snider, Comptroller Caty Campbel~, Treasurer Nicole Marter, Police Chief Dan Taylor, Fire Chief Keith Frank, Joe Ginger Video Services. In the audience: Toby McCamey, Kevin Williams, Missy Towery News Media- John Froehling from Daily Ledger. Finance Alderman Craig West, Chairman BILLS Alderman Fritz asked what the travel expense reimbursement to Jim Snider in the amount of $628.24 was for. Comptroller Caty Campbell stated that the expense was for two conferences for hotels, meals and mileage reimbursement. Motion and second were made by Aldermen West/Pickel to send to Council for consideration. The motion carried. TREASURER'S REPORT The end of July's available cash was 4.3 million dollars. The schedule of investments was 4.5 million dollars. The budget comparison report reflects the general fund with a$17,911.00 loss for the month and a$39,698.00 YTD gain. The water and sewer fund had a gain in the amount of $246,257.00 in the month. The YTD gain in the water and sewer fund was $294,152.00. The City received the final disbursement for the EDA grant in the amount of $820,998.00. The City received the final disbursement for the DCEO housing grant in the amount of $98,520.00. The close out meeting for the DCEO housing grant is scheduled for August 15, 2012. Motion and second were made by Aldermen West/Fritz to send to Council for consideration. The motion carried by voice vote and was unanimous. INTERNET ACH FEES Treasurer Nicole Marter explained that she is planning to start paying more of the City bills by ACH. Alderman Nelson previously asked that she do some research on the bank fees. Nicole sent a request to Wells Fargo to let them know that the City is researching banking fees. Nicole gave the financial institutions scores based on fees. Wells Fargo and CEFCU came up with the highest scores; however Wells Fargo still remains lower than CEFCU. The fee includes adding in the ACH transactions. City Treasurer Nicole Marter recommends staying with Wells Fargo not only because they offer the ACH fraud filter and the fees have been lowered, but because the City currently has many accounts including payroll with Wells Fargo. Nicole explained that the remainder of the bills should be setup on ACH payment which would save the City $9.00-$11.00 based on activity between paper checks, stamps postage and envelopes. Motion and second were made by Aldermen West/Pickel to recommend Wells Fargo for the fees. The motion carried by voice vote and was unanimous. CANTON FIRE DEPARTMENT TRAINING FACILITY The fire department training facility has been brought to the east side facility. The project started with the container, and then the concrete pad. Four of the containers have been purchased with two of the containers currently installed. The following items are still needed for the facility. • Stairways • Steel railing • Cutting doors and putting in frames • Additional container Approximately $16,000.00 is being requested to complete the additional work on the facility. Fire Chief Keith Frank explained that Interim Fire Chief Ernie Russell had $24,800.00 in last year's budget. This amount was used after the concrete pad was put in. $50,000.00 was budgeted in fiscal year 2012/2013 for fire station repair. $24,681.00 will be remaining in the budgeted 2012/2013 repairs. This projed will be approximately $16,000.00. The City has saved a considerable amount of money by have the army reserve provide the labor for the project. This project will also eliminate the need to send firefighters out of town for training. The savings with overtime will pay off the project in approximately 8.5 years. Motion and second were made by Aldermen West/Fritz to approve the project in the amount of $15,933.70 to come from the remainder of the funds that are available. The motion carried by voice vote and was unanimous. 2012 MFT BID RESULTS The bid opening took place yesterday (August 13, 2012) The following streets are included in the project Cherry Street Main to First Avenue Maple Street- Main to Second Locust Street- 5th to 8th Avenue Walnut Street- South lane to Avenue B West St. Joseph Cemetery Vine Street West 180 feet Avenue A- Locust to Elm Street The parking lot along White Court The unit price per ton is as follows: Advanced Asphalt $95.00 R.A. Cullinan $100.01 Laverdiere Construction $117.93 Keith Plavec explained that he would like to add 13th Avenue and 7th avenue from Olive to Myrtle to the project. Further discussion took place regarding utilizing MFT for street repairs instead of streets that would be TIF eligible. Motion and second were made by Aldermen West/Pickel to accept the unit price from Advanced Asphalt. The motion carried by voice vote and was unanimous. MSI ENGINEERING PROPOSAL FOR SOUTH SIDE GENERATOR REPLACEMENT The generator was originally installed at the west side plant in 1974. It was brought to the south side lift station in 1987. The generator is approximately 38 years old and it has been experiencing some problems during the past few years. Parts have become more difficult to find, so the recommendation was to look for a replacement now before an outage takes place or parts can't be found at all. The total budgeted amount was $150,000.00. $130,000.00 was budgeted for construction, $20.000.00 for design. A proposal is being submitted for the engineering portion at $20,000.00 from the bond account. Motion and second were made by Aldermen West/Pickel to send to Council for consideration. The motion carried by voice vote and was unanimous. QUOTES ON TRAINING ROOM FACILITY- POLICE DEPARTMENT Chief Taylor explained that he received three quotes for the training room facility. Quotes were obtained from Lincoln Office, Office Specialist and Midwest Office. Lincoln Office bid for 28 chairs and 14 tables and installation. The quote from Lincoln Office was $8,999.28. Office Specials bid for the chairs, tables and installation at an amount of $10,069.00. Midwest Office bid for the chairs, tables and installation was in the amount of $8,262.00. The furniture from lincoln Office appears to be better quality along with a better warranty. Chief Taylor requests to purchase the furniture from Lincoln Office in the amount of $8,999.28. Chief Taylor further explained that $25,000.00 was previously budgeted for the remodeling project including the furniture. The remodeling is approximately $18,700.00 which leaves $6,300.00 for the furniture. Chief Taylor recommends using non-tax payer funds from the non federal asset forfeiture fund and half from the bonding fee account for the difference. Motion and second were made by Aldermen West/Fritz to send to council for consideration. The motion carried by voice vote and was unanimous. The finance committee adjourned at 6:SOpm Legal & Ordinance A/derman Jeff Fritz, Chairman SPECIAL USE PERMIT FOR KEVIN WILLIAMS- 200 EAST ALDER STREET CANTON. ILLINOIS Kevin Williams is requesting a special use permit to have a daycare-head start for 750 square feet currently zoned I-1. All inspections have been completed and a special use permit is being recommended by the planning and zoning committee. August 27, 2012 will be the first day of school for the teachers and students. This ordinance will be brought to Council on August 21, 2012 with the request to waive the second reading of the ordinance to help accommodate the opening of the school. Motion and second were made by Aldermen Fritz/West to send to council for consideration. The motion carried by voice vote and was unanimous. UPDATE ON TRAILER PARK- 205 NORTH AVENUE I Chief Taylor explained that he was at the trailer park with the zoning director John Kunski yesterday. It appears that 3-4 people are still living at the trailer park, however they are attempting to find a place to live before the deadline of August 17, 2012. Chief Taylor will go to the trailer park on August 17, 2012 to see if a restraining order will be needed. OUR TOWN'S LEGACY- CEMETERY WALK The City was contacted by the Spoon River Read Committee with a request to hold their third annual cemetery walk on October 1, 2012 at 4:OOpm, 6:OOpm, 6:30 pm and 7:00 PM. The rain date will be October 2, 2012. A certificate of insurance will be submitted for the event. Motion and second were made by Aldermen Fritz/Pickel to send to Council for approval. The motion carried by voice vote and was unanimous. The legal and ordinance committee adjourned at 7:05pm Community & Industrial Development Alderman Jeremy Pas/ey, Chairman UPDATE FROM MISSY TOWERY SRPED EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR GENERAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT POINTS RETAIL/COMMERCIAL/fNDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT o Continued work on Theater project BUSINESS DEVEOPMENT, ATTRACTION AND SUPPORT o Met with former business owner to discuss ideas for their existing property. o Tour of property on Chestnut to get an idea for uses. o Met with business owner looking for storefront in downtown area. o Continuaf contact with person wanting to open a bakery o Conversation with new property owner on Chestnut street to discuss options TOURISM REPORT o Please see the reverse for a report from Dana Smith. CANTON MAIN STREET o Board meeting and Organization Committee meeting OTHER o Attended Community Development Institute (August 6-August 9) o Attended the Foundation Milestone Regional Meeting in Peoria o Attended Kiosk Dedication o Provided Volunteer presentation to CPD Bestowed Program o Worked on Music In the Park Ads o Meeting with Jim Murphy of CFC Properties to discuss available space o Worked on Chamber duties ¦ Process of hiring an Executive Director General Marketing & Tourism • Organized and coordinated Illinois River Road National Scenic Byway kiosk dedication on July 23, in cooperation with Anaise Berry, IRRNSB director, including publicizing the event locally, making arrangements with local elected officials, state senators and representatives to speak, and other associated tasks. • Attended first Illinois River Road National Scenic Byway Board meeting as a new member. • Prepared a potential welcome packet for presentation to select guests at the Canton Harvester Inn and delivered a prototype to General manager Cara Blackwell for consideration, which will be forwarded to Joe Vezzoso at French Lick Resort. • Contacted Jo Fessett with the Illinois Audubon Society to offer assistance with their scheduled Spring Gathering, to be held in April 2013 Canton Main Street. • Designed and scheduled print advertising for the Kid's Fest/Open Air Market on July 14. 20 vendors set up in Jones Park for the event. • Coordinated balloon artists, the Canton Fire Department, Canton Police Department canine demonstrations, Colonel Klink's Inflatables, Farmer's Market Vendors, Lane Hampton and CHS Pom-Pom Squad performances, and making a costumed "Cat in the Hat" availabie in the gazebo for free photographs. • Coordinated distribution of over 65 flyers throughout nearby communities and Canton businesses to publicize Kid's Fest. • Attended three Farmer's Markets in June, from 6:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Vendors have increased from five to ten vendors selling local produce, fruit, honey, and other items. Vendors have reported good sales, and attendance has been steady for each. • Produced and distributed news releases for Kid's Fest and Open Air Markets to local media. • Served as guest on WBY/WCDD to promote Kid's Fest • Attended and Main Street Coffee at Crawford's on July 10. • Attended Canton Main Street Board Meeting on Tuesday, July 31. Scenic Drive • Attended Scenic Drive Board meeting on July 18. • Received confirmation from Wildlife Prairie State Park they will hold educational programs on both Sundays of the Drive. • Issued news release about Spoon River Scenic drive to local media. • Placed "Call for Vendors" ad in local media to solicit vendors for Canton. • Mailed out applications to four potential new Scenic Drive vendors. Website • Coordinated with GovOffice.com to make adjustments to site design. • Continued process of developing content, including site visits to Havana and other points of interest to be featured on the site. Scheduled Wednesday, August 15, as HOTEL/MOTEL TAX REQUEST This hotel/motel tax request from the Community Concert Association did not go through the normal yearly hotel/motel tax request, but rather came in at a later date. The request went to the Spoon River Partnership Board with recommendation to be sent to Council. The request was for $2,000.00, however the Partnership board's recommendation was for $1,000.00 of the request to be approved. Currently the Hotel/Motel Tax fund has a balance of $20,000.00. Toby McCamey explained the membership process to the community concert association and the various events that are brought into the community. Further discussion took place regarding the structure of the hotel/motel tax requests and setting some guidelines for strategic proposals that will bring some new visitors to the community. Motion and second were made by Aldermen Fritz/Pasley to send to council without recommendation. The Community & Industrial Development Committee adjourned at 7:17pm Negotiations, Grievance & Personnel Alderman Dave Pickel, Chairman SALARIES OF ELECTED OFFICIALS City Administrator 1im Snider explained that under state statute the City has a period of time that elected officials salaries can be adjusted. The statute states that salaries can be adjusted 180 days from the beginning of the next term. Any adjustments to the elected official's salaries must be made by November 7, 2012. A survey of treasurer and clerk salaries was conducted and placed in the packet for review. Discussion took place over the last few years about having the treasurer position become a part-time position at a stipend amount ($3,000-$5,000.00 per year) to eliminate the risk of having someone elected into the position that is not qualified in the standpoint of education or experience. The City could then create a renamed position that is appointed as a city employee to perform the financial duties previously handled by the treasurer. Alderman Pasley stated that it would be a huge mistake and he would be 100% against the recommendation of having the treasurer position become a part-time position and appoint someone to do the duties. Further discussion took place explaining that the current treasurer could run for the position and hold office of the treasurer (at an honorary salary) and still be appointed to the finance position as a city employee--- thus holding both positions. The concept would be to have a comptroller, accounting supervisor, and a part-time treasurer in the finance area. Mayor Meade explained that by changing the treasurer to a part-time position and having an appointed employee in the finance department the City can better control the work performed. Alderman Nelson stated that the City previously hired a comptroller to help in the finance department and doesn't understand why the request is being made to have a part-time treasurer with another appointed staff employee. The only way the position of treasurer could be eliminated would be to change the form of government by a referendum. Alderman Pickel stated that he has mixed feelings about the request. Alderman Pickel explained that he understands that anyone coutd run for the position that would not necessarily be qualified. Alderman Nelson explained that the City use to have a deputy clerk position that was eliminated because of money purposes. The City now wants to add a third person to the financial side. Mayor Meade explained that fund accounting is a very specialized area and is much more difficult. You cannot pull an accountant off of the street to have them come in and work in a municipality. Alderman Nelson stated that the City also has a city administrator that can assist in those duties. The City Clerk is now performing two jobs and has been doing so for over two years. Alderman Pickel asked for a detailed description of the duties of the Comptroller, Treasurer, Part-time Treasurer and the City Clerk. Alderman Schenck explained that he sees some merit into the idea of the structure being presented. City Clerk Diana Pavley explained that the City Clerk's position is a little more unique than the Treasurer's position. By state statute you can assign other duties to the City Clerk's position, where you can't add other duties to the treasurer's position. This explains why City Clerk's have a very large list of duties that they perform. The International Institute for Municipal Clerks is the large umbrella that is over the state organizations (Municipal Clerk's of Illinois) and then there are local organizations for each region of the state. CIMCO- Central Illinois Municipal Clerks organization. The International Institute of Municipal Clerks created a very intense program for certification through various universities and colleges. The position of a City Clerk is also a very specialized position and this is recognized by the International Institute of Municipal Clerk. Due to the complexity of the position they created a program that offers education through various universities along with specific experience requirements in order to obtain certification. The CMC (certified municipal clerk) designation takes up to three years to obtain. The MMC (master municipal clerk) designation takes an additional two-three years to obtain. Diana further explained that her recommendation for salaries for the position be based upon the foundation that was set by the International Institute of Municipal Clerks program. A base annual salary could be set and then an additional amount would be included for certification in the program by obtaining the CMC and the MMC designations. This theory would promote continued education in the position and further experience in various fields. Diana explained that it is crucial that the City promote continued education and support the International Institute of Municipal Clerks. Alderman Pickel stated that he believes the salary for the City Clerk should be on a base salary and then additional amounts be established for the certification as recommended by Diana. Diana further explained that the institute has already "created the wheel" and they understand what it takes to become an effective City Clerk. Being an effective City Clerk is a combination of education and experience in a municipality. The salaries of all elected officials (aldermen, mayor, treasurer and clerk) must be set 180 days prior to the beginning of the new term. (May 1, 2013) Alderman Pickel stated that he would like to get more information on the duties of the positions. BURN BAN Chief Frank explained that the burn ban is still in effect. The negotiations, grievance & personnel committee adjourned at 7:50pm ADJOURNMENT Motion and second were made by Aldermen Hartford/Pickel to adjourn into executive session for the purpose of,~iscussing negotiations. Dj,a~"~~avley ~ ~,~ity Clerk ~ , ~ ~I ~ L~- ~ G