HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance #2057 CERTIFICATE STATE OF ILLINOIS, ) CITY OF CANTON, ) SS. COUNTY OF FULTON.) I Diana Tucker, City Clerk of the City of Canton, in the County of Fulton and State of Illinois, do hereby certify that as the City Clerk of the City of Canton, I am the keeper of records, minutes, ordinances, and other books, record and papers of said City, and that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of: Ordinance # 2057 AN ORDINANCE LEVYING AND ASSESSING TAXES FOR CORPORATE PURPOSES OF T'~IE CITY OF CANTON, ILLINOIS, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING MAY 1, 2011 AND ENDING APRIL 30, 2012 Adopted by the City Council of said City and approved by the Mayor thereof on the 6TH day of December 2011 WITNESS my hand and the Corporate Seal of the City of Canton, Illinois this 6th day of December 2011 ~ ' na Tucker, City Clerk (SEAL) D~C 14 2011 OUNTY CLERK FULTON COUNTY, IL. C}RDtNANCE NO. ~ ~ AN ORDINANCE LEVYlNG AND ASSESSiNG TAXES ~OR CORPORATE PllRPOS~S O~ THE C!'i'Y OF CANTON, iLLiNOIS, FOR TNE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING MAY 1, 2091, AND ENOiNG APRi~ 30, 2012. WHEREAS, on the 19th of April, the City Council of the City of Canton, Illinais, passed the Annuai Budget Ordinance of #he City of Canton, Illinols, for the fiscal year beginning May 1, 20'1 and ending April 30, 2012, in the amount of $30,896,190, which Ord9nance was appraved by the Mayor and the City Counci! on April i9, 2011, and which qrdinance was pubiished in pamphlet form end posted at the City Suilding, 2 N. Main Street, Canton, fliinois. NOW, i'NEREFORE, B~ IT ORDAINED BY THE GTl' COUNCtI OF THE CITY OF CANTON, FUE.TON COUNTY, iLLINOIS AS ~OLLOWS: SECTION 1: That the total amount of budget for a0 corporate purposes tegaily made to be collected irorn the tax levy a~d the current fiscal year is hereby ascertained to the sum of $30,896,190. 8ection 2: That the sum of $2,086,538 being part of the totaf budget heretofore fegally mede which are ta be collected from the tax levy of the current fiscal year of the City of Canton for ail corporate purposes of said City of Cantan be, and the same is hereby tevied upon ali of the taxable property in the City of Canton subject to taxation for the Cu~rent year for the #ollowing specified purposes: Amt. to be Raised from Amt, to be Raised from Totai Budget ather Sources Tax Levy CITY ADMINISTRAT{ON: A tax not to exceed .25% of the fuil cash value, as equalized or assessed by the Department of Revenue of the State of IL, on ail taxable property in the City af Canton, Illinois. • Personne! Servrces 400 Salaries $ 307,350 403 tnsurance 355,614 662,964 Confractua! Services 425 UtiliEfes 41,000 430 Travel ~ 0~ 431 7r~ining `~~~5fl 432 Postage 250 433 Advertising 2,500 436 Acct. Service & Audit 500 437 Consulti~g Engineer 40,000 438 Legal Services 'f 0,~00 439 Other Professional 15,000 441 Dues 12,850 443 Other Cont~actual 5g.~~ 443-3 Subdivision Development - 443-4 Planning & Zaning Contraciual 36,000 226,295 Commodities 465 OfFice Supplies 11,900 Q66 Motor Fuel ' 487 Maintenance Supplies 100 468 Operating Supplies 2,700 472 Other Supplies , 1,000 15,700 Amt. to be Raised from Amt. to be Raised from Total Budget other Sources 7ax Levy Other Operating 483 tnterest Expenses 2,300 484 Firewarks Expense 11,200 485 Vo{unteer Workers 2,000 486 Transfers-Greenwood Cemetery 55,679 487 Transfers-Civil Defense 6,240 49Q Miscellaneous Expense 2,500 493 Spo~n River Economic Dev. 45,OOp 494 Police & Fire Commission 7,000 496 Demotition Expenses 30,000 497 HHS Loan 40,000 201,919 Capital Outlay 502 Sidewalk Program 5,000 504 Equipment Z0,000 25,000 TOTALCITYADM{NISTRATI4N $ 1,131,878 $ 9,1i2,203 $ 19,675 POLICE PROTEC7lON FUND A tax not to exceed .75% of the fuif cash value, as equatized or assessect hy Ehe Department ofi Revenue of the State af 1L, on ail taxable prope~ty in the City af Cantan, lltinois. Personnel Services 400 Salaries $ 1,845,001 403 Insurance 425,819 404 Pension 293,312 2, 564,132 Contracfua! Services 412 Equipment Maintenance 32,215 425 Utilities ~ 7~~24 428 tnsurance ' 430 TraveUTraining 21,751 439 Other Professional Services 34,845 441 Dues 1,620 Q43 Other Contractua) 7,012 114,933 Commadifias 465 Office Supplies 3,940 466 Motor Fuel 81,450 468 Operating Supplies 2~~g27 470 Uniforms 4,223 472 Other Supplies 5,200 115,240 Caprtal Ouflay 503 Vehicles 41,000 50Q Equipment 7,900 TOTAL POI.ICE PROTECI'ION FUND $ 2,843,205 $ 2,760,532 $ 82,673 Amt. to be Raised fram Amt. ta be Raised from 1'otaf Budget other Sources Tax Levy FIR~ PROTECTION FUND A tax not to exceed .15% af the full cash value, as equatized or assessed by the Dep~rtment of Revenue of tha State of ti., an all taxable property in the City of Canton, Iltinois. Personne! Services 400 $alaries $ 7,173,131 403 insurance 231,352 404 Pension 483,810 1,888,293 Confractus/ Services 410 Buidling Maintenance 2,470 492 Equipment Maintenance 20,490 425 Utilities 24,643 430 TraveUTfaining 13,020 443 ~ther Contractual 32,970 92,793 Commodities 465 Office Supplies ~,244 466 Motor Fuel 18,479 468 Operating 6upalies 22,468 a70 Uniforms 5,166 472 Other Supplies 6fl~ 480 Miscelianeous Expense 3,735 54,6~F8 Capital Out/ay 504 Equipment 24,800 T~7AL FIRE PROTECTION ~UND $ 2,060,534 $ 1,899,580 $ 160,954 OTHER PUf2POSES AU7HORIZED BY LAW S7REET DEPARTMENT A tax not fo exceed .06°l0 of the fuE{ cash value, as equalized ar assessed by the Department of Revenue of the 5fate of IL, on a[I taxabfe property in the City of Cantdn, Iliinois, plus by a 3/4 vote of fhe members elected an additional .04°Jo of said taxable property as provided by Section 22-81-1, Chapter 24, of the Iflinois Revised Statutes. Personnel Services 400 Salaries $ 360,299 403 Insurance ~~731 445,030 Amt. to be Raised from Amt. to be Raised from 'Cotal Budget other Sources Tax Levy Contractuaf Services 412 Equipment Maintenance 29,000 ~ 413 Tree Maintenance 10,50Q 425 Lttilities 7,550 427 Street LigFtting 95,000 429 Renta! 18,aao 443 Other Cont~actua! 1 ~,500 i70,550 Commaclities 466 Motor Fuei 65,350 468 Operating Suppties 91,800 472 Other Supplies 6,000 963,950 Capital Ouflay 503 Vehicles 55,000 TOTAL FOR STREEI' DEPARTMEN7 $ 833,730 $ 833,730 $ - GARBAGE D{SPOSAL FUND A tax not to excesd .2d% of fhe futl cash value, as equaiized or assessed by the Depa~tment of Revenue of the State of IL, on ail taxable property in the City of Canton, iliinois, pursuant to Ord. No. 35, passed May 20, 1947, authorizing the establishment and maintenance of a system for the colfection and disptisa! of garbage. Personne! Services 40p Salaries $ 189,444 403 (nsurance 69,133 258,577 Contrectuat Services 412 Equipment Maintenance '14~dpo 42Q Landfill Fees 214,830 4Z1 Recycling Fees ' 425 Utilities 1,000 428 insurance ` 443 Qther Contractual 3,000 232,83Q Commodities 466 Motor Fuei 57,59U 467 Mai~tenanae Supplies 13,500 7'1,090 Capital Outlay 503 Vehicles 135,000 TOTAL GARBAGE DISPOSAL FUND $ 697,497 $ 697,497 $ - Amt. to be Raised from Amt. to be Raised from Tota1 Budget other Sources Tax Levy BUIl,DING GROUNDS DEPT. Persanne! Services 400 Salacies $ 94,907 403 lnsurance 16,Q44 110,951 Contractual Services 410 6uilding Maintenance 10,OQ0 ~ 411 Vehicle Maintenance ~0~ 412 Equipment Maintenance 500 425 Utili6es 1,400 12,400 Commodities 466 Motar Fuel 1,320 467 Maintenance Supplies 5,000 468 Operating Supplies 2n~dOQ 26,320 Caprtel Ouflay 50~4 Equipment ~7~2~Q 70TAL BUILDING & GROUNOS $ 166,871 $ '166,871 $ - CEMETERY FUND A tax not to exceed .025% of the full cash veiue, as equafized or assessed by the Department of Revenue of the State of IL, on all taxable property in the City of Canton, Iliinais. Operational Budget $ 53,520 $ 27',52Q $ 26,000 TO'TAL FOR GENERAL fUND $ 7,787,235 ~ 7,497,933 $ 2$9,302 CiVIL DEFENSE FUND A tax not to excesd .05°~ of the fult cash value, as equalized or assessed by fhe Department of Revenue of the State of IL, on all taxable propert}I in the City of Canton, 111inais. Personnel Services 40fl Sataries $ - Contractual Services 412 Equipment Maintenance ' 425 Utilities " 431 Training/l'ravel 443 Other Contcactuat 3,600 3,600 Amt. to be Raised fram Amt to be Raised from Total Budget other Sources Tax Levy Commodities 465 O~ce Supp(ies - 468 Operating Suppiies - 470 Uniforms - Capital Outlay 504 Equipment - ~ T~TAL FOR ClWL. DEFENSE FUND $ 3,600 $ 3,60Q TOURISM FUND $ 43,850 $ 43,850 $ - iL MUN1CiPAl. RETIREMENT FUND A tax on the fui( cash value, as equalized or assessed by the Department of Revenue of the State of IL, on all taxable property in the City of Canton, lifinols, which will produce ihe sum of: $ 596,000 $ 270,470 $ 325,530 SOCIAL SECURItY & MEDICARE A tax on the fult cash value, as equalized or assessed by the Oepartment of Revenue of the State of IL, on alf taxable ~rroperry in the City of Canton, lllinois, which will produce fhe sum of: $ 353,000 $ 131,496 $ 221,504 TECHNfCAL RESCUE FUND $ 3,700 $ 3,700 $ - WORKfNG CASH FUND A tax not to exceed .45% af the fuU cash value, as equaiized or assessed by the Department of Revenue of the State of ll, on all taxable property [n the City of _ Canton, tilinois. $ 575,000 $ 575,a0Q $ ASSET F~RFLITURE FUND $ 7',660 $ 7,660 $ - LIABlL17'Y INSURANCE FUND A tax on the fuil cash value, as equalized or assessed by the DepaRment of Revenue of the State of IL, on all taxable property in the City of Canton, Iilinois, 208,275 which will produce the sum of: $ 208,275 $ K-9 FUND $ 'i,500 ~ 9,500 $ - AUDf7 F[!ND A tax on the full cash vafue, as equalized or assessed by the Department of Revenue of the StaFe of ll, on at! taxable property in the City of Canton, lUinois, 27,000 which will produce #he sum vf: $ 27,000 $ Amt. to be Raised from Amt. to be Raised from Tota1 Budget other Sources 7ax l.evy UN~MPLOYMEf~iT FUNp A tax on the futf cash value, as equatized o~ assessed by the Department of Revenue of tMe Stafe of IL, on aN taxable property in the City of Canton, iilinais, which witl produce the sum of: $ 24,000 $ 24,000 ~ - GAMING LAW ~NfORCE. ~UND $ 4,300 $ 4,300 $ - W4RK~RS COMP. FUND A tax pn the fu(I cash value, as equalized o~ assessed by the Depa?tment of Revenue of the State af IL, on atl taxable property in the City of Canton, Ilfinois, which will produce the sum of: $ 244,487 $ 4Q5 $ 244,092 DU! FUND $ 6,350 $ 6,350 $ - VEHICLE FUND $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ - PDUCE PENSION ~UND A tax on the fuU c~sh value, as equalized ar assessed by the Department of Revenue of the State of IL, on aii taxabte praperty in the City of Canton, IA'snois, $ 675,000 $ 391,Q87 $ 283,313 F1RE PENS[ON FUNJ A tax on the full cash value, a$ equalized vr assessed by the Department of Revenue of the 5tate of iL, on all taxabie property in the City of Canton, Illinois; which wiU produce the sum of: $ 760,000 $ 276,078 ~ 463,922 WAT~R~SEWER DiSTRIBU710N $ 10,047,582 $ 10,047,582 $ - MFT FUND $ 662,036 $ 662,036 $ - TIF FUND $ 7,043,906 $ 7,043,906 $ - LAKE OE1/ELOPMENT $ 58,574 $ 58,574 $ - WIRGCDAP FUND $ ' ~ - $ ~ 1LEF'A FUND $ " $ " ~ USEPA FUND $ ' $ " ~ ~ CONTtNGENCY $ 1,758,125 $ 9,758,125 $ - GRAND T07AL Al.L PURPOSES $ 30,$96,190 $ 28,SU9,652 $ 2,086,538 RECAPITUTA7(ON The foftowing a~e the total taxes to be ievied General Corporate Fund $ 19,675 Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund 325,530 Fire Protection 160,954 Fire Pension 483,922 Police Proteation 82,673 Police Pension 283,313 Cemetery 26,000 Audit 27,000 Uability tnsurance 208,275 Civi{ Defense 3,600 Socfal Security 221,504 ~ Unempfoyment - Worker's Campensation 244,092 City Share Road 8~ Bridge - W~rking Cash Fund • - $ 2,086,538 SECT(ON 3: That the total amvunt of $2,086,538 ascertained as aforesaid be and the same is hereby levied and assessed on all property subject to taxation within the City of Canton according to #he value of said property as the same is assessed and equatized for State and County purposes for the cur~ent year. SECTICIN 4: That the Ci#y C1erk of the City of Cantoh, Ilfinois, is hereby ordered and directec! to fle wifh the County Cterk of Fulton County, {L, a Certified copy of the Ordinance on or before the time required by law. SECTION 5: That in the event that a court of competent jurisdiction shouid hereaftei determine that one or more of the provisians of the Ordinance are invalid or uncanstitutional, the remainder of the Ord'snance, and each and every other clause and provision thereofi, shall be an8 remain in full force and effect as though the invalid or unconstitutiona! provisionhad nev~r been a part of this Ordinance. SECTIOfV 6: 7his Ordinance shall be in ful! force and effect immediately upon its passage by the City Council and approved by the Mayor thereof. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Canton, Fulton County, 111inais, at a regular meeting this ~ day of Oecember, 2011, upon a roll call vote as folfows: ~~iY~ ~ ~~~`Zi ~~T ~P~~f'JN ~~~I~ ~C.?'f--E' AYES: ~ - ~ r~( d~nC K" pC35 ~ -t- l~ , ~ ! NAYS: C, P rv~Yn(3'~G L X P ~ ABSENT: ~I~~ ~ ATTEST• APPR"O~D' _ , ~ ' i~ ~ Diana Tuc er, City lerk Kevin Meade, Mayor