HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution #416 ' _ - �, � � + y/G �..`� � A RESOLUTION providing for the retirement of certain municipal indebtedness by the use of motor fuel �;ax funds WI�REAS� the • of Gan ,o�► City, Town, or Village has outstanding indebtedness described as follows. Pv.blic Benefit Assessments for Sect3ons 36-CS� 3?-CS� 39�.CS� l�l-CS� ?�2-.CSs !�3-CS -CS -CS � ----------------------------------------' --s��__�.�.�s�.51-CS ,52-CS and�,--- -----�- --------- "'�s------ (Title of bond issue or paving district and municipal motor fuel tax section number) ------------------------------------------------- Bonds or Numbers of Interest Public Benefit the Bonds or or Date Assessments Assessments Princi al Due Amount Principal 1-2-1966 � 68�862;22 Int,srest 1-2-1966 18�127.25 and WHEREAS� in the opinion of this body, the indebtedness described in the pre- cedin� paragraph may be retired with funds allotted to the municipality under the Motor �Zel Tax Law, and WHEREAS� it appears that sufficient motor fuel tax funds are or will be avail- able when the above indebtedness is due, and WHEREAS, the has, by resolution council or president and board of trustees adopted , 19_, directed the Clerk of County to cancel the tax levy which would have produced funds to pay year this indebtedness. NOW, THEREFORE� BE IT RESOLVED� that there is hereby appropriated the sum of ]'},i�� S 7 T}1 Atl R r�rl Ni na Nt,ne�,+oa �i � Dp11a S ?�O� . ��L'fy— _ fiEi_989 �,j7 ) from funds allotted to the municipality under the Motor Fuel Tax L w for the payment of the above-described indebtedness, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Clerk shall immediately transmit three (3) certified copies of this resolution to the District Engineer, Division of Highways, Department of Public Works and Buildin�s, at pAr,,,im , Illinois. Fcrm BLR M 340(Rev. 11-62) Sheet 1 of 2 ! . . � �, I ��" �• I� �X Neli�s Crawford Mrs. ' �3� Clerk in and �City, Town, or Village for the Ci-� of Canta� City, Town, or Village hereby certify the foregoin� to be a true, perfect and complete copy of a resolution adopted by the Ci C rnancil, at a meeting on December 21. Council or President and Board of Trustees � 1��. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 22nd day of _p�cember __, A. D. �9�, � � ����� ���. � (SEAL) � Cle . City, Town, or Village Form BLR M 340 (Rev. ii_;;;:.� Sheet 2 of 2 �- � STATE OF ILLINOIS ) COUN`.�Y OF FULTOIV � SS. I, Ne11ie Crawf ord, City C1erk of the City of Canton� in, the County of Fulton� and State of Tllinois� do hereby certif`y t11a,t as the City C1erk of the City of Cantoni I am the Keeper of r�cords� miriutes� ordinances and other books� records and papers of said City� and t�h�,t the foregoing 3.s a true and correct copy of a_. Reaolut3.on passed by the City Council of said City and appraved by the Nlayor on the 21st da,y of December A� D. 1965� ��_.� WITNESS my hand and the corporate seal of the Ci,-ty of Canton� Illinois� this 22nd da,y of Decen�ber A, D. 1965. �:------� � � r� I czz� �x, " � "��,�,� � _�n�°�" 1� �l�s ��� � 3 �� - :�-- � SECTION INSTALLMENT PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL _._.... a_ - _...__.__ __.__..__.�. .._..__.._ 3b'�S 10 � 5,877:00 $ 293.85 # b,170:85 37-CS 10 856;00 l�2:80 898,80 39-CS 8 3,980;00 597:0o i�,s7?,pp �.2-CS g 8��76.00 1�226.40 9,l�02;40 1�3-cs g 7,500.00 1,125,00 8,6z5,00 4,199:00 629.85 l��828;85 �.l,.-cs 7 2,100;22 t�2o.o5 2,520;27 47-cs t� 8,500;00 2,975:0o u,�75:00 �.8-cs 4 5,046;00 1,766,io 6,8i2;so 51-Cs 3 18;5b6,00 7,t��6;t�o 2,;992:�.0 5�-cs 3 3,000;00 1,200;00 �.;�oo;oo 53-cs 3 �._.i�..�z•-oo. .�._ 421�.80. i�486.80 68,�62.22 18,127.25 86,989.1�? � � ` �y/G � A RLSOLVPIO[i providing for the retirement of certain munieipsl indebtedneas by the uae of ootor hiel t�ut tlmds W�18� the a= ��, � ity, rnm, or Village � haa outatsnding indebtedne�s described aa follow. � � � Pnblio H�aatit ♦as�a�wsntt tae 8�ctiaoa �6�-08� 37�, �9�Ca� b1�C8� ht�� 1�3•C8� -•-----=--------------------------------����LZ:�e�i����'.'�Fi.���.�-•--•- (Title of bond issue or paving district arid municipal motor luel t,a�c aection r�umber) , ������������������������������������������������������������������������r��r��r���������� n or umbera o tere�t Public" 8en�lit the Boada or �or � Date Asses�menta Assessments Princi�o�l Due Ampunt Arinaip�al 3r•�•1,966 S 68�8�Z;l2 �.�..� i-�-s.� �8,ut.�5 snd . WE�REAS� in the apinion ot this body, the irideDtedne�� d�escribed in the prt- ceding paragraph msy be retired with tlu�ds tlletted to the mur�icipality under tht Motor l�Lel Tax LaM, and �REA3, it eppear� that autticient motor luel tax lunds are or �rill be avtil- sble vhen the above indebtedness ia due, and � �� � ' 2�, by r��oltttioo �ot�et�1l v� �+�°�rrid�rni at�a bort'a ttustses �P� — , ��, 19_, dir�ctsd tb� Clerk o! County to eancel the t�x l�vy �ieh .Movsd !�►w produeed i1�nd� Lp pq year thia indebtedn�sa. YId1�1, Ti�R81^�� BS IT RESOLVSD, that Lbere is herebY �PP�'itted t.bt sv� ot E � Do13.at�a 7� � . ) lro� lunds al otted to the municlpality under e Motor. 11�1 w or tbt payoeat p! tbe sbove-d,eacrib�d indebtedness, apd BE IT PUAT�t RffiOZVSD� that the Clerk shall imo�ediately trsn�mit three1 (�� . certified copiea of this reaolution to the District ffi�gins�r, Ddvisiea of Ri�w�ys, �� Dapart�aent of Public i�rkt and Huildings, at �,.,,..�� , �,��. . l�crm BLA M 3L0(Aev. 11-62) 8beet l. o! 2 �• I, � Cravi�d , �Cl�l# in aud C1 Mes. �tY, �• ar, �� !or t►b� o! Cagti ,� ber�be c�rtity Y, i �' +� . � . t!� lor��oiag to b� a true, p�rlect�and ca■�l�t� cvDY � • rnolutioa adopt.�d by tbe �t a �wtiAs cn �bre !�, , , UDC Or' , • tnd o � . ^-- l�. . . � _ III TS8TD10lfY Nl�O!', I haw her�unto �tt apr haad and sul thi� �d daY c,1' �n�r � , A. D. 191 �' . . • . L/�L �7 �,�ar►t,) . cu . tr, , o� . , �, , • . . . . . � . . . . . �. , � � , - , � ,. . . . . .., . . . . . , . . . . , . . . . . : � . . _ ., . . , . _ . . . . . . . � „ .._ - � : � � ��br� D�l! M 3�W (A�v. 11-r:;.) . 81�t 2 ot St .� _ . �TATE QF ILLTNt)IS } COUNTY OF FULTOI� } �• I„ Ne111� Grat�fard, City Cle�k caf the G�.�r of Cantc�t,� 3,n t�h�r Ca�r�tt,,y af Ful.ton, and �tat+� af I7linais, da her�b�r ae�,it�r t�tt a� the Cifi�yr �le�k +r�f' the City af Cantona � �n tne Keapa� t�f` t►�ec�x►d�� m�tt�a�� m•dir�t�+e►a and �her boc�k�, r��a� snd p�►Pe�'� o�f' �;d, C3.�rs �� '�'� th� facre�oing 3� � '�rue �nd coz�c� s��r c� �,r. Re�olu�iwn p��rsd b� tne cit�r c�,naiT af sai.d c3� and �pp�� '�9' '� �a�" ari t,h�r 2�.�t t3�,,q� t�' F1e� A. D. 19b�� � .�c:: i�'II�S,S �pr hand and t� �tc�rprze�at� �ea1 t� t1�s �ity at l�i��n� I],.13x�c�i�y 'thi� ��'nd c�y af 13��ber A. D. 19��. � �... �./ _ . U r � � � � w �yr� : , � � A RE80I�1rI0H � providing for tt�e retirement of certain m�unic p indebtedns�s by tbe use of motor lLel tan lls�ds Wf�Ag� the ___j� o! �a�4�n �ity, , or illage , haa outatanding indebtedaesa described u folloMs. � Pnblia HnrSit �ia�aasnt.� ior d�atiao� 36�� �7-CS� )9rC8� bl�CB� !�2-C3� �,3�C8� � �.��•��•�����i��i•�����•���••����•�•"if'��fi���`f.�iLJi���Ti�i�Yfi.�fti��L���•�•�. (Title o! bond issue or paving district and municipal motor tlul tax section numb�r) -�����•-��•�•���-�-���•���•�-����•�-�����•••�.��•••.•••.••••��•••�••�•�•���..�•.••�•�����a � , umbers o Lere�t Public Ben�flt the Bonds or or Lti►Le Assess�aenta Asaesan�ents Princi�al Dw Mwu�t _ � �ri�cipal 1-2�966 S 68,�6Z:t2 7�tl�+a� 1-2•�966 18,127.25 and t�R�AB� in ttie opinion o! this bod�►, �u indebt�dne�� d�eacrib�d in tb� prit- ceding p�ra6raph �asy b� retired �rith �ud� allotted to t�e nuaicipality under tbe A4otor lhiel Tsx IsW, and � ' �RFAB� it atippesrs tbat �utficient motor i'uel tax luncla �►re or v'ill be avail- sble �+ben the above indebtedness ie due, ind . �AB� the hsa, by resalutiou council or pre�ident o trua�e� adopted , 19 , ��cted tbe Clerk of �� Co�ty to cancel the tsx levy vhich wuld ha►ve prod�ced iVttda to pay Y'�' y this ind�eDtedneaa. llq�i� T�'�ti� Ba IT RES�.VSD� that t2rre ir��i �p�pe�op�Mat�d t�a;�l�t, , s ��s?� � ' ) h�os Rinds ot to the muaieipality under e Mator lh�el w ar p�yn�sat o! tbe sbove-described ind�btedness, � � BE IT � RP�OI.VED, that the Clerk absll i�ediotely�tranaeit thrN (3�` . certirisd copi�s o! thia resolutioq to the District aagine�r, Divisioa of Highwsys, Deyartoeat o! Yublic Works and Buildings, �t _ �....�. . , ���• • • � rcro Hut M 349�.v. 11-62) Sbeet 1 0! 2 . �• � � . I, � Y�lli� Crart� , i Clezk in end �'�• � ity, ovn, or illage . for tbe o! __ Caut� __ bereby certify ty, ow►1, or illage the foregoin� to be a true, perfect 'and caplete eopy ot a resolutioa adapt�d by the � at a m�eting aa D��aab�ac� �3. , uncil or Pre�i nt anQ of tees .19¢i. � � Ir1 TSSTIMO[�t W�OF, I have hereunto set ap► baod aad �eal thi• �d day ai �r . � , A. D. 19�. ' , . � �� ��L) . �� • ity, va, or i age .� , ;� . . . • ., ., f ���:u �' �, , . . � � . . . . � � „ . , � �ba�. B�A N 340 �A.v. 1,►-�:;.) .�; .sn..i a � � �, . , . , . . . . ,; , , � � �AT'B �' I�I,I�2� �. GC�II�TY {Jg` �pN '��, 2�rll�ar C�l�d� Ctt�r �;�,� ,� � Ci�r +�' C�tta�t�, 3�ct 't�s G+ca�� r� �.'�t�, a»d S�� �' �oi.a,� r�+� 2�e�et�" e�if�r #�art� a�i �r Ci�r �:t.� c�' t� Ci�r c�' C�zt�,� I sm #;� ,� � a�' ��� �►'�a!�t�, �ti�� �d a�r "�+r�t�, �c�s uad 3�►P+�'s �." �d ��'��r � '�It� #�r �c�S� �►► �t i'�t ,e�d at�rs�� �� o�" �: ���.+�emt p��rd 't�r' �s �ii� �d�cil of' �p�,d �i� �g �q� '�" t� �dr* +d�at �t � d�ry e� 1�e� A, D�. ��, �..��c� "�iZ�"l�S� � h�►d �d th� �t�t+e► �. +�!' txae� �#�r � Q�n�, ��„ � �ad d� �" i�s�ria�r �. i�. 29+��. C..�.--� .' . � �� . � �.�� �� . I� � ge� ��� , Ci Clerlc in snd Mrs. ity, o�m, or illage for tha C�i'.T o! Ca.nt� hereby certify ity, 'Fo�m, or�illageT the foregoin� to be a true, perfect and coa�lete copy o! a re�olution adopted by the � at s m�sting oa D�cMb�r �, uncil or si, t te�• ---------, l�� . - Il1 TB9TIMO�fY Wt�REOF, I have hereunto set apr haad aod seal thi� P2ad day , �f Den�ber , A. D. 196�. � ' �� G{��C 1 ��L� Cle . . „ ity, o�+ri, or illage � P+orm BIA N 3k0 (Aev. ;.;�_.�;.) � ' Sheet 2 of 2 q Y �'.��w��"�` � � �:�'J �` '�'x t}�y 1'�,�,'12��� . :.�'9r �V � . �u�z1"'u{b� y�Y�i+�yY�:'� S �}g+Sr ..�, ?.^a-- �.; a �Cs-.�"�' ..�C^„y:a 7� � :-:��§�� � r � k r� r „ . s �� �� � ��� t °p ��,s � s r�a c � � s 4 r �� ����" r c �a?,r � a�� �: 1'�' � �`��'��`� �.0�4S�y a.y„c-s . �" � �� �, �? r � x +�'�i .: �.y .'�,� �� ri`�"«�^ . �. ' `�^ . �'�'� �` �-���� �y�d '° w . �x . �� �'a�. ;� y ' ��''����:. �, ",�� �n x�`;^� ,„q'�"�`�'�.�.�,'� . g� $ i ` �:�. 545� . �" ,�.m�` k 9 F fi `��7 ��,_�k s � � 4 ^`�� �Y� ,� �'� F-�' �� �? '� .., � �.r•� ��.. �' �* ` .fi a ��,;,� C.� . } � �'`x � r ��, �a. ��� , � � �� �r: s,.�� + �r'"��'� ;.�, . ��e .*, ��,��„ _s, ��'�^n�,,� r ' �� � 4� �:., �. { . , x'� ^�S.,;A $ �a� � rrx �.�� ��� � ;� � � S �t ��x �� ���� �. � � �" �� a �.. �4�: � '�y�T�s� i}> ��*'����� � �;��,�G.a.#, p. Y�� � ��'�'�� z'�� - � �._ ;�e r��w� �� r � � ` � � t. 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