HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-06-1985 Council Minutes ~72 A regular meeting of the Canton City Council was held on August 6th, 1985 in Council Chambers. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE OPENED THE MEETING FOLLOWED BY THE INVOCATION GIVEN BY CITY CLERK NANCY WHITES. Mayor Edwards asked for roll call at 6:30 p.m. Present: Aldermen Kovachevich, Zilly, Falcone, Sarff, Workman, Bohler, May, Chapman. Absent: None. MINUTES OF JULY 2nd, MEETING, r~otion by Alderman Sarff, second by Alderman Workman, the minutes of July 2nd be accepted and placed on file. Voice vote, motion carried. COMMUNICATIONS FROM CLIFF SAGASER - CITY ENGINEER. The Mechanical Committee will be meeting on August 27th and bids have been adver- tised for that date on a new garbage truck, roof repairs on the comfort station and the acCelator repairs. The MFT work is cornpleted for ~he year, with the exception of the miscellaneous items in the I-11, which is a thicker layer of asphalt on West Vine Street; and the railroad crossing at lst and Avenue A. Were rebuilding Avenue A which we have not started yet. The mowing at the Industrial Park is about 60% complete. Hopefully will be finished by tomorrow, Motion by Alderman Sarff, second by Alderman May to go into a Public Hearing. Voice vote, mo~ion carried. PUBLIC HEARING - PROPOSED TAX LEVY - 7:00 P.M. The city clerk read the purpose of the meeting, which is as follows: The preceding year's property taxes, exclusive of election cost, extended on behalf of the City of Canton was $1,128,902,00. The amount of the current proposed tax levy, exclusive of election costs, is $1,174,134.93. This is an approximate increase of 4% over the preceding year's extension. Al1 interested persons may appear and be heard relative to such proposed increase. Pat Wright City Treasurer said we wouldn't have had to publish it because the law says anything that's over 5%. It was Jim Ma.lmgren's recommendation to publish it. It shows what we levied thi~ year against what we received last year. Alderman Sarff stated that there was a 4% increase and there is no difference, where does the 4% come in? r4ayor Edwards said the 4% over what we received, not what we levied, and you always collect less then what you levy. Mayor Edwards asked if anyone in the audience wanted to speak on ~he Tax Levy Ordinance? No comments were made by the public. Mayor Edwards asked if any council member wanted to speak. Alderman Fal.cone asked if the Workmen's Compensation Levy was included in the $1,174,134.93. Pat Wright City Treasurer answered yes. Mayor Edwards said he would like ~o ask the Legal & Ordinance Commit- tee to check into our Pension Plans. It's been brought to my attenCion that both our Police & Fire Pension Funds create a great deal of interest; I would like ~Co find out if there's anyway possible at all to cut back on this. He said he doubted it very much. Pat Wright City Treasurer said we levy what the state tells us what we have to levy. And actually were not funded on our Pension Plans to the full amount the state says we should be. If we want to challenge the state acturary, then we would have to have our own outside acturary. Motion by Alderman May, second by Alderman Workman, to adjourn the Public Hearing. Voice vote, motion carried, Council reconvened at 7:08 p.m. z~~ CONTINUED AUGUST 6th, 1985 COMMUNICATIONS FROM DAVE DORGAN - COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR AND BUDGET ADMINISTRATOR. Motion by Alderman Falcone, second by Alderman Sarff, the approval of ~he expenditure for Dave Dorgan and Jim Malmgren to attend a seminar August 19th in Chicago on "Fair Labor Standards Act." Roll call. AYES - Aldermen Chapman, May, Bohler, Workman, Sarff, Falcone, Zilly, Kovachevich. NAYS - none. Motion carried. 8 AYES 0 NAYS 0 ABSENT. C1~~lIi Requesting permission to s ~j Public Hearin~s for potential CDPA. We will be discussing the ~~A applications at the next Clerical Committee meeting. To exped~.te use of these I wou~d like to set a Public Hearing for the following council meeting. Motion by Alderman Sarff, seco~d by Alderman Workman, Dave be allowed to hold 2 Public Hearings, Voice vote, motion carried. The work on the forecemain at the Industrial Park is completed, and it's in satisfactory shape. ~ COMMITTEE REPORTS, ~ W Lake, Building & Grounds, m Q Council Action Motion by Alderman Chapman, second by Alderman May, that a temporary clos~ing of Firehouse ~~2 be approved. Discussion, Alderman Sarff asked if adequate steps would be taken to prevent vandalism. Fire Chief Robert Derenzy stated he recommended the temporary closing of the fire station. If ~he economy gets better, maybe we can open it up again. We thought about ren~ing the building, if we don't rent it, it will be boarded up. Alderman Sarff said that a heater had been purchased by a citizen and he might want it back? The citizen said he was satisfied with leaving it in the fire station. Roll call. AYES - Aldermen Kovachevich, Zilly, Falcone, Sarff, Workman, Bohler, May, Chapman. Motion carried. 8 AYES 0 NAYS 0 ABSENT. Informational: The mosquito abatement program will continue as it is now, without any change, other then the people suffering from allergies will be notified before spraying. The chemicals that are used, a.re non-toxic. Streets & Garbage, Council Action None. Informational: The hours worked by ~Che Garbage Department were dis- cussed and it was fel.t by the committee, that ~he hours worked now and the ways of being paid, that's the way it shoulc~ be done. The committee recommended the continuation of '~he levy for Public Benefit funds , It's been discovered the city can levy for Workmen's Compensation Insurance, which is a non-referendumtax to cover the cost of the city's Workmen's Compensation Insurance. Currently the city is paying $55,000. The committee has recommended we levy this tax equal to the amount of Workmen's Compensation Insurance. Public Works, Water & Sewer. Council Action None. ~ CONTINUED AUGUST 6th, 1985 Public Safety & Traffic. Council Action Motion by Alderman Falcone, second by Alderman Sarff, the approval for the purchase of a marked vehicle from Dave Croft Motors in the amount of $10,940.00 and to be paid from Revenue Sharing the amount of $10,480 and $460 from the general fund. Discussion. Al.derman Zi11y as~.ed why we are purchasing the vehicle from out o~ town? Police Chief Robert Molleck stated that there was a law passed in 1969 for group bidding which allows group purchasing thru the state bid. It allows city governments to buy cars at a much reduced price at what the state buys them, So once a year the state puts out for bid. The dealer makes approximately 15% mark up on the cars he sells. The cars we buy thru sta~e bid we get a 19% discount. It's a consider- able savings to the city. Roll call. AYES - Aldermen Chapman, Ma.y, Bohler, Workman, Sarff, Falcone. Zilly, Kovachevich. NAYS - none. Motion carried. 8 AYES 0 NAYS 0 ABSENT. The August 27th meeting of ESDA will be presenting a film on Disaster Prepareness. Were inviting all of the city officials, department heads and aldermen to view this film, A request made by Mr_.Sweeper to change the.parking time limit on West Pine from 2 hour parking to 30 minute parking. The committee fel.t that no matter what the parking situation is, it would be difficult with the limited man power to enforce any parking restrictions, so at this point, no action was taken, COMMUNICATIONS FROM MAYOR EDWARDS. Motion by Alderman Sarff, second by Alderman Kovachevich, the appoin~ments be confirmed of Alderman Zilly, and Alderman Falcone to the Disaster Planning Committee; Lee Obitts reappointment to the Council on Aging; Dr. Rod Maguire to Zoning Board of Appeals. Voice vote, motion carried. The last council meeting was on local channel 11 of Cable TV. Mayor Edwards congratulated Mike Conklin for his volunteer work in making it possible. Ma.yor Edwaxds asked when the service fee for Garbage ~aill be on the water bills? Pat Wright City Treasurer said the notice to the neople had to be sent out firs~C. Dave Dorgan said we can put the fee charge on the billing ma.chine we have now. We need to get the notices to the public. Motion by Alderman Workman, second by Alderman May, to get the notice printed and distribution of the notice to the homeowners. Roll call. AYES - Aldermen Kovachevich, Zilly, Falcone, Sarff, Workman, Bohler, May, Chapman. NAYS - none, Motion carried. 8 AYES 0 NAYS 0 ABSENT. OLD BUSINESS: None. NEW BUSINESS: RESOLUTION - ONE STREET LIGHT ON MILL STREET. First reading, read by title. Alderman Falcone asked if it had been agreed upon by the former " council members? The city clerk said it was agreed upon to place one street light on Mill Street in a resolution dated January 15th, 1985 ~Chat established policy guidelines for the maintenance of Mill Street, which was passed with 6 ayes 2 nay votes. The resolution was ~~1064. Motion by Alderman Workman, second by Alderman Bohler, the resolution be adopted. Discussion. Alderman Falcone said he will vote no on this, he said he voted no last time as he doesn't feel we should put any lights back, Ma.yor Edwards said he wanted to remind everyone, you've already passed a resolution for this lights approval. This is merely a work order type resolution for CIPS. Cliff Sagaser City Engineer said this is a change in relocating a light to another place, so it's already there. CONTINUED AUGUST 6th, 1985 Mayor Edwards said tha~ was no~ true. Cliff Sagaser City Engineer said if it's not true, he has been mislead. Roll call, AYES - Aldermen May, Bohler, Workman, Kovach~vich, Mayor Edwards, NAYS - Alderman Chapman, Sarff, Falcone, ~illy. Motion carried. 5 AYES 4 NAYS ~ ABSENT. Resolution being ~~1099. Mayor Edwards presented a resolution from CIPS which they say was approved on August 7th 7.984. No record can be found in the minutes for passage. CIPS has a copy o~ the resolution being passed. This resolution was to approve the Street Lighting Proposal for elimination of street lights. Motion by Alderman Kovachevich, second by Alderman Zilly, the resolution to be referred to Legal & Ordinance Committee. Voice vote, motion carried. RESOLUTION - REVISED STREET LIGHTS FOR UPTOWN SERIES LIGHTING, First ~ reading, read by title. This resolution revises resolution ~~1.084. ~ Motion by Alderman Falcone, second by Alderman Zilly, the resolution amending resolution ~~1084 be adopted. Roll call. AYES - Aldermen (U Kovachevich, Zilly, Falcone, Sarff, Workman, Bohler, May, Chapman. W NAYS - none. Motion carried. 8 AYES 0 NAYS 0 ABSENT. Resolution m being ~~1100. a RESOLUTION - AUTHORIZING JOINT ACQUISTION OF WATERWORKS SYSTEM AND COMMON SOURCE OF SUPPLY OF WATER. First reading, read by title. Mayor Edwards said this is for the proposed lake at the copperas creek area. Jim Malmgren City Attorney said this is a resolution which was refer- red to Jim for further investigation. He commented that he had review- ed the Statute in question, His initial concern by passing this is we not obligate our presen~ waterworks and sewer system to participate in anyway with a new system unless the council is very much aware they would be doing that. The State Statute in question simply provides that in order to participate as a member of the commission we mus~ pass either a ordinance or resolution. This was prepared in resolution form. The State Statute does provide that the city is free to with draw from participation in the Water Commission by rescinding this resolution. So long as the city has not obligated itself issue and has not issued bonds, or has satisfied any other indebtness involved in participation with the commission. The Sta~ute further requires that before the city can incure any indebtness it must subsequently pass an ordinance and only an ordinance in order to do that. 5o by passage of this resolution, what you're doing is in affect making yourself a member of the commission. But you do not in anyway obligate yourself financially unless you take some definite additional action at some subsequent council meeting. Mayor Edwards said if the resolution is passed he has to appoint a commission, and he has no one in mind right now to appoint, and he will bring it back to the council meeting. Alderman Sarff asked Jim Malmgren City Attorney what effect this has on the city's waterworks owned by the city? Jim said it has no affect, you will see no change, Alderman Falcone said that his understanding from the city attorney in no way financially committs us to any project. He said he had a problem whether we are philosophically committing ourselves in anyway to this commission. Before he would vote on any partici~~.tion what so ever, he would like to have some information on the commission, what it's goals are. Really, nothing has been formally presented to us. We were expecting a report on a related mat~er at our last Mechanical Committee meeting, and no one showed up. I have a problem with any official involvement in this until we have some more details about it. 276 CONTINUED AUGUST 6th, 1985 Alderman Workman wanted to go on record as being opposed to this. In lieu of the fact that we were denied $300,OfJ0 rant to repair our existing dam, And the governor allowecl them ~300,000 for a feasibility study. Mayor Edwards said he didn't think they received anything. Motion by Alderman Falcone, second by Alderman Workman, to refer the resolution to the Legal & Ordinance Committee. Voice vote, motion carried. ORDINANCE - PROVIDING FOR A STOP SIGN ON ASPEN DRIVE AND EAST SYCAMORE DRIVE. First reading, read by title. Alderman Falcone said this was brought befpre the committee by tl~e Police Chief Rober~ Molleck and the intersection is considered dan~erous.. RESOLUTION - LOCATE, CONSTRUCT, SANITARY SEWER FORCE MAIN ON ROUTE 9 SBI ROUTE 9. First reading, read by title. Cliff Sagaser City Engineer said this us a standard resolution printed by the IDOT allowing us to be on their right-of-way at the Industrial Park. Motion by Alderman Kovachevich, second by Alderman Sarff, the resolutLOn be adopted. Roll call, AYES - Alderman Chapman, May, Boh].er, Workman, Sarff, Falcone, Zilly, Kovachevich, NAYS - none. Motion carried, 8 AYES 0 NAYS 0 ABSENT, Resolution being ~~1101. ORDINANCE - TAX LEVY. First reading, read by title, Alderman Sarff mentioned that the Tax Levy shows salary contingency. Pat Wright City Treasurer said that's for those who will move into another pay range during the year. ORDINANCE - PROHIBITING PARKING ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF WEST PINE STRFET AT 44 WEST PINE. First reading, read by title. Motion by Alderman Kovachevich, second by Alderman Bohler to go into executive session. Roll call. AYES - Aldermen Kovachevich, Zilly, Falcone, Sarff, Workman, Bohler, May, Chapman. Voice vote, motion carried. Council recessed at 7:44 p.m. EXECUTIVE SESSION - PERSONNEL; THREATENED, IMMINENT,AND PENDING LITI- GATION. This portion of the council meeting reconvened at 7:52 p.m, The executive minutes are on file in the office of the city clerk. ADJOURNMENT: Motion by Alderman Kovachevich, second by Alderman Sarff to adjourn. Voice vote, mo~ion carried. Council adjourned at 8:34 p.m. ~ ~ ~ ~ CIT E APPROVED . d c~.-~- R