HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-20-1984 Council Minutes 152 A regular meetir~g of the Cantan City Co~cil was held on October 2nd, 1984 in Co~ci1 Chambers, PLEDGE OF ALI~GIANCE OPENED THE MEE'T'ING, FOLI~7WED BY 1~ INOVACATION GIVE'V BY CITY C~K NANCY WHITES. Ma.yor Ec~aards asked for roll ca.ll a~ 6: 30 p.m. Present : Aldercn~ci Kovachevich, Haimnnd, Savill, Sarff, Worlanan, Carl, May, Horr. Absent: None. MINUTES OF SFP'I~IB~R 13TH SPECIAL N~ETING. Nbtion by Alderman H~n~nd, second by Ald~ernian Savill the minutes of S~p~Ce~nber 13th meetix~ be accepted and pla.ced on file. Voice vote, moticm carried. MINU'I'ES OF SE~~FR 18TH MEETING. A correction on page 147 lmder conmittee re- ports, the seamd paxagraph, should rea.d "to p~chase enough feet of delineators to place every 25 feet." Elunu~a.te the words "1400 feet of" and the word "and." Motian by Alderman f~zd, searnd by Aldernnan May the minutes of Sept~nber 1~3th be accepted and placed on file as ame~zded. Voice wte, motion ca.rried. CClNIl~1ITTF.E REPORTS : Public Works, Water & sewer. CoLU~.cil Actian None. Streets & Garbage. Co~cil Actian None. Lake, Buildings & Grotnlds. Co~cil Action None. Public Safety & Traffic. Cotazcil Action None . Finance. Co~cil Actian Nlotion by Aldermari Hann~nd, second by Alderm~z Saxff, Mr, Flliott not be held responsible for the water bill of Mr. Long's (tenant of Mr. Elliott's) in the aim~t of $44.16. Rc~ll call. AYES: Alc~e~ Horr, May, Carl, Worlanan, Sarff, Savill , Hammnd, Kc~vachevich . NAYS : Nane , Nf~tion carried. 8 ayes 0 nays 0 absent, Comrn~lity Developmexzt . CoLn~.cil Actian None . Negotiations, Grievances & Persormel, Co~cil Action None. Legal & Ordinance. Council Action Norve . 153 CONTIN[IED OG'TOBIIZ 2ND, 1984 CANB~RJNICATIONS FROM DAVE DORGAN - CCfl~'MUNITY DEVEIAPT~1'.C DIRECTOR AND BUDG~T AD- MIl~TISTRATOR, Nbtian by Ald~erm~1 ~-1~amm~d, secvnd by Aldern~n May, direction be given to Dav~e Dorgan to canta.ct the property r~wner of Don Cook and seek his per- missian to place the Illinois Bell easement an city property adjoinin,g Mr. Cook's in the northea.st corner of ~Che city lot. Discussian, Cliff Sagaser City Engineer, said the normal ea.se~r~ent paym~nt pa.id by the telephone ccm~pany is $200.00. If they could place it in the nortI~.east corner of the lot they w~uld pay the $200.00 plus another $100,00 so they could hav~e easy access, However, the telephone co~any said they wr~uld pay a total of $400,00 tcr allaw them to go to the north east corner, thus saving them the expense of going back across tfie lot to get to it. Voice wte, motian carried. Ha.ve been working on the hud audit, we were to have the audit completed and closed out by the end of the manth, bu~ due Co complica.tions in the audit, it will not take place, We are showin.g more ou~~o then we shaw incame to the program, according to their records. The Caxrie Price house in the C.amrn~ity Dev~elopi~nt program, we have asked the ~ individuals to put the house up for sale by public auction, and t~.e miniirn~n bid is N $8,000, plus auctian cost. W 'Ihe naming of the streets in the industrial park for the plat, those selected to name the streets are Lester Worla~nan, Les Carl and Dave Dorgan. Dave would like the C[ park to be referred to as th.e Enterprise Park, but Jun Malmgr~n City Attorney in- foxmed hiin beca.use we have used Cantan Enterprise Indus~rial District on sa~e legal cbctm~nts, it would be uriwise to change the name. The names of the streets to place on the plat are: Enterprise Dri.ve is the main road. 3 cud-de-sacs 1. Mercantile Court 2 , Man.ufact~er Place 3 , Opport~ity Lane Nbtion by Aldernnan Sarff, second by Aldern~~ Wor~z, these n~s be accepted. Roll call , AYES : Aldernien Kovachevi.ch, Hammnd, Savill , Sarff , Worlanar~ , Carl , May, Horr . NAYS: None. Nbtion carried. 8 ayes 0 na.ys 0 absent. COI~'~1[JNICATION~ FROM CLIFF SAGASER - CITY ENGINEER. Nbtion by Alderman. Savill , seccmd by Aldern~v.z Sarff, to ha.ve ~he generator repaired at the Kilroy lift statian at a cost of $1,611. Roll call. AYES: Alc~rn~en Horr, May, Carl, Worlanan, Sarff, Savill, Hammnd, I~vachbvich. NAYS: None, Nbtion ca.rried. 8 ayes 0 na.ys 0 absen.t. Nbtion by Alderma~z May, secand by Aldermarl Carl, the repair of the d~ truck for the sewage plant at a cost of $1,050. Roll call. AYES: Aldermen Kpvachevich, Ha~mnd, Savill, Sarff, Worlanan, Carl, May, Horr, NAYS: None. Nbtion ca.rried. 8 ayes 0 nays 0 absent. Nbtion by Alderman Sarff, secan.d by Alderman May to approve the exp~nditure of $3,349.50 for the primer and base course for East Chestnut Street. Roll ca.ll. AYES: Aldermen Horr, May, Caxl, Worlanan., Sarff, Savill, H~id, Kovachevich. NAYS: None. Nbtion carried. 8 ayes 0 na.ys 0 absent, Nbtion by Alderman Saxff, second by Alderr~n Horr, the subject of the pern~azzent stop sign replacem~zt for First Avenue and Chestnut Street be sent to Legal & Ordi- nance car~mittee and Cliff be allawed Co take out the flashing lights and put u~ temporary stop signs at First Av~enwe and E, Chestnu~C Street. Voice wte, m~tion ca.rried. The contractor is approxima.tely 65% canplete with the sewer part of the project at the industrial site. He's ea.sy to wr~rk with an.d seems to be doing a good job. The lift statian came in last week and it is sitting at the sewage treatment plant, waiting for a w+et well to be constructed, And the wet well came in today. Were w~rking with the contractor on digging a hole to set it in. As soon as Ea.st Chestnut Street is asphalted an.d the lift statian installed we are making arrange~nents for people fram 3 different depart-ments to work in Fair- view Heights to clean the ditches, get the rock da~m and the seedir~g that we can cb . 154 ~p~~D OC'IOBER 2ND, 1984 The sid~ewalk is completeed on East Elm Street from [ahite Court to First Avenue. Neil Aldrich has been granted a varian.ce to build a garage, and Jim L1oyd Chairman of ~he Zaning Board of Appeals ha.d discov~ered an eas~~ent was where Mr, Aldrich had plann.ed to build his garage, Cliff Sagaser said the ease~nerLt is erroneovsly written (~Chere is a sewer across the north end of the property), Tf the description was changed by tw~ words it w~uld fit this ea.semen.t, and I think ~hat's what happened, Cliff feels it should be changed to rea.d "Sou~Ch of the North line of the follawir~ described rea.l estate." Jun Ma.lmgren City Attorney stated it sovnds like there is an eas~~:n.t. I agree with you, and it so~ds like t~1~at there is a misdescription, and with that in mind, all the Aldrich's have to do is give ~he city a new ease~nt setting forth the correct legal descriptian of the one on the rwrth end of the property and also setting forth on its face ~Che fact that the new ea.sement is made to cozrect the misdescripti.on in this easen~rit. CON~IUNICATIONS FROM MAYOR EI7WARDS. There is an interest f~rom same individual wanting ~ purchase the Camfort Station if Che ci~y is clesirous of selli.ng. The mayor said he is against selling it. The matter was referred to the Building & Grotm.ds committee. There are still thirty ease~a.zts tha.t the city is trying to obtained, Cliff Sagaser City Engineer said that 5 to 10 will be signed in a week. Ma.yor Eckaaxds w~ould like to see the Legal & Ordinance ccmmittee discuss these eas.en~xits as they are the proper canmittee to obta.ined ~hese easemexzts and to wnrk these ease~nts out . Then report back to the co~cil , The ma.yor fel~ the obtain.ing of ~h.ese few easanents should be discussed in executiv+e sessi:on, Mayor Eci~aards said he tovred the Industrial Park, and LaRama Pizza has started to build their building for ~Cheir Pizza business . The water line ha.s rnot been started yet. Attorney General Neil Hartigan tourec~ the Inclustrial Park ~d was very int- erested in the chips as he has been very invnlved in this, and took a sa~le with him. Received some comrnmica.tion fram HHS, it looks like in the neax fut~e wi.ll be able to distri.bute the other $300,000, of our loan fvnd to the Canton Corporation. OLD BUSINESS: ORDINANCE -(~tANrING A SPECIAL USE PF.Er'iIT FOR A DAY~-CARE CIIVTIIZ AT 223 WEST VINE STREET, Second rea.ding, read by title. Nlotian by Alclern~n. Sarff, second by Alder- man Savill, the ordinanee be placed on iCs passage. Discussion. Erin Schenck said she ha.d np objectors in signing her petition. Mr. H~st who sold her the house signed the petition. Roll eall. AYES: Aldermen Kr~vachevich, Hammnd, Savill, Sa.rff, Wor~~an, Carl, May, Horr. NAYS: None. Nbtian caxried. 8 ayes 0 na.ys 0 absent. Ordinance being 1038. NEW BUSINESS: RESOLUTION - APPROVING AN AGREII~T.C BEZWEII~1 THE CITY OF CAN'i'ON AND KATHY BOBF,I~L AND RON~A CARL, First rea.ding, read by title. Aldenn~n Carl asked to be excused fram wtir~g. Nbtion by Aldern~azl Hamixm.d, second by Alclerm~~ Sarff, Alderman Carl be excused fram wting (as Ranc7a Carl is his da.ughter). Voice vote, m~tian carried. Alderman Nanmrmd reported tha.t ~Che IAan camnittee n~et before council, and it was the cammittee's reconmenda.tian ~hat ~Che loan be recanmended to the co~mcil, for passage with same stipula~icros wi.th gurantees tha.t needed to be collected as yet. In ter.ms of the loan for $46,000. for a 10 year period with the interest ra~e being 9% for the first fo~ years of the loan, and l~/o thereafter until the loan is fully paid back. Mayor Ec~aards said the business (S4aearingen Vendir~g Service) will be located at the old elevator buiLcluzg on South First. Jim Malmgren said the BIANILS wuuld be filled in, and they are under Sectians: 2:1 18 moriths ~ g;l VehicTes 8,2 Personal gua.rantees 12. Ma.iling address of borrawers 15~ CANTTNUED OCDOBER 2ND, 1984 Motion by Aldem~an H~mmd, secand by Aldern~an Kovachevich, the resolution be ac~opted. Rc~ll ca.ll. AYES: Aldermen. Horr, Workman, Sarff, Savi11, Ha~mnd, Kr~vachevi.ch. NAYS: None. Nbtion carried. 7 ay~s 0 nays 0 absent 1 granted pexmission not to w~e, Resolution being ~~1050, AGREEN1El~TI' - WI~RKF'ARE PROGfZAM WITH CAN'ION TOWNSHIP AND THE CITY OF GAN'I.I~N. First reading, Dave Dorgan said he had been in contract wi.th Maxilee Overcash Tawnship Supervisor, the concerns are samewhat met. What ~he fimtional aspeets of this is, tha.t an a m~nthly basis we have an opportvnity to request workers for speci.al pro- jects, n~ot those attached to regular work assi~zts for city e~mployees. Haaever, dep~.rtm~nt hea.ds needi.ng help with snaw reimval , fence building and etc , The tawn- ship is interested in the city participating in this, Nbtian by Alderman H~mrnzd, secand by Alderman Sarff, the agreemexit be ad4pted wi.th the the ~derstanding the workfare people only use the extent of hours of assista~ce fram the township and in consisten.t with their training. Roll call. AYES: Aldermen Kova.chevich, Hammnd, Savill, Sarff, Wor~l, Caxl, May, Horr. NAYS: None. Nbtian ca.rried, 8 ayes 0 nays 0 abs~n.t, Agre~t beir~ ~~+40. ~ ~ RESOLUTION - APPROVING SPECIFIC SALARIES FOR DEPAR'IT~ ~~',ADS , FUI.~.,-TIIHE APPOINTIVE N IIHPIAY~S AND PART-TIl~9E APPOIlVTIVE IIKPIAYEES . First rea.ding, read by title , Alder- W man. ~1~~mm~d said the clerical camnitte met twice for the discussion of these recam- menda.tions of proposed salaries, an.d they are: De artm~.mt Hea.ds increase $1,200. plus $249.60 for e~loyee contribu~icm of insuranc~; sistant art~.t Hea.ds Q increa.se is 2% an their base salary plus $249.60 for e~ oyee con~Cri ution o uzs~- ance; Full-Time Appointive F~nployees in.crea.se is Sandy Stokes and Deborah Stock,ov wr~uld receiev~e 5b~6, on a~se-salary to be in line with other salaries, plus 12%, plus $249.60 for e.~nployee contribu~ian of insuran.ce, the other full-tim~e ez~loyees wnuld receiv~e 12% plus $249.60 for eznployee contribution of insurance; Paxt-Time Appointiv~e lo ees the Deputy City Clerk will receive $,50~ an hour increase and ~as~6ara ETl~ison ~.mal Control Officer wil~l receive an $.25G an hour increa.se. Da.ve Dorgan Budget Director said these raises was not his recammendation, The total cost to the city is $19,870.10, bu~C $4,742.40 is the insu~ance cost to the e~loyee. Motian by Aldern~n Sarff, seccmd by Aldern~ari Horr the discussion of salaries be discussed in executive sessian. Voice vc~te, motion caxried. The exeeutive sessian adjourry',ed at 9:04 p,m, Motian by Alde~ H~cmnd, secand by Aldermari Worlana~.z, an amenc~nt to the resolu- tion be add~ed for the Water Departtren.t Billing Clerk salary of $11,715.04. Discus- sion. Ald~rn~an Sarff asked if we shoul~n't hold up on this Lu~.til we ha.~e a ~mion cantract signed? Alderm~.z Carl said we could ma.k.e the ~xzdment and hold the resolutian over, Roll ca~:l. AYES: Alde~z Hannrn.zd, Savill, Sarff, Worlanan, Carl, Ma.y. NAYS: Alderm~n Kr~vachevi.ch, Horr, r~tion carried. 6 ayes 2 na.ys 0 absent. Moti,on by Aldern~i Sarff, second by Aldern~an Savill the resolutian be held over t.n~.- til the next co~.u~cil meeCing. Discussian. Alclernnari Hanmand asked wha.t good it would do? It would seezn more like sub~erfuge. Aldem~an Carl said the ~ion cantract is passed subject to the changes, and see's no reasan to hold this over, Roll call, AYES: Alderme~l Sarff, Savill, Kovachevich, NAYS: Aldern~n Horr, Ma.y, Carl, Work- m~n, H~id. M~tian defeated. I~bticm by Alderman Carl, secand by Alde~ri Hannrnld, the resolution be placed an its passage as amerided. AYES: Aldermeri H~rond, Work- man, Carl, N1ay, Nlayor Eckaards, NAYS: Aldernnen Kovachevich, Savill, Saxff, Horr. Moti~on carried. 5 ayes 4 nays 0 absent. Resolutian being ~k1052. RESOLUTION - APPROVING AN AGREE~'I' BEZI~T THE CITY OF CAN'.ION AND IACAL ?~10 . 1372 , AMERICAN FEDERATION OF STATE, COUNTY AND M[JNICIPAL IIKPIAYEES. First rea.ding, rea.d by title, The resoluticm was discussed and amendn~nts made in e~ecutive sessian. Nbtion by Aldern~an Carl, secand by Alderm~n Savi.ll, the resolution be adopted sub- ject to changes and clarificatian discussed this ev~ning, Discussian. Aldern~an Ham- imn.d asked if it was necessary to point out the amench~~nts? Jim Malmgren City Attorney said you'd ha.ve them in yo~ executive sess'an minutes, Roll ca.ll, AYES: Aldern~n I-~rr, Ma.y, Carl, Worlanan., Sarff, Savill, H~mr~nd, Kovachevich. NAYS: Nane. Motion carried. 8 ayes 0 nays 0 absent, Resolution being ~~1051, 156 [0.1 30001100 OCTOBER 2ND, 1984 BIDS - EAST CHESTNUT STREET BLACKTOPPIM. Nbtion by Alderman Fiammd, second by Alderman Sarff the city clerk open the bids. Voice vote, motion carried. Bidder was Pschirrer Asphalt for total bid of $3,355.20. Nbtion by Alderman Carl, second by Alderman May to accept the bid of Pschirrer Asphalt in the amount of $3,355.20. Roll call. AYES: Aldermen Horr, May, Carl, Workman, Sarff, Savill, Hammond, Kovachevich.. NAYS: None. Motion carried. 8 ayes 0 nays 0 absent. Nbtion by Alderman Kovachevich, second by Alderman Sarff, to go into executive session to discussed the union contract and salaries. Voice vote, motion carried. Council went into executive session at 7:50 p.m. The executive minutes are on file in the office of the city clerk for review. ADJOURN=: Motion by Alderman Kovachevich, second by Alderman May to adjourn. Voice vote, motion carried. Council adjourned at 9:17 p.m. C ,gY CLERK7 APPROVED. R