HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-16-1984 Council Minutes 1 ~'7 A regular meeting of the Canton City Co~cil was held on October 16th, 1984 in cotmcil chambers, PLEDGE OF ~GIANCE OPIIVED THE MEE'I'~NG, FOLLCJWED BY THE INVOCATION GIVEN BY CITY CI~ERK NANCY WHITES , Nanima.tians were accepted as Nlayor Pro-Tem for the mee~Cing, in t~e absence of the mayor, Aldennan Worla~l no~minated Aldennzn Kovachevich. T'btion by Aldern~a.n Wor~n, secand by Alderman H~m~nd naminaticros be closed. Voice wte, mr~tian carri~ci. N1Qtion by Aldern~n Savill, second tiy Alderm~n May that Alderman Kovac- ~vi;ch serve as ma.ynr pro-tem for tonight's meeting, Voice vote, mo~ion carried. Ma.yor Pro-Tezn Kovachevich asked for roll call at 6:30 p.m. Present: Aldermen Kavac~vich, H~zd, Savill, [aorlanarl, Caxl, May. Absent: Aldern~en Saxff, Horr. MINUI~S OF OCTOBER 2ND, Nbtian by Aldennan. Carl, secand by Alderm~an Ha~mnd, the minutes of October 2nd, be accepted and placed on file. Voice wte, m~tion carried. BILLS FOR SEPTII~~ER, A bill in the aim~t of $675.00 ha.s been added to the Water ~ Depart~nt for Garry Hinclerliter to be paid for pl~~ inspections at Fairview Hei..ghts, which ha.s alrea.dy been appro~d by council, The bill of Chalxnan & Cutler Q~ in the ~mtmt of $3,400, is not to be paid ~mtil an itemized sta.tema~t is received e.xplaining the charges . W l~btiAn by Aldern~an H~rcron.d, seccmd by Alderman Savill, a11 bills approved be paid, ~ and the bill of Chapmarz & Cutler be paid and 20°l0 of the bill paid fram Tax Incremerit Q and the re~nainder of the bill to be paid fram Water &~ewer Bonds , Roll ca.ll . AYES : Aldern~n. May, Caxl , Wor~n~~.n, Savill , Hammn.d, Kovachevich . NAYS : None . Motian caxried, CONMITI~:E REPORTS : Negotiations, Grievance & Persormel, Cot~cil Actian Nane. Finance. Co~cil Action Motian by Alc3~ezman. ~i~~u~rn.zd, secand by Alderman Worlunan, to accept the law salt quote of Nbrtan Salt for 300 tan at $23.00 per tan and picked up in Ha.vana. Voice wte, tmtion caxried. Legal & Ordinance . Cotnzcil Actian None. Coqnrnmity Industrial Developmerit, Co~cil Action Narie . CONIl~JNICATIONS FROM DAVE DORCAN - BUDGET AI~2INISTRATOR, C~T2UNITY DEVEIAPMEN'I' DIREC'I~DR. The agree~Zt on the agenda.for the gas main at the Industrial Park for $12,237. of Hud money,we have allocated for the am~nc~it tt~:at would be used to put in a gas line, and once the gas line is in, every user that hooks-up we re~eive $674. bark. Dav~ reca~ended the agprova.l of this gas line, Zhe Industria.l Park will have elect~'icity in a week. The cips will be nutting in overhead lines, and the poles will be placed on the West side of the road. Dave said he ha.s been wnrkir~g with a ca~any called Decant~ninating SystEms Inc . 'Ihey are presently decont~ninatin.g the chips in Amboy, They have recently nm into proble~s rai:th their operation, we have been told by thQn and the EPA that the Campax people are not taking any more chips out of their or what sta~us they have with the EPA, They carmot afford to wai~C. They have came to us and are asking us to sell 15~ CONTINUED OCTOBEIZ 16TH, 1984 them a 5 acre tract of land in the Inclustrial Park which is lot ~~22 on our proposed site. I've been talking to them about variovs storage methods and so forth. One of the 2 ccm~anies (Ca~ax & Decantamina.tian Systeqns Inc.) will be reclaimu~ the plastic chips, Dave th~n introduced three of the principal's in the company. Henry Dixan Preside~n.t, Jim Schanehard Engineer, Jim Bvrke Realtor. Mr. Dixpn explained how th.ey go~ the ccmtract with the Illinois EPA...it ~aas not a matter of luck or guess wr~rk, He said they were swccessful because we ha.ve the financial ca.pacity to and did, develop the safe systesn for deconta.- mix~a.ting the cyanide which was an the plastic film chips. As a result of o~ getting into that we looked into several areas for which we ha.ve a cansiderable interest in the field of envi.raru~~ent. And we are in tha~C field to stay. We are looking into several area.s of d~evelopmen.t of envirornnental possiblities. And ane of the area.s is a process that Ed Juracek ha.d talked about, which is taking the film and re~nmving silver nitrate fram it and then finding an alternative use for burning of the film chips, The chips are basically polyestex. We have fotmd there is a rea.l potential for the use of these polyester fibers to go into clothing, or, (if you retain the ha.llmark coating on them) you still ha.ve the plastic use of thezn. The rea.son we came upon you in such a rush, we did not expect to be inwlved in the area, Mr, J~acek is involved in. We do want to purchase ane of the lots. [~1e ha.ve the maney to pay for it, anc~ we hav~e the mon.ey to begin to clevelop a business . Mr. DixQn said tha.t it is his ~understanding that Campax is not to accept anytrore chips, they cbn't have the capacity for it, cme way or another. Any e~nployee hired will be frvm this area.. There will probably be mo mc~re then between 15-30 permaizent type ~u].1-time jobs. ~ae anticipate finishing the entire Cook cotm.ty sited chips and Lee county sited chips fram 2 to 22 weeks. As soon as that ha.pp~ns we would be imving on to our next project, and tha.t is putting our facilities here in Canton. The reason were in Canton and not in Am~oy: l. We made a canrnittrn~nt to the people who live aro~d tha.t site, if we got the project, we would move ~Che chips out of Amboy Tawnship. 2. We had to have a contract with the Illinois EPA in orc~er to get the chips and then, we pram.ised to tmve ~h~n aut . 3, The o~mers of Green River Industrial Park, they have gotten burned, beca.use they allowed the contamina.ted chips to came in. They made that a part of our agree~nent, that 30 days within the last day we treat, we have ~o ha.ve the whole factory torned dc~m. CONIIKUDTICATIONS FROM CLIFF SAGASIIZ - CITY ENGINE~R. Cliff was asking for permissian to ha.ve 4 night lights an Enterprise Drive. They are 250 soditan vapor which will be placed at the lift statian, the Entrance, Pizza. factory, and the other to be placed where its needed. 'I1ze cost is $9.00 per light a mmth, Nbtian by Aldernn~n Ma.y, secand by Ald~erman. Worlui~an, a resolution be drafted for the 4 lights. Voice vc~te, nx~tion carried. 'Ihe Wet Well has been set at the lift station. The clean-up operatian ha.s begun this week at Fairview Heights, Officially started the 1985 M,F.T. work toda.y. Settir~ up a similar program as last year. Al1 council n~mbers will be given a color coctied map with our reco2m~endations of what we think should be dr~ne. If you have area.s in your waxd that you want considered, will giv~e those area.s some thought between nc~w and mid January. I'm plarming on presenting you with a 1985 package of samewhere in the area of $120,000, expendit~e of penn~zently aspha.lted streets, Approximately the same amount of expenditure in the seal and chip w~ork, about $25,000, -$30,000. This $200,000, cost of M,F,T, would also include $50,000, for traffic si~nals at lst and Chestnut Street, which might cost anly $30,000. 159 CONTINUED OC'POBER 16TH, 1984 Da.~e Dorgan and I ha.ve been working diligently getting the ea.sem~ents cleaned up . Mayor Eckaards arrived at the council ch~nliers at 7:20 p.m. Aldermari Carl ha.s asked tha.t the possibility of sicl~aalks for llth and Myrtle - be a consideratian for safety measttres, and be discussed at the riext Street & T`raf~ic Camnittee meeting . COr'~JNICATIONS FROM MAYOR EUWARDS . The Boy Scouts of troop lea.d~er Ma.rk Da.llefeld were introcluced and Mayor Edwards thanked thezn for camin,g and bring their friends and ccyme anytime . The Liquor Canmissian agreed to grant a class F license to "Friends of Lane Evans." P?ption by Aldern~an Savill, secand by Aldern~z May, the class F Speci.a.l E.`vtnts license be granted for October 20th at a cost of $40.00. Ro11 call. AYES: Ald- ennen Kovachevich, ~i~nrx~nd, Savill, Worlanan, Carl, Ma.y. NAYS: None, Nbtian ~ carried. 6 ayes 0 na.ys 2 absent. O~ OLD BUSINESS: ~ W None' ~ NE6~ BUSINESS : Q ORDINANCE - PR()VIDING FOR AN ANNUAL SALARY FOR THE MAYOR. First reading, rea.d by title. ORDIlVANCE - PROVIDING FOR AN ANNUAL SAZ~ARY FOR THE CITY CI~RK. First reading, read by title. ORDINAN(~ - PROVIDING FOR AN ANNUAL SALARY FOR THE CITY TRFASURER. First reading, rea.d by title . AC~EII~N't' - C~S MAIN FOR 'I~ IlvDUSTRIAL PARK. First reacling. Nlotion by Alderman Savill, secand by Aldennan May the agree~rlt be adopted, Discussion. Cliff Sa.gaser City Engineer stated that the pawer campany told Dave Dorgan that this 2 inch line wi.ll give enough fuel to heat what they consider all of the buildings an the lot. It's a rather unusua.l sta~ement to be made, stated Cliff, Roll call. AYES: Aldern~en May, Carl, Worlanan, Savill, Hanimnd, Kovachevich, NAYS: None, Nbtian carried. 6 ayes 0 na.ys 2 absent. Agree~nt beir~g ~~+1-A, ORDINANCE - PROVIDING FOR STOP SIGNS AT THE INTERSECTION OF NORTH FIRST AVF~I[JE AND EAST CHESTNUT STR~T. First reading, read by title, RESOLUTION - APPROVING AN AGRF~I~~N'I' BE'1~]E~T THE CITY OF Cl1NTON, AND DECONTAMINATION SYSTEMS INC. First reading, read by title, Jim Malmgren City Attorney reported that this is substania.lly the s~ne ~ype of agree2nent with LaRama Pizza and PES . [ae will be paid for this in cash, $25,300., at the tirne of closing, We agree tha.t in ane yeax from the date of the agree~nent that we will reimburse to them a sun equal to $506,000. multiplied by the total number of pern~lent jobs crea.ted and in existence at that time. This figure will be determined by our Director of Comrn~.ity Develo~ment who will be given access to the campany's books. An ~dment should be added on page 4 of the agreenent, after (a) insert the follourin~; words..,at our expense cure the objection, or, return the p~chase price to the buyer without interest. Nbtion by Alderman Ca.rl, second by Aldera~an Savill the resolutian be placed on its passage as ame~zded. Roll call, AYES: Aldernlerz Kovachevich, H~mnd, Savill, Work- man, Carl, May. NAYS: Nane, Nbtian carried. 6 ayes 0 na.ys 2 absent, Resolution being ~~1052 A . 160 CONTINUED OCI'OBIIt 16TH, 1984 ADJOURI~TT: Nlotion by Aldennan Savill, second by Aldern~an May, to adjourn. Voice vote, m~tion carried. Covncil adjourned at 8:02 p,m. ~ ~ C ~ , APPRDVED . ~ _ Y