HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance #18210~/25J2005 FRI 16:05 FAX 3095473326 Fulton-Schuyler ROE #22 ORDINANCE NO. .827 AN ORDINANCE LEVYING AND ASSESSIN~i TAXES FOR CORPORATE PURPOSES OF THE CITY OF CANTON, ILLINOIS FOR THE F-SCAL YEAR SEGtNNtNG MAY 1, 2004, END1N(3 APRIL 30, 2005. WHEREAS, on July 6, 2004, the City COUflCI! Of the City Of Canton, Illinois passed the Annual Appropriation Ordinance of the City of Gaston, Illinois for the fiscal year beginning May 1, 2004, and ending April 30, 2005, in the amount of 514,987,873.00 which Ordinance was approved by the Mayor and Gity Council vn July 6, 2004, end which Ordinance was published in pamphlet form and pasted at the City f3upding, 2 N. Main Street, Canton, Illinois. NOW, THEREFORE, BE 1T ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CANTON, FULTON COUNTY, ILLINOIS, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: That the total amount of appropriations for all corporate purposes legally made to be collected from the tax levy of the current fiscal year is hereby ascertained to the sum of 51,504,245.00 SECTION 2: That the sum of 51,504,245.00 being part of the total appropriations heretofore legally made which are to be collected from the tax levy of the current fiscal year of the City of Canton for alt corporate purposes of said City of Canton be, and the same is hereby -evied upon all of the taxable property in the City of Canton subject to taxation ter the Current year for the following specified purposes: CITY ADMfNISTRATION R tax not to exceed .25% of the full cash value, as equalized or assessed by the Department of Revenue of the Stste of IL, on aN taxable property in the City of Canton, Illinois. Personnel Services 400 Salaries 4031nsurance Total Personnel Services Contractual Services 410 Maintenance Buildings 412 Maintenance Equipment 425 Utilities 428 Insurance -Bonds 430-1 Trdvel, Training 436 Acct. Services 8 Audit a37 Consulting Engineer 438 Legal Services 443 Other Contractual Total Contractual Services Commodltlec 465 Office Supplies 466 Motor Fuels 467 Maintenance Supplies 468 Operating Supplies 472 Other Supplies 7ota1 Commodities [~ool~al2 Total Amt. to be raised Amt. to be raised ApproAriations from other sources from tax levy 5 467,479 309.434 776,913 9,324 12,875 49,500 18,250 2, 500 55,000 103,500 144,719 395,668 8,126 3, 750 6,250 30,250 6.625 55,000 ~~ E_.~ COLl1~'T`.' C.EF'K 0,2/25/2005 FRI 16:05 FAX 3095973326 Fulton-Schuyler ROE #22 Other Operating - • 460 Workman's Compensation 481 Unemployment 486 Transfers -Cemetery 488 Debt Reduction 490 Miscellaneous Expense Total Oth®r Opersting Capital Outlay 503 Vehicles 504 Equipment Total Capital Outlay Contingency TOTAL CITY ADMlfJI$TRATlON GREENWOOD CEMETERY A tax not to exceed .025% of the fuA Lair cash value, as equaNsed or assessed by the Department of Revenue of the State of lAinois, on all taxable property in the Coy of Canton, tNlnois. TOTAL GREENWOOt) CEMETERY WATERSEWER DISTRIBUTION Water Administration Personnel Services 400 Salaries 403 Health Insurance Total Personnel Services Cornractua! Sorvicas 412 Maintcnance Equipment 425 Utilities 428 Insurance -Bonds 443 Other Contractual Total Co~rtractual Commodities 465 Office Supplies 472 Other Supplies Total Commodities Other Operating 486 Debt Retirement a90 Miscellaneous Total Other Operating Capital Outlay 504 Operating Equipment Total Capital Outlay Total Water AdministratEon Total Aoorooriations 46,250 115,613 18,750 180,613 ~ooz~olz Amt. to be raised Amt. to be raised from other sources from tax levy _ 10,000 10,000 500,000 $ 1,918,194 $ $ 30,500 S $ 70, 345 20,650 90, 995 7,250 2,400 32,813 28.125 70,588 4,375 750 5,125 493, 875 3 125 497,000 6,250 6,250 $ 669,958 1,817,444 S 100,750 5, 000 S 25, 500 Q2/25/2005 FRI 16:05 FAX 3095473326 Fulton-Schuyler ROE #22 . Tote) Appropriations Contractual Service 412 Maintenance Equipment 31,250 425 Utilities 230,500 430 Travel 3,625 437 Engineering 10,000 443 Other Contractual 155,031 Total Contractual Services 430,406 Commodities 466 Motor Fuels 7,500 467 Maintenance Supplies 61,875 46B Operating Suppfies 245,000 472 Miscellaneous 4.125 Total Commodities 318,500 Other Operating Expense 490 Miscellaneous - Capital Outlay 494 Equipment 62,500 Total Capital Outlay 62,500 TOTAL WATER TREATMENT S 1,386,990 SEWER TREATMENT Personnel Services 400 Salaries S 503,376 4031nsurance 100,290 Total Personnel Services 603,666 Contractual Services 412 Maintenanc® Equipment 75,000 425 Utilities 256,250 4281nsurance 3,125 430 TrainingRravel 4,375 437 Engineering 12,500 443 Other Contractual x,250 Total Contractual 407,500 Commodities 468 Motor Fuels 12,500 467 Maintenance Supplies 50,000 468 Operating Supplies 93,750 472 Other Supplies 6,250 Total Commodities 162,500 Other Operating Expense 490 Miscellaneous - Total Operating Expense - Capital Outlay 504 Equipment 50.000 Total Capital Outlay 50,000 TOTAL SEWER TREATMENT S 1,223,666 I.AKEIMPROVEMENTS Personnel 5erviaes 400 Salaries 3 43,496 403lnsurance - Total Personnel Services 43,496 ~004I012 Amt. to be raised Amt. to be raised from other sources from tax levy Q2/25/2005 FRI 16:05 FAX 3095473326 Fulton-Schuyler ROE #22 System Maintenance Personnel Services 400 Salaries 4031nsurance Total Personnel Services Corrtraetual Services 412 Maintenance-Equipment 425 Utilities 429 Rental 443 Other Contractual Total Contractual Services Commodities 466 Gas -Oil 467 Maintenance Supplies 468 Operating Supplies 472 Other Supplies Total Commodities Other Operating Expense 490 Miscellaneous Total Operating Expense Capital Outlay 504 Equipment Total Capital Outlay Total System Maintenance Meters Department Personal Services a00 Salaries 403 Insurance Total Personal Services Contractual Services. 412 Maintenance Equipment 443 Other Contractual Total Contractual Services Commodities 466 Motor Fuels 472 Ocher Supplies Total Commodities Capital Outlay 504 Equipment Total Capital Outlay Other Operating Expense 490 Miscellaneous Total Molars Department Water Treatment Personnel Services 400 Salaries 403 Insurance Total Personnel Services X003/012 Total Amt. to he raised Amt. to be raised Appropriations from other sources from taX levy 3 175,915 31,928 207,643 7,500 14,375 1,250 3,75D 26,875 9,253 33,750 12,500 55,503 6,250 6,250 E 296,471 $ 67,014 10L650 77,664 3, 750 1,000 4,750 2, 500 2, 500 5, 000 18,750 18,750 $ 106,164 $ 470,384 85,200 555,584 p2/25/2005 ERI 16:05 FAX 3095473326 Alton-Schuyler ROE #22 Tots! Appropriations Contractual Services 412 Maintenance Equipment 9,375 42S Utilities 11,500 443 Other Contractual 1,250 Total Contractual Services 22,125 Commodities 4t3es Motor Fuels 1,250 472 Other Supplies 5,131 Total Commodities 6,381 Other Operating Expense 480 Miscellaneous Total Operating t<xpense - Capital Outlay 492 Improvements 92,500 Total Capital Outlay 92,500 TOTAt_ LAKE DEVELOPMENT S 164,502 Contingency 250,000 TOTAL WATER b SEWER $ 4,077,751 R PURPOSES AUTNORiZED BY LAW STREET DEPARTMENT A tax not to exceed .069'0 of the fuN fair cash value, as equafrsed b assessed by the Department of Revenue of the State of lNrnois, on ep taxable property in the Crty of Canton, plus by a 3/I vote of the members eluded an adddional .04% of said taxable property as provkted by Section 22-81-f, Chapter 24, of the !ldnois Revised StatutQa, Personnel Services 400 Salaries $ 367,044 403tnsurance 73,214 Total Persannel Services 440,258 Contractual Services 412 Maintenance Equipment 15,000 413 Matntenance -Tree 7,438 425 Utilities 3,125 427 Street Lights 74,839 428 Insurance -Bonds - 429 Rental 22,500 443 Other Contractual 5,625 Total Contractual Services 128,527 Commodities 466 Motor Fuels 41,374 468 Operating Supplies 87,500 472 Other Supplies 15,000 Total Commodities 143,874 (~005/0l2 AmL to be raised Amt. to be raised from other sources from tax levy a 4,077,751 $ - . 02/25/2005 FRI 16;06 FAX 3095973326 Pollan-Schuyler ROE #22 Other Operating Expense a80 Miscellaneous 488 Debt Reduction Total Operating Expense Capital Outlay 503 Vehicles 504 Operating Equipment Total Capttal outlay TOTAL STREET DEPARTMENT POl.1CE PROTECTION FUND A tax not to exceed .75% of the full fair cash value, as equalized or assessed by the Department of Revenue of the State or Illinois, on aU taxable property in the City of Canto», Illinois. Personnel Servfoes 400 Salaries 4031nsurance 404 Pension Total Personnel Services Contractual Services 410 Maintenance Buildings 412 Maintenance Equipment 425 Utilities 428 Insurance -Bonds 430 Travel 443 Other Contractual Total Contractual Services Commodities 465 OfftCO Supplies 466 Motor Fue{s 468 Operating Supplies 470 Uniforms & Clothing 472 Other Supplies Total Commodities Other Operating Expense 480 Miscellaneous Total Operating Expense Capital Outlay 503 Vehicles 50a Operating Equipment Total Capital Outlay TOTAL POLICE DEPARTMENT TOTAL DRUG FORFEIT., K-9, GAMING FUND 006/012 Total Amt. to be raised Amt. to be raised Appropriations from other sources from tax IevY 35,000 35,000 $ 747,659 $ S 1,723,413 2138,844 202,724 2,214,981 24, 851 28,375 50 8,919 9,868 70,063 3,438 30, 988 6,906 2,913 1, 875 46,120 1,000 1,000 82, 500 2,438 64,938 747,659 $ - ~ 2,397,102 $ 2,320,602 S $ 32,647 $ 32,647 S 78,500 - 02/25/2005 FRI 16:06 FAX 3095473326 Fulton-Schuyler ROE #22 ~j007/012 . Total Amt. to be raised Amt. to be raised Appropriations from other sources from tax levy FIRE PROTECTION FUND A tax not to •xceod .15% of the fua fair cash value, as equalized or assessed by the Department o/Revenue of the State of Iltinols, on all taxable property in the City of Canton, Ilknois. Fire Department Personal Setvlces 400 Salaries $ 1,119,378 403 Insurance 168,510 404 Pension 214.267 Total Personal Servioea 1,502,155 Contractual Services 410 Maintenance Buildings 725 412 Maintenance Equipment 14,563 425 Utilities 18,000 428 Insurance -Bonds - 431 Training - FEMA Grant 3,531 443 Other Contracual 7,4gg Total Contractual Services 44,308 Commodities 485 Office Supplies 2,500 488 Motor Fuels 7,576 488 Operating Supplies 13,750 469 Uniforms 10,300 472 Other Supplies 1,031 Total Commodities 35,157 Other Operating Expense 480 Miscellaneous 488 Debt Reduction 53,740 Total Operating Expense 53,74D Capital Outlay 504 Operating Equipment 6,746 Total Capital Outlay 8,748 TOTAL FIRE PROTEGTION S 1,642,106 GARBAGE DISPOSAL FtfND A tax not to exceed .20,6 0l the fuAleii cash value, as equalized or assessed by the Department of Revenue of the Stat® of of !i>tinois, on ap taxable propeRy within the City o/ Canfon, pgnois, pursuant to Ord. No. 38, passed, May 20, 1947, authorizing the vstabHshment and maintenance of a system for the collection and disposal 01 garbage. S 1,489,106 S 153,000 Personnel Services 400 Salaries S 207,521 403 Insurance 38,193 Total Personnel services 243,714 - 02!2512005 FRI 16:06 FAX 3095473326 Fulton-Schuyler ROE #22 008/012 Total Amt. to be raised Amt. to be raised Appropriations from other sources from tax levy Contractual 5aeviceis 412 Equipment Maintenance 10,125 420 Landfill 148,250 421 Recycling Fees 17,500 425 Utilities 563 428 Insurance -Bonds - 443 Other Contractual 3,750 Total Contractual Servicca 178,188 Commodities 488 Motor Fuels 36,321 467 Maintenance Supplies 16,250 472 Other Supplies 625 Total Commodities 53,196 Other Operating Expense 480 Miscellaneous 7ota1 Operating Expense - Capital Outlay 503 Vehicles 75,000 504 Operating Total Capital Outtay 75,000 TOTAL GARBAGE DEPARTMENT 5 550,098 S 550,098 S - CIVIL DEFENSE A tax not to exceed .OS% of the fuA fair cash vaWe, as equafzed or assessed by the Department of Revenue o/the State of Illinois, on aN texeble propert y In the City of Canton, Illinois. Salaries $ 2,250 Contractual Services 12,441 Commodities 1,353 Other Operating - Capital Outlay - Contingency 1,000 Total Civil Defense S 17,044 S 13,144 S 3,900 PUBLIC COMFORT A tax not to exceed .0333% of the fuB feir cash value, as equalized or assessed by the Department of Revenue of the State of !!lines, on aN taxable property in the City of Canton, Illinois. TOTAL PUBLIC COMFORT IL MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT FUND A tax on the full fair cash value of all taxable propeAy within the Cdy of Canton, Illinois. which will produce the sum of: S 318,750 $ 184,526 S 154,224 SOCIAL SECURITY 8 MEDICARE A taz on the /u0 felt cash value of all taxable property within the CHy o/ Canton, lifinois, which will produce the sum ofi E 218,750 S 66,762 S 151,988 02/25/2005 FRI 16;06 FAX 3095473326 Fulton-Schuyler ROE #22 0091012 Total Amt. to be raised Amt. to be raised Ap propriations from other sources from tax levy POLICE PENSION FUND A tax on tha fud lair cash value o/ al! taxable property within the City o/ Canton, Minas, wl-ich wiy produce the sum of.• $ 425,000 $ 288,638 $ 138,382 FIRE PENSION FUND A fax on the full fair cash value of elf taxable property within the Cdy of Canton, IlNr-ols. which wi>r produce the sum of.' $ 550,000 $ 306,729 $ 243,271 GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS - - - TAX INCREMENT FUND $ 225,000 S 225,000 $ - t,IABiLITY INSURANCE $ 250,000 $ 20,000 $ 230,000 HEALTH CARE S 1,276,754 $ 1,276,754 $ - AUDIT $ 18,750 S - $ 18,75D UNEMPLOYMENT S 50,000 $ 10,000 $ 40,000 WORKERS COMP $ 186,018 3 16,018 S 170,000 WORKING CASK A tax not to exceed . 05%s of the fuN cash value as equalized and assessed by the Department of Revenue of the Stale of pfrnas on all taxable property wkhin the City of Canton, lHfnois. Total Working Cach - - - Total Other Purposes $ 8,905,678 $ 7,527,683 $ 1,377,995 GRAND TOTAL ALL PURPOSES $ 14,932,123 $ 13,427,678 $ 1,504,245 RECAPITULATION The following ere the total taX9s to be levied. General Corporate Fund S 100,150 Audit 18,750 Unemployment 40, 000 Workman's Compensation Ins. 170,000 Cemetery 25,500 Street & Alley - Police Protection 76,500 Fire Protection 153,000 Garbage disposal - Clvil Defense 3;9f3A,5Q~. Public Comfort - Sociai Security & Medicare 151,986 Illinois Municipal Retirement 154,224 Police Pension Fund 136,362 Fire Pension Fund 243,271 Insurance -Liability 230,000 Working Cash Fund - TOTAL $ 1,504,245 02/25/2005 FRI 16;07 FAX 3095473326 Fulton-Schuyler ROE #22 SECTION 3: That the total amount of 51,504,245.(70 ascertained as aforesaid be and the same is hereby levied and assessed on all property to taxation within the City of Canton according to the value of said property as the same is assessed and equalized for State and County purposes for the current year, SECTION 4: That the City Clerk of the City of Canton, Illinois is hereby ordered and directed to file with the County Clerk of Fulton County, IL, a certi(fed copy of this Ordinance vn or before the time required by law. SECTION 5: That in the event that a court of competent jurisdiction should herearter determine that one or more of the provisions of this Ordinance are invalid or unconsttutional, the remainder of this Ordinance, and each and every other clause and provision hereof, shall be and remain in full force and effect as through the invalid or unconstitutional provision had never been a part of this Ordinance. SECTION 8: This Ordinance shall be in Tull force and effect immediately upon its passage by the City Council and approved by the Mayor thereof. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Canton, Fulton County, Illinois, at a regular meeting this ~L day of 19ai~Qt~l'r 2004, upon a roil call vote as foAows: Aecember AYES: Aldermert Jest, Reed, Hartford, Carl, t~iari:t, Molleck, Fi.llinp,~it~ ~~f , NAYS: ABSENT: ~ne• APPROVED: ATTEST: `~r~ a cy Whites, ity Clerk ~j010/012 C~. J"`._ J rry M. er, ayor . 02/25/2005 FRI 16:07 FAX 3095473326 Fulton-Schuyler ROE #22 TRUTH IN TAXATION CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE [~Oll/012 t, the undersigned, herby certify that 1 am the presiding officer of the City of Canton, Fulton County, Illinois, and as such presiding officer I certify that the levy ordinance, a copy of which is attached, was adopted pursuant to, and in all respects in compliance with the provisions of Section 18-60 through 18-85 of the `Truth in Taxation" taw. The taxing district's aggregate levy did not exceed a 5% increase over the prior years extension, Therefore, in accordance with the above sections of the °Truth in Taxation" law, a notice, and a hearing were not necessary. Date Presiding Officer ^~ 02/25/2005 RRI 16.07 FAX 3095473326 Fulton-Schuyler ROE #22 .~ CERTIFICATE STATE OF ILLLNOIS, ) CITY OF CANTON, ) SS. COUNTY OF FULTON.) I, Nancy Whites, City Clerk of the City of Canton, is the County of Fulton and State of Tilinois, do hereby certify that as the City Clerk of the City of Canton, I am the keeper of records, minutes, ordinaaees, and other books, records and papers of said City, and that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of: ORDINANCE NO 1821 AN ORDNANCE LEVYING AND ASSESSING TAXES Fr~O CORPORATE PURPOSES OF TiE CITY OF CAi~JTON, ILLINOIS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING MAY 1,2004 , ENDING APRIL 30, 2005 Adopted by the City Council of said City and approved by the Mayor thereof on the 7th day of December Zp 04 . ~V~JESS my han~~~c Corporate Se~of the City of Canton, Illinois this day of , ZO L-~~l~~ Nancy Wh tes, City Clerk X012/012 (SEAL)