HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-06-2011 Council Meeting Minutes A regular meeting of the Canton City Council was held on December 6, 2011 at 6:30 pm in the Council Chambers, The Donald E. Edwards Way-50 North 4th Avenue, Canton, iilinois 61520. Aldermen in attendance: Aldermen Eric Schenck, Jeremy Pasley, Jeff Fritz, Craig West, Justin Nelson, Dave Pickel, Gerald Ellis, Jim Hartford Aldermen absent: Staff in attendance: City Treasurer Nikki Marter, City Attorney Chrissie Peterson, Mayor Kevin Meade, City Administrator Jim Snider, City Clerk Diana Tucker, Comptroller Caty Campbell, Police Lieutenant Brad Richards, Fire Chief Keith Frank, City Engineer Keith Plavec, Mark Rothert Media in attendance: Daily Ledger- John Froehling, Daily Ledger Video Services by Joe Ginger Others in the audience: County Administrator Mike Hays, George Hall, Phil Fleming, Paige Edwards, Pete Franciskovich, Steve Kline, PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE OPENED THE MEETING FOLLOWED BY THE INVOCATION GIVEN BY PHIL FLEMING ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman Schenck X Alderman Pasley X Alderman Fritz X Alderman West X Alderman Nelson X Alderman Ellis X Alderman Pickel X Alderman Hartford X CONSENT AGENDA Minutes of Council meetin~ held November 16. 2011 Minutes of Mechanical Committee meetin~ held November 22, 2011 Motion and second was made by Aldermen Hartford/West to accept the minutes as presented and be placed on file. The motion carried by voice vote and was unanimous. COMMITTEE REPORTS: PUBLIC SAFETY & TRAFF/C - ALDERMAN JIM HARTFORD, CHAIRMAN BLOOM BOX LIQUOR LICENSE AGREEMENT Attorney Peterson explained that Jane Lewis from the Bloom Box was requesting a 3 week variance for a special event license to allow wine tastings at her store for the event this Friday and the open house scheduled for later this month. Typically the special event license is for only a two week period. Motion and second were made by Aldermen Hartford/Pickel to grant the three week variance for the special event license. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman Schenck x Alderman Pasley x Alderman Fritz x Alderman West x Alderman Nelson x Alderman Ellis x Alderman Pickel x Alderman Hartford x The motion carried. ANIMAL CONTROL AGREEMENT WITH FULTON COUNTY City Administrator Jim Snider explained that the proposed agreement reflecting the adjusted figures shows a reduction of funds from questions that was brought up last committee meeting. George Hall stated that questions came up last week regarding some of the costs and the share with the City. George Hall explained that the new breakdown with adjustments were distributed showing the proposed $21,091.48 as the City of Canton's share. The City paid $10,000.00 toward the balance which leaves an amount of $11,091.48 stil) due for 2010. In 2004 the City signed into an agreement with the County to share expenses based on the number of animals from the County and from the City. It was agreed upon that the County would pay the expenses and at the end of the year the expenses would be divided. The contract stated that beginning November 1, 2005 the City would pay $10,000.00. In 2007 an agreement was written between the County and the Humane Society. The City is not a signer to the contract for the shelter. This agreement expires June 2012. The County has a verbal agreement with the City since nothing is in a contract with the City. The County neglected to analyze the expenses for 2007, 2008 and 2009 and would not hold the City responsible for that time but would request 2010's expenses be paid by the City. The County began negotiations with the City September 17, 2010. An agreement was discussed in February 2011 regarding the 2010 calendar year. George Hall explained the City could contract with the Human Society or enter into an agreement with the County. If the City would decide to contract with the Human Society the City would be responsible for additional expenses that they are currently not paying for. Further discussion took place regarding the 2004 agreement being invalid and the 2007 agreement being a valid contract between the County and the Human Society. Attorney Peterson explained that language is in the 2004 agreement that if the three entities do not all Motion and second were made by Aldermen Schenck/Pickel to offer to pay $20,000.00 per year of or 45% of the operating cost whichever is less active November 1, 2011. Alderman Nelson expressed concerns regarding the language in the contract regarding expenses for equipment and for property and liability insurance. Alderman Fritz asked George Hall to further explain the breakdown of some of the charges. Item six on the proposed agreement was discussed in further detail. It was determined that further research would need to take place regarding the language. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman Schenck x Alderman Pasley x Alderman Fritz x Alderman West x Alderman Nelson x Alderman Ellis x Alderman Pickel x Alderman Hartford x The motion failed. Mayor Meade would like to have this go back to the committee for further discussion. Mayor votes no and will be brought back on December 20, 2011 for a final agreement. Discussion will take place at the next committee meeting regarding 2010 and 2011. Motion and second were made by Aldermen Fritz/West to send back to the committee for further discussion. The motion carried by voice vote. STREETS AND GARBAGE- ALDERMAN JUSTIN NELSON. CHAIRMAN HANDICAP PARKING ON SQUARE No further discussion took place. SQUARE ISSUES- NE CORNER Keith Plavec explained that more arrows would be helpful in providing advance notice on property lane usage. The NE corner has a bump up which would be buffed down to help improve the corner and make it easier for people to get across the road. LAKE, BUILDINGS & GROUNDS - ALDERMAN ERIC SCHENCK CHA/RMAN NORTHSHORE SUBDIVISION PLAT SURVEY Motion and second were made by Aldermen Schenck/ Ellis to approve the contract with Clonginger Land Surveying in the amount of $6,500.00. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman Schenck x Alderman Pasley x Alderman Fritz x Alderman West x Alderman Nelson x Alderman Ellis x Alderman Pickel x Alderman Hartford x The motion carried. 61 EAST SIDE SQUARE BUILDING TRADES CLASS Alderman Schenck explained that last week after much discussion the committee recommended listing the property with a realtor. Mark Rothert explained the following memo: The Spoon River Partnership for Economic Development at its 12-1-2011 board meeting discussed the 61 East Side Square properties. The SRPED is interested and committed to help the City market and develop this property. In the end, the SRPED feels that getting the property back into useful operation is paramount, regardless of how it is to be accomplished. To reach that goal, the SRPED recommends several tracks of action to be undertaken simultaneously: 1. The SRPED recommends that 61 East Side Square be listed within 30 days with a real estate broker and on the Multiple Listing Service to gain broader exposure to potential buyers. 2. The SRPED will continue to undertake standard efforts to show and market the building to prospective interested parties, as well as do outreach to Canton and Peoria area businesses to guage interest to expand. Now that the rear parking lot is finished and complete utility services are ran to the building, the building is in a more marketable position. 3. The SRPED feels that a business incubator is worth exploring in Canton, whether it be at 61 East Side Square or another property in the community. Business incubators help to accelerate business start ups, create jobs and stimulate local economies monies. They are an effective component of an overall economic development strategy. Because the idea of an incubator is worth exploring, we have committed to undertake a 6 month feasibility study of implementing one in Canton at a location to be determined. If listing or marketing the building does not yield any buyers when the incubator feasibility is completed it may be opportune at that time to reexamine turning the site into a business incubator. If the building is sold by the time the feasibility is complete, we can still use the data to look at other locations for an incubator in the community. Motion and second were made by Aldermen Schenck/Ellis to list the property with a local realtor. The motion carried by voice vote. AMEREN FRANCHISE AGREEMENT Alderman Schenck explained that this is an agreement that would convert the City from receiving units of gas from Ameren to a 1.8 million dollar compensation package. This will be presented later as an ordinance. 2011 TAX LEVY This is on the agenda as the second reading of an ordinance and will be presented later. PROPOSED BOUNDARIES FOR NEW RT 9/CHESTNUT STREET TIF DISTRICT Steve Kline explained that some changes were made with the proposed boundaries for the new RT 9/Chestnut Street TIF district. This will be presented later as the first reading of an ordinance. PUBLIC WORKS, WATER & SEWER - ALDERMAN GERALD ELLIS CHAIRMAN APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT NO 1 FROM OTTO BAUM COMPANY INC FOR 2011 MFT SIDEWALK PROIECT IN THE AMOUNT OF $31,319.51 Motion and second were made by Aldermen Ellis/Hartford to approve the application for payment No 1. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman Schenck x Alderman Pasley x Alderman Fritz x Alderman West x Alderman Nelson x Alderman Ellis x Alderman Pickel x Alderman Hartford x The motion carried IDOT RESOLUTION FOR 2011 MFT SIDEWALK PROJECT IN THE AMOUNT OF $4,000.00 Motion and second were made by Aldermen Ellis/Pickel to accept the increase of $4000.00 ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman Schenck x Alderman Pasley x Alderman Fritz x Alderman West x Alderman Nelson x Alderman Ellis x Alderman Pickel x Alderman Hartford x The motion carried IDOT REQUEST FOR EXPENDITURE/AUTHORIZATION OF MFT FUNDS FOR 2011 MFT SIDEWALK PROJECTS Motion and second were made by Aldermen Ellis/Hartford to approve the expenditure/authorization of MFT funds for 2011 MFT sidewalk projects. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman Schenck x Alderman Pasley x Alderman Fritz x Alderman West x Alderman Nelson x Alderman Ellis x Alderman Pickel x Alderman Hartford x The motion carried APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT NO 1 FROM OTTO BAUM COMPANY INC FOR 61 EAST SIDE SQUARE PARKING LOT PROJECT IN THE AMOUNT OF $71.683.38 Motion and second were made by Aldermen Ellis/Nelson to approve the application for payment No 1 from Otto Baum Company Inc. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman Schenck x Alderman Pasley x Alderman Fritz x Alderman West x Alderman Nelson x Alderman Ellis x Alderman Pickel x Alderman Hartford x The motion carried APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT NO 3 FROM LEANDER CONSTRUCTION INC FOR WTP UV DISINFECTION PROJECT IN THE AMOUNT OF $90,417.60 Motion and second were made by Aldermen Ellis/Hartford to approve the application for payment No 3 from Leander Construction Inc for WTP UV disinfection project in the amount of $90,417.60. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman Schenck x Alderman Pasley x Alderman Fritz x Alderman West x Alderman Nelson x Alderman Ellis x Alderman Pickel x Alderman Hartford x The motion carried APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT NO 8 FROM LEANDER CONSTRUCTION INC FOR WWTP CHLORINATION SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS IN THE AMOUNT OF $10,319.15 Motion and second were made by Aldermen Ellis/Nelson to approve the application for payment no 8 from Leander Construction Inc for WWTP chlorination system improvements in the amount of $10,319.15. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman Schenck x Alderman Pasley x Alderman Fritz x Alderman West x Alderman Nelson x Alderman Ellis x Alderman Pickel x Alderman Hartford x The motion carried CHANGE ORDER NO 1 FROM LEANDER CONSTRUCTION INC FOR WWTP CHLORINATION SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS IN THE AMOUNT OF $3,620.56 Motion and second were made by Aldermen Ellis to approve the change order No 1 from Leander Construction Inc for WWTP chlorination system improvements in the amount of $3,620.56. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman Schenck x Alderman Pasley x Alderman Fritz x Alderman West x Alderman Nelson x Alderman Ellis x Alderman Pickel x Alderman Hartford x The motion carried APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT NO 1 FROM LEANDER CONSTRUCTION INC FOR WTP RAW WATER CONNECTION PROJECT IN THE AMOUNT OF $20,238.30 Motion and second were made by Aldermen Ellis/Pickel to approve the application for payment No 1 from Leander Construction Inc for WTP Raw Water connection project. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman Schenck x Alderman Pasley x Alderman Fritz x Alderman West x Alderman Nelson x Alderman Ellis x Alderman Pickel x Alderman Hartford x The motion carried REQUEST FROM LEANDER CONSTRUCTION (JOHN SCHULZI FOR USE OF CITY PROPERTY NEAR BANNER. Motion and second were made by Aldermen Ellis/ Hartford to excuse Alderman Ellis from discussion and voting due to a conflict of interest. The motion carried by voice vote and was unanimous. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman Schenck x Alderman Pasley x Alderman Fritz x Alderman West x Alderman Nelson x Alderman Ellis Alderman Pickel x Alderman Hartford x The motion carried The City has a lease agreement with IDNR that allows the state to lease the property and take care of the boat ramp however it is unclear if they have the right to put the equipment on the site. Leander is a subcontractor for another company and insurance certificates have been received from both companies. Alderman Schenck, Bill Terry and Keith Plavec met at the site and discussed some options. The City will contact the local IDNR rep to see who they could talk to about the lease agreement and improvements needed at the site. Alderman Schenck further explained that additional issues will need to be resolved. Motion and second were made from Aldermen Nelson/Pickel to allow DNR the use of the property. The motion carried by voice vote and was unanimous. COMMUNICATIONS FROM MAYOR KEVIN R. MEADE PROCLAMATION- NATIONAL DRUNK AND DRUGGED DRIVING (3D) PREVENTION MONTH Mayor Meade signed a proclamation for drunk and drugged driving. CLERK RECOGNITION Mayor Meade read a letter received from the City Clerk in Monmouth also serving as a chair for the Central Illinois Municipal Clerk's Association. The letter states: The City Clerk for the City of Canton (Diana Tucker) was elected to the second term of secretary for the Central Illinois Municipal Clerk's Association at their annual meeting. Not only is Diana a valuable member of the Central Illinois Municipal Clerk's Association, but she is also a member of the International Institute of Municipal Clerks and the Municipal Clerks of Illinois. Diana received her Certified Clerk's designation from The International Institute of Municipal Clerk's in connection with The University of Illinois in January 2011. Diana has been active with the Rotary Club of Canton and the Youth Exchange program for the organization. Diana is committed and professional in her role as City Clerk. CHRISTMAS LIGHTS The Christmas lighting at Jones Park is this Friday at S:OOpm. The park looks beautiful due to the Main Street group and other individuals helping in Jones Park. ADS- LOCAL CHANNEL Ads on local channel run on Thursday and weekends. Over 40 businesses are taking advantage of advertising on the local channel. LEAF PROGRAM-ENDED TODAY HEARING FOR NORTH CANTON MINE Two separate hearings will take place today at the Donaldson Center for the North Canton Mine. OLD BUSINESS INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY OF CANTON, FULTON COUNTY, ILLINOIS AND THE BOARD OF EDUCATION, CANTON UNION SCHOOL DISTRICT NO 66 (2ND READING) # 2056 Motion and second were made by Aldermen Ellis/Hartford to approve the ordinance and place it on record. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman Schenck x . Alderman Pasley x Alderman Fritz x Alderman West x Alderman Nelson x Alderman Ellis x Alderman Pickel x Alderman Hartford x The motion carried AN ORDINANCE LEVYING AND ASSESSING TAXES FOR CORPORATE PURPOSES OF THE CITY OF CAIVTON, ILLINOIS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGIIVNING MAY 1, 2011 AND ENDING APRIL 30, 2012 (2N~ READING) # 2057 Motion and second were made by Aldermen Schenck/West to approve the ordinance and place it on record. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman Schenck x Alderman Pasley x Alderman Fritz x Alderman West x Alderman Nelson x Alderman Ellis x Alderman Pickel x Alderman Hartford x The motion carried AN ORDINANCE ABATING ALL OF THE BOND LEVY FOR THE 2011-2012 FISCAL YEAR (26,430,000 PRINCIPAL AMOUNT ALTERNATE REVENUE BONDS SERIES 2005 (2N~ READING) # 2058 Motion and second were made by Aldermen Schenck/West to approve the ordinance and place it on record. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman Schenck x Alderman Pasley x Alderman Fritz x Alderman West x Alderman Nelson x Alderman Ellis x Alderman Pickel x Alderman Hartford x The motion carried AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING ALL ACTIONS NECESSARY TO CREATE A GOVERNMENTAL ELECTRIC AGGREGATION PROGRAM WITH OPT-OUT PROVISIOIVS PURSUANT TO THE ILLINOIS POWER AGENCY ACT (20 ILCS 3855/1-92) 2ND READING # 2059 Motion and second were made by Aldermen Ellis/Nelson to approve the ordinance and place it on record. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman Schenck x Alderman Pasley x Alderman Fritz x Alderman West x Alderman Nelson x Alderman Ellis x Alderman Pickel x Alderman Hartford x The motion carried AN ORDINANCE INITIATING THE SUBMISSION OF A PUBLIC QUESTION TO AUTHORIZE THE CITY TO ADOPT AN OPT-OUT PROGRAM FOR THE SUPPLY OF ELECTRICITY TO RESIDENTIAL AND SMALL COMMERCIAL RETAIL CUSTOMERS (2ND READING) #2060 Motion and second were made by Aldermen West/Fritz to approve the ordinance and place it on record. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman Schenck x Alderman Pasley x Alderman Fritz x Alderman West x Alderman Nelson x Alderman Ellis x Alderman Pickel x Alderman Hartford x The motion carried NEW BUSINESS: AN ORDINAIVCE APPROVING THE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN A1VD PROJECTS FOR THE CANTON 2 ROUTE 9/CHESTNUT STREET TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT (1sT READING) AN ORDINAIVCE DESIGIVATING THE REDEVELOPMENT PROjECT AREA FOR THE CANTON 2 ROUTE 9/CHESTNUT STREET TAX INCREMENT FIIVAIVCING DISTRICT (1sT READING) AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING TAX INCREMENT FINANCING FOR THE CANTON 2 ROUTE 9/CHESTNUT STREET TAX IIVCREMENT FINAIVCING DISTRICT (1ST READING) AN ORDINANCE TO APPROVE SECOND AMENDMENT TO CANTON 1- DOWNTOWIV/5TH AVENUE TIF DISTRICT (1ST READING) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 8(INTOXICATING LIQUORS) OF THE CANTON MUNICIPAL CODE (1ST READING) AN ORDINANCE EXTENDING THE AUTHORIZATION TO AMEREN ILLINOIS COMPANY DBA AMEREN ILLINOIS ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS TO CONSTRUCT, OPERATE AND MAINTAIN A GAS UTILITY SYSTEM IN THE CITY OF CAIVTON COUNTY OF FULTON AND STATE OF ILLINOIS. (1ST READING) AN ORDINANCE EXTENDING THE AUTHORIZATION TO AMEREN ILLINOS COMPANY DBA AMEREN ILLINOIS ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS TO CONSTRUCT, OPERATE AND MAINTAIN AN ELECTRIC UTILITY SYSTEM IN THE CITY OF CANTON COUNTY OF FULTON AND STATE OF ILLINOIS. (1ST READING) A1V ORDINANCE GRANTING A SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO WALTER HAUBER A1VD PAIGE EDWARDS FOR A SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING O1V THE SECOND FLOOR OF THEIR BUSINESS BUILDING (1ST READING) ADJOURNMENT Motion and second was made by Aldermen Nelson/Pickel to go to executive session for the purpose of pending land purchase and personnel. Motion carried by voice vote and was unanimous. EXECUTIVE SESSION- TO DISCUSS PERSONNEL AND PENDING LAND PURCHASE ayor i R Me e ~ City C erk Diana Tucker