HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-18-1984 Council Minutes 14~ A regular meeting of the Canton City Council was held on September 18th, 1984 in Council Chambers. PLEDGE; OF ALLEGIA~T~~~; GFE:~1E~ T::~ riEETING FGT LC3TNF'_l BY' T'c'F Ir1V~ CATIGiI GIVr.N BY MAY~JR ~:1N EDUJ~S . May~r Edwards asked for roll call ~t b:3L p.m. Pr~sesx~: Aldernen ~avi11, Sarff, Workr.ian, ~arl, rbay, FI~rr. AU;en.t: Plcler~na.n Knvachevich. MIP~'JTES OF SEPTErIBER ~:t?~ MEETINu. Tiatio:z ~y Al~erman tiam,-nond, secon3 by Alderrnan Sa~i~l, the miriutes of the Se~ter,~ber. ~th r~eetj.ng be accegred and placed on fil~. Voicz vot2, r.~~tfon CdI'YlP_t~, r1IMD"iE5 OF :;E~'~EMFEF 13tr ?1EET1~1^. Ttotion ~~y Alderr.lan I~an~on secon.d by Alderr.~n CarZ to delay accepting tt~ese riinutes unti ~ the next council meeting. Vo~ce wote, mot?ori carri.ed. E~ILL~ FOR AUGiiST. ~~ot~on by A1_ciermari Hammond, second b~T Aa:ierr.ian Horry ai 1 bil~~ be paid. ~oil call. AI~'ES: A~~?er~en Horr, .:~1ay, Cari , 4~or.k.man, Sarff, ~ Savill, ~I4mmond, r1AYS: D?one. Mot~_on car~- _ed. ; Ayes ~ PZay~ ~ Abser~t ~ COMMIITLL ~EFOR~S: ~ W Finance Committee. m Motion by ~Llderman ~atu~ond 9 secand , by A1ciErma.r~ Sarrf to purchase a 19$2 GMC truck from A~'*_ & Gene~s at a cost 'o~f `~_i,475. niscussion. Cliff stated that Q ArL & Gene's quote~. tYie lowest price. 7'his *ruck is tan cclored, 1982 GMC truck. It is a one owner ~aitti 21,(14~ miles. Roll call. AYES: Alderm~n Tiammond, Savill, Sarff, Workman, Carl, Ma.y, Horr. NAYS: None. Motion carried. 7 Ayes 0 ?l3ys I ~~bsen~~ Motion by Alderman Hammond, second by Alderman Carl to purchase enQti.~ah -,£eet of delineat~rs to Ylace ~very ~5 feet along the di~ch on N. ~fth Avenue, co~t not - to e~cezd $3y6. Discussion. ~:.'he ~efiectors wil.). he mounted or~ a~+12 foot h~gh post. Thesa w-~ll ;~e pl3ced 25 seet apart tc~ shou~ ti:e ed.~e of the road. Cost of a conerete culvert wou~~3 ~ave ~~een $?5,490., corregated metal pipe wo~zlc~ cost $18,984., 1400 feet of guardrail would cost $16,800. Roll call. ?Y~S: Aldermen Hammond, Savill, Workman, Carl, Mayor Edwards. NAYS: Aldermen Sarff, May, Harr. ~iotion carr~ea. 5 ASTes 3 Na.jr~ 1 Absent: tlotion ~~y ~ ld~rman ~.~nunon3, secorid by ~:l:ierma.n Sarff to pu~chase ]_75 feet of chloririe hose at $3.25 per Toot, total cost r~f. 55.~8.0~. Discussion. This is a special hose needed for the Water Plant. Roll call. AYES: Aldermen Horr, May, ~ar~, Clarkman, Sarff, Savil]_, Ilammond. ~dL~YS: No~ie, iiotion carried. 7 Ayes J I4ay~ 1 Absen~ •Motion by ~ldei-cuan Harn:-aond, secon~ by Alderman ,~arff to purchase the wet well for t.ie lift sta*ion frorrl Raider Prc~--ca5t Concrete for $~.,934.0~. Roll call. A~'LS: ~~ldermen ~Iorr, r~Iay, t;arl, ~~~.rlu:~a.i, S33'if., Savi]_1, Hanm,~and. NAYS: None. ;~otion car~ied. 7 Ayes ~ i~Iays 1 Absen~ Negotiations, Grievance & Personnel. Informational: Alderman Sarff inentioned the Public Works contract. Dave would like to se~ it se~:i.led. ~he r_it;~ a.trcori.iey wants to be a pa.rt of ttze discussion. Becaus2 of lar.k of time Lo discuss s~h_is, the Public ~Sc~~ks contract will be serL~ to c~irunittze on ~pptem~er 27, 1~54 at 6:3t7 p.m. Per~cnnel will al.so be discussed at this time and ~e rrcuoht baclc to ca~~n~il on 7cto?~er 2,nd. Motion by Alderman Sarff, second by Alderman Hammond to send this to committee. Voice vote, motio~z carrie~. Alderman Sarff st~.te3 that a new ~?.ster Tr~atment Plarit Gperztcr, F,and.all E. Motsinger, had been hired. Legal and Ordinance. None. Community and Industrial Development. None. 148 CONTINUED SEPTEMBER 18TH, 1984 COMMUNICATIONS FROM DAVE DORGAN - COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR AND BUDGET ADMINISTRATOR. Dave stated there was a press conference Monday regarding Precision Energy Systems. Mr. Ed Juracek was in the audience and commented on the changes that have taken place. Mr. Juracek said that P.E.S. is no longer involved. The company of Compax Systems Corporation, Inc., based in St. Louis is now the owner. Compax will open an office Thursday at 49 South Main and phones will be installed then. All conditions remain the same, but the City will need to change key documents. Trailers and equipment will be at the Industrial Park. Compax Corp, will still be in the silver reclama- tion business. They are negotiating with Empire about locating at the IH plant. Alderman Sarff asked Mr. Juracek that if the facility is moved to the IH plant, how will the chips be transported? Mr. Juracek said they would be moved by truck. Alderman Savill asked what would be the plans for the property at the Industrial Park? Mr. Juracek said the property may still be needed. Compax Corporation will be discussing this with Dave Dorgan and Jim Malmgren. Alderman Workman asked if there would be buildings on the property? Mr. Juracek said yes. The Mayor asked if Mr. Juracek thought the City was in better or worse condition because of this change? Mr. Juracek said better condition financially, and they would be easier to work with. Plus, they are more acceptable to the State. Mr. Juracek said there will be a meeting tomorrow to discuss employment, but could not give out the location. Dave said there will be a visitor from HUD here Thursday to look over the audit. We got the 1980 program close out statement, and was able to close out without monetary penalty. They will look over the 1981 program Thursday, and would like to close out by the end of the month. The Mechanical Committee asked Dave to ta~k to a dissatisfied resident at Fairview Heights. He has not yet had time to do this. We are trying to finalize with H.H.S. Jim went to Washington D.C. today with a full package to H.H.S., but he was still in the meeting, so I have no report of how it went yet. The package included business plans from Canton Corporation and the City. We still need H.H.S, to finalize the sale of Harvester. We have received a letter from Farmer's Home Administration. They have offered us $100.00 to release a mortgage. The city has a lien of $5,039.12 on the property. There is also a house on South Third that needs a decision. Alderman Carl asked that these two matters be referred back to committee. COMP~IUNICATIONS FROM CLIFF SAGASER - CITY ENGINEER, The contractor at the Industrial Park did not start today because of an illness, The pipe is there and manholes are sitting throughout the area. Cliff suggests council members go out to the Industrial Park and see the streets. They have been grading, and taking the dirt for sewer work to be done. As of today the gates are down because of the work being done, but we plan to put up a cable fence to eliminate traffic. Alderman Workman asked if the public could drive around the area. Cliff recommended they did not. The Mayor suggested we could put up a sign to designate the area. COMMUNICATIONS FROM MAYOR EDWARDS. The Mayor stated that he had received a letter from the Illinois Comanerce Commission saying they are considering abandoning bus service on its Chicago-Peoria-Quincy-Kansas City route. The Mayor is going to send a letter objecting to this. Jim is in Washington, D.C. working on the H.H.S, package. We need an answer by Thursday evening. DCCA money of $400,000. is in the bank. We have asked the Director of DCCA to help us get the other package through. Bob Molleck has permission to be absent. He is at a retirement party for Officer Jinx Crosier. The easements have started on the sewer project. We'll continue working on these. 149 CONTINUED SEPTEMBER 18TH, 1984 Cliff said the sidewalk contractor started today. Six trees have been planted. The bulk should be finished by next Friday. The Mayor complimented the work done by Dave Dorgan on the HUD report. OLD BUSINESS: ORDINANCE - GRANTING A SPECIAL USE PERMIT FOR THE OPERATION OF A DRIVE-UP CARRY OUT FOOD SERVICE AT THE ADDRESS OF 359 EAST LOCUST STREET. 2nd reading, read by title. Motion by Alderman Savill, second by Alderman Horr the ordinance be placed on its passage as amended. Discussion. The legal descrip- tion has been amended. Alderman Hammond asked Cliff if he checked with the Illinois Department of Transportation. Cliff said he did not. Alderman Savill said the owner does not anticipate any traffic problems. It will be a drive-up window with traffic going North. Roll call. AYES: Aldermen Hammond, Savill, Sarff, Workman, Carl, May, Horr. NAYS: None. Motion carried. 7 Ayes 0 Nays 1 Absent Ordinance being ~~1037. ~ ORDINANCE - APPROVING AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CANTON AND LOCAL N0. 1372. ~ First reading, read by title. Motion by Alderman Sarff, second by Alderman N Hammond to lay this over to next council meeting on October 2, 1984. Voice W vote, motion carried. m NEW BUSINESS: Q ORDINANCE - GRANTING A SPECIAL USE PERMIT FOR THE OPERATION OF A DAY-CARE CENTER AT THE ADDRESS OF 223 WEST VINE STREET. First reading, read by title. Discussion. This is for Miss Erin Schenck to operate a day-care center. Miss Schenck spoke to council. She said she is currently a student at Spoon River College and will graduate with a degree and license for 19 children, ages 2 to 8. Her hours would be 7:00 a.m, to 6:00 p.m. She is planning to buy the house and Mr. Hurst, current owner, will sign the petition. ADJOURNMENT: Motion by Alderman Savill, second by Alderman Sarff to adjourn. Voice vote, motion carried. Council adjourned at 7:24 p.m. ~ °f - DEPUTY CLERK : > APPROVED: