HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-05-1988 Council Minutes 344 A regular meeting of the Canton City Council was held on April 5, 1988 in council chambers. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE OPENED THE MEETING FOLLOWED BY THE INVOCATION GIVEN BY CITY CLERK NANCY WHITES. Mayor Edwards asked for roll call at 6:30 p.m. Present - Aldermen Kovachevich, Steck, Sarff, May, Chapman. Absent _ - Aldermen Zilly, Meade, Bohler. Alderman Zilly is ill, Alderman Meade and Bohler is working. COMMUNICATIONS FROM DAVID LEEZER - COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR AND BUDGET ADMINISTRATOR. David introduced Nelson Carlo president of Abbott Products Inc. Mr. Carlo reported that Abbott Products, Inc, is prepared to take over the daily management and operations of CIC. They are in a position to transfer work from their Chicago operation into Canton. Their first contract has a dollar value of 2.7 million, which they would inject the working capitol necessary to finance the operation. They are confident that they could easily increase the order back log by another 3 million within the first six months of operations. Mr. Carlo has had discussions with Caterpillar Inc. and Chicago firms which have indicated they would be willing to work with his firm. He also reported that Mayor Edwards, David Leezer, Wilbur Meadows of the National Bank, state Rep. Tom Homer and a representative for Congressman Lane Evans recently met with officials at the Rock Island Arsenal. The work is there, but no contracts were received that day. CIC is much larger that his current plant and has greater capabilities of production, and one of the largest assets is the skilled work force. And that is what he is looking for, machinery can be purchased anywhere in the country. Mr. Carlo expects the city to secure the stock of former CIC President Liza Foley and former vice president Harriet Schleich which was placed for collateral on city loans. Then to have that stock transferred to Abbott Products Inc. and for the city to hold off converting their stock for one year and to defer payment on the HHS federal loan for one year. Mr. Carlo is expecting a response within 30 days. Mayor Edwards stated that there is other options besides Abbott Products, Inc. Mayor Edwards called for a meeting of all members of council at 6:00 p.m. on April 12. David Leezer reported that the Utility Tax payment for March is $58,036.58. Recommended a meeting on budget sessions for a Saturday morning where were more relaxed and will not be interrupted. To be discussed further at the Finance Committee. COMMUNICATIONS FROM CLIFF SAGASER - CITY ENGINEER. Heard from IDOT with the okay to make Main & Locust from Chestnut Street a two-way street. Motion by Alderman May, second by Alderman Chapman, the two-way street be referred to the Legal & Ordinance committee for a ordinance. Voice vote, motion carried. 345 CONTINUED April 5, 1988 The Department of Corrections will refund the city's money for the tap fees prior to construction of the medium security prison. Larry Dutton Wastewater Treatment Plant Supt. said that Tom Skuse was working on obtaining easements in the area of the South Enterprise Sanitary Sewer when an error was found and forwarded to Crawford, Murphy & Tilly and they have not moved forward. Motion by Alderman Sarff, second by Alderman Kovachevich, the approval for repairs to the endloader bucket and mechanism at a cost of $1,73.03. Roll call. AYES - Aldermen Chapman, May, Sarff, Steck, Kovachevich. NAYS - None. 5 AYES 0 NAYS 3 ABSENT. Motion carried. Q Motion by Alderman Kovachevich, second by Alderman May ~ to approve the expenditure to purchase 3 brooms for the ~ street sweeper at a cost of $1,092 for all three. Roll = call. AYES - Aldermen Kovachevich, Steck, Sarff, May, Chapman. NAYS None. 5 AYES 0 NAYS 3 ABSENT. Motion m carried. Q COMMITTEE REPORTS: Public Safety & Traffic. Council Action Motion by Alderman Steck, second by Alderman Sarff, to approve the purchase of a Canon camera for the Police department at a cost of $368. Roll call. AYES - Aldermen Chapman, May, Sarff, Steck, Kovachevich. NAYS - None. 5 AYES 0 NAYS 3 ABSENT. Motion carried. Motion by Alderman Steck, second by Alderman Sarff, the approval for Howard Williams ESDA Director to attend a IEMA conference and not to exceed $300. Roll call. AYES - Aldermen Kovachevich, Steck, Sarff, May, Chapman. NAYS - None. 5 AYES 0 NAYS 3 ABSENT. Motion carried. Streets & Garbage. Council Action None. Lake, Building & Grounds. Council Action Motion by Alderman Chapman, second by Alderman May, to approve the purchase of a roll bar for the dozer at the lake and not to exceed $1,000. Discussion. Ray McKinney said this is needed to bring up to OSHA standards. Ro11 call. AYES - Aldermen Chapman, May, Sarff, Steck, Kovachevich. NAYS - None. 5 AYES 0 NAYS 3 ABSENT. Motion carried. Motion by Alderman Chapman, second by Alderman Steck, to replace the sidewalks around city hall at a cost of $1,400 for materials and the city crews doing the work. Roll call. AYES - Aldermen Kovachevich, Steck, Sarff, May, Chapman. NAYS - None. 5 AYES 0 NAYS 3 ABSENT. Motion carried. 34f~ - CONTINUED April 5, 1988 Public Works, Water & Sewer. Council Action Motion by Alderman May, second by Alderman Chapman, to approve the pay estimate of Slack's Excavating in the amount of $45,946.53. (The amount of $41,471.86 for the Dam project was approved on March 16, this is an additional amount of $4,474.67). Roll call. AYES - Aldermen Chapman, May, Sarff, Steck, Kovachevich. NAYS - None. 5 AYES 0 NAYS 3 ABSENT. Motion carried. COMMUNICATIONS FROM MAYOR EDWARDS. A temporary appointment of Tom Reid as Assistant Street Supt. until May lst due to the resignation of Jerry Luper. The ESDA siren in the downtown is none repairable and is a concern of a large percent of those in the downtown area. I'm asking the Public Safety & Traffic committee to work with the Police Department to furnish a temporary siren. The 4 job opening interviews are complete, there will be some coming back for a second interview. OLD BUSINESS: ORDINANCE - GRANTING A HOME OCCUPATION PERMIT FOR THE OPERATION OF A TAXIDERMY SHOP AT 271 FULTON PLACE. Motion by Alderman Sarff, second by Alderman Kovachevich, the ordinance be placed on its passage. Roll call. AYES - Aldermen Kovachevich, Steck, Sarff, May, Chapman. NAYS - None. 5 AYES 0 NAYS 3 ABSENT. Motion carried. Ordinance being #1188. NEW BUSINESS: ORDINANCE - PROVIDING FOR THE DEFINITION, ABATEMENT, AND PUNISHMENT OF NUISANCES IN THE CITY, AS AMENDED. First reading, read by title. Motion by Alderman Kovachevich, second by Alderman Chapman, the ordinance be referred to the Legal & Ordinance committee. Voice vote, motion carried. ORDINANCE - DISCONNECTING PART OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 22, TOWNSHIP 7 NORTH, RANGE FOUR FROM THE CITY. (HENRY DARE PROPERTY) Jim Malmgren City Attorney stated to council members that this farm ground was brought into the city when the 18 properties were annexed, this property was to be disconnected. The State Statute requires that no final action can be taken for 30 days. Motion by Alderman Steck, second by Alderman Sarff, the ordinance be tabled until May 17 council meeting. Voice vote, motion carried. ORDINANCE - DISCONNECTING PART OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 22, TOWNSHIP 7 NORTH, RANGE FOUR WEST FROM THE CITY OF CANTON. (GARLAND PIRES PROPERTY) First reading, read by title. Jim Malmgren City Attorney reported that Mr. Pires property is next to Henry Dare and is farmed by Mr. Dare. This ordinance will have to be tabled for 30 days just like the Dare ordinance. Motion by Alderman Steck, second by Alderman Sarff, the ordinance be tabled until May 17 council meeting. Voice vote, motion carried. 34~ CONTINUED April 5, 1988 ORDINANCE - DISCONNECTING PART OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 22, TOWNSHIP 7 NORTH, RANGE FOUR WEST FROM THE CITY OF CANTON. (GARLAND PIRES PROPERTY) First reading, read by title. Jim Malmgren City Attorney reported that Mr. Pires property is located next to Henry Dare's property and is farmed by Mr. Dare. This ordinance will have to be tabled for 30 days just like the Dare ordinance. Motion by Alderman Steck, second by Alderman Sarff, the ordinance be tabled until the May 17 council meeting. Voice vote, motion carried. ORDINANCE - AMFNDING TITLE 6, CHAPTER 3 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE BY ADDING SECTION 6 RELATING TO REGULATION AND/OR PROHIBITION OF CERTAIN NOISES. First reading, read by title. Jim Malmgren City Attorney said there is one change, is section K, it is not presently in effect. Motion by Q Alderman Sarff, second by Alderman May, to suspend the ~ rules for passage of the ordinance. Roll call. AYES - ~ Aldermen Chapman, May, Sarff, Steck, Kovachevich. NAYS _ - None. 5 AYES 0 NAYS 3 ABSENT. Motion carried. Ordinance ~ being #1189. Q Motion by Alderman Sarff, second by Alderman Steck, the ordinance be placed upon its passage. Roll call. AYES - Aldermen Kovachevich, Steck, Sarff, May, Chapman. NAYS - None. 5 AYES 0 NAYS 3 ABSENT. Motion carried. Ordinance being #1189. RESOLUTION - APPROVING AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY AND ACTIVE ENGLISH INFORMATION SYSTEMS, INC. First reading, read by title. Motion by Alderman Sarff, second by Alderman Steck, the resolution be adopted. Roll call. AYES - Aldermen Chapman, May, Sarff, Steck, Kovachevich. NAYS - None. 5 AYES 0 NAYS 3 ABSENT. Motion carried. Resolution being # 2027. RESOLUTION - REAFFIRMING THE CITY OF CANTON'S POSITION TO WELCOME AND APPROVE THE PLACEMENT OF A FEDERAL CORRECTIONAL FACILITY IN FULTON COUNTY, ILLINOIS. First reading, read by title. Motion by Alderman Kovachevich, second by Alderman Chapman, the resolution be adopted. Roll call. AYES - Aldermen Kovachevich, Steck, Sarff, May, Chapman. NAYS - None. 5 AYES 0 NAYS 3 ABSENT. Motion carried. Resolution being #2029. Jim Malmgren City Attorney reported that he anticipated that at least one resolution will be passed by the Fulton County Board in the month of April, 1988 directing that demolition take place with respect to a property located at 47 No. 8th Avenue. The other property not on the attached list which has been referred to the County is the property located at 487 W. Locust St. Alderman Steck questioned the condition of property located at Avenue A and Oak Street. Mayor Edwards said this definitely needs to be looked at. Jim Malmgren City Attorney said that the Preservation, Historical Ordinance will be on the next council meetings agenda. ADJOURNMENT: Motion by Alderman Kovachevich, second by Alderman May, to adjourn. Voice vote, motion carried. Council adjourned at 7:35 p.m. v ~ ~ - / , ERK ~ APPROVED: MAYOR