HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-05-1985 Council Minutes 20? A regulax meeting of ~he Canton City Cotm.cil was held on March 5th, 1985 in Council Chambers. PLIDGE OF ALLEGIANCE OPENED THE MEETING F(7LL0[~JID BY THE TNVOCA.TION GIVEN BY CITY CLERK NANCY [~THITES. Ma.yor Eckaards asked for roll ca11 at 6:30 p.m, ~resent: Aldermen H~nd, Savill, Sarff, Worl~i, Carl, T~'ay, Horr. Absent: Alderman Kovachevi.ch. MIN(JTES OF FEBRIIAR~ 19TH MEEIZNG, Alderman Sarff called ~or a correction of page 200 - the 4th line, The word "'~old" shoulid rea.d °'solid.'' The sentence would then rea.d 'We ha~v~e intentians o~ b~u~.lding a fac~ory and ~,Ae have solidco~mit~nts in the ccmirnmity.'' Nbtion by Aldern~an Hammnd, second by Alderman Sarf~, the minutes of February 19th be accepted and placed cm file as corrected. Vaice vote, zrotion cazried. CCI~'~l[JNICATIONS FR~'T CLIFF SA,GASIIt - CITY ING~NEF~It, When ~he sncxa ~melted fram the dacn we fo~d 3 to 4 cubic yard~ of grout wa.s emitted on the South side of the dam. As a ma.tter of ~act it Was pushed thru the c~azn all the way to the top. There were ~a.n.y places on the South side o~ the dam tha.t the ~ grout appeared and came thru, Were not exactly sure yet why it did that, N but in ea.ch of the possibili~ies that I~elt the rea.scros why ~.t was com~n.g up, I do not now feel there i~ any rea.son to tie alarmed. ~tev~e ~Jha:,te is ~1.~ making an inspectian of everytliing on tTie South si:de o~ the dazn. There are (n quite a few thin.gs we ha:ve to spend a~e~ dollaxs on th;is s~er, Q The ditch the water nms thru - south of the dam is causing alot of tfie pre-cast riftraft thats on the shore line an the west side of the ditch to collapse and fall i:nto the trench in the area. o~ where the ttmnel e~mits into the stream, And we are scheduling thi,s s~m~er, all the ri~tra~'t we ha.ve stored at the top of the hill west of th.e trea.tz~n~ plant, wh.~ch is brok,en cancrete, there are 10 to 15 truck loads. Were go~ng to load that up as soon as it's dry, and use that an the wes~C bank o~ tha.t ditch. The wes~ side of the retaining wall, west of ~he sp~llway, its ~he vertical piece of the concrete that is part of the spill~uay, ~'v~e went ovex tfiis with Steve to shaw him haw raere going to repair it this stim~er, and to keep it from giving us any more problems. Were watchin.g things v~ery closely, and I~r.i.ll be talkang to sac~ae soil people about soRr~e of the probl~mms to get sc~cne backup o~ ~uha,t ~o~.tld ha,~pen or might ha.ppen. In the M.F,T, pro~;ram, by delaying it, it is givi.n,g us time to go back over all of the streets , We've dcme tI~.is except far the N.~nl, corner of Cv~m we haven't campleted. I'm tryittg to cut sarrde streets o~~ o~ the project, You may find that scnne of the s~Creets that you though.t were going to be fixed, were reco2nnen.din.g not do an.ything wi.th th.ezn. There are a couple of streets that weren't an the program and I said you should put th~m on the program, so there were to be same changes. Cliff said he was to make a Ca.pitol ~rvveme~n.ts Progr~n l~.st o~ the Camprehen- siv+e Plan. The follawing is a review o,~ ~ahat ~:s projected for a 5 yeax pro~xam. 1) The 5 projects an the sewer systezn at the Sewer Treatznent Plant, and 3 that axe listed as sewer lines. This is ~Che project tha.t Crawford, Murphy & Tilly are designing, This expenditure is spread out over a 3 year period. 2) The accelator repair at the water plant which you authorized last yea.r ~d we definitely will try to cb tha~ this spring, 3) The possibility of Q~.estx~:ut Street, what ever rae decide to cb in carnt~~ecticm with that F.A,U. program. There is a possa:bl~ty of us spending $150,OQ0 of our M.F.T, mmey on that program. 4) Avenue A- it's what I'm recammend3xig you to cb ~Co Av~nve A betwee~n. Locust and Pine Street of a expenditure of about $150,000, 248 ~p~~D MARCH STH, 1985 STREET Il"1PROV~]TS 5) White Court improv~nent frc7m Elm Street to Pine Street. 6) I hav~e ~Che maintenaxLCeprogram (M.F,T, ~ for the ne~.C 5 years and lis~ed this years as $220,000, nex~ year $150, 000, and ev~ery year therea.fter as $100,000. Trying to cut dawn cm. the maintenance mmey and save it on what we call canstruc~ian funds. Which would lie more permanent type improv~roents. 7) Traffic sig}~als a~ First and C;h.estnu~C S~reet. I am not going to recamnend installa:n.~ any tra~fic si~,nals cm the anter- sectian ~til Ch.estnut ~treet became~ at least 2 way. 8) The is~rovgnents I have to make an the railroad crossings at Elm and Che~tnu~ Street. 9) Cliff said he cauld d~esig~. an antake tc7wer mu~ch cheaper then the one he ha.s . The lay ou~C of thi.s intake tcxaer was a map on the wall of ~he coUncil ch,~nbers. Cli~f said he did not have approval of ~his design ~ram the Dep~. of Transporta~ian. It does allaw us to drain water fram ~he lake at an el.evation 10 foot belaw the exis~ing water line to a twenty-fo~ inch pipe. G~le have ~o have a way to lawer the water in the lake in case of an e~nergency. The bi.ggest e~nergency that I can see would be d~na.ge to the dam or dair~a.ge to the spillway. Lawering the water 10 feet would allcxa us to appro~re not in ev~ery case bu~ in m~st cases, an.ything that would ha.ppen at the spillway. Aldern~i Sa.rff asked where the cancrete c~ne from, wha~'s your theory? Clif~ said goph,ers ha.ve been seen canstantly around the dazn. I dan't bela"ev~e the gophers w~n't be goin.g clawn. deep enough to involve the axea we are trying to grout. I have two scenari:os o£ what I thing hat~p~.ed there. 1) If you could imagine taking out a v~lta~e o~ earCh abovv+e the t~m~.e1 taking ou~ a core all. the way thru there 2-3 foot in diazreter ~ ex- tracting it. What would ha.ppen to the soil on top o~ tha.~ on the lake side? Ev~en.tually, very quickly on the lake side ~here there ~.s moisture, the roof of the openin.g ~ou7.d ~all to the bo~tam, but ~.t w~ulc~n't be as well canmacted as it was. 2) The entire dam is not compacted as well as I think it should ha.ve been. The whole~ dam is of this whole state where it's not packed with real good clay like you imagined. Tf that's wh.a~ happen~d, then there's nbthin,g we can do about it, and it ha.s stand for forty-five years, and will stand an.other forty-five yea.rs. Ma.yor E~iards said he ~Chinks you can rule out the lat~er, as we had this san.d drilled, probably in '72 or '73. Find out when we raised the dam, we ha.d a company came in and clrill that and stress test it. And we ha.d a report on it, and the rea.son I recall is we ha.d a profession.al service rather then ac~voertise for bid, Aldern~~an Hanamnd asked about the water tower, why it wasn't in the 5 year program? Cliff said he would like to put that off ~or as long as we can. OOM~2UNICATIONS FRCJNI DAVE DORGAN - DIRECTOR OF BiJDC~T ADl`~.NSTRATION, We sent in the revised proposal for the General Nbtors site today. We ha.ve received and included in this proposal a copy of the letter f~m the`conservancy stating they were upan board approval giving a gift of 600 - 1000 acres of conservancy land for the sit~ of the Gen.eral Motor plant, This is proposal ~~2. No w~rd on the Hud close out, I sent the forms off 4 weeks ago. There is a grant tha.t Cliff was talking about from Depaz'tmen.t of U. S. Hea.lth and H~nan Services , it' s for infra-structure and Camrnmity Developm~ent neecls . 4Ji11 check gui.delines when it gets here. The grant is du~e u~ on the 29th o~ this man.th. 2~~ CONTINUED MARCN 5TH, 1985 We hav~e receiv~ed an archelogical study back ~ram our Industra.al Paxk area. Zhey have danre ~Che w~rk and ha~re ~iven us a temporazy s~gn off ,~u~C we ha.d to submit a full repor~ to the Dept of Consen~ation, we now hav~ that fv1Y reporC. They prior- itize types of archelogical sites ~hey ~ound,one thru six, rnTe have no sites that were greater then 3. On the agenda. is a ordinancef~e sale of property. These are properties th.at are the re~nainin,~ part of our Hwd program. The DSI Corporation has a opport~mity to apply ~or a grant. This woul.d be a~Le- search and Dev~lopRr~tgrant, specifically geared toward ~Che r.ampany for dev~elop- ment of plastics products. Max.im~n ~`s $50,000 and i~ cbes require a match af funds. I do plan to assist on tha.t grant and it's due the 15th of this mmth. An ordinance that is an the agenc~a is the Enterprise 7~one Tax Abate~~ent Ordinance, Jim Malmgren City Attorney and T me~ with a representativ~ of Illinois DepartrneYZt (D of CamY~erce & Cammmity Affairs for specific lan~ua.ge ~Chat needed ~o be in such ~ ordinance. We need a public hearing an this. A tran~~cript needs to be taken as N opposed to minutes, We need to hire a court reporter, We have bee~n ta.lking tax abat~zt to a n~er of en~ity in ~Che Enterprise Zane. W Motiarz by Aldermen Carl, secand by Alclern~n Haimr~cid, tha.~ a public hearing be m held on March 19th for imput and d3scussicm o~ Enterprise Zan.e Tax Abatement, and a to hire a court reporter. Ro11 ~all. AYES: Aldermen Horr, Ma.y, Carl, Worktn~l, Sarf f, Savill , h'~umrmd. NAYS c Nane . 1~'otion carried . 7 ayes 0 nay~ 1 absent , OCA~IIZTEE REPORTS: Public Safety & Traf~ic. Council Actian Motion by Aldern~an Horr, seccmd by Aldern~an Savill, to apprave the expenditure of $125.00 for the meetir~gs of ESDA an Maxch lOth, and ~he state~ri:de ESDP, meeting to be held April 12th-14th. Rr~ll call . AYE~ : Aldern~i I-~~amrmd, Savill, Sarff , Worlana.n, Carl, Ma.y, Horr. NAYS: Nane. 1~ticm ca.rried. 7 ayes 0 na.ys 1 absent. Motion by Aldenna~.z Horr, secand by Alderman Savill, to approve the purchase of plywood in the amount of $217.00 for the constructian of shelves for the police department . Roll call , AYES : Aldern~~ Horr, May, Caxl , Worlanaxz, Sarff , Savill , Ha~mnd. NAYS : Nane , Motion ca.rri:ed, 7 ayes 0 na.ys 1 absent . Streets & Garbage. Council Action Nbtion by Aldernn~si Savill, seccmd by Aldenn~ ~Jorkn~n, to approvoe th~ expen.dlt~.~'e of $1400 for 35Q cubic yards of gravel on the Enterpri~e Park road, The mon.ies ~Go be paid fram the Water & Sewer fimds and to be pai:d back £ram i:nterest man.ey received on the loan accoun.ts, Discussicm. Ald~erman Carl said h.e noticed that the rock was to be paid fram the Water & Sewer ft~d~. Dave Dorgan said that grav~el ha.s been used fro~n the street departm~a.lt, and there ~s no mmie~ available in the general fwzd. So at ~his time, there had been gr~.v~e1 work to help the sewer an.d•water depar~.t fix different holes that had been. created by water, paid fmm the street departrrent budget. Aldznnan. Carl said he qvestianed if we could pay for this out of those funds? Alde~. H~mnd wanted to lm.aw if there was anything from the interest on the loan acco~ts? Da.~v~e said we have been ~n.mning liehind an our interest in the loan f~uzds . There ma.ybe man.ey there in June . Da.ve sa.id mmey could be paid ba.ck from interest on the acco~ts and geared taward that pay back. Th.e moticm was changed to reflect this pay back, Roll call , AYES : Aldern~exi H~.m~ond, Savill , Sarff ,~Tork- man, Carl, May, Horr. NAYS: Nane, Motion carried. 7 ayes 0 na.ys 1 a.sbent. . 210 ~p~~D MARCH 5 TH , 1985 Lake, Buildings & Grotmds. Co~cil Actian None. Public Works, Water & Sewer, Co~cil Action Nlotion by Aldern~an Ma.y, secand by Alcleztnar~. Horr, to approve the cantra~t for cathotic protection for the s~Cand pipe in the azmLm.t o~ $1,008. Roll call, AYES: Aldenn~.z Horr, May, Carl, Workmari, Sarf~, Savill, Hammn.d. NAYS: Nane. Motion carried, 7 ayes 0 na.ys 1 absent. Nbtion by Aldern~ari Horr, second by Alc~e~rn~n tiJorla~n, that repaa.rs be allc~wed for a 3" p~ at the sewer plan~ in the a~n,ovnt o,~ $288, Roll call, AXFS: Aldern~en, Hannnnd, Savill, Sarf~, Workma.n, Carl, 'May, Horr. NAYS: Nane. Nbtion ca.rried. 7 ayes 0 nays 1 absent. Inforn~ational : Alc3~erm~ri May ha.d asked Jam Boyd abou~ a complaa:n.t at 756 S. 8th concerning a hole in the road, Clif~ Sagaser sai~. he anc~ Ja:m had checked it out and said there was no hole, but ~o~.d that o~f o~ the ctrivang sur~£ace o~ the maan par~ of the road ruts, and to not plaEex^ock in the areas wliere peo~le park their private vehicles parallel to the road, and tfiat's ~hat this is. COMMIJNICATIONS FROM MAYOR EDWARDS . There ha.s been a delay in astrana,ut Stev~e Nagel' s flight . Alc3~ern~an Victor Kovachevi,ch was going to caver a.t for vis . Wi,l1 giv~e an update again wYien it happens . Linda Zilly is in the audience, she wan the prim~y elect~:dn ,~oz alc1e~. lst ward. Internatianal Recycling Incorporated, they are back in Cantan. They purchas.ed their buildin.g. An update an .Toe Driscoll, he's still warking on cantracts, Seemed to be on an up~ bea.t that these things will ~all in place, OLD BUSINESS: ORDINANCE - AUTHORIZTNG THE ISSt1ANCE OF TAX A~VT~;CIPAT~(D~1 af~~NTS TN ANT~C~,t~TIQN OF TAXES LEVIED FOR '1~ YF,AR 1984. Seccmd reading, read by title. ~Cian by A1dern~z H~~rcmn.d, secand by Alderm~l Sarf£, the ordi~ance be placer~ on. its passage. Roll call. AYES: Aldern~n Horz', 1~Y, Carl, Workman, Sar~f, Sav~ll, Ha~rnzd. NAYS: None. Nbtion rarried. 7 ayes Q nays 1 absen.t. Ordinance being ~~1052. pRDINANCE - PROVIDING FOR THE PURCHASE QF CITY OF CAN'PON TAX At~]TICIPATTON WARRANrS WITH N%7POR FUEL TAX FUNDS . Secand reacling, rea.d by tztle . Nk~tian by Alde~nan. Sarff, secand by AldenY~an Savill, the orclir~an.ce be placed an its passage. Roll call . AYES : Alclern~en ~~,~mm~d, Savill , Sarff , Worlanan, Carl , May, Horr . NAXS : None. N1r~tion carried. 7 ayes 0 na.ys 1 absent. Ordi.nance being ~~1053. NEW BUSINESS: C,~NVASS VOTES - CONSOLIDATID PRIMARY ELEGTION - FF.~iRLTARY 26th . P~ayor Ec~aards serve as chai~z of the canvass board. Other members were Jim Mal.~r~n City Attorney and Nancy Whites City Clerk. The findings ~ere: CITIZENS PAR'I'X INDE~EIVDIIVT ~[JSION 1~1E1ME MAYOR TOTAL VO'TES Ibnald E . Eckaards 9~7 CITY CLERK Nancy Whites 942 2~:~ ap~~ MARCH STH , 1985 CITIZIIVS PARTY 'POTAL VOTES INDEPII~TDIIVT FUSION TOTAL VOTES CITY TRF~ASURER Patricia. "Pat" ~nTright 925 WARD 1 AL1~1~1AN Robert J~rmings 104 L3:nda zilly 139 Beryl Canrad 33 41ARD 'IW~ ALZIERMAN Peter Falcane 309 Gilbert Wh.eeler 50 WARD T~~ ALDEl~N ~ Jerry Bohler 106 Shezwi.n Gilpin 31 ~ WAFtD FOURi ALDER~IAN FOUR YF,AR 'I~NI ~ Ja~nes Ma.y 174 Edward Hug~ins 10 W Iawrence Cook 66 m Q WARD FOUR ALDERMAN ~JO YEA.R TERM Charles Cha.p~man 135 Bnyce Nell 81 For a tota.l of 1071 votes cast in ~h.e primary electio~n,. ORDINANCE - ABATING THE CTTY OF CAN'lUN' S PORTTON OF Rk',AL PROPERTY TAXES ATTRIBUTABT~E ~ INCREASES IN ASSESSED VALLIATION RESULT~TGFRpM Tf-lE CONSTRUCTION OR RII~ABTLITATION OF OONMERCIAL OR INDUSTRTAL FACILITIES 4J~TH~T TI~ CITY OF CANI.'ON EN'i'ERPRISE ZONE . First reading, rea.d by title. Jim Malmgren Ca.ty Attorney said this is the ordinance fram Dave Ibrgan and my meeCix~,g fn~xn the DCCA repres~nta.tive. We've left 2 aspects of the substance of the ordin.an~e blank. That is the percen.tage of abaten~zt your goi~g to authorize and the period o~ years ~uhich yaur goi:ng to authori.ze. I point out to you that the abate~Zt here is only ~or the a~n.crease in value of improv~emeazts to real property, which would resu7.t fram n~a construction o~£ wh.ich result ~rom the reha.bilita.tion of prese.~ntly existing ~tructures. So we aren'~ losing anything we have when we abate th.e taxes, Other municipalities that raere in direct campetit~,an with seemed Co be goang ~or not less then 5 years at 100%, an.d same T'v~e seen are goa_ng ~or 10 years at 100%, This ordinance applys to ca~~ercial, busine~s, or industr~al zaned property, or non-canfornn.is~g uses of those characterizations. We would not be abating taxes at all on residential property, And T would like to recrnm~n.d this be referred to ca~mittee. ORDINANCE - RESCINDING ORDTNANCE N[A~?BEL2 1035 (HOME QIX.'UPATT~T AT 709 EAST CHESTNUr) . First rea.duzg, rea.d by title, Ma.yor Ec~aards said a great ciea.l of diseussian ha,s taken pla.ce with several alderme~.z and hiunsel~. He sai,d he ~aovld like at this time to take the city's side on Chis, as we have receivoed scyme bad publicity, that were trying to nn~a. business ou~ of tawn. These are not true. The person invr~lvoed here had indicated he wanted a home occupationa.l use, and he indicated to Plarming & Zoning he would mo~v~e into th.is property, and he failed to do so . To my knawledge he's still notliving at the property. He has closed his business, and it is not my intentian to put hirn out of business, T wr~uld soaner see him cc7mply. We ha.voe nunerous times invited him in to talk to Jim Malmgren City A~torney who is the enforcin.g officer, and he has failed to d~ so. I c~on't think its ~he actian of the city council that's created the proble~n, its the fail.ure of the gentle~nari to ~ly. Aldern~an Hanimrld said he was called by Mr. Rak,estraw and one of the things tha.t in the canverstion was that he was aware of same other hame use pern~i.ts were being abused in same marmer, and were we goin,g after this? T told him if he had knaw- ledge of this, he should repor~C i~C to Cliff Sagaser City Engineer or ~o the city attorn,ey, so it could be looked into and be pursved. ~~z CONTINUED MARCH 5~H , 1985 Ma.yor Ed~aards said he purposely delayed anything on this for four months, hoping he would be in ccym~liance. T ck~n't knaw haw nnach lon,ger we can go on without putting same press~e an. Aldernnar~. Wor~z, said he was contacted by Mr. Rakestraw and he said he was taken by surprise, as he had not received an.y letter or notice an i~. Alderman Fnlor~anari told him to make an appointn~ent ~.ith the city attorney and Alderin~n. Wor~n has since fo~d out he has recei~red a le~ter. ORDINANCE - PROVIDING FOR. THE MANI~R.OF SALE OF CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY. First reading, rea.d by title. Mayor Ec~aards said this sh.ould also go to comnittee be- fore it ha.s secand rea.d:ing. EXECUTIVE SESSION - NEGO'ITATIONS, I~'~tian by Aldennan Sarff, secand by Alderman Hanmand to go into executiv~ sessian. Voi:ce vc>te, zmtion carried, Covncil recessed at 7:32 p.m. The executive minutes are on file in the o~~ice o~ the city clerk, ADJOUfZl~II~1ENT : Nbtion by Aldern~.z Sarff , seccmd by Alde~. Hannrmd ~o adj ourn . Voice wte, m~tion carried. Council adjourned at 7:4$ p.m, , ~ aPpxovID. l ~ - YOR