HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution #397'~~ R E S O L U T I O N BE IT RESOLVED'BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CANTON ILLINOIS: ' Section 1. That for the general Municipal Primary Elec- tion in the City of Canton, Illinois, to be held on the 23rd. day of February, 1965, and ~or the nomination of candidates for the following City Offices, ~~'a~'~`~i't: Aldermen of Wards One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six and Seven, and for the General Municipal Election to be held on the 20th. day ofApril, 1965, for the pur- pose of electing one Alderman in each of the following Wards; One, Two, Three. Four, Sim and Seven, and two Aldermen for Ward Five of said City of Canton, the following places for holding said elections are hereby designated: First Ward: Wright School, East Spruce and P~.o~G~. First Avenue; Second Ward: John Dean School, Avenue ~j and West Vine Street; Third Ward: Hulit School, West Chestnut Street and Nor Avenue C; Fourth Ward: Kellogg School, 534 South Third Avenue; Fifth Ward: Junior High School, 153 West Maple Street; Sixth Ward: Anderson School, 20C Block South Seventh Avenue; and Seventh Ward: McCall School, North Eight Avenue. Section 2. That the following persons are hereby appoint as judges of said Primary Election and said General Election: First Ward: Max~!.:':4~. Laird, Lorene Ownings, Beatrice McLa en, Emma Weed, and Mary Linder; Second Ward. Rose Nibbelin, Beatrice Tomlianovich, Helen Kauzlarich, Patricia Lindsey, and Harriet I. Calas. Third Ward: Pearl Powers, Betty Lou Jenkins, Patricia Stairwalt, Lucille Whitehead, and Ruth White. Fourth Ward: Grace Ford, Mary Johnson, Hazel Stambaugh, Mildred Portwood, and Darlene Buffum. Fifth Ward: Naomi. Reichert, Viola Coons, Ruby Pollitt, Mary Dallefeld, and Gertrude A. Roudebush. Sixth Ward: Ethel M. Campbell, Pearl Murphy, Lucille E. Geeseman, Vera L. gt°ogers, and Louise M. Grz~nich. ~ Seventh Ward: V ark,~arbara Braden, Iva M. Wad- dell, Sarah A. Kuhn, and Bonnie Myers.~~a,~y Section 3. That the City G'lerk of said City is hereby authorized to give notice and to uo and perform all other acts her part necessary or required to provide for the holding of s elections in manner and form as prescribed by law. PASSED by the City Council and approved. by the Mayor this 15th. day of December, 1964. ATTEST : r` n APPROVED : ~~'; ~ ~ _y~ ~ayo~r . r' ~'`'~ ,. ~-~~~~ ty erk. ,;; ~. Amended to include eler~ion for Mayor, City Clerk, and City Treasurer. r •n4 ~~ l:T B~'~UI,V'~':t~ B°~ ~.'~I~ CITY' CC'-Ut~CIrL G~' T~ii' CITY CAF C~~~'E;N', IGLII~C~I : Sects©n 1. That for th€~ gener~a~l Municipal Priors Bled tion in the City of Qantion, Illinois, to be held nn the 2~rd. day of P"ebxtzary, 1965, ~~nd for thy-: nomination of candidates far the .fallc~win~~ City Cf.~ices, to t,~it s:Aldermen of Gdards One, Two, ~'hr~3~F1, Four, Five, Six anc? Sev~u, an for t~i~~ Gerer~l Mwn~.cigal Election to be held on the ~at~r. d~~y of~.pril, 196, .for the pur+ p©se of electf~pg one Alderman in each of the f_ allowing 4~ard~s, One, Twa, Three. Four, Sint and Seven, anc' two Aldermen far lard Five of s~~id City of Canton, the fnllo~~in~; pl°ace~ for holding; said~elsctians ate hsre'y desi~nated~ First. Lard: b~`ri6ht School, ~~~ast Spruces and ~~~, First Avenue; second Ward s John De;:~n School, Avenue ~ anc~ S~est Vine Street; Third. Ward: Hulit Sehoola hest C~.estY~ut Street anr3 North Avenue C; Fourth 1»ard: Kellogg School, 534 5auth Third Avenue; Fifth ~ta~a^d: Junior High School, 153 nest ~.aplc~ Street; Sixth Wards Anderson School, 2©C Block South Seventh :venue ; e.nd Seventh Wards ~~eCall SGhool, North Light Avenue. section 2. That the-3 follc~wi.ng ~~ersons are hereby appointed e.s ~udgeb of said ~'rimary Election ani~ said General. B1eGtian s First Ward. S~arg. ~. T~aird, Lorene awnings, n~-atrice T~cLar- en, Forma `~e~ec~, anti ria.r~r Linder; Second Ws.rd. Rose I~i~belin, Beatrice To~ili=~novich, Bslen I~auzlarich, Fatrici.a Lindsey, and Harriet I. Colas. Third ~a'ard s i'earl l'aw~*rs, B~rtty ;Lou Jenkins, Patricia St~-irwmlt, Lucille Whit~:head, and Muth White« ' Fourth W~~rd s Grsce Ford, Mary Jahn,~on, ~ia~el Stamb-~ugh, 2~ildred portw~ood, ant: P~rlene Buffum. Fifth 'Wards Naomi £~eichert, Viols Coons ~ nuby P`callitt, Lary U~llefeld, ark Gertrud.s A Roudebush. Sixth Wards '.~thel I~.. Campbell, ~'e~rl Murphy, Lucille B. Geesexn~~n, VPrs. L. Rogers, anal llouise M. Gr~~.niGh. seventh W.rd t '~. ~ ~ rlc, I3arb~.ra ~~rad.en, Tva M. Wad- dell., Sarah A. Huhn, anc~ Aor~n~~, Section 3. That the City ~ lerk of said.'City is her authcarised to give notice s.nd to c3a ana ::~ ~rform all other acts ©~. her part necessary or required to grovd~ for the holding of said el~s~ations in manner and, form as ~~rescribed b~' 13w. Pa'~SSB~7 by the City Council Inc? approved by the Mayor this 15th. clay of BeGemt~er, 1.964. ATT ST 3 ~~. . ,~ . i% i~ t~' ~'r • ~ td ~.xna2wie sl~itsn fad 1.+p~* ~1.~' Cle-,~. ! Cis ~'~k''~t'«