HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution #377RESOLUTION No. 377 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Canton, Illinois, has heretofore approved plans, specifications and an estimate of cost for the construction of a needed improvement and extension of the combined waterworks and sewerage system of the city of Canton., Illinois, in accordance with the engineering reports heretofore submitted and approved by this City Council; all as is fully set forth in itemized detail in the plans, files, maps, specifications and cost estimate heretofore approved by the City Council and now on file for publi,C inspection in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Canton; AND WHEREAS the City Council has, heretofore, provided by ordinace the issuing of revenue bonds in the amount of X1,825,00! for the purpose of financing the project for the improvement and .extension of the combined water works and. sewerage system of the City of Canton, Illinois; AND WHEREAS the engineering plans, so adopted and filed, as aforesaid, shows that it is necessary, for the proper constru - tion of said improvement, that land be acquired by the City of Canton, Illinois, for the purpose of constructing an oxidizing lagoon to aid in the disposal of sewage and worst, and that said land be acquired outside the corporate limits of the City of Canton, Illinois; AND WHEREAS the engineering plans, so adopted as aforesaid. show that it is necessary to acquire the following land for the purpose of constructing said oxidizing lagoon, to wit: The East One-half of the Northeast Quarter of Section Thirty-six C36), Township Seven ('7~ North, Range Four (4) East of the Fourth Prin- cipal Meridian, in the Township of Canton, County of Fulton, and State of Illinois; AND WHEREAS this City Council, in regular session, as pro- vided by the Ordinance of the City of Canton, Illinois, is of the opinion. that said land above described is the only feasible p1acE for the construction of said oxidizing lagoon, acid the acquiring of said land is necessary for the proper construction of said water and sewer project; THEREFGRE, BE Iii RESOLVED, that the Water and Sewer Comte`'' mittee of the City of Canton, be and it is hereby authorized to enter into negotiation for the purchase of said land, for the purpose aforesaid, with the owner or owners of said land, and, having done so, report to this City Council its findings and recommendations. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Canton, and ap- proved by the Mayor, this 7th. day of April, 1964. ~c~ APPROVED: Mayor TTEST: City lerk. x , ,~ a L t~ ~, I a ~ No. 37? WI:E~.A, , the Mity M4uncil of than City of Manton, Zllinvis, has her. etofore ~pprova-d p~.ans, epecifiaations and an estimata- of c©st for the aanstrustoa of a Headed impx~ovsment and e~tensiom of the combined waterworks and sewerage sy:~tem of the city of Manton, Illinois, in accordance with the eng inesring repcarts heretofore submitted and approved bar this City Councils all a~ is fula.y set Earth in itemla~ed detail in the plans, Files, maps, speaificatians anc~ abet estimate heretofore approved by the t3it~ Council and Haw on file for public inspection 3.n the office of the tlity Cler~C of the City of C:an~;az~i A1~D W~iRAB th® Gity Council has h®retofor®„ provided by ordir~aCe the i.~d$uing of rsv®nue bonds the amount of ~1,g25,0~ far the purpose of financing tks pro,~sat fc~r the impr+~vement sxtd eenaion of they eombined water works and sewerage systdm of the Mity of Manton, Illinois; AAA WH~Rr'AS the en~;iaeering plaits, so adapted and fiied~ as aforesaid, showy that it is negee~~sary, far the proper co~aatr Lion of ~t~-id improvement, that land be acquired by the City of Cantos., Izlinais, for the purpose of constructing an oxldis3.agg;; lagoon to aid iA the disposal of sewage and wart, and that said land be acquired outside the corporals limits of the City of Canton, Illinois; A1~D W~iF::~A$ thA engineering pl.eaa-s, so ad®pted. as aforesaid. show that it is necessary to aoquiFe the fallowing land for the purpose of c~~netz°uating said oa~,dis~,xtg lagac~n, to wits .The ~a-st thss-half of the ~iortheast Quarter c-f Section ~"hirt~r--~-~.~ ~ g~ ~ T+~wnshp seven (7~ Forth, range Four ~4~ fast of the ~`ourth ~'riaa** cipal ~Ieridi.aa, in the township o! Canton, County of ~'ultont anal State of Zllinoia~ ACID WK~A:r~AS this City Council, in raRgular se~esi©n, as proms vided by the Ordinance of the City of Canton, I].linoia, is o! th~ ©piaion that said land above described is the only feasible pia©~ for the construatian of said oxidisiAg ~.agaon, ,~ the acquiring of said. land is necessary fear the proper caastruct3.on of said water anal sewer prQ~eat~ T~fi~,'T~tFF`v~F:, $~ I~' R~~I,V~I~, that the Water rind Sewer Mt~m~'. mittee t~f the City of Clam©n, bs and it 1e hereby authmri.m~:~ t© enter ixit© negotiation for the purchase of said land, fear that purpo~te aforesaid, with the owner or owners of said land, ~-nd, having done ,~o, report to this City Council its findings and. r®t40mmendations r FASS~ b~r the City Council of the City of Cte:nton, and ap- proved by the l~ayar, .this nth, day of April, 19b~4•. A~~'~t4V~~ s ~yor ~ `y, ti