HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-01-1985 Council Minutes ~03 A regular meeting of the Canton City Council was held on October lst, 1985 in Council Chambers. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIA;NCE OPENED THE MEETING, FOLLOWED BY THE INVOCATION GIVEN BY MAYOR DONALD E. EDWARDS. Mayor Edwards asked for roll call at 6:30 p.m. Presetit: Alder- menKovachevich, Zilly, Falcone, Sarff, Workrnan, Bohler, May, Chapman. Absent: None. ; MINUTES OF AUGUST 27 SPECIAL MEETING. Motion by Alderman Sa'rff, second by Alderman Falcone, the minu~Ces of August 27th be accepted and placed on file. Voice vo~Ce, motion carried. MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 3RD MEETTNG, Corrections to be made. On page 289 the 13th line from ~Che top, ~elete '44,000' and change it to read '40,000.' On page 291 the 3rd line from the top, delete '$4,500' and change i~C to read '$45.00;' also, on that same page, 4th line from the top, delete the word 'shop' and change it ~ to read 'shot.' On page 292 the 25th line from the top, delete the words 'bauge of' and acld the words 'crankshaf~ for.' ~ The sentences should read as follows: on page 289...it should (v read a 40,000 pound axle. On page 291...with a unit price of W $45.00. Also on the same page the sentence shou~d read...bid also m included shot blasting. On page 292.,,checked out the used crank Q shaft for which we paid $200 for. Motion by Alderman Zilly, second by Alderman Sarff, the minutes of September 3rd be ac~epted and placed on file as amended, Voice vote, motion carried. MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 16TH SPECIAL MEETING. Motion by Alderrnat~. Falcone, second by Alderman zilly, the minutes of September 16th be accepted and placed on file. Voice vote, motion carried. MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 17TH MEETING. ~orrection on page 297 line 27 delete the word 'square' the sentence then should read...4,000 feet at a 3 inch layer. Motion by Alderman Kovachevich, second by Alderman Falcone, the minutes of September 17th be accepted and placed on file as amended. Voice vote, motion carried. COMMUNICATIONS FROM CLIFF SAGASER - CITY ENGINEER. The Enterprise Park road has been finished as far as the aspha].t is concerned. We did place rock on the side of the road, and I'm not sure if its completed. The contractors bid amount for the project for furnishing and applying approximately 1440 ton of asphal~ material was in the amount of $56,424.00, In completing the work, according to the contract,the amount of money they have been billed for is $58,405.$0. This is $1,981.80 more then the contract amount. W~ haven'~ actually measured the overage yet. But the overage would par~ially be in the en~rance of ~the highway as we put more material there then we anticipated. Also, we extended the road on the South end about 100 feet farther then we reported, because we had information that the contractor was going to put an entrance on ~he Enterprise D~ive from the ~ West end of the building. This will be explained further at the next Clericai Comanittee meeting. The Water Treatment Plant work should be seen by each of you, they should be shooting concrete on the accelator structure tomorrow. We have adjus!ted the contract price, the price on that project was some $40,000 with an add on figure which we woulc~ have paid the contractor for every inch of depth of concrete tha~ he removed per square yard that he had to replace, In tearing into this structure we found many places where he had to go all the way thru the structure 12 inches thick, If in fact we paid him $45.00 per inch of dep~Ch per square yard this would mean we would be paying him $540.00 per wall thickness which is 12 inches, I~,~~.edthe contractor to give me a price to replace all the bad concrete and eliminate the $45.00 per inch per square yard, he ~04 CONTINUED OCTOBER lst, 1985 came back with a price of $13,000. I made him an offer of $10,000 and the contractor agreed. T told him to then proceed. With the total of the bid being $39,647 and the additional $10,000 the total is now $49,647. Information only - At the last committee meeting we discussed the signs that are in the community tha~ are illegal. They are the temporary signs tha~ are either fla'shing or not flashing, and their either on wheels or on legs. Several of ~hese signs are illegal as their on public sidewalks. I made the statement at the committee meeting that I wouldn't do anything with them until you look at them, I still don't want to as I have to tell all of them, Alderman Sarff brought the att~ntion of one of the signs to Cliff because of it being unsafe traffic hazard. Mayor Edwards said to let the Police dept. notify the one causing a traffic hazard. Alderman Falcone suggested that the sign problem could be sent to the Clerical Committee to speed things up before it goes to the Legal & Ordinance Committee. COMMITTEE REPORTS: Fublic Safety & Traffic, Council Action None, Streets & Garbage. Council Action Motion by Alderman Workman, second by Alderman Sarff the approval for the purchase ~o buy 3 sweeper brooms at a cost of $285 each, and for the street srae~Per. Roll call. AYES - Aldermen Chapman, May, Bohler, Workman, Sarff, Falcone, Zilly, Kovachevich, NAYS - None, Motion carried. 8 AYES 0 NAYS 0 ABSENT. Lake, Building & Grounds. Council Action Motion by Alderman Chapman, second by Alderman Falcone, to approve the material cost of $7,000 and the city crew providing the labor for the repair of the roof on the Comfor~C Station. Discussion. Cliff Sagaser said this would be a complete new roof, T~~e would be sloping the entire roof surface from the South to the North. There would be no water dumped on the neighbor to the North. This would all go into existing inlets that are built into the roof. Th~~e would be new roof trusses placed every 2 foot thru out the wh.ole len~th of the top portion of the structure, and covered with new plywood. We would be putting on a conventional roof ~hat could be repaired. We have contacted the Hanna City Correctional Institu~e,they have looked at it as a project that we have asked them to consider, they say they can do it. Ray Hartle will be overseeing the project. Alderman Falcone stated that since we are going to continue to be owners of the building is the reason he is going along with repairing the roof. Mayor Edwards said the individual who was interested in buying the Comfort Station has ran into financial problems, so he has backed out on purchasing. Roll call. AYES - Aldermen Kovachevich, Zilly, Falcone, Sarff, Workman, Bohler, May, Chapman. Motion carried. 8 AYES 0 NAYS 0 ABSENT. o~ CONTTNUED OCTQBER 1s~, 1,9:.$5 Public ~nTorks, [~Tater & Sewer, Council Action None. COMMUNICATTQNS FROM MAYOR ED~~TARDS, N!otion by Alderman Kovachevich, second by Alderman B:ohler, thE Police Pensi_an Audit be pTaced on file. Voice vote, motion carried. Motion by Alderman Zilly, second by Alderman Workma.n, the appoint- ment of Lary Howarter as the Animal Control Officer at $5.00 an hour at the recommenda~ion of the police chief be approved; and the appointment of Debbie Stockov as permanen~C Secretary to the Police and Fire department at a salary of $12,528 be approved. Discussion. Alderman Sarff asked what the former dog catcher was paid? Mayor Edwards answered $5, and as Lary is considered part-time, we should set a limit on hours, ~ Alderman Sarff asked that the hours to work for the Anima.l Control N Officer be sent to the committee. Roll call, AYES - Aldertnen Chap- man, May, Bohler, Workman, Falcone, Zilly, Kovachevich, NAYS - (l~ Alderman Sarff, Motion carried. 7 AYES 1 NAY 0 ABSENT. m a Mayor Edwards said that Alderman SArff has received a grievance for Step 2 that has a time problem. If its held until the next committee meeting, its passed the dead line. Mayor Edwards asked the council to recess this portion of the council to take this under consideration as a committee of the whole, and then return to the regular council meeting, Mayor Edwards said an executive session would be upto the council. Jim Malmgren City Attorney says it has to be open, a new case law. Mayor Edwards recessed the council meeting at 7:02 p,m, for a com- mittee meeting of Negotiations, Grievance & Personnel. Alderman Sarff chairman of the cdmmittee stated this is a second step grievance concerning the fire department. Officer Dye is attending the meeting and he represents the union. The grievance concerns holiday pay. Officer George Meacham's grievance states he is receiving Workman Compensation and is paid by the city while unable to work, His grievance states Section 6.2 of the union contract...that each commissioned officer shall receive and be paid a"holiday" consisting of eight (8) hoursof regular pay applicable to each person, provided, however, that such commissioned officer shall be and remain employed by the city both before and after applicable holiday, George states that he is not being paid this holiday pay while off on Workman's Compensation and wants to be paid for them, Alderman S~.rff said the grievance was denied at the first step, and if its denied at ~he second step, it then goes to the mayor, and if denied then to arbitration. Alderman Sarff stated the city's position is that although the fire- man was employed and disable, and was not working those days,is the committee's stance for denying the grievance. George Meacham grieving fireman read Section 6.2 of the union cont- ract. He then said I am an employee of the fire departm~nt even though I'm on Workman's Compensation. Commissioned officer just means you are employed, Full-time employee means you will be full- time employed by the City of Canton who is a full-time employee of the city's fire department and a member in good standing in local ~~1897. 3.06 CONTINUED OCTOBER lst, 1985 Ge~rge said he checked with Workman's Compensat~on and ~hey refe~red him to chapter 70-91 of the T~llinois State S~atute which George read...if any employee suffers any injury while in the line of duty which causes him to be unable to perform his duty he shall continue to be paid by the employing public entity on the same basis he taas paid before the inj~ury. George stated that before the injury he was paid 7 holidays a year, now he's not receiving that holiday pay. For the first year of injury he said he was to be treated as an employee. Alde~man Sarff asked the city clerk if any employee has received holiday pay before while on Workman's Compensation, and if it has ever been grieved? The city clerk answered, 'never have' to both questions. George said he was injured on Apri1 24th and off approximately 3 days and came back one week and then was removed by Dr. Reter, as of the 13th of last month I'm still under the same conditions that I was. Jim Malmgren City Attorney said he did not have a quarrel in what the statute says, the question in my mind, whether that was included in as part of ~he grievance. It's really contrac- tual in its nature. Alderman Sarff says that a grievance must be filed in 7 days. George says it's when you become knowledgeable of it. Georhe read the section on the filing of a grievance, it reads...the grievance shall first be referred to the fire chief in writing within 7 calendar days of the date on which the commissioned officer knew or should have known of the event given rise to the grievance, The three holidays in question are Memorial Day, July 4th and Labor Day. Jim Malmgren City Attorney said he wauld like a opportunity to discuss with the commi~tee some legal que~tions here in executive session later on this evening. If the committee wants to return to public forum I will invoke the attorney/client priviledge for executive session.on this. The council rneeting reconvened at 7:26 p.m. Alderman Falcone mentioned the addendum for the Comprehensive Plan, which the next step is the Public Hearing. Mayor Edwards said at the same time we ma.y want to consider some changes in the Zoning Ordinance, such as set backs, there not addressed in the Comprehensive Plan. Particularly those ending up in the Zoning Board of Appeals. The Comprehensive Plan was sent to the Legal & Ordinance committee to call for a Public Hearing. NEW BUSINESS: ORDINANCE - GRANTING A SPECIAL USE PERMTT FOR A ONE-CHAIR BEAUTY SHOP AT ADDRESS OF 406 EAST SYCAMORE. First reading, read by title. Mayor Edwards said he was concerned that a daughter was going to be running this, and asked if she is living there? Alderman Falcone said his understanding was that she lived there. Mayor Edwards said we need to set some standards for Plannin~; & Zoning, or they need to make some standards on proof of residency. ~o~ CONTINUED OCTOBER lst, 1985 EXECUTIVE SESSION - THREATENED, PENDING/IMMINENT LITIGATION. PERSONNEL. Motion by Alderman Kovachevich, second by Alderman Workman, to go into executive session. Voice vote, motion carried. Council recessed for the executive session at 7:30 p.m, The executive minutes are on file in the office of the city clerk for review. Council ,r_econvened in open session at 8:31 p.m. l~iotion. by '~Alderman Sarff, second by Ald~rman Kovachevich, the gxi,~vance be denied on the grounds the employee is not employed wi_thin the meaning of section 6.2 of the union con~ract. Discussion. Alderrr~an Sarff stated that ho~rever it was also known by the committee that should ~he grievent return to work within the year as stated in the contract, that we would reconsider the status at ~ that time as far as being employed by the city. Voice vote, motion ~ carried. W ADJOURNMENT: Motion by Aldermen Sarff, second by Alderman Kovac- m hevich, ta adjourn. Voice vote, motion carried. Council adjourned Q at 8:32 p.m. v ~ T LERK ~ APPROVED: ~ - MAYOR