HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-04-1984 Council Minutes 174 A regular meeting of the Cantan. City Council was held an Dece~nber 4th, 1984 in Cotn~cil CY~ambers , PLEDG'E OF ALI~GIANCE OPEL~IID Tf~ MEETiNG, ~OLLOWED BY THE INVOCATION GIVEN BY CITY CLERK NANCY WfffTES , Ma.yor Edwards asked for roll call at 6:30 p,m, Present: Aldern~en Kovachevich, Hammnd, Savill, Sarff, Worlan~l, Carl, 1~Tay, Horr. Absent: Nane. MINUTES OF NOVII~IBER 7TH N~ETING. A correctian was noted by the city clerk for page 164 add to the bottam of the page the follaGring : Nlotian by Alderma~.z Ham- mand, second by Alderman Sarff to approve ~fie repair of the endloader at the estimated cost of $7,500, to $$,000, an.d to be paid out of Revenue Sharing FLmds. Roll call . AYES : Aldern~en Kovachevich, HaQm,on.d, Savill , Sarff , Worlan~~~, Carl , May, Horr. Motion carried. 8 ayes 0 nays 0 absent. Nbtian by Aldernia.n Hairnmnd, second by Alderman Savill the minutes of NovemUer 7th a.s corrected be accepted and placed an file. Voice vote, mr~tian cazried. CO~JNICATIONS FROM L1~,VE DORC~N - BUDGET ADN?11~TI~TRE3TOR AND OC1NIl`~![]NITY DEVF'IAP'MENT DIREC'i~OR, The departzn~eent ha.d a closing on the Caxrie Price property, $4,566, was received fram the $8,000, lien we ha.d an the property. We need to set up a public hearing for the next covncil meeting at 7:00 p.m. Zhis will be for the Camn~ity Develop~mazt Assistance Program Grant . Motion by Aldern~ari Sarff, second by Aldern~n H~mm~d that a public hearing be held an December 18th at 7:00 p,m, for the Cacnrnmity Development Assistance Program Grant. Voice wte, motion carried. The DSI Corporation is asking to secure a piece of property tha.t is lm.awn as lot 22. It is 3.85 acres in the Southea.st corner, this is where they wr~uld like to construct a buildir~ . Dave suggested to go wi.th a purchase cantract for this parcel of land. We ha.ve a $25,000, band tha.t the city trea.surer i~ holdin~, and their going to give us secure interest in the builcling. I ha.ven't heard fram the Hud auditors, but have received the last draw dawn. The city's audit fram Peat, Marwick and NJitchell ha:s be~n cc~leted and received. COMMUNICATIONS FRaNI CLIFF SAC~ASER - CITY ENGINE~ER. Roland Ma.chinery Ccm~any tha.t did the repair wc~rk an our enc~loader contacted me abou~C trad~n~ our endloader in for a n~w one. So I asked them to giv~e me a propo~al so I'd knaw what they valued o~'s at, and al:so so I woiald get a qix~te on a new ane. Cost of a new machine equal to the one we have is $116,500., they would be interested in tradin~ us for a cost of $66,200. So~~e of us will be going to Springfield on Thursda.y to talk to the II'A about the sewer pro j ect . Today we started to complete the project an 4th avenue ditches. The deep ditch that's up their now is the first phase and the ditches further north are being reworked today and to2mrraw. There not deep as they didn't req_uire that kind of depth. There ia a F.A.U, program for street work. The city was involved with F.A.U. f~ds before for Myrtle Street. If we apply naw we would receive imn.ies that we would want to proceed with, Ther~ are about 5 camrn.a~.ities o~ size using all the manies that's avail.abTe to them tmder this progr~n ea.ch year, The county approached me about a year ago to see if we wanted to participa.te in improve~n~en.ts an Vine Street spending these ft~ds. We didn't think it advisable because we were proceeding with the secHrrer project an.d thought we should c~b tha.t before we fixed a street we might be tearing up. The co~ty is progressing on a F.A.U. program on the county level for W. Chestnut 3treet limits easterly for several miles, Charles Bartan is su~gesting to dr~ what we would like to dr~ with Chestnut Street fram tha.t point, back to the heart of the camrnmity, Its impossible to get in an the fisca.l year 1985 program. Were ta.lking about progressing for these fimds for July of 1986 if you choose to. 1~5 CON'TIN[JED DECII~9BIIt 4TH, 1984 C1iff Sagaser recommending improving the intersection of Chestriut an.d 5th Avenue an both sides and purchasing a house that sets on the S, E, corner of that intersection, irnproving llth Avenue, improving 20th Avenue by wid~n.i:ng anc~ addin,g a turn lane and resurfacing everything that neec~s it. Also, would like to widen Chestnut ~treet from 5th Avenue to 2nd Avenue makin.g it as wide as Chestnut is in front of city hall, Cli£f said he would be bringing this to the camnittee . Ma.yor Ec~aards said that input is needed fram the adlerma~.z on this , Same of you have been wanting traffic lights on 5th Avenue and Chestnut Street, accor- dir~ to the state, there is not enough traffic to warrant ~Che lights. Alcle~xz Jim Ma.y introduced 3 yo~,mg m~n who ha.ve been recamnended to go to ~irope for outstanding Boxing, which if choosen is the best in the State of Illinois. A letter was rea.d fram the Ama.teur Athle~ic Unicm, it reads...you ha.ve been naminated ~ , for the purposed AAU Youth Cul t~e Exchange Program for the s~mm~er of 1985 . ~ The yo~g men thanked the council for lettin,~ th~n have acce~s to a building so they could practice , Ma.yor Ec~aards said he wc~uld write a letter f_or them to carry with ( U theqn to E~rope on behalf of the City Council. ~1.~ m CONI~2ITI~E REPORTS : Q Public Works, Water & Sewer, Gotmcil Action None. Public Safety & Traffic. CoLmcil Actian Nbtian by Aldernnari Horr, secand by Aldermazi Savill the city share in the cost of the dc~,mtawn patrol at a cost of $825,, which is 2 of the co~t, downtown merchants will pay the othe~. 2 of the cost. Roll call. AYES: Alc3~ern~en. Horr, Ma.y, Carl, Wor~unan, Sarff, Savill, Hamnand, Kc~vachevich. NAYS: Ncme. Nbtion carried. 8 ayes 0 na.ys 0 absent. Lake, Buildit~s & Grotnzds . Council A~ction Nbtion by Alc3~erma.n [nTorlana.n, secand by Alde~. T'1ay, to stay wi.th the ccmcept of.. ma.inta.inino a camfort staticm in the City of Cantan. Discvssian. Aldern~z Wor~l stated that the idea of building a ne~a camfort statian in Jones Park was discussed in co~mnittee . Aldernnari Sarff said he has no problem with maintaining a camf_ort station the way it exist naw, T'm opposed to building another one. Aldern~an Carl says he doesn't mind a camfort station as lon.g as its cost effective. Voice vote, motion carried. Streets & Garba.~e. CoLmcil A~ctian l~btion by Aldermari Savill, secand by Aldernna~.z Saxff, tha.t guard rails be placed ~ti the 4th Avenue ditch at a approximate cost of $2,000, for ties, cable or planki~, and clam~s. I}iscussion, Cliff Sagaser City Engineer sai~.we axe replacing the delineators on the poles tha.t axe there~now, and the delinea.tors would be placed on the new post. Mayor Eckaards asked why not use native lunber, such as Oak ins~ead of cable? Aldernn~~n Sarff wants the cost for plankit~. Nqotian and secand withdrawn. Nbtion by Aldern~an Savill, second by Aldern~n Hannnnd, this be referred back to the Streets & Trafffic Conmittee. Voice wte, mptian carried. OON~IUNICATIONS FROM MAYOR EDWARDS . Nlotian by Ald~e~a.n ~1~nd, second by Alderm~ri Savi.ll, that a class A liqu~or license be isstued to Gayle Derenzy for 71 E, Elm Street. I~iscussion. Mayor Edwards said the liquQr comnission reconn~n.ed the class A lic~nse to Gayle Derenzy for Em's Lotn~e as he is retirin~, Roll call. AYES: Alderme~.~ I~vachevich, f~.~mnd, Savill, Sarff, Worlan~n, Ca.rl, Ma.y, Horr, NAYS: Nane. Motion caxried. 8 ayes 0 nays 0 absent. Motian by Alde~i Carl, secand by Alclerman Wor~n at the reca~nenda.tion of Alderman Carl the appointrnent of Midge West to the Bettern~ea.z~C Coim~ssian to replace Lawrence 176 ap~~ DECENIBER 4TH, 1984 Stouffer be accepted. Voice vote, m~tion carried. Nbtion by Aldennan Sarff, secand by Alderman Savill, to accept ~Che letter of resignation of Robert Za.borac fro~m t~he Plarming & Zcming C.aim~issicm, resi~a.tian is effective i.~nuediately. Voice vute, nnticm carried. Mayor E~raards said that a letter ~rould be sent to Bob thankin~ him. Mayor Ec~aards recognize Jerry Bohler who was in the audience an.d ha.s taken out a petitian for aldern~i in the third ward, OLD BUSII~ESS : None. NEW BUSINESS': RESOLUTION - APPLYING 2'0 THE STATE OF II.LIl~10iS FOR A C0~`1tJNITY DEVEIAPT'mVT ASSISTANCE pROGRAM GRAN'i'. First reading, read by title. Nb~ian by Alderm~z Haimwrld, secand by Aldernnari Savill the resoultian be aclopted. Roll call, AYES: Alderm~n H,~rr, May, Carl, Wor~a~.iz, Sarff, Savi.ll, Hainrrmd, KcYVach.evi.ch_ NAYS: None, Nb~ion carried. 8 ayes 0 na.ys 0 absent . Resolu~icm being 1057 . RESOLUTION - APPRO~TIl~TG AN A(zREIIHIIVT BE'IW~I TH~ CITY OF CAN'i'ON AND DECONTAMINATION SYSTEMS, INC. First reading, read by title. Nk~tion by Alc7ernna~l Savi.ll, secand by Alde~z Wor~z, the resolution be ad~opted. Roll call, AYES: Aldermeri Kovachevich. Hammnd, Savill , Sarf f, Worirn~.z, Carl , Ma.y, H~orr . NAYS : None . Nbtian carried . 8 ayes 0 na.ys 0 absent. Resolu~ion being ~k1058. Agree~ent being ~~454. RESOLUTION - APPROVING AN EASEN~I' ON IAT 68 IN BARNES AND JONES' ADDITI~T FOR THE PURPOSE OF ERECTING A TII~HONE TERMLNAL CABiNET BY IZLINOIS BEI~~ TELEPHONE COP~ANY. First reading, read by title. Nbticm. by Alderman Wor~ana.n,secand by Aldermarl Horr the resolution be adopted. Roll ca11. AYES: Aldennen Horr, Ma.y, Carl, Worl~nan, Savill, Hatmrmd, I~vachevich. NAYS: Alde~.z Sarff, Nbtion carried, 7 ayes 1 nay 0 absent. Resoultian being ~k1059. ORDINANCE - AMENDING TI'TL~E 1, CHApTER 16 RELATIDIG TO Tf~ OFFICE OF DIREC'POR OF BUDGET AND ADMCNLSTRATION, First rea.ding, rea.d by title. Nbtian by Alc~ern~n Ham- imnd, second by Alc3~ern~z Sarff , this be referred to the Legal & Ordinance Canmit~ee . Voice wte, motian carri.ed, Since 2 aldern~l will be ~able to make the Dece~nber 13th clerical camnittee meeting it was ch,~ed to December lOth at 6:30 p.m. EXECUTIVE SESSION - PERSONNEL. Nbtion by Aldern~an Kovachevich, secand by Alderrr~n ~I~~nnrnzd to go into e~ecutive sessian. Roll ca.ll. AYES: Alderl~en. Kpvachevich, Hacmnnd, Savill, Saxff, Wor~z, Caxl, May, Horr. NAYS: Nane, 1~'bticm carried. 8 ayes 0 na.ys 0 absent. The ex,ecutive minutes are on file in the office of the clerk. This portion of the co~cil adjourned at 7:25 p.m, The ex~ecutive session began at 7:42 p.m. Nk~tion by Alclern~azl Carl, secand by Alde~i Savi.ll to go into open session. Voice vote, irotion carried, ADJOURI~`~1ENT: Nbtian by Alc~man Carl, second by Alderman Ma.y to adjourn. Voice wte, motion ca.rried. Co~cil adjourned at $:33 p.m. ~ . ~ ~ ~ - I aPpROVm. ~ ~ ~~~y~-~~~ ~ YOR